
星期五, 5月 31, 2013


麻州唯一的亞裔女性市長,費奇堡(Fitchburg)市長黃素芬(Lisa Wong) 529日晚在波士頓龍鳳酒樓舉辦亞裔傳統月慶祝會,協助刻正競選波市第二區市議員的李素影籌款,呼籲波市亞裔締造歷史,投票選出波市的第一位亞裔女性市議員。
            波士頓市今年市長選情競爭激烈,共有3名市長候選人出席,搶露面機會。雷綺(Charlotte Golar Richie),巴洛斯(John F. Barros)、華勒查(Bill Walczak)都在籌款會將近結束前趕到。
            28歲時當選市長,五年多來把費奇堡市的儲備金(rainy day fund)從僅有2萬元左右,增長到460萬元的黃素芬透露,中學時她曾經想當建築師,如今當上市長,她不但獲得政治力量來參與規劃,推動社區改變,更得到一個發言平台,鼓勵有心人組織起來,為社區做事。
她家原本住在馬津尼路一帶,因為政府拆屋建麻州高速公路(Mass Pike),全家才搬到藍丘。乞臣街上數十戶居民,也因為政府拆屋建中央幹道,被迫遷往他地。當年紅燈區設在華埠內。這些情況都是因為華埠社區當年絕大多數人為新移民,不通語言,不明制度,根本連反對的意見都無從表達,事情就已發生了。李素影希望能杜絕類似的情況再發生,也希望任何人都不需要認識某位達官貴人,才能做成事情。







Mayor Menino Announces Nearly $350,000 in Grants for Summer Youth Programming

Boston R.O.C.K.S.!!!
Mayor Menino Announces Nearly $350,000 in Grants for Summer Youth Programming
More than 86 Groups Receive “Recreational Opportunities for City Kids” Grants

          Mayor Thomas M. Menino today announced that over 86 recipients will receive Boston’s Recreational Opportunities for City Kids (R.O.C.K.S!!!) Community Grants this summer.
This grant program will increase both the number and variety of programs serving youth, and ensure that youth have access to a plethora of activities and opportunities this summer.

          “We are very pleased to once again award Boston R.O.C.K.S!!! Community Grants this summer,” Mayor Menino said. “These grants ensure that organizations have the funds they need to provide a variety of great programs and opportunities for our youth.”

          Grants range from $2,000 to $5,000 and support summer programs and opportunities for Boston’s children and youth. Programs supported through this grant operate in neighborhoods throughout the City and primarily occur in a City of Boston Park, or a Boston Centers for Youth & Families Community Center.

          Summer programs funded through these grants include various recreational sports leagues, academic enrichment programs, dance and theater programs, cooking programs, and so many more programs designed to support healthy youth development and engagement during the summer months.

          Since 2007, the Mayor’s Office has been providing the Boston R.O.C.K.S!!! Community Grants in conjunction with Boston Centers for Youth & Families, the City’s largest human services agency. The Boston R.O.C.K.S!!! Community Grant program serves to complement the hundreds of summer programming options Boston youth already have access to through the City of Boston’s summer initiatives. The Boston R.O.C.K.S!!! Community Grant program further increases the number and variety of programs that serve youth. The objective of the grants is to ensure all youth have a safe place to learn and grow during the summer months. 

          These grants will make possible programs that focus on Boston Centers for Youth & Families’ ACES programming framework:  arts, education, sports, and skill and leadership development.

          To learn more about the hundreds of summer programs and activities available to Boston’s young people, go to www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf or www.bostonyouthzone.com, or call the Boston Youth Zone line at 617-635-KIDS.

星期四, 5月 30, 2013

Biogen Idec Collaborates with WPI’s Biomanufacturing Education and Training Center

Biogen Idec Collaborates with WPI’s Biomanufacturing Education and Training Center  
First corporate class at BETC launched with 20 Biogen Idec employees.
Worcester, Mass. – May  30, 2013 –  Global biotechnology pioneer Biogen Idec has signed a collaboration agreement with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) to help develop and deliver programs at the university’s Biomanufacturing Education and Training Center (BETC), at WPI’s Gateway Park.
Biogen Idec joins AbbVie (formerly Abbott Laboratories), Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Shire Human Genetic Therapies as affiliates of the BETC. Leaders from these companies collaborate with the BETC team to develop customized curricula and programs that support their specific business needs. Along with WPI life sciences faculty members and BETC subject-matter experts, professionals from partner companies will serve as instructors and mentors for students enrolled in non-proprietary programs at the BETC. The first Biogen Idec program, a two-week course for 20 of its employees, began May 20 as the inaugural corporate class run at the BETC.
“We welcome Biogen Idec to the BETC and look forward to a dynamic partnership,” said Anthony Mangano, associate dean of corporate and professional education at WPI. “Biogen Idec’s commitment to our center, like that of our other partners, exemplifies the mission of the BETC, which is to deliver customized and relevant programs that help companies achieve their economic objectives and fulfill their commitments to their patients.”
Founded in 1978, Biogen Idec is the oldest independent biotechnology company in the world and develops treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, hemophilia, and autoimmune disorders. The company is headquartered in Weston, Mass., and operates globally. “We are really looking forward to the positive impact this collaboration will have on our staff,” said Ed Goodreau, vice president of manufacturing at Biogen Idec. “Working with an academic institution like WPI greatly expands the tools we have to develop and train our workforce. The modern and relevant facility at WPI gives staff both knowledge and hands-on experience that they can bring back to our site for immediate impact.”
The BETC is located in the newest building at WPI’s Gateway Park. With large- and small-scale bioprocessing areas, support labs, and classrooms, the center has industry-standard process areas for equipment preparation, buffer and media preparation, fermentation and cell culture, product capture, purification, and analytics.
“Collaborating with industry to advance technologies and economic opportunities has been the hallmark of WPI since its founding,” said Stephen Flavin, WPI’s vice president for academic and corporate development. “The blending of academic and industrial expertise that we are creating at the BETC will help serve students and biotechnology companies throughout the region.”
Funded in part by a grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, the BETC is dedicated to developing the workforce needed to support biotechnology companies as they grow and bring new medicines to the clinic to help people. 
 “One of the goals of our capital program is to establish unique resources that will be available to industry across the state,” said Susan Windham-Bannister, PhD, president and CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. “Our investment in a first-in-the-region center for biomanufacturing training and education at WPI will meet the workforce needs of industry, provide for a more inclusive workforce, and enhance Massachusetts' strengths as a leader in biomanufacturing. So it is very gratifying for us to see Biogen Idec, one of our leading and fast-growing biotechnology companies, taking advantage of this exciting new facility at WPI. We love to see the state's investments at work!”
 The creation of the BETC enhances WPI's already significant presence in the life sciences; over the past eight years, the university has invested more than $110 million in life sciences education, research, and infrastructure. These investments have come in the form of outstanding new faculty, the most up-to-date technology, lab space, and supporting facilities. 
About Biogen Idec
Through cutting-edge science and medicine, Biogen Idec discovers, develops, and delivers to patients worldwide innovative therapies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, hemophilia, and autoimmune disorders. Founded in 1978, Biogen Idec is the world’s oldest independent biotechnology company. Patients worldwide benefit from its leading multiple sclerosis therapies, and the company generates more than $5 billion in annual revenues. For product labeling, press releases, and additional information about the company, please visit www.biogenidec.com.
About Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Founded in 1865 in Worcester, Mass., WPI is one of the nation's first engineering and technology universities. Its 14 academic departments offer more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, engineering, technology, business, the social sciences, and the humanities and arts, leading to bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. WPI's talented faculty work with students on interdisciplinary research that seeks solutions to important and socially relevant problems in fields as diverse as the life sciences and bioengineering, energy, information security, materials processing, and robotics. Students also have the opportunity to make a difference to communities and organizations around the world through the university's innovative Global Perspective Program. There are more than 30 WPI project centers throughout North America and Central America, Africa, Australia, Asia, and Europe.

波士頓市長Thomas Menino獲哈佛榮譽學位

 Don Harney攝,波士頓市府提供

波士頓市長Thomas Menino獲哈佛大學頒給榮譽學位,和歐普拉同台。


            亞美社區發展協會的新任房地產(Real Estate)主任劉安琪,和新波士頓房地產投資基金(New Boston Real Estate Investment Fund)副總裁Sean Sacks、助理副總裁暨資深項目經理David J. Walker,以及首席投資長Jim Kellehe528日晚一起到紐英崙中華公所,報告24號地段的發展近況。


            亞美社區發展協會的呂嘉媚(左起)為發展24號地段的新波士頓基金副總裁Sean Sacks、亞美社區發展協會的新任房地產(Real Estate)主任劉安琪、助理副總裁暨資深項目經理David J. Walker等人做翻譯。(菊子攝)


            亞美婦女倡議政治會共同創辦人黃子瑜(Diana Hwang)邀來麻州首名亞裔女市長,費奇堡(Fitchburg)市市長黃素芬,以及麻州首名亞裔女性州議員Keiko Orrall兩人致詞,希望鼓勵更多亞裔女性從政。
            包括已宣佈參選波士頓市長的麻州現任眾議員華殊(Martin Walsh)、波士頓市議員小阿若約(Felix Arroyo)、以及曾任麻州議員及波市長、麻州長助理的雷綺(Charlotte Golar Richie),已宣佈參選波市第二區市議員的李素影,這天也都出席致意,使得這場鼓勵亞裔女性從政的結業典禮,格外具有政治氛圍。
            黃素芬笑稱,完成州議會實習後,一眾學員應已做好從政準備,不妨領取表格,準備參選各項政府及議會職位。她指出自己是28歲時,當選為麻州費奇堡市市長,也是那年最年輕的當選市長者。不過,2011年,Holyoke市的Alex Morse22歲,剛從布朗大學畢業,就當上市長。AAWPI的學員們很可效法。
            Keiko Orrall原本是小學老師。她坦言自己從未想過從政,但在朋友鼓勵下,如今她致力在議會打破人們對亞裔的刻板印象,認為亞裔只勤於工作,怯於發言的迷思。她鼓勵畢業學員們,指完成州議會實習,等於已跑了一半從政之路。
            亞美婦女倡議政治會(AAWPI)7名州議會實習生中,第一代越南移民,在麻州大學波士頓分校主修護理的Emmi Tran是在轄區包括多徹斯特的麻州眾議員華殊(Martin Walsh)的辦公室實習。
            華殊這天特地到會頒發表揚狀給自己的實習生,並鼓勵結業的學員們,把握今年的波士頓市長選舉格外熱絡的機會,參加各候選人的助選工作。至於Emmi Tran,當然是要到他的競選團隊中去。
            7AAWPI的結業學員,分別為同時具有柬埔寨、越南及華裔血統,在北岸社區學院就讀的Cinda Thi Danh;在密西西比州長大,刻正就讀衛斯理學院,要陪她去紐約察看工作機會的父母鄧德旺、師素恩,正好趕上這結業典禮的鄧穎楠;來自舊金山,剛從波士頓學院畢業的Marian Manapsal,越南裔的Emmi Tran,印度裔,剛從塔芙茨大學畢業的Natasha Anand Tyagi;在麻州勒星頓出生長大,父母為來自印尼華人的Margaret J. Wiryaman;以及在摩頓市長大,父母來自成都、雲南,刻正就讀衛斯理學院的張雅雲等人。


            費奇堡市長黃素芬(右二起)AAWPI共同創辦人黃子瑜、麻州眾議員Keiko Orrall和一眾結業學員Marian Manapsal、張雅雲、Natasha Anand Tyagi、鄧穎楠、Margaret J. WiryamanEmmi Tran合影。(菊子攝)


            麻州眾議員華殊(Martin Walsh)()頒發表揚狀給自己的實習生Emmi Tran(菊子攝)

中華公所將開執行會議 閉門討論與AG溝通概況

紐英崙中華公所528日晚召開本年度第3次董事大會,花了將近半小時更正會議記錄的字詞錯漏,抱怨律師費花得太多,報告龍岡親義公所雙胞案仍無解,商議成立垃圾清理小組,預定下次董事會舉行執行會議(executive session)討論SCM大樓租約事務。
            在爭論中,公所主席黃光野表示,公所董事們早在之前的會議中,已投票通過SCM租約,董事們希望看租約的最後版本條文,可親自到公所辦公室查閱,但租約非公共文件(public domain),不宜印發。
            公所核數李潔英報告,第34屆香港龍舟節將於69(週日)早上9點至下午5點,在Weeks FootbridgeJFKWestern Avenue Bridge之間的查理士河畔舉行。查詢詳情可上網www.bostondragonboat.com




星期三, 5月 29, 2013


麻州稽核長邦普(Suzanne Bump)表示,她以為麻州一年提供17億元的公共福利,辦理得很恰當,但州政府未能察覺很多明顯的濫用跡象,讓她很困擾。
負責這些福利行政工作的過渡補助部(Department of Transitional Assistance) 大約一年前就告訴稽核長,他們已開始處理這問題,包括把福利收受者名單和社安局20127月的死亡人口總名冊,拿來做比對。
過渡補助部的代理主任Stacey Monahan表示,州府在確保福利發給合資格收受者上,上週有重大進展,包括和汽車監理處、稅務處等其他機構比對收受者名單資訊
Monahan的前任,Daniel J. Curley,在監察長(Inspector General) Glenn Cunha報告,該機構未能確認收受者是否符合資格,可能造成一年付出2500萬元不該付的錢後,於二月時辭職。美國農業部要求麻州府還給2700萬元錯發的食物券福利。
