
星期四, 7月 16, 2020


Office Seeks Court Order to Prevent Illegal Sales and Delivery to Massachusetts

In a complaint filed in Suffolk Superior Court on Wednesday, AG Healey alleges that Puff Bar and Cool Clouds Distribution, Inc. (together “Puff Bar”) violated state laws and regulations by selling flavored tobacco products to Massachusetts consumers and failing to protect against delivery of these products to minors.

“This company’s practices – selling flavored products and delivering products to minors – are plainly illegal under Massachusetts law,” said AG Healey. “These products are dangerous, addictive and particularly appealing to young people, which is why Massachusetts moved quickly to regulate them. Companies that blatantly violate these laws will face legal action from my office.”

The AG’s Office is also seeking a preliminary injunction in court to prevent the illegal sale of these products while litigation is ongoing. A hearing on the AG’s motion for a preliminary injunction will be scheduled in Suffolk Superior Court at a later date.

The AG’s investigation of Puff Bar revealed the company has continued to advertise and sell flavored tobacco products, specifically disposable e-cigarettes, to consumers in Massachusetts, in violation of state law. On November 27, 2019, Massachusetts became the first state in the country to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and e-liquids. The law went fully into effect on June 1, 2020, also banning all menthol flavored tobacco products. AG Healey testified in support of the legislation to ban flavored tobacco products.

Flavored vaping products are popular among young people and they are a reason why many of them start and continue using nicotine vaping products. As the federal government moves to restrict the sale of some flavored e-cigarette products, disposable e-cigarettes like those sold by Puff Bar are growing in popularity with young people. Puff Bar’s disposable e-cigarettes are especially attractive to youth because they cost less than other e-cigarettes and they are available in more than 20 flavors, including “O.M.G.,” described on its website as “a triple medley of Orange, Guava, and Mango,” and “Blue Razz” described as “candy…making vaping feel like a blue and red raspberry.” The AG’s investigation revealed that Puff Bar continues to sell flavors into Massachusetts that appeal to young people, such as “Menthol (Spearmint)” and “Watermelon.”

The AG’s Office also alleges that Puff Bar does not use a method of mailing, shipping, or delivery of these tobacco products that requires the signature of a person who is of the minimum legal age before the package is released. State regulations instituted by AG Healey in 2015 require sellers to ensure shipments of these products are received by a person 21 years or older.
The AG’s Office alleges that Puff Bar violated An Act Modernizing Tobacco Regulations, the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act, and the AG’s e-cigarette regulations. AG Healey’s complaint seeks injunctive relief preventing Puff Bar from continuing to engage in these illegal practices and also seeks civil penalties.
In January, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released guidance describing how the agency will prioritize e-cigarette enforcement resources, including that it will focus on cartridge-based e-cigarettes. The FDA’s focus on cartridge-based products creates a loophole for self-contained, disposable products—like those sold by Puff Bar—that are popular among young people. In Massachusetts, An Act Modernizing Tobacco Regulations prohibits all flavored products from being sold in the state – both in cartridge-based and disposable forms – but this loophole allows these disposable products to more easily make their way into the hands of young people in the state and across the nation. In February, AG Healey joined a bipartisan coalition of attorneys general urging the FDA to expand and strengthen its enforcement guidance to include menthol flavors and products that are not cartridge based.
Preliminary data from the 2019 Massachusetts Youth Health Survey from the spring of 2019, show that the percentage of high school students in Massachusetts who have used vape products is at an all-time high, at over 50 percent, with over 30 percent reporting that they had used vape products in the past month. Young people are exposed to e-cigarette marketing on social media at growing rates and are often unaware that these vaping products contain nicotine, a substance that can interfere with adolescent brain development, and other ingredients that are harmful to their health. The full range of health impacts of e-cigarettes is still unknown, and the public health system is struggling to develop and implement effective cessation methods to meet the needs of young people and their families.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, AG Healey and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) issued a warning to the public about the potential increased dangers and risks associated with smoking and vaping for young people and adults.
AG Healey was the first Attorney General to announce an investigation into JUUL Labs Inc., and in February, sued the company for creating a youth vaping epidemic by intentionally marketing and selling its e-cigarettes to young people. The AG’s Office also sued eight other online e-cigarette companies for selling flavored products in Massachusetts and obtained court orders to halt those sales and deliveries while the cases are pending. The Office sued Eonsmoke LLC for marketing and selling products to young people with flavors like “gummy bear” and “cotton candy.” The AG’s Office also sent cease and desist demands to Direct Eliquid LLC and Kilo E-Liquids, ordering the retailers to stop selling electronic cigarettes in Massachusetts without an adequate age verification system. As a result of the lawsuit and cease and desist letters, these companies are no longer selling to Massachusetts residents. The AG’s Office continues to investigate e-cigarette companies that it suspects are violating state law.
The Puff Bar matter is being handled by Assistant Attorneys General Samantha Shusterman and Division Chief Max Weinstein of the AG’s Consumer Protection Division, and Investigator Ciara Tran of the Civil Investigations Division.


                (Boston Orange)伴隨波士頓市的戶外用餐和健康街道計畫,明天週五(717)開始,一週七天的每天中午到晚上7點,波士頓市將有23個地點可見到食物卡車身影。
由市長指派的美國檢察官Wayne Budd率領,以及黑人、棕色人種社區領袖,民權領袖,活躍份子等組成的波士頓市警察改革工作小組,將舉辦一系列公聽會,722日下午3點至5點的主題是警察穿戴相機(body camera)23日是培訓辨識含蓄的偏見,29日及30日平民監督及武力使用政策。
礙於疫情,今年為青少年提供暑期工作的雇主少了,但波士頓市府動用創意,募集到1200萬元的更多經費,來為有需要的青少年提供機會。波市府還設計了學與賺(Learn & Earn)”職業發展實習計畫,付錢給青少年上大學程度的課,還可取得真正的大學學分。對高中生來說,這可增加他們上大學的機會。這計畫估計可讓500名青少年研修26門課,包括企業,溝通,早期兒童教育,人民服務及科技等領域。

星期三, 7月 15, 2020


                     (Boston Orange)波士頓市長經濟發展辦公室將於728日和85日舉辦兩次研討會,以幫助企業更好地了解招標書(RFP)文件和招標要求以及流程; 聆聽市代表和企業主小組的最佳做法; 並建立市政府部門聯繫網絡,並與志趣相投的企業主建立關係。

                   所有講習班都是免費的,並向公眾開放,但需要註冊。 可以進行商品/專業服務和建築合同研討會的註冊。
                報名可上網Goods/Professional ServicesConstruction Contracts


BOSTON - Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today will host a media availability to discuss updates relating to COVID-19. BOSTON - Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - The Mayor's Office of Economic Development will be hosting two workshops on July 28 and August 5 to help businesses gain a better understanding of the Request for Proposal (RFP) document and Bid requirements, and process; hear best practices from a panel of City representatives and businesses owners; and create a network of City department contacts and build relationships with like-minded business owners.
A workshop on good and professional services will be hosted Tuesday, July 28th, and a workshop on construction contracts will be hosted Wednesday, August 5th.
All workshops are free and open to the public, but require registration. Registration is available for Goods/Professional Services and Construction Contracts workshops.

WHEN:    3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 
                Tuesday, July 28, 2020

         3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 
         Wednesday, August 5, 2020
         Construction Contracts

WHERE:  Registration for the both workshops is available Eventbrite
WHO:       Mayor's Office of Economic Development
                 Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services


麻州州長議會議員Terrence W. Kennedy (右)代表州長送

波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)(右)送表揚狀給波士頓經文處










Kelly Hsu代表Friday Mom這個以專業人士家屬為主要成員的團體,


                (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導)2020年,礙於新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情,波士頓僑界不得不放棄在酒樓舉辦大型聚會的傳統,分別在網上,保持社交安全距離的戶外現場,了好幾遍驪歌,歡送715日返台述職的駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典,波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉。
             波士頓辦事處(TECO Boston)自從1980年代增設僑教中心以來,處長和僑教中心主任同日離任,恐怕這還是第一次。在COVID-19疫情擾亂了他們的班機行程後,徐處長和歐主任現在將同機出發。                                       返台後,徐佑典將轉任北美司司長,歐宏偉將回到僑委會綜合規劃處。下一任的波士頓經文處處長是高徐佑典三屆的政大學長孫儉元,預定728日到任,接任的僑教中心主任潘昭榮已於711日抵達。
              712日晚在康麗雪,藍凡耘,許佑湉,蘇皓瑋,林致中等年輕人的籌畫下,有波士頓台灣電影節,波士頓口罩隊,波士頓台灣同鄉會,紐英崙中華專業人員協會,紐英崙玉山科技協會,波士頓台灣人生物科技協會,波士頓台灣龍舟隊等十數個團體,逾百人報名參加歡送徐佑典處長的網路聚會,分別送上殷切祝福,誠懇感謝 。
                        麻州州長議會第六區議員Terrence W. Kennedy,波士頓市議會議員愛德華費林,這天分別送上了麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和波士頓市議會的表揚狀。

星期二, 7月 14, 2020


Mayor, task force seek community feedback on police reform in the City of Boston
BOSTON - Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Police Reform Task Force today announced a series of listening sessions to gather community feedback related to police reform in four areas: implicit bias training, body worn cameras, Boston's existing police review board, and use of force policies. This input will guide the Task Force as it performs its duties of reviewing the Boston Police Department's policies and practices and recommending reform measures.

"We're going to provide opportunities for robust public input and community leadership in our work to advance racial justice in Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "I've pledged to continue the conversation on racism as a city--not in a top-down manner, but by centering the voices of the Black and Brown communities who have been the most severely impacted. That is the purpose of the Boston Police Reform Task Force that we have appointed."
Last month, Mayor Walsh signed the "Mayor's Pledge" issued by the Obama Foundation's My Brother's Keeper Alliance as one of the strategies to address racism as an emergency and public health crisis. The Mayor commited the City of Boston to review police use of force policies; engage communities by including a diverse range of input experiences and stories; report review findings to the community and seek feedback; and reform police use of force policies. The Boston Police Reform Task Force is composed of members from the community, law enforcement, advocacy organizations, and the legal profession, to ensure that these commitments are translated to actions.
Community engagement is an important aspect of the Boston Police Reform Task Force's strategy to gather information that accurately reflects the needs of the City and make effective recommendations for police reform. Hosting these community conversations to collect testimony from members of the public will help to better inform their work. At the end of these sessions, the Task Force will submit their initial recommendations by August 14, 2020. Those recommendations will have a two-week public comment period before the final recommendations are submitted to Mayor Walsh no later by September 14, 2020.
"An important part of our work as a task force on police reform is to hear the thoughts and ideas from those served by the Boston Police Department," said Chairman of the Boston Police Reform Task Force Wayne Budd. "The Task Force members strongly believe that this community input will be of invaluable assistance as we formulate our recommendations on police reform to Mayor Walsh."
Residents are encouraged to share their experiences on any of the four topics being covered:
Testimony can be submitted in any language either written or via the WebEx listening sessions. Residents who are unable to testify live can submit written testimony prior to, or after, the listening sessions by emailing BPDTaskforce@boston.gov. More information on how to participate can be found on boston.gov/ending-racism.
Members of the Boston Police Task Force include: Chairman Wayne Budd, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts; Allison Cartwright, Attorney in Charge at the Roxbury Public Defender's Office; Joseph D. Feaster, Jr., Chairman of the Board, Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts; Tanisha Sullivan, President of the NAACP Boston Branch; Darrin Howell, President of DRIVE Boston Community Resources Inc. & Political Coordinator for 1199SEIU; Boston Police Superintendent Dennis White, Chief of Staff; Marie St. Fleur, former Massachusetts State Representative; Rev. Jeffrey Brown, Associate Pastor at the Historic Twelfth Baptist Church in Roxbury; Boston Police Sergeant Eddy Chrispin, President of the MA Association of Minority Law Enforcement Officers, Inc.; Javier Flores, Partner at Dinsmore & Shohl, LLPand Jamarhl Crawford, Boston resident.
The Boston Police Department has recently reviewed their Use-of-Force policies and procedures, and implemented recommendations by 8 Can't Wait and the Ethical Policing is Courageous (EPIC) Peer Intervention Program into their existing rules.

Governor Baker Appoints Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis to New Term On Massport Board

Governor Baker Appoints Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis to New Term On Massport Board

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today announced the appointment of Worcester County Sheriff Lewis G. Evangelidis to the seven-member Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) Board of Directors. Sheriff Evangelidis was initially appointed to the Massport board in 2015 and is being re-appointed to serve a new seven-year term. Sheriff Evangelidis currently serves as the Chairman of the Massport board.

“Sheriff Evangelidis has a strong record as a leader in the public safety field and has been a strong addition to the Massport board as a member and its chair,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am pleased to appoint him to serve a new term on the board and look forward to his continued contributions as the agency navigates continued challenges related to COVID-19 and beyond.”

“Massport continues to benefit from the leadership of its dedicated board and executive staff, and we thank Sheriff Evangelidis for serving another term as part of that team,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We have appreciated Sheriff Evangelidis bringing his perspective to the board over the past five years and look forward to his continued contributions.”

"Since 2015, it has been a great privilege to serve on the Massport Board,” said Worcester County Sheriff & Massport Chairman Lew Evangelidis. “I have enjoyed working closely with the Massport team and our fellow board members during the course of our rapid growth and now during the challenges presented by COVID-19. I appreciate Governor Baker reappointing me to serve a new term and I look forward to my continued responsibilities as its Chairman."

“We are fortunate to have a dedicated public servant like Sheriff Evangelidis as Chairman of our Board,” said Massport CEO Lisa Wieland. “His leadership has guided Massport through periods of rapid growth and unprecedented crises, and will serve the Authority well as we plan for and manage the new normal.”

Evangelidis received a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1983 and received his Juris Doctorate from the Temple University School of Law in 1987. Prior to elected service in Massachusetts, Evangelidis served as an Assistant State Prosecutor in Miami-Dade County, Florida, was an Assistant District Attorney in Suffolk County and worked at the law firm of Pellegrini and Seeley from 2000 through 2010. Evangelidis was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 2002 and served the 1st District of Worcester for eight years. He was elected Sheriff of Worcester County and has served since January of 2011. He has served on the Massport board since 2015.

Massport is governed by a seven member Board. Five members are appointed by the Governor of Massachusetts and one is appointed by the Massachusetts Port Authority Community Advisory Committee to staggered terms of seven years each. The Secretary of Transportation and Chief Executive Officer of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation serves as an ex officio member of the Board. All members serve without compensation. Board members must be residents of Massachusetts.

Massport is a financially independent authority which owns and operates Boston Logan International Airport, the public container and cruise terminals in the Port of Boston, Hanscom Field, Worcester Regional Airport as well as real estate holdings and public parks in Boston. Learn more about Massport

Governor Charlie Baker Announces Appointment of Two New UMass Trustees

Governor Charlie Baker Announces Appointment of Two New UMass Trustees

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today announced the appointment of Robert Lewis, Jr. and Julie M. Ramos Gagliardi to the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees. The appointments fill the seats vacated by Maria Furman and former Board of Trustees Chairman Henry M. Thomas, III whose terms expired following more than 10 years of service.

Robert Lewis, Jr. is a nationally recognized thought leader, public speaker, social innovator and advocate for urban youth. He currently serves as the founder and Executive Director of the BASE – a nonprofit that combines athletic training and competition with education and career resources to empower student-athletes to achieve their full potential.

Julie M. Ramos Gagliardi is the First Vice President of Corporate Giving and Community Relations at BayCoast Bank. She is a graduate of UMass Dartmouth and earned her MBA from Boston College. Gagliardi is active throughout the SouthCoast, both in her official capacity at BayCoast Bank and personally. Her personal service includes her current role as chair of the Somerset Berkley Regional School Committee.

“I am pleased to appoint Robert Lewis and Julie Gagliardi to the UMass Board of Trustees,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Robert Lewis is a dedicated leader and fierce advocate for our urban youth, and Julie Gagliardi is a passionate and deeply rooted leader in the SouthCoast with strong ties to her alma mater. I’m confident they will both play an important role in the continued growth of our public university system. I am also thankful to former Chairman Henry Thomas and Maria Furman for their service as trustees and for being an integral part of UMass’s continued future success.”

“We are thrilled to have the insights of both Robert and Julie on our Board and are confident that their input will help us continue to build on our mission of education, research and service to the benefit of our students and our state,” said UMass President Marty Meehan. “Despite the many demands on Governor Baker at this time, we are extremely grateful to him for the careful attention and consideration he gives to these important appointments.”

“As Chairman, I am very pleased to welcome both Julie and Robert to the UMass Board of Trustees and thank Governor Baker for identifying such standout appointees,” said UMass Board of Trustees Chairman Robert Manning. “I look forward to working with these two distinguished leaders to take UMass to even greater heights for the benefit of our students, faculty and staff.”

Chairman Manning and President Meehan also offered praise on outgoing Trustee Maria Furman and Former Board of Trustees Chairman Henry M. Thomas III.

“Henry and Maria reflect the very best of our board and both used their knowledge and talents to ensure that UMass continued to offer a world-class and student-centered education while effectively managing through a challenging fiscal environment,” said Chairman Manning. “They will be greatly missed, but we look forward to their continued engagement with the university in different capacities.”

“As chairman, Henry was an ardent advocate for the university and the students it serves and led our Board during a period of robust growth at UMass,” said President Meehan. “As the former chair of a number of committees, including Administration and Finance, Audit and Academic and Student Affairs, Maria Furman was the driving force behind our efficiency and effectiveness program, which has resulted in more than $124 million in cost reductions. Their impacts will last for generations.”

Lewis and Gagliardi were sworn in today by Governor Charlie Baker at a ceremony which was attended by UMass President Marty Meehan and UMass Board of Trustees Chairman Robert Manning.

The 22-member UMass Board of Trustees includes 17 members appointed by the Governor and five members are UMass students elected by the student bodies of each of the Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell and Medical School campuses.