
星期二, 12月 22, 2015








Boston is Recognized for Strong Online Business Community, Boosting Consumers' Connectivity Online 
"I am honored that Boston was recognized by Google for our commitment to creating a strong digital platform for our business community," said Mayor Walsh. "Our businesses are critical to the livelihood of our City. We have a lot of talented entrepreneurs, spanning from online communities, regionally and nationally, to local businesses that are in the center of our neighborhoods. What is most important is building our economy and boosting innovation in our city - it shapes and extends our reach in the global economy, bringing prosperity to Boston."

"We're proud to recognize this growing entrepreneurial-spirit-and the role that it plays in both creating jobs and sustaining local economies," said Emily Harris, Marketing Manager for Google's Let's Put Our Cities on the Map Program.  "With 97-percent of Internet-users looking for products and services online, it's clear that success is about being connected."

Google worked with an independent research firm IPSOS to analyze the online strength of local small businesses in cities in all fifty states and the Google and Boston is among the ranks of America's leading cities in the digital economy. 

Recently, Mayor Walsh launched the "#5onMain" challenge to inspire holiday shoppers to support Main Streets and other local commercial districts during the holiday season.  Participants in the challenge pledge to support local businesses at least five times during the holiday season, either purchasing gifts, dining, or participating in local holiday events in Main Streets districts.  Holiday shoppers are encouraged to accept the challenge via social media, using the hashtag "#5onMain".

For residents and visitors who are interested in shopping in-store, Mayor Walsh is offering the opportunity to park for free for two hours at all 8,000 metered parking spaces on the day of their choice from present day until the end of the day on Saturday, January 2nd.  The ParkBoston app must be used and code 617617 should be entered to take advantage of this offer.  The free ParkBoston app is available through the App Store or Google Play for iPhone and Android users, and a pay-by-voice option is offered for those without web-enabled phones.  Each ParkBoston account will be allowed to use this special code once.  ParkBoston users are encouraged to share this information with family and friends so that as many people as possible can visit their favorite restaurant, shop or theater in the City of Boston over the holidays.

For more information on the eCity initiative, please visit our website at www.google.com/ecities

American Legion Boston Chinatown Post donated toys to 133 children in BCNC

BOSTON – On December 18, 2015, The American Legion Boston Chinatown Post 328 collected toys and donated them to 133 children enrolled in BCNC programs. Santa arrived and brought joy to all! This is the 3rd Toys for Tots drive for the American Legion Post 328.

波士頓慈濟 1/16 歲末祝福

時至歲末,慈濟波士頓聯絡處適逢二十周年,將於二零一六年一月十六日(星期六)下午二時至五時舉辦「歲末祝福暨波士頓慈濟二十周年活動」,誠摯敬邀各位大德家人與僑團朋友們共襄盛舉。屆時將有 證嚴法師對所有弟子與社區的感恩與祝福﹑音樂與手語節目表演﹑波士頓慈濟二十周年回顧﹑燈燈相續祈禱﹑福慧紅包與結緣品分享,會後並提供健康素點以饗來賓。
回顧波士頓慈濟二十年來的點點滴滴,除了感恩還是感恩。除了感恩 證嚴上人創造慈濟世界,更是感恩曾經在波士頓駐足的所有家人,因為有您的共同參與及成就,「愛 一直都在」,波士頓慈濟才能走到這一天。
今年 證嚴上人期許我們以「大愛之道廣披寰宇,長情之路古往今來」,我們將繼續努力,希望日日年年都能秉持「聞思修 信願行」的精神,繼續迎接下一個二十年。

星期一, 12月 21, 2015

CYPN 500人滑雪開泳趴樂上雲霄

12月的第二个周末(12/11-12/13),华人青年协会(CYPN)携手波士顿留学生网(Boston Students)在滑雪圣地Killington Ski Resort举办了声势浩大的五百人首滑活动。周五晚上首滑大队从波士顿,纽约,新泽西先后出发,来到了Rutland小镇上包括Holiday  Inn, Hampton Inn在内的多家旅馆。
周六周日两天滑雪爱好者们很早就迫不及待地来到Killington。今年的雪期有些延迟,Killington只有1/4的雪道开放,尽管如此CYPN的小伙伴们还是热情满满地换上装备,登上上山的缆车。滑雪新手们很多选择在新手区Snowshed上练习技术,很大一部分新手选择了killington ski school提供的新手课程,也有不少新人在老手的指点下独自练习;滑雪老手们则奔赴高手区k1 成群结队地从蓝道,黑道,花样滑雪道上呼啸而下,同时大家也用运动摄像头捕捉自己和朋友的各种酷炫动作/搞怪镜头。
周六中午数百雪友们聚集在k1 lodge 休息用餐也是社交的好时机,大家互相介绍自己,分享踏足过的雪场和滑雪技术。吃饱饭之余当然还要拍好多照片,朋友合照,数十人自拍,还有用超长自拍杆拍摄的百人合影… …

周六晚的泳池趴也是这次活动的一大亮点,CYPN包下了 Holiday Inn超大泳池和Bar,让活动参与者体验一个属于我们自己的滑雪大趴,活动的元素包括健身达人比拼,桌游,泳池戏水,SPA,半价鸡尾酒, 动感音乐… …健身比赛的项目为plank和俯卧撑,奖品非常有吸引力,有功夫茶全年赠饮券和Shabu-Zen 50美元代金券。值得一提的是,Holiday Inn的酒吧专门为本次活动提供了多种鸡尾酒(Dragon Boat, Boston Student, New York Student, NoZuoNoDie, etc.)(CYPN提供)

成大校友年終歡聚 曾宇文接會長 劉泰國、王慕華獲獎

新英格蘭成大校友會於1212日晚, 假校友經營的揚子江飯店舉辦年終聚餐聯誼, 席間由黃俊義會長交棒給2016會長曾宇文, 並選出醫技系的李湘盈為2017年的會長. 北美董事也由張重華董事交棒給王子仁董事 . 愛與回饋是這一次成大校友年會中的活動主軸, 靠著許多校友们回饋校友會才能將這場年會辦的有聲有色. 另外, 此次年會中從紐澤西州趕回來參加的陳思華, 訪問學者成大經濟系教授黃亞明, 和曾經是北加州校友會會長的朱彥3個人的參與都是年會中的亮點.
     節目開始黃俊義會長用10分鐘的時間向校友们簡述2015校友會中發生的事件. 校友會今年參與多項外館舉辦的活動, 也和中華專業人協會,台商會之間合作交流的更為密切 . 目前台商會中的董事王本仁, 副會長趙章績, 和中華專協的董事王子仁, 張重華, 會長蔡明機均是校友會中的會友. 加強和校友们所參與的社團彼此交流是會長任內努力的方向, 因為他希望成大校友會能做為每個校友在僑界發展和社會服務的後盾, 讓成大人努力,團結, 回饋社會的精神能一直傳承下去.

      當天節目中來自成大建築系的蕭景文在會中和大家分享何謂綠色建築, 並舉出多樣案例解說. 年屆72歲的柯乃南董事上台和大家分享他寶貴的人生功課. 趙章績董事也應多位校友的要求來一段趙氏脫口秀 “. 節目的壓軸是由王子仁董事分享率團去達拉斯參加成大世界嘉年華會的心得分享. 這是由全球32個成大校友會輪流, 2年舉辦一次的盛會. 宗旨是希望加強全球校友的連繫並在文化,教育,經濟等領域做廣泛交流. 今年得到傑出校友獎---劉泰國和默默耕耘獎王慕華也在此次的成大校友年會中再一次分享他们的得獎感言. 美味的台式菜餚和豐富的節目內容讓校友们渡過溫馨又快樂的夜晚,並期待明年能再歡聚一起。(成大校友會提供)

     圖一  2015黃俊義會長(左一)2016曾宇文會長( 右一)的交接儀式
     圖二  活動開始前認真的討論活動細節 左起新加入的校友蕭景文,
           李承陽(中間)和理事陳婉如 ()
     圖三  歡迎從紐澤西趕回來的校友 左起陳思華 楊儒釗董事()
