
星期四, 3月 26, 2015

昆士市長邀義工同聚 準備競選連任

昆士市今年又要改選市長了。由於今年當選的市長,任期將改為一任四年,迄今已有至少兩人宣佈要角逐大位,傳聞要伺機而動的也有好幾人。2008年首度就任,並連任迄今的昆士市現任市長柯奇(Tom Koch),倒是頗淡定,三月廿四日晚才舉辦競選義工整合聚會,預定五月才正式宣佈競選連任。
根據昆士市的選舉日程表,昆士市的登記委員會(board of registrars)要到五月五日,才正式公佈參選表格,有意參選者可遲至八月四日遞交表格,辦理參選手續,八月十九日公佈參選人名單,如果同一黨派有兩人以上參選,才辦黨派初選。
目前除了昆市學校委員會副主席馬洪妮(Ann Mahoney),昆市不分區市議員古楚(Doug Gutro)已宣佈參選,並分別宣稱有不同的工會組織支持之外,坊間傳聞,昆市前市長,在20022008年間擔任市長的費蘭(William Phelan),也有意捲土重來,再爭市長寶座。


            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)(右)為競選連任做準備。他的內弟,麻州參議員約翰基南(John Kenan)(左)義不容辭的到場支持。(菊子攝)


經文處處長賴銘琪率經文處組長官大鉎,經濟組組長石大玲等人,三月廿四日分別前往新罕布夏州首府康可(Concord)市,以及該州第一大城曼徹斯特市,會晤了新罕布夏州州長Maggie Hassan,該州資源及經濟發展廳科長Carmen Lorentz,代表該州聯邦眾議員Frank Guinta (R-NH)的選區主任Sean Thomas等人,討論如何加強拓展該州與台灣之經貿、科技、教育及文化等領域的交流合作。
            Maggie Hassan表示,她女兒曾到台灣旅遊,對台灣印象深刻,連帶讓她有也對台灣頗有好感,很願意在該州刻正有意加強對外經貿之際,拓展與台灣的關係,並在相關議題上進一步合作。


經文處處長賴銘琪(左)拜會新罕布夏州州長Maggie Hassan(右)。(圖由經文處提供)

經文處處長賴處長銘琪(右二)拜會聯邦眾議員Frank Guinta (R-NH)之選區主任Sean Thomas(左二)。(圖由經文處提供)

星期三, 3月 25, 2015

波士頓市長宣佈五大改善交通計畫 闢有保護專用自行車道

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)昨(廿五)日早上,一口氣宣佈五項計畫,還將徵聘新交通主任,以改善波士頓市內交通狀況,加強徒步,騎自行車或開車的公共安全。
            這五項計劃包括在波士頓大學橋(BU Bridge)到惠普角(Packard’s Corner,)之間的州道(Commonwealth Avenue),設立有保護的自行車專用車道;採行旨在消滅市內交通事故死亡率的“波士頓見零(Vision Zero Boston)”做法;把全市的停車計時收費錶換成智慧錶,以及避免街邊拖吊的試驗性計劃等。
            波士頓警察局將聘請一名全職的交通安全數據分析師,以及一名全職的藉由數據處理犯罪及交通安全分析師(DDACTS  Analyst)。
            波士頓市在廿四日晚的公眾會議中,已經透露,將重新設計州道(Commonwealth Ave.)。將在波士頓大學橋和惠普角之間,以及其他地點,闢建藉停在路邊車輛把行駛中自行車和一般車輛分開,共約四哩長的有保護自行車道。道路翻修工程,估計將耗資一千七百萬元,其中百分之八十由聯邦政府資助,百分之廿由州政府資助。波士頓市府將於今秋再次召開公聽會,然後再辦理工程招標,估計2017年秋可以完工。。
            紐約市聯合廣場(Union Square)重新設計,加裝有保護的自行車道後,商用店面空缺率減少了將近50%,第九大道上的零售業績也增加了將近50%
            在智慧停車計時收費錶上,波士頓市政府交通局局長Gina Fiandaca透露,波士頓市內,共有八千個裝有停車計時收費錶的停車位,其中約260個是容許民眾以信用卡,預付卡,或銅板繳付停車費的智慧錶,約113個供多個停車位使用計時收費錶。波市府打算陸續把這些收費錶,全都換成智慧型收費錶,並和軟體開發商合作,藉以取得停車位使用頻率,各停車位佔用情況的實時資訊等等數據,一旦全面佈局,將可容許民眾,政府更有效率的使用停車位資源,並為將來的相關改善提供參考數據。



            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(後右起)昨日率市府官員,公共衛生局局長阮惠博士(譯音,Huy Nguyen),波市健康及人民服務長小阿若約(Felix . Arroyo)等,宣佈五項改善交通及公共安全計畫。(菊子攝)

            波士頓市政府交通局局長Gina Fiandaca表示,波士頓市約有七千個老式停車計時收費錶,將陸續耕換成智慧型。(菊子攝)

To reduce serious traffic crashes, improve bike infrastructure, make meter payment more convenient, pilot elimination of street sweeping towing

BOSTON - March 24, 2015 - Today, Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced five transportation initiatives to improve how individuals on foot, bike, or in a vehicle move around the City of Boston with a significant focus on improving public safety. The announcements include a complete streets approach to Commonwealth Avenue, featuring protected bike lane on from the BU Bridge to Packard’s Corner, the adoption of Vision Zero Boston, aimed at eliminating traffic fatalities in the city, the citywide replacement of parking meters with intelligent parking meters, and a pilot program to eliminate street sweeping towing. The initiatives are early action projects as part of Go Boston 2030 launched to imagine a bold new transportation plan for Boston for the next five, 10, and 15 years. Additionally, the Mayor and the Boston Transportation Department will begin a nationwide search for a new Active Transportation Director to think holistically about how our streets are used by people who walk, bike, and take transit.

“We’re implementing innovative and inventive transportation strategies and infrastructure upgrades in the City of Boston to improve travel safety and convenience,” said Mayor Walsh. “Whether you walk, drive, take the T, or ride a bike on our streets, we’re looking at solutions that can accommodate every mode of transportation in a meaningful way.”

Vision Zero

Mayor Walsh announced that the City of Boston will adopt Vision Zero, based on the premise that traffic fatalities are not accidents, but rather they are crashes that can be  prevented by effective policies and systematic evaluation, enforcement, engineering, education, and  community engagement.  By adopting Vision Zero, the City of Boston joins cities such as New York, San  Francisco, and Chicago, which have committed to making traffic safety a priority. Toward that end, Mayor Walsh has convened a Vision Zero Task Force to develop an action plan for a  comprehensive and coordinated strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and injuries in Boston.  

The Task  Force includes representatives of Boston’s Transportation Department (BTD), the Boston Police Department (BPD), the Public Works Departments (PWD), the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), Boston Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and WalkBoston, Massachusetts’  leading pedestrian advocacy organization.  Early action items include:

  • BPD improvements to its electronic crash reporting system that will lead to  better data collection and better crash analysis;
  • BPD is hiring a full‐time Transportation Safety Data Analyst and a full‐time DDACTS  Analyst (Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety) to reduce motor vehicle,  pedestrian and bicycle collisions. Evidence in other cities suggests that this will also reduce  crime.
  • BPD and EMS will use crash data to identify pedestrian crash hot spots and high crash corridors with the help of researchers from BPHC and the Tufts Medical  Center Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.
  • BTD and PWD will pilot test rapid‐response improvements at pedestrian crash hot spots and along high crash corridors, as well as “residential slow zones”
  • BPHC will assist with education and outreach to educate residents  on safe road behavior.

Commonwealth Avenue Multi-Modal Redesign

At a public meeting held at Boston University, the City of Boston last night unveiled the new Commonwealth Avenue Phase 2A Redesign Plan, which will transform the portion of this busy thoroughfare that extends between the BU Bridge to Packard’s Corner. The built roadway will be innovative and provide bicyclists with physically protected bike lanes on both the inbound and outbound sides of the avenue.  It will also offer the MBTA and its patrons with fully ADA compliant crossings at all intersections along the project route and will create a framework for the construction of wider platforms that will be safer and more efficient for trolley riders. The design affords motor vehicle drivers and pedestrians with numerous enhanced amenities.

The Complete Streets design incorporates a “Protected Intersection” approach to make Commonwealth Avenue one of the most progressive multi-modal corridors in the country, and the first time that this design component will be used on Boston’s public streets.  This utilizes a sizeable separation between bikes and cars at intersections to reduce “right hooks,” a  common cause of bicycle/motor vehicle crashes where motor vehicle drivers turning right crash with cyclists continuing straight. This is a cutting edge safety feature built into the design along with bike boxes and a corner deflection island to maximize safety while accommodating turns and providing better visibility for both motor vehicle drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.

A collaborative process between Boston’s bicycle advocates, pedestrian groups, the Boston University community, as well as others with an interest in Commonwealth Avenue, helped formulate the design with the City.

Commonwealth Avenue in the project area will also receive new street lighting, landscaping, repaving and new street furniture.  Construction financing for this $17 million project is being funded 80% by the federal government and 20% by the state.  The city expects to have another public meeting in the fall of 2015 before bidding begins on the project contract.  Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2016 with a completion date of  late fall of 2017.  The design process for this project began in 2009.

Adding protected bike lanes has shown positive economic impacts on surrounding businesses in cities across the country, including New York City, San Francisco, and Portland. A redesign of NYC’s Union Square to include a protected bike lanes resulted in nearly 50% fewer commercial vacancies, and the construction of a protected bike lane on 9th Avenue saw a nearly 50% increase in retail sales. Studies have shown that adding a protected bike lane increases cycling traffic on the roadway, boosting retail performance, with nearly 70% of merchants on San Francisco’s Valencia Street seeing a positive impact on business. Studies have shown that customers who arrive at retail stores by bike spend the same amount per month as comparable people who arrive by car, making smaller purchases but returning more frequently

Intelligent Parking Meters

The Boston Transportation Department will be making parking at the curb smarter and easier for people who park at the 8,000 metered spaces across the City. With the addition of new intelligent multi-space and single space parking meters, drivers can pay through mobile phone, a credit card, or pocket change. This next generation of meters will also provide real-time data to the City to help BTD better manage the space at the curb. The information provided by an upgraded parking system and an analysis of current on-street parking regulations will allow the City to make decisions based on data, not just intuition. Credit card and mobile payment enabled meters have shown increased revenue with drivers more likely to pay for the maximum length of stay.

Multi-space meters will be deployed in new locations in the Back Bay and in the Innovation District to improve City operations. A typical multi-space meter allows for more vehicles to fit on a blockface than a block demarcated with single space meters. In addition to the approximately 145 new multi-space meters that will replace some single space meters, current multi-space meters throughout the Back Bay and parts of Downtown will be upgraded, reducing annual maintenance costs for the aging equipment.

The remaining single space parking meters will be replaced with smart single space parking meters that can also be paid for with a mobile phone, credit card, or pocket change. A current pilot of credit card enabled single space meters in the Back Bay and around the Public Garden has shown positive results since deployment. This next generation of meters will provide the potential for collecting occupancy and turnover rate of vehicles, critical data that gives the City insight on how to better manage the curb space around Boston.

Street Sweeping Pilot

Mayor Walsh will file a City Council ordinance to pilot a new street sweeping initiative in one of Boston’s neighborhoods. The ordinance, which is being drafted now, will propose eliminating towing for street sweeping, and increase the fine for not moving a vehicle from $40 to $90. The City plans to use the pilot to determine whether this initiative should be extended to other neighborhoods.

加斯林亞裔糖尿病籌款會改名“薑味” 募 33萬餘元

加斯林糖尿病中心首席科學家金良城(左一)與獲表揚的Jennifer K. Sun(右起)
夏一樹,陳維禮,DeborahC. Richard Carlson夫婦,以及司儀吳芝蘭(左三)等人
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)加斯林糖尿病中心為“亞裔糖尿病研進會(AADI)”舉辦的籌款會,今年跨入第11屆,改名“薑味(A Taste of Ginger)”,323日晚在波士頓美術博物館(MFA)吸引四百多人到會,共籌得335,000餘元
今年一月中出版了“還原糖尿病(The Diabetes Reset)一書的金良城指出,加斯林糖尿病中心將繼續與美國疾病防治中心合作,研究傳統亞裔飲食在減少染患糖尿病機率遇上的作用。
今年的“薑味“籌款會,由常熟餐廳少東陳維禮,夏一樹夫婦,以及DeborahC. Richard Carlson夫婦出任主席,表揚了加斯林糖尿病中心Beetham 眼科院的眼睛實驗門診中心首席主管Jennifer K. Sun
”夏棚(Summer Shack)“名廚Jasper White和甄碧鳳合作,推出了羅伯高配羊肉片,“麵粉烘培店及餐廳(Flour Bakery & Cafe)“的張安柔擺出四川礁岩蝦,“燒酒(Shojo)“的梅沛傑擺出”小黃瓜冷湯“,全都讓人驚艷。Fuji集團的梁戰士,攤位上既有生魚片,也有多種壽司,惹得好多人一再回頭品嚐。
參加活動的食肆中,還有一對兄弟檔,張志安在水城(Watertown)開茶店MEM Tea,張志定開咖啡館Cafenation。他們兩人的父母程莉娜,張佐康都來幫人場。



夏棚名廚Jasper White(  右二)和甄碧鳳一起討論出今年菜色,蘿蔔糕配羊肉片。