
星期二, 2月 21, 2017

Middleborough WOMAN Pleads Guilty, SENTENCED FOR Defrauding State’s Medicaid Program

Middleborough WOMAN Pleads Guilty, SENTENCED FOR Defrauding State’s Medicaid Program Defendant Pleaded Guilty to Medicaid Fraud and Larceny

PLYMOUTH – A Middleborough woman has pleaded guilty and been sentenced in connection with making duplicative claims for personal care services, causing an overpayment of more than $140,000 from the state’s Medicaid Program (MassHealth), Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

Mary Yost, age 54, pleaded guilty on Friday in Plymouth Superior Court to charges of Medicaid Fraud and Larceny over $250 by False Pretenses. After the plea was entered, Superior Court Judge Angel Kelley Brown sentenced Yost to five years of probation. Yost was also ordered to pay restitution and is prohibited from receiving or causing payment of MassHealth funds.

Yost was indicted in February 2016 after an investigation by the AG’s Office revealed that between May 2009 and April 2014, she double-billed MassHealth for more than $140,000 by billing for Personal Care Attendant (PCA) and Adult Foster Care (AFC), more than $80,000 of which was paid directly to her.

The AG’s Office began an investigation upon a referral from MassHealth after they received information that Yost was both a PCA surrogate and AFC caretaker for a member and purposely participated in both the PCA program and the AFC program, in violation of MassHealth regulations.
Yost also submitted timesheets reflecting that another individual provided PCA services to the member between June 2011 and April 2014. The investigation revealed that the individual reflected on the timesheets was working elsewhere or in college for some of these time periods so could not have provided the services.
The MassHealth PCA Program helps people with chronic conditions or long-term disabilities live independently. The program provides funds to pay PCAs who help patients with activities of daily living while members receiving the services act as the PCA’s employer.
MassHealth members who are unable to manage the hiring, training and firing of PCAs themselves may pick a “surrogate” to act for them (typically a family member or legal guardian). MassHealth does not allow surrogates to provide PCA services, and does not pay them to act as surrogates. 
The MassHealth AFC program provides for members to receive full-time personal care and requires that the caregiver live with the member. MassHealth contracts with AFC providers to ensure that members receive 24-hour direct personal care, and to provide nursing oversight and case management.
Under AFC regulation, MassHealth will not pay for AFC services if a member is receiving PCA services at the same time. 
Assistant Attorney General Evelyn Y. Tang of Attorney General Maura Healey’s Medicaid Fraud Division handled this case, which was investigated by Investigators April Waterhouse and Michael Russo, also of the Medicaid Fraud Division. The Boston office of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General assisted with the investigation along with the State Auditor’s Office.

星期一, 2月 20, 2017





这次的春节晚会由罗德岛大学中文领航项目三年级的学生方丹霓,领航项目二年级的学生董幸晴、张追逐和韩本山主持,孔子学院院长何文潮教授和罗德岛大学文理学院院长Winnie Brownell博士致开幕辞,今年即将退休的Winnie 院长在致辞中对罗德岛大学领航项目和孔子学院这几年的进步做了充分的肯定,也对大家表达了新年祝福。


星期日, 2月 19, 2017

紐英倫客家鄉親會慶祝天穿日 介紹客家諺語

(Boston Orange)紐英崙客家鄉親會218日在牛頓市海德社區中心慶祝”  天穿日 200多人歡聚一堂,享用客家美食,欣賞客家歌謠,舞蹈,文物,都對客家文化有了更多認識。
宋玉琴()邱西薔 ()介紹客家諺語
當天到會的嘉賓還包括牛頓市市議員約翰萊斯(John Rice),經文處副處長陳銘俊,波士頓僑務委員蔣宗壬,紐英崙中華專業人員協會會長蔡明機,新英格蘭台灣商會會長歐陽露等多名僑團首長。









星期六, 2月 18, 2017

黃氏宗親會慶新春 700多人同歡



包括駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪伉儷、僑教中心主任歐宏偉,麻州企業發展暨國際貿易助理署長范文南(Nam Pham)和麻州難民移民署署長陳瑪麗(Mary Trump)夫婦等有許多嘉賓應邀出席。





            (Boston Orange)儘管麻州公私機構全都在廣泛進行遏阻毒癮活動,麻州去年仍有將近2000人死於吸毒過量。




Monica Bharel稱這發現並不令人意外,但麻州政府從多方面解決問題的努力,包括限制開給鴉片藥方,增加500張治療病床,推動反汙衊的行動,對問題解決感到有希望。


星期五, 2月 17, 2017


QMAAAC Update – Feb 2017/ Quincy Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
(To request to be removed from the email list, please write a note back.) 
1. Changes in the QMAAAC:
Entering the New Year, the Committee will adopt some new policies. A short survey conducted resulted in an agreement to continue producing the Eye on Quincy TV Show on QATV. The Show not only provides updated information on Quincy happenings, it also gives us, producers a chance to get closer to the community pluse. We certainly played a role in bridging gaps between Asians and non-Asians through the TV Shows, the monthly luncheon with some community activists, the annual Cleaner Greener Quincy event, many lunar new year activities and the August Moon Festival of the QARI's ... etc. We are working on expanding volunteer opportunities to reach out to the wider scope of community groups. We are looking for intern(s). Any person interested, please contact Betty Yau at byau@quincyma.gov. Bilingual is preferred but not necessary. Being social media savvy is always helpful. 
2. The Chinese/ English bilingual Quincy Service Handbook 2017
This popular publication has been updated recently. 
To request hard copies, please contact Betty Yau at byau@quincyma.gov
Digital copy is avaliable on-line on http://www.quincyasian.org
3. "The Eye on Quincy TV Show" 
The Show is as strong as ever. Come join us to learn about basics of studio production and/or to watch us on QATV. 
(live broadcast on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month at 7pm on QATV, except holidays) 
The next live broadcast is scheduled to March 6, 2017 on QATV-8 at 7pm. 
For more INFO: http://www.quincyasian.org or on facebook: Eye on Quincy. 
4. Recent Quincy News Headlines:
on Quincy Sun: http://www.theQuincySun.com & on the City’s Web: http://www.quincyma.gov
* Mother, Grandson Victims of Houghs Neck Fire 

* Cajun Seafood Restaurant To Open In Quincy Center
* Welcome to the New City of Quincy website
* Presidents Day Winter Festival (Mon., 2/20/2017, 4p - 7p at Hancock Adams Green, City Hall)
5. The "Quincy Monthly Luncheon" 
The “Quincy Monthly Luncheon” is a self-pay luncheon which was started in Quincy by a group of Asian community workers in the early 1990s. "New comers" are welcome to join this informal social gathering. To request an evite to the luncheon to meet new and old friends, feel free to write an email to Betty Yau at Kfyau@aol.com or byau@quincyma.gov

6. The 29th Annual Lunar New Year Event organized by QARI, Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. (2/12/2017)
We were there. It was another year of success. Congratulations!
Until next time.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Yau, (member)
co-writer: Tom Fabrizio of the City of Quincy
on behalf of
Fire Inspector Jimmy Wong (co-chair)
Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
(producer of the "Eye on Quincy" TV Show:)
to help create a unified community environment.
to provide a bridge between the City and the Asian American residents
Who we are:
We are a dedicated volunteer group. Many of us are Chinese Americans and long time Quincy residents. Our enthusiasm on community matters makes us realize that civil responsibilities are as equally important as civil rights.

facebook: eye on quincy

華美福利會2/24, 27教你認識自己的權利

AACA will host two community forums, "Know Your Rights" on Friday, February 24, 2017, 10AM-11AM, and on 
Monday, February 27, 2017, 6PM-7PM. Supported by the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Advancement, lawyers from the Political Asylum/Immigration Representative (PAIR) project will discuss legal rights and resources for immigrants, especially undocumented immigrants


包括麻州大學亞美研究院院長保羅渡邊(Paul Watanabe)在內的6名美國總統的亞美顧問委員會委員,已於1月20日辭職。今日(2月17日)又有10名委員辭職了。

Resignation of Members of President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, ten members of the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders submitted their resignations to President Trump as a result of
his policies that have adversely affected Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). Six other Commissioners—Nina Ahmad, Lian Cheun, Diane Narasaki, Shekar Narasimhan, Bo Thao-Urabe,
and Paul Watanabe—had resigned on 1/20/17.

“We had significant concerns about the Trump Administration’s policies regarding issues crucial to AAPI communities such as immigration, health care, and education,” said Dr. Tung Nguyen, former Chair of the Commission. “As a practicing physician, I saw how much good the Affordable Care Act (ACA) did for patients. Under the ACA, which the Administration seeks to repeal, over 2 million AAPIs obtained health insurance. Now, there is so much anxiety about not being able to get health insurance or treatment for severe illnesses.”

“February 19, 2017 will be the 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066 which led to the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II. Protecting civil rights and fighting against bullying were pillars of our Commission’s work. We cannot serve under an administration that seeks to exclude members of our society or take away their rights, especially the Muslim community, which is very much part of our AAPI community,” stated former Commissioner Maulik Pancholy.

The following is the resignation letter:

February 15, 2017
The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump:
We, the undersigned, members of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) resign from our appointments effective immediately. We sent to you a letter on 1/13/17 stating the goals and principles that defined our work as Commissioners but have received no response. Although the Commissioners' term ends 9/30/17, we can no longer serve a President whose policies aim to create outcomes that are diametrically opposite to our principles, goals, and charge. Under Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, the charge to Commissioners has been to help the
federal government better serve AAPIs by engaging our communities, identifying our needs and priorities, and increasing access to our government. The Commissioners have engaged with
AAPIs throughout our country, from all walks of life, and across the political spectrum using the following principles that are fundamental to our work:

• Protecting the civil rights of all those living in our country, including the most vulnerable;
• Respecting the unique attributes of all individuals and communities;
• Promoting family values by keeping families together and reuniting those separated by
immigration; and
• Ensuring linguistic, cultural, and financial access to health care as well as economic and
educational opportunities for all.

We firmly believe these principles are fundamental to our nation and need to be implemented and enforced at all times. Since your Inauguration, the Executive Orders you have issued and policies you promulgated have greatly impeded the ability of the federal government to serve  all who live here. Specifically, your actions have had the following deleterious consequences for AAPIs and for all Americans:

• Proposals to cut federal resources to sanctuary cities will harm all residents of those cities by reducing support for critical municipal services such as police, fire, health, and emergency services. These actions will fuel tensions between native-born Americans and immigrants—regardless of their status. Two out of three AAPIs are immigrants.
• Bans on refugees and those coming from the seven predominantly Muslim countries have torn families apart, have created confusion about our immigration and visa policies, and have created tension with countries that we need to better understand. By singling out individuals, families and communities for their religious beliefs, your actions create a religion-based test for entry into our country and threaten freedom of religion, a fundamental constitutional right. Banning Muslims bans members of our AAPI community.
• Increased border and immigrant enforcement, as well as building a wall between Mexico and the United States, will not improve the security of our country. Rather, it will split working families apart, severely impact companies and their workforce, and exacerbate tensions with a key ally and trading partner. Many AAPI individuals and businesses depend on good international relations for personal and economic reasons.
• Repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will harm at least 20 million Americans who were previously uninsured, two million of whom are Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, along with millions more who benefited from key provisions of the ACA.

In addition to these actions, we object to your portrayal of immigrants, refugees, people of color and people of various faiths as untrustworthy, threatening, and a drain on our nation. The fact is that Native Peoples, immigrants from all parts of the world, and people of color have built this country. Among the Commissioners, there are immigrants, refugees, and descendants of those who have experienced systematic discrimination. We, and the communities that we represent, have worked diligently to make America great and have fought to keep it free. We have and will always strive to ensure that America, our America, will never go back to the days of exclusion, segregation, and internment – all policies which have severely impacted AAPIs.

AAPIs are an integral part of the mosaic of our great country and have been since the 1500s. We share the same dreams as other Americans for a stronger, brighter and more inclusive America. We urge you and every member of your Administration to respect all Americans by protecting civil rights and civil liberties for everyone, promoting broader dialogue and understanding, and keeping the federal government accessible to all people living in the United States – regardless of their status as citizens, immigrants or refugees.

Tung T. Nguyen, MD, Chair. Vietnamese American, San Francisco, California
Mary Okada, Co-Chair. Chamorro American, Guam
Michael Byun, Commissioner. Korean American, Akron, Ohio
Kathy Ko Chin, Commissioner. Chinese American, Oakland, California
Jacob Fitisemanu, Jr., Commissioner. Samoan American, Salt Lake City, Utah
Daphne Kwok, Commissioner. Chinese American, Annandale, Virginia
Dee Jay Mailer, Commissioner. Native Hawaiian, Honolulu, Hawaii
Maulik Pancholy, Commissioner. Indian American, Brooklyn, New York
Linda Phan, Commissioner. Vietnamese American, Austin, Texas
Sanjita Pradhan, Commissioner. Nepalese American, Des Moines, Iowa
cc: Secretary Betsy DeVos, Department of Education
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, MD, Co-Chair, White House Initiative on AAPIs
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