
星期一, 9月 15, 2014


Discussion with Danish wind energy leaders will help identify and advance areas for partnership in offshore wind and clean energy
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – Monday, September 15, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today addressed Danish offshore wind industry leaders and government officials at a forum to discuss opportunities to grow the global offshore wind industry, including the emerging industry in Massachusetts. The Governor gave an overview of his Administration’s strategy for increasing the Commonwealth’s clean and renewable energy portfolio and also heard from some of Europe’s foremost leaders in clean energy about the benefits of offshore wind, in particular. Today’s forum is part of the Massachusetts-Denmark Connection, the first stop on Governor Patrick’s Innovation Partnership Mission to Denmark, the United Kingdom and France.

“Offshore wind has enormous potential off Massachusetts’ coast and we are working to ensure the Commonwealth is the national hub for this emerging industry,” said Governor Patrick. “It is essential we establish strong relationships with industry leaders abroad so we can learn from their experience to grow the industry at home.”

The forum focused on what Massachusetts and the rest of the United States could learn from Denmark’s offshore wind experience, and highlighted the significant work done by the Patrick Administration to pave the way for offshore wind activity in the Commonwealth.

“We are excited to forge partnerships today that will help us secure our clean energy future,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Maeve Vallely Bartlett. “Denmark is a known leader in offshore wind and if we collaborate together, it will not only strengthen the industry on a global scale, but will help us as we begin to build an industry in the United States.”

The Patrick Administration has prioritized investment in clean and renewable energy, recognizing the positive impacts that these investments will have on Massachusetts residents both now and in future generations. The Administration has invested significantly in the construction of the Marine Commerce Terminal in New Bedford, the first facility in the Nation designed to support the construction, assembly and deployment of offshore wind projects. Additionally, Cape Wind, expected to be the Nation’s first commercial offshore wind project in America, is located in the waters off Massachusetts. Earlier this year, Governor Patrick joined the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to announce more than 742,000 acres offshore Massachusetts is available for commercial wind energy leasing. The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Lab estimated that this area has the potential to generate between 4,000 to 5,000 megawatts of clean energy, enough to power more than half of the homes in Massachusetts. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the offshore wind industry will employ 43,000 workers by the year 2030.

Earlier today, Governor Patrick participated in a clean energy discussion with Danish government officials and clean tech leaders, sharing Massachusetts’ ambitious clean energy agenda and the successes accomplished in the Commonwealth.

The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has named Massachusetts number one in energy efficiency in the United States for three years running. Last year, Governor Patrick set a new solar goal to install 1,600 megawatts by 2020, after reaching the previous goal of 250 megawatts four years early. The clean energy revolution is yielding economic benefits as well, with 11.8 percent job growth in the last year and 24 percent in the last two years; nearly 80,000 people are employed in the industry in Massachusetts at 5,500 companies.

From September 13 to September 20, the Innovation Partnership Mission is making stops in Copenhagen in Denmark, London in the United Kingdom and in Lyon and Paris, France. The Governor and members of the delegation are meeting with companies and business organizations within these three countries to expand opportunities between the Commonwealth and the European Union for economic development and job creation in the innovation economy, education and transportation sectors.


星期日, 9月 14, 2014


Boston students invited to apply for BPS Exam Schools and Advanced Work Class programs
ISEE exam registration deadline is Friday, September 26;
AWC exam registration deadline is October 10

BOSTON – Boston Public Schools (BPS) will offer the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) for entrance to the city's three examination schools on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. at twelve locations across the city.

The three exam schools are Boston Latin Academy, Boston Latin School, and John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics & Science. New students are admitted to grades 7 and 9 at all three exam schools. John D. O'Bryant is the only exam school that accepts new students for grade 10. The registration deadline is September 26, 2014 and students must currently be in grades 6, 8 and 9 to take the ISEE. The new residency policy requires both the applicant and Parent/Guardian to reside in the City of Boston and complete the verification process no later than Friday, November 7, 2014. Interested candidates may obtain application materials from the Principal/Headmaster of his or her present school. Applications are also available at BPS Welcome Centers and all branches of the Boston Public Library. Families can learn more about the Exam School admissions process at bostonpublicschools.org/exam.

In addition students currently enrolled in grades 3, 4, and 5 at private, parochial, and charter schools can be tested for possible entrance into the BPS Advanced Work Class (AWC) Program. Registration materials for the Advanced Work Class exam are be available at all non-public schools in Boston, BPS Welcome Centers, as well as branches of the Boston Public Library and on the BPS website. The deadline for registration is Friday, October 10, 2014. The AWC test will be administered, free of charge, to Boston residents currently attending private, parochial or charter Schools at the Washington Irving Middle School, 105 Cummins Hwy, Roslindale on Saturday, October 18, 2014.

Students who attend Boston Public Schools in grades 3, 4 and 5 will take the AWC entrance test in their current school. Families can learn more about AWC at bostonpublicschools.org/awc.

For further information on either exam, contact BPS Enrollment Planning & Support at 617-635-9512.

The Boston Public Schools, the birthplace of public education in the United States,
serves more than 57,000 pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students in 128 schools.

高桅帆船 2015六月波士頓見


星期六, 9月 13, 2014


經過初選,才剛正式成為共和黨籍麻州州長候選人的查理貝克(Charlie Baker),昨(12)日先拜會民主黨籍的昆士市市長,再應邀參加中華耆英會白禮頓樓生日會,為十一月四日大選,展開攻勢。
            在耆英會的活動中,查理貝克已高齡86歲的父親,查爾斯貝克(Charles Duane Baker),也被請來當說客,稱讚自己兒子九歲時聲音好得可以唱詩班,及長個頭高大被朋友拉著當保鏢,但在他眼中,查理貝克能改善麻州經濟,讓各項事務有充裕經費,使麻州更好,他要毫不尷尬的支持自己的兒子選州長。
            查理貝克昨日抵達耆英會白禮頓樓拜會前,還去了一趟昆士市,拜會初選時支持葛羅斯曼(Steve Grossman)的市長柯奇(Tom Koch)。他在拜會時批評柯克莉(Martha Coakley)想要增加州政府開支預算多達三十億元。他說,在現在這時刻,州政府應該做的是勒緊腰帶。
            查理貝克估計,他和搭黨競選的副州長候選人普莉多(karyn Polito)已拜會麻州內一半以上的市長,希望人們放棄黨派偏見,選人不選黨。

            左起,梅麗梨,查爾斯貝克(Charles Duane Baker),曾雪清,梅伍銀寬,查理貝克(Charlie Baker),陳毓禮,陳文棟等人在耆英會門前合影。(菊子攝)
            查爾斯貝克(Charles Duane Baker)和查理貝克(Charlie Baker)父子很欣賞阮伯疇送給他們的畫。(菊子攝)


2009年時,為了爭取聯邦參議員席位曾“短兵相見“的麻州總檢察官柯克莉(Martha Coakley)和聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Michael E. Capuano),昨(12)日在查理士城(Charlestown)的華倫客棧(Warren Tavern)握手言歡,齊見選民。
            曾在卡普阿諾麾下做事,如今擔任聯邦參議員伊麗莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)麻州主任的劉煒,昨日也出席誌盛。


            獲民主黨提名為麻州州長候選人的柯克莉(Martha Coakley)(中)和聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Michael E. Capuano)昨日聯袂出現在選民面前。(菊子攝)

            聯邦參議員伊麗莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)的麻州主任劉煒(右起),昨日也出席誌盛,支持他的前上司和聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Michael E. Capuano。(菊子攝)

波市提議員加薪案 上看一加兩萬元

波士頓市議會議長林乃肯(Bill Linehan)十一日提案,要給市議員加薪二萬多元,加幅高達24%
            波士頓市十三名市議員的薪資,傳統以來就和市長的薪資掛鉤,約為市長的一半。目前市長的年薪為十七萬五千元。今年一月上任的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)表示,他才上任九個月,並沒想加薪,也不希望成為加薪討論的一部份。如果市議會真的提出這樣的議案,並通過了,他會等到那時候再來考慮這是。
            不分區市議員傅賀提(Michael F. Flaherty Jr.)可能是例外。他是一個律師樓(Adler, Pollock, & Sheehan)的合夥人,在2013年時,從該公司獲得十到廿萬元酬勞。不過,2013年時,他還沒回市議會當議員。
            波市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)也有律師牌照,但她在十一日時表示,她並未執業。波市議員查金( Josh Zakim)也是律師,但並未掛行。
            波士頓市政研究局(Boston Municipal Research Bureau)董事長泰勒(Samuel R. Tyler)表示,市府應該更全面檢視所有高級主管的薪資,有些主管的薪資比他們管的人還低。
            波士頓有個報酬顧問會(Compensation Advisory Board)為波士頓是的高級主管及民選官員提供指導。該會2013年五月時,出版了一份報告,但時任市長的萬寧路(Tom Menino)並未採取任何行動。
            該報告分析了新英格蘭以及全美各城市的薪資報酬。波士頓市議員的$87,500年薪,比巴爾的摩(Baltimore,$61,383),休士頓(Houston,$55,770),丹佛(Denver,$78,173),劍橋(Cambridge,$73,36),以及屋斯特(Worcester ,$29,000)等城市都高。
            比波市議員高的城市有紐約 ($112,500),芝加哥(Chicago,$116,674),華府(Washington, D.C.,$125,583),以及舊金山(San Francisco,$105,723)。