
星期四, 6月 01, 2023

文協、新竹國樂團攜手呈現「樂友饗宴」 數百觀眾起立鼓掌

(左一)全程出席。 (周菊子攝)
             (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 就像徐志摩的那首詩「偶然」,當大波士頓中華文化協會國樂團和來自台灣的新竹青年國樂團528日晚在勒星頓鎮 (Lexington)的蓋瑞紀念大樓 巴丁廳 (Battin Hall),為「樂友饗宴」音樂會聯袂演出時,就出現了「在這交會時互放的光亮」。

文協國樂團團長潘台春()和新竹青年國樂團指揮劉江濱 ()







文協國樂團團長潘台春在音樂會落幕時,請文協青年國樂團團長歐陽東美獻花給演出者,感謝古箏演奏家楊信宜加入演出行列,感謝駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元、倪雪娥夫婦,中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵等嘉賓出席。 (僑務電子報:   https://ocacnews.net/article/341463) 



 Chamber Announces 2023 Small Business of the Year Honorees


BOSTON, MA – The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is pleased to award six Massachusetts small businesses with the title of Small Business of the Year. The Chamber’s annual Small Business of the Year Awards celebrate the remarkable vision and resilience of small businesses that lead in the categories of Diversity and Inclusion, Cultural Excellence, Community Impact, Innovation and Growth, CEO Leadership, and Small Business Champion.


“Congratulations to the Chamber’s 2023 Small Business of the Year Honorees! These six businesses represent the best of the small business community – their innovation and resilience are visible in their local contributions and immense impact. From their employees to their customers and from Main Street to Downtown, these small businesses are leading all of us forward while building their unique legacy of success,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.


2023 Small Business of the Year Award Categories and Honorees are as follows:


Diversity & Inclusion: MK3 Creative 

MK3 Creative, a creative services agency, offers multimedia solutions that help clients tell their story and build their brand. In addition to creating innovative and successful campaigns for their clients, MK3 Creative launched a youth scholarship with Fresh Films, which supports underserved students with transformative mentorship in filmmaking.


Cultural Excellence: Boston Cityscapes

For close to three decades, Boston Cityscapes, a women-owned business, puts their passion for plants into action by focusing on “biophilic design.” Boston Cityscapes builds and reinforces their exceptional culture through extensive, continuous professional development, a commitment to well-being, and community engagement that transforms lives through the power of plants.


Community Impact: Gallery EyeCare LLC

Since 2014, Gallery EyeCare LLC has been a leading provider of optometry services and vision care products. The expert eye doctors at their Roxbury optometry office specialize in diagnosis and treatment, committing to helping their patients and customers achieve strong vision and an improved quality of life. With a strong commitment to the community, Gallery EyeCare LLC continues meaningful community initiatives, including free blue light glasses for students at Boston Public Schools and free eyecare services for people experiencing homelessness.


Innovation & Growth: Fresh Food Generation

Fresh Food Generation is a farm to plate, multi-cultural, food truck, restaurant, and catering company that works to increase access to healthy, locally-sourced, culturally relevant food for all of Boston. Specializing in Caribbean and American fusion dishes, Fresh Food Generation began their business journey in their bright red food truck. Now, they added a brick-and-mortar restaurant to reach more customers and deliver their mission of making Boston more equitable, sustainable, and diverse.


Small Business ChampionCurio Spice

Curio Spice, a woman-owned, Certified B Corporation, specializes in making unique spices and spice blends used by restaurants as well as home cooks. By sourcing directly from small and sustainable farms, Curio Spice works to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Championing the small business and entrepreneur community, Curio Spice offers a combination of education, events, and pop-ups at the Lab @ Curio, their culinary education hub.


CEO Leadership: Denterlein

A woman-owned, independent public relations agency, Denterlein inspires and influences people while boosting loyalty and managing risk for clients. Geri Denterlein, the founder and CEO of the Denterlein, continues to leverage her extensive career in journalism and public affairs to ensure her agency and clients’ success while she and her team advocate for equality and the support of women and children through their communications work and volunteerism of organizations like the Wonderfund, Women’s Edge, Victory Programs, Rosie’s Place, American Red Cross of Eastern Massachusetts, and many others.


The Chamber’s Small Business of the Year Awards are sponsored by HarborOne Bank.

星期三, 5月 31, 2023


            (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州經濟發展廳 (EOED) 「麻州創投 (MassVentures) 宣佈,將經由「小企業創新研究 (SBIR)」所針對的科技 (START) 補助計畫,撥款300萬元,資助16家以麻州為基地的初創企業,把在SBIR,以及STTR (小企業科技轉移)計畫下研發的科技,轉變成麻州內的企業及工作崗位。


麻州經濟發展廳廳長郝伊平 (Yvonne Hao) 表示,麻州政府致力在麻州早期初創企業發展的每一步上,都致力支持。START補助款將協助企業擴展就業機會,推廣製造,並模擬全州各地的創新。

麻州創投執行找Charlie Hipwood 表示,START計畫持續為麻州送上希望。在過去13年間,麻州共挑選115家公司,籌集了25億元的私募資金,聘用將近2500人。

今年獲得50萬元獎勵的有位於MansfieldAclarity,劍橋市的Reveal製藥公司。Aclarity 正在部署可以高效摧毀水中各種汙染物,包括,這被稱為「永遠的化學物」的電子化學系統。Reveal Pharmaceuticals 開發了基於錳基,不含钆的 MRI 造影劑,旨在提高所有患者的安全性並提供精確成像平台。

獲得20萬元獎勵的公司有位於海德公園的防風罩 (Aeroshield) 材料,位於水城的Ambergen,位於WalthamEnVision 內窺鏡檢查,位於波士頓的Pathmaker神經系統。

Aeroshield Materials 正在商業化改善窗戶能源效率的新科技,以透明氣凝膠片投入現有的窗戶製造,以生產比傳統雙層窗戶絕緣率高50%的窗戶,而且回報更快。Ambergen開發了試劑 (Miralys),以更有力方法來形成組織中的生物標誌,來革命化疾病診斷及藥物療法。EnVision 內窺鏡檢查開發了用於柔性內窺鏡檢查的新型縫合裝置,用於組織接近和處理大型胃腸道缺損。Pathmaker 神經系統開發了 MyoRegulator,這是第一個使用神經調節治療中風後肌肉痙攣的非侵入性治療方法,已被 FDA 指定為“突破性”醫療設備。

獲得10萬元獎金的有10家企業,分別為位於羅爾市的先進矽集團 (Advanced Silicon Group)Gel4Med,位於Medford Electrified Thermal Solutions,位於劍橋市的IrradianNotchOsmoses,位於WoburnPhenix Tailings,位於SomervilleRendever,位於波士頓的Southie Autonomy Stitch 3D

先進矽集團 (Advanced Silicon Group)利用金屬增強蝕刻生產紋理矽納米線陣列。 這些納米線有許多應用,包括太陽能光伏、鋰離子電池和用於醫療保健的高靈敏度蛋白質檢測器。

Electrified Thermal Solutions 正在將 Joule Hive 熱電池商業化,這是一種新技術,可將間歇性可再生電力轉換並儲存為恆定的高溫工業級熱量。 這家初創公司的專利磚塊取代了化石燃料,降低了運營成本,並降低了位於同一地點的工廠的排放量。

Gel4Med 開發了抗菌皮膚基質,以促進無感染傷口閉合。 其技術使用無毒、不依賴植物或動物組織且可生物降解的合成自組裝纖維。 這些基質在不使用任何添加的藥物或生物製劑的情況下促進組織再生。

 Irradian通過完全控制 3D 納米製造結構中的折射率來釋放光學和光子學的全部潛力。 其光學和光子組件的納米級 3D 打印對現代技術的幾乎每個方面都具有巨大的影響。


 Osmoses 設計的分子過濾器具有出色的尺寸選擇性,可用於化學分離。 應用包括氫氣淨化、碳捕獲和天然氣淨化。

Phoenix Tailings 開發了從採礦廢料中回收稀土金屬的技術,例如對電動汽車中的磁鐵至關重要的釹。 其技術將有助於消除採礦中的危險廢物,同時促進稀有金屬的可持續利用。

Rendever 為老年人開發了虛擬現實平台,增強了照料和在社區內茁壯成長的感覺。 該平台通過減少社會孤立和抑鬱來幫助改善高級住宅的社區生活。

Southie Autonomy是讓裝配線上的機器人更容易工作。 其人工智能軟件有助於在生產線的開始、中間和末端部署機械臂。 該技術旨在幫助合同包裝商、製造商和物流供應商解決勞動力短缺問題。

Stitch3D 正在部署基於雲的協作平台,用戶在該平台上可以很容易的視覺化 3D 圖像,使用分析工具提取智能點雲信息,並通過簡單而強大的界面創建 3D 宇宙。

麻州政府宣佈將撥2440萬元稅務優惠資助43家企業擴展 Moderna得330萬元

麻州州長Maura Healey  (中右) 和 Moderna 執行長Stéphane Bancel (中左)在
Moderna的Norwood新廠宣佈稅務優惠計畫。 (周菊子攝)

                (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 和經濟發展廳廳長郝伊平 (Yvonne Hao) 專程到莫德納 (Moderna) 位於Norwood的臨床製造工廠,宣佈Healey-Driscoll政府和麻州生命科學中心 (MLSC) 發出2440 萬美元的稅務優惠給43 家生命科學公司,預計將為麻州創造 1,584 個新的生命科學行業工作崗位。

麻州經濟發展廳廳長郝伊平 (Yvonne Hao) 強調麻州團隊
合作無間,致力協助生命科學企業。 (周菊子攝)
              在獲得稅務優惠的這 43 家公司中,有 26 家公司(佔新工作崗位的 69%)正在波士頓和劍橋以外的地區擴展。 2018 MLSC 重新授權以來,通過 MLSC 的稅務優惠計劃承諾的工作中有 78% 是在波士頓和劍橋以外。 MLSC稱,自該中心成立以來,經由稅務優惠計畫,在麻州擴展的生命科學公司已承諾創造超過 11,000 個工作崗位。

              其中的莫德納 (Moderna)獲得310萬元稅務優惠,承諾將創造200個就業機會。武田製藥獲得190萬元,將在勒星頓鎮增加125個工作崗位。Bristol Meyers Squibb 獲得120萬元,將在波士頓和Devens增加77個工作機會。Charles River 實驗室將獲得150萬元,在Wilmington增加98個工作機會。Nova生物醫藥公司獲得110萬元,將在其公司總部Waltham增加75個工作崗位。

              雖然麻州政府希望鼓勵生命科學公司到波士頓和劍橋市以外的市鎮擴展,不過還是有些設址於這2個城市的公司獲得高額獎勵,包括Intellia療法公司獲得130位元,將在劍橋市的總部增設85個職位,Sarepta療法公司將獲得150萬元在劍橋市增設100個工作崗位。Tessera療法公司則將在Someville 增設75個工作崗位。

              經濟發展廳廳長郝伊平強調,在州長Maura Healey、副州長Kim Driscoll的全力支持下,麻州政府現在有個最棒的團隊,竭力協助生命科學企業在麻州擴大發展,延續麻州在這領域的世界領先地位。

星期二, 5月 30, 2023

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn和市議員Michael Flaherty訂6月8日為社區保護法開公聽會

 Council President Flynn and Councilor Flaherty to Host Community Preservation Act Information Session on June 8th at the South Boston Public Library

BOSTON - Council President Flynn and Councilor At-Large Flaherty, in partnership with the Community Preservation Team, will be hosting an in-person FY24 Community Preservation Act (CPA) Information Session next Thursday, June 8th at 6pm at the South Boston Branch of the Boston Public Library (646 East Broadway, South Boston, MA 02127).  

The session will be an opportunity to explore how residents can utilize the City of Boston’s CPA funds and learn how to preserve or create impactful projects in their communities, including in the areas of historic preservation, affordable housing, and open space and recreation. 

This year’s community preservation funding awarded a total of $40 million to 56 projects citywide, including seven projects in District 2 which received a total of $8.5 million in funding. The funded projects include affordable housing for seniors at the McDevitt Hall on E Street in South Boston, affordable homeownership in Chinatown, and various historic restoration projects in Fort Point, Chinatown, Downtown and Beacon Hill. 

“The CPA is one of the best programs we have in the City that works with neighborhood groups to support affordable housing, historic preservation and open space and recreation projects,” said Council President Flynn. “Since the passage of the CPA five years ago, I have supported and seen many historic and worthwhile projects come to fruition. The $8.5 million in funds that District 2 received in the last round will continue to improve our neighborhoods and better the quality of life of all residents. I encourage residents to take advantage of the upcoming information session to learn more about the program.”

“Some of the most exciting and creative projects in our ever-changing City – innovative affordable housing projects, parks, and historic preservation projects – are the result of resident and community driven CPA proposals,” said Councilor Flaherty, Chair of the Council's Community Preservation Committee.  “Community feedback and involvement are critical to these projects and I look forward to this important discussion with my neighbors.”  

For more information, please contact Council President Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203, Councilor Flaherty at 617-635-4205 and Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov or Michael.Flaherty@boston.gov


 B.A.A. Awarded Community Champion Award by MetroWest YMCA

from left to right: Ron Foisy, Former YMCA Board Chair; Nicole Juri, B.A.A. 
Director of Development; Scott Stover, B.A.A. Chief Marketing Officer;
Jack Fleming, B.A.A. President & CEO; and Rick MacPherson,
President & CEO of the MetroWest YMCA.

BOSTON -- As part of the MetroWest YMCA Annual Meeting in Ashland on May 24, the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) were awarded the Community Champion Award. This is an annual MetroWest YMCA recognition of an organization that helps build strong kids, strong families and strong communities by supporting their shared commitment to tackle the ever-changing needs of the community. The B.A.A. was chosen having worked with the YMCA through the Boston Marathon Official Charity program for the last eight years. 

Rick MacPherson, President and CEO of MetroWest YMCA said, “We truly value our relationship and respect and appreciate all that you and the B.A.A. do to make Boston and its surrounding communities strong.” 

There to collect the award was B.A.A. President and CEO Jack Fleming who said, “The B.A.A. is extremely proud and honored to receive the Community Champion Award. The mission of the B.A.A. is to promote a healthy lifestyle through sports, especially running. In many ways our work mirrors that of the MetroWest YMCA with the shared focus on youth development, healthy living and giving back to our local communities. We greatly value the partnership and look forward to the continued work we can do together in the years to come.” 


Community is at the front and center of many B.A.A. initiatives including the Official Charity Program (which announced earlier this week a record $40 million was raised surrounding the 127th Boston Marathon), the new B.A.A. Grant Program, the Neighborhood Fitness Series presented by Boston Children’s Hospital and the Boston Running Collaborative. Find out more at www.baa.org. 

星期一, 5月 29, 2023

僑委會委員長徐佳青旋風式訪問波士頓 宣講服務、問候僑民

僑委會委員長徐佳青 (前中) 到訪波士頓,聆聽僑民意見。  (周菊子攝)
徐佳青升任委員長後,首次抵波士頓訪問。 (周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 僑委會委員長徐佳青527日旋風式訪問波士頓,逗留時間不足24小時,早上在僑教中心藉「僑務座談」和僑領見面,宣達政府政策,聆聽僑胞意見,中午趕往在Westborough舉行的美東中文學校聯合會50週年年會,下午4點又立即趕往紐約出席活動,行程十分緊密。

中華公所主席雷國輝。 (周菊子攝)



              在語速很快的侃侃而言中,徐佳青委員長談及僑委會希望在波士頓市中心一帶置產,讓僑教中心有個永久的家;擴大和第二、第三代台僑建立聯繫;推動設立華語文教學中心,以及在Taiwan Can Help



池元真夫婦,退輔會委員長特地請她轉達問候。 (周菊子攝)


台灣傷會前會長徐炳煌的人一一打招呼。 (周菊子攝)


互相報說大臣同鄉會中名人。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓慈濟人文學校校長彭淑敏 (右起),紐英崙中華專業人員
協會董事長周萬欽一一提問。 紐英崙至孝篤親公所主席陳文珊也出席在做。


吳宇懷(右一)。 (周菊子攝)