
星期三, 4月 07, 2021

波克萊台灣商會簡報概況 展現活力朝氣

波克萊台灣商會在「 認識台商會系列講座」中做簡報。


                                     (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導)麻州波克萊台灣商會(BTCC)44日在北美洲台灣商會聯合總會的「認識台商會系列講座」中表現亮麗,不但簡報內容豐富,概括麻州人文風景,商會歷史,現況,更彰顯年輕一輩傳承,正全面數位化的蓬勃朝氣。



                 駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元,新罕布夏州參議員David Watters,麻州眾議員黃子安都應邀致詞,分別為太魯閣事件致意,謝台灣捐口罩抗疫,責美國出現反亞裔暴力行為。



徐小玲開有6家餐廳,願分享豐富經驗,供有意開餐廳者參考。她的合夥人Gene Nigrelli代介紹大波士頓特色,包括濱大西洋,有鴨船游,有紅襪隊球場,東岸最大賭場恩可(Encore),哈佛,MIT,衛斯理等名校,當代藝術館,王安劇院等文化藝術場所,還有龍蝦等海鮮美食。


康麗雪先從波克萊(Brookline)這名稱說起,介紹10名年輕新執行委員,鄭怡,陳聿志,Brandon Yeh,黃品榕,蔡幸君,潘玉書,陳宏豪,詹元絜,洪維謙,再指該會成員專業種類繁多,會務營運正全面數位化,不但建網站www.btccbos.org,臉書,line群組,甚至還開Youtube頻道。目前在武田製藥任職的洪維謙,應邀闡述波士頓在生物科技領域名列全美第一的原因,包括2020年內,劍橋地區生技藥廠公司就有300家以上,研究,技轉,生產一條龍,盛況空前。


    新罕布夏州參議員David Watters邀經文處,波克萊台商會





星期二, 4月 06, 2021

Nearly 50,000 people trained to address harassment and protect Asian American communities during ongoing surge in anti-Asian hate

 Nearly 50,000 people trained to address harassment and protect Asian American communities during ongoing surge in anti-Asian hate

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC and Hollaback! call on community members and allies to join the nearly 50,000 individuals already trained to stand against hatred

Washington, D.C. — In just one year, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC and Hollaback! have trained nearly 50,000 people to successfully and safely intervene as a bystander to stop non-violent incidents of anti-Asian hate. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian American communities across the country have been facing a surge of hate-filled verbal and physical threats and attacks. Advocates are calling on community members and allies to join our community of nearly 50,000 who have already learned the skills to stand against hatred.

Advancing Justice | AAJC and Hollaback!’s training was adapted using Hollaback!’s 5Ds of bystander intervention methodology to respond to the anti-Asian harassment that Asian American communities have been experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 60-minute online training, which is available free-of-charge, teaches the skills to safely respond to harassment through five tactics: Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay and Direct. 

By the end of 2020, thousands of people had participated in the trainings Hollaback! And Advancing Justice | AAJC had created to help address anti-Asian/American and xemophobic harassment, including a training on conflict de-escalation that we launched in May and a training for Asiam Americans who wanted to learn how to respond if they were harassed, which we launched in June. 

Then, in 2021, the news filled with reports of violent attacks on Asian elders, followed by the tragic shootings in Atlanta that resulted in the death of six Asian women last month. 

“Many had already been coming to us asking ‘how can I help,’” said Emily May, Executive Director of Hollaback! “Then as the Asian American community faced new and amplified threats, harassment, and physical violence, more and more people were seeking out ways to help end anti-Asian hate. We are doing what we can to meet this moment and help people stand up for the Asian American community.” 

In 2021 alone, Advancing Justice | AAJC and Hollaback! have trained individuals from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Our trainings have also drawn international participants. In the month of March alone, nearly 17,000 people participated in our training sessions. 

The most recent surge in anti-Asian hate is only the latest manifestation of systemic racism that has historically impacted the Asian American community. Anti-Asian hate is deeply rooted and supported by white supremacist policies that feed the racism and xenophobia Asian American communities have experienced throughout American history. To combat anti-Asian hate, it will take a comprehensive effort to collectively and individually recognize the ongoing crisis and work together to be allies and advocates for ending hate against all communities of color.

“We’re heartened by the tremendous interest in our trainings, showing us that in the face of hate, thousands of allies and community members of different ages and backgrounds are willing to step up to protect and show support for our communities,” said Marita Etcubañez, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC. “It’s been a source of hope and healing for me to be able to teach about the historical context of hate and discrimination, and share tangible ways for people to act. And from their enthusiastic response, it’s clear that many of the participants appreciate the training and leave feeling empowered to take action.”

Advancing Justice | AAJC and Hollaback! encourage everyone to take the free-of-charge bystander intervention training to learn how to safely and successfully stand against hatred. To meet the increased demand, the two organizations have expanded their capacity to handle larger audiences for each training session and continue to add sessions. Hollaback! and Advancing Justice | AAJC are committed to ensuring that every person in this country who wants to be trained in bystander intervention, can be trained, for free.

Paolo Montalban, the actor and singer best known for his role in the 1997 Disney film “Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella,” will make a special appearance to co-lead the bystander intervention training on Wednesday, April 7. 

On April 8, the date that marks the launch of the collaboration between Hollaback! and Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, we will hold an Instagram Live at 6:00 p.m. ET to discuss our work together over the past year and our plans for the year ahead.

For more details on our trainings, please visit Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC’s events page or Hollaback’s page on our trainings to address anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment.


              (Boston Orange) 麻州公共衛生廳(DPH)(6)日公佈了45日的新冠病毒疫情數據,新增確診個案1566,累計609,533。新增死亡12人,累計16,993人。

             目前仍在治療中的新冠病毒個案有34,652宗。其中725人目前住院治療,169人住在重症病房,97人 插管。






               (Boston Orange 編譯)富比士(Forbes)雜誌今(6)日公佈了2021年世界上最富有億萬富翁名單,波士頓環球報(Boston Globe)馬上告訴你,其中有25名富翁是麻州本地人。



              將近有500人第一次擠入億萬富翁行列,其中4名本地人得以晉身這名單,都是因為莫德納(Moderna),這家研發出新冠病毒疫苗,並獲得批准使用,位於劍橋市的生物科技公司。該公司執行長Stéphane Bancel,現在身家43億元,在麻州富豪中排名第9

              穫多利(Fidelity)投資公司執行長Abigail Johnson再次在麻州富豪榜上排名第一,身家209億元。

              在富比士雜誌的富豪榜上,亞馬遜(Amazon)創辦人貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)連續第四年,蟬連榜首,身家1770億元,去年只有1130億元。緊追其後的是馬斯克(Elon Musk),身家1510億元,比去年多了246億元。



85位的Abigail Johnson,身家$209 億元。

219位的Edward Johnson,身家103億元。他父親在1946年時創辦了穫多利投資公司,現在他已把執行長的位置交給女兒Abigail

            380位,Jim David及其家族,69億元。他是新平衡(New Balance)的主席,年銷售額40億元。

            380位,羅伯卡夫特(Robert Kraft)69億元。他在1994年時已17200萬元買下新英格蘭愛國者隊。現在這個隊伍贏了6次超級盃,價值41億圓了。

            589位,Alan Trefler1983年時推出劍橋市的軟體公司Pegasystems1996年上市,現在一年銷售額9億元。

            589位,也是1946年創辦穫多利投資公司的是Edward Johnson二世的孫子,Edward Johnson四世,身家48億元。他也是Pembroke地產公司的董事長。

            589位還有Elizabeth Johnson,穫多利投資公司執行長Abigail的姊妹,也是佛羅里德州一家馬術表演公司的創辦人。

            665位,劍橋市莫德納(Moderna)公司執行長Stéphane Bancel,身家43億元。他是第一次擠身富豪行列。

            775位,大陸有線電視(Continental Cablevision)的創辦人,前執行長Amos Hostetter, Jr.,身家38億元。

            831位,Niraj Shah是每年營收140億元,Wayffair這波士頓公司的主管。該公司2020年的淨營業額達到140億元,比之前一年增加了55%

            MIT的化學工程教授,也是莫德納公司股東的Robert Langer也上了億萬富豪榜,排名第1931,總值16億元。

Kim Janey宣佈參選 4女2男角逐波士頓市長

             (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)波士頓代理市長Kim Janey(6)早宣佈加入選戰,2021年的波士頓市長選戰,現在有4女,2男參選,競爭更加激烈了。

             以籌款總額來看,目前Andrea Campbell和吳弭(Michelle Wu)都接近一百萬元,把其他候選人遠拋在後。但Kim Janey現不但是市長,還因新冠病毒疫情,幾乎每天上臉書,市府Youtube網站,露臉打知名度的機會,遠比其他人為高,這場爭戰變數仍多。

             Kim Janey今早站在在洛士百利(Roxbury)Nubian廣場的杜爹利的面孔(Faces of Dudley)”壁畫前表示,來自新冠病毒疫情的族裔不平等挑戰,以及幾世紀以來的結構性種族歧視,不是幾個月就能處理,改變的。那將需要有無懼精神的領導力。

             Kim Janey的波士頓市長職位競爭對手中,有3名波士頓現任市議員,1名前任波士頓市經濟發展長,1名麻州現任眾議員。這幾人依序為吳弭(Michelle Wu)Andrea CampbellAnnissa Essaibi George,約翰巴洛斯(John Barros),以及Jon Santiago

             宣誓上任波士頓市代理市長時,Kim Janey成為了波士頓市有史以來的第一位黑人女性市長,早在去年9月宣佈參選的Andrea Campbell因此和這一歷史紀錄絕緣。

             Kim Janey在正式宣佈參選的同時,也發行了一段長約3分鐘的視頻,主題是我們有工作要做

             這視頻例舉波士頓的黑人開路先鋒,包括Melnea CassMel King,以及聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley),感嘆波士頓市的可負擔住宅並不真正的可負擔。他還以2015年的一份報告發現,黑人家庭的家庭中位淨值是8元,而白人家庭卻是247500元,指波士頓內存在地種族不平等,非常深遠。


             現年55歲的Kim Janey,以前是教育支持者,接任代理市長一職時,正在第二任市議員任期上,當著市議會議長。

             Kim Janey在洛士百利及南端(South End)長大,是家中6兄弟姊妹中的老大。她父親是教育界人士,一度擔任華府的學校總監。她母親則是家庭主婦。在她還年輕時,父母離異。

             1970年代,Kim Janey親身經歷了法庭下令實施的波士頓學校去種族隔離做法,唸6年級及一部份的7年級時,從她母親及曾祖母居住的南端,搭巴士到查理士城。8年級時,因為METCO計畫,她在Reading一家自願參加學校整合項目,在郊區招收波士頓公校學生的學校上課。


             她進大哈特福社區學院(Greater Hartford Community College)進修2年後,再進史密斯學院(Smith College)讀了2年。在那兒,她清掃廁所的半工半讀。在祖母過世後,為了盡照顧祖父的家庭責任,也礙於財力困難,她還沒取得學位就離校了。她支持教育,就是從史密斯學院那時開始的。

             政治觀察家曾經說,Kim Janey擔任代理市長,有助於參選,爭取全市知名度。



             Kim Janey拒絕就她和其他市長候選人有何區別發表意見。

             若以手頭上有多少競選經費評比,截至331日的數據是去年就已宣佈參選的Andrea Campbell和吳弭(Michelle Wu)都已募得將近一百萬元,遙遙領先其他參選者。



             剛宣佈參選的Kim Janey,籌款速度也相當驚人,3月份籌得187,000元,花了7萬元,現在手頭還剩$248,566.18


             Essaibi George3月時籌得的款額最高,有244515元,花得也多,88497元,但手頭結餘只有426312元,和其他兩人差了將近一半。


             Jon Santiago3月份募得18958元,花了42236元,現在手頭有525990元。

麻州州長疫情匯報 4/6 查理貝克今天接種新冠疫苗啦 全州估計150萬人已完成疫苗注射


波士頓市長Kim Janey 疫情匯報4/6 推出希望計畫




BOSTON – Tuesday, April 6, 2021 – Mayor Kim Janey and Health and Human Services Chief Marty Martinez today announced the Boston Public Health Commission’s Hope campaign, a new multilingual public awareness campaign, encouraging residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it is their turn.

“This campaign was created to speak to the heart of what has been missing in our lives and what can be better, if we get vaccinated. Every dose of the COVID-19 vaccine brings us one step closer to putting this pandemic behind us. Every dose gives us new hope for brighter days ahead,” said Mayor Janey. “I encourage every Bostonian to get vaccinated when it is your turn. Until then, stay vigilant by wearing a mask in public, washing your hands, keeping your distance and continuing to get tested regularly.”

The ads feature a diverse group of people who speak a variety of languages and aim to build trust with communities of color and other populations disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. It will be localized to target specific neighborhoods and reach individuals in their own languages.

“An equitable response and recovery from this pandemic means we must break down barriers so that every Bostonian not only has access to the vaccine but also has the information needed to make an informed decision about getting it,” said Marty Martinez, Chief of Health and Human Services. “This vaccine gives us hope as we continue to battle this virus and look forward to life after COVID. The best way to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community is to get the vaccine when it is available to you.”

The $465,000 campaign developed by marketing consultant Archipelago Strategies Group, Inc. (ASG) launched last week and the first phase will run through June. It will be visible on a variety of platforms in several languages, including television, radio, paid social media, billboards, streaming services, and print advertising.

“Ensuring that every community has the resources and information necessary to access COVID-19 vaccinations is the only way to ensure our city, state, and country will finally put this pandemic behind us,” said Josiane Martinez, CEO & Founder of Archipelago Strategies Group, Inc., a women and minority lead firm. “ASG is confident that with clear, concise, culturally relevant messages we can save more people from getting infected and prevent more untimely deaths. Equipped with knowledge and confidence more people will choose to get vaccinated to protect their health, their family’s health, and the health of our City.”



Along with building widespread public awareness of the benefits and importance of getting the vaccine, the City is focused on equitable distribution efforts. Under the State's leadership, the City is taking a four-pronged approach to vaccination: 


·    Mass Vaccination Clinics, where the goal is to vaccinate the highest number of individuals;  

·    Priority Group Clinics to vaccinate a targeted number of individuals within a specific priority group;  

·    Community-based Public Clinics to vaccinate any individual eligible to receive a vaccine at easily accessible locations throughout Boston's neighborhoods; and 

·    Mobile vaccination sites with the goal to vaccinate the hardest to reach Boston residents by bringing small-scale mobile clinics to them.  

The City of Boston has set aside vaccination appointments at the mass vaccination sites in Boston for our hardest hit communities. The Offices of Health and Human Services, Age Strong Commission, Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement, Commission for Persons with Disabilities, and other departments are doing extensive outreach to community organizations, coalitions and neighborhood groups to create access to the vaccine for those populations most impacted.

As of March 30, 2021,119,218 individuals who are 16 years of age or older have been fully vaccinated in the City of Boston. 42 percent of fully vaccinated Bostonians are people of color. 11,649 Asian/Pacific Islander residents are fully vaccinated; 22,328 Black residents are fully vaccinated; 12,284 Latinx residents are fully vaccinated; and 175 American Indian/Alaskan Native residents are fully vaccinated. In comparison, 57,703 white residents are fully vaccinated. For more information on vaccination rates, visit here.

For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine in Boston, visit here or call 3-1-1. 

麻州、康州兩州長攜手致力降低處方藥價格 (聯席記者會)

Governor Charlie Baker will virtually join Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont to participate in a press conference regarding a joint effort to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for the residents of Massachusetts and Connecticut