
星期三, 4月 08, 2020



BOSTON - Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today proposed his Administration's recommended $3.65 billion Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) operating budget and $3 billion Fiscal Year 2021-2025 (FY21-FY25) Capital Plan, building on years of record investments in high-quality and equitable services and programs for Boston residents. The proposed investments take into account the short and long-term fiscal impact of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and are made possible due to six consecutive years of proactive fiscal management that has well-positioned the City of Boston to continue investing in core city services and resident needs at a time of global economic uncertainty. 

The budget proposal doubles down on Mayor Walsh's commitment to continue serving the people of Boston, no matter what challenges we face as a City. As laid out in his State of the City address earlier this year, the City of Boston is on track to make historic investments in education and housing over the course of the next year, both priority areas of the Walsh Administration. 

"Through these unprecedented times, the work we do everyday in serving our residents has never been more important," said Mayor Walsh. "In the proposed budget and capital plan, we are putting forth smart and strategic investments in the areas that we know will have the most impact for our residents. I want the people of Boston to know that during this time of such uncertainty, they can count on their city government to help get through this difficult time. I believe that with responsible fiscal planning, with investments in the equity, health and wellbeing of our residents, and with our spirit of courage and collaboration, we will emerge together from this crisis stronger and more resilient than before."

"Every year, the City is responsible for planning a balanced budget," said Emme Handy, Chief of Administration and Finance. "The rapidly changing economic reality brought on by the coronavirus pandemic presents new challenges in striking that balance. Rising to that challenge, the Mayor's FY21 budget makes necessary revenue revisions recognizing our new reality, while continuing to fund the Mayor's commitments to Boston today and into the future." 

"In times of crisis, the programs and services provided by the City to its residents are more vital than ever," said Justin Sterritt, Budget Director. "The FY21 Budget acknowledges the new fiscal landscape the City faces but ensures those important City programs have the resources they need." 

While the City has a growing tax revenue base, the City also continues to find efficiencies and prioritizes investing in innovative solutions to provide world-class City services. The FY21 budget includes over $13 million in identified savings from areas such as health insurance, energy efficiencies and other operational savings. In addition, for the sixth consecutive year, the City of Boston has received a AAA bond rating, reflecting the city's strong fiscal management and stable financial position. The City of Boston recently was named by Moody's as one of the best prepared cities to handle a national recession.  

The recommended FY21 operating budget proposes an increase of $154 million (or 4.4 percent) over FY20, and makes strategic investments in improving city services and the quality of life for residents of Boston. The proposed FY21-FY25 Capital Plan will reach $3 billion for the first time in its history and will make strategic and meaningful investments in projects throughout the City. 

High Quality Education for All Students 
There is no better reflection of Mayor Walsh's commitment to equal opportunity than the City's continued strong investment in public education. In his State of the City address, Mayor Walsh announced a historic three-year $100 million funding commitment to Boston Public Schools (BPS), in new additional funding that is over and above standard cost increases. The proposed FY21 budget fulfills the first year of that commitment, through an overall $80 million increase, including an initial down payment of $36 million in new additional funding. Combined with a $17 million increase for our charter school students, Boston's total public education increase for next year reaches $97 million and represents 63 percent of all new City funding, the highlights of which include:

BPS Operating Budget
  • Overall budget of $1.26 billion, an $80 million or 7% increase
  • $15 million towards raising the bar on student learning with new high-quality materials, resources and improved environments
  • $12 million to increase teachers' skills through coaching, feedback and developing high-quality curriculum
  • $9 million to provide students and families a strong foundation for success with more support to connect them to wraparound services, resources and information
BPS Capital Plan
  • $137.4 million for Boston Arts Academy in Fenway, which is currently under construction. This number reflects a $12 million increase over the previous year's capital plan
  • $78 million in multi-school maintenance projects, including new funding for drinking water upgrades, bathroom renovations, entryway improvements, upgraded fire systems, general maintenance including painting, electrical, schoolyard improvements, and adding an additional 29 My Way Cafes in schools, adding to the 58 schools already outfitted with the cafes
  • $3 million for K-6 conversions and a grade 7-12 master plan study.
  • Growing the BuildBPS budget for future projects by $77 million, for a total of $230 million set aside for major BuildBPS projects

Creating and Preserving Affordable Housing, and addressing Homelessness
This year's budget proposal reflects progress made towards implementing Mayor Walsh's announcement in his State of the City address that over the course of the next five years, the City will invest $500 million in accessible and affordable housing for Bostonians through a combination of city funds, new dedicated funding from the sale of the Lafayette Garage and anticipated state passage of the real estate transfer tax. The budget proposal makes a $16 million investment in new City operating and capital resources for housing, the highlights of which include:

Operating Budget
  • $2.4 million to create affordable homeownership opportunities, including $1.4 million to double existing resources for down-payment assistance for first-time homebuyers and $1 million to provide more homebuyers with a discounted interest rate on the ONE Plus Boston mortgage program
  • $3.2 million to preserve and generate affordable rental opportunities, including $2.5 million to create Boston's first City-funded housing vouchers to subsidize the rents of those with the most need, $350,000 in new resources for preserving expiring-use, income-restricted units, $250,000 to help families preserve their tenancy or secure new housing, and $135,000 to connect more people to resources and legal assistance through expanding the Housing Court Navigator program
  • $1.8 million for rapid rehousing for youth and young adults, and funding to address chronic and family homelessness by expanding front door triage, street homeless outreach, and an advisor on family homelessness
  • $150,000 to support affordable housing development through assistance for small, local, minority- and women owned developers
Capital Plan
  • $5 million to renovate and upgrade affordable housing units for older residents and individuals with disabilities in Boston's public housing developments
  • $5 million to launch a public infrastructure housing fund to support developments and expand the number of affordable units in the city 

Health, Safety and Wellness for a Growing City
Mayor Walsh recognizes that a growing city needs to have robust, effective and accountable public safety services and a force reflective of the communities in which it serves, and through this year's budget proposals, he is proposing the following investments:

Operating Budget
  • $9 million in new funding to expand capabilities and services provided by Public Health Commission (BPHC), including an additional $354,000 in funding for violence prevention capacity building, $1.5 million for essential equipment replacements for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) including 340 radios, $216,000 for enhanced Health of Boston population-level data, and $250,000 to study the implementation of a 40-bed respite housing shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness and substance use disorder. This new funding brings BPHC's total operating budget to over $100 million
  • $1.7 million for industrial cleaning and facility repairs for the Boston Fire Department
  • Growing the Boston Police force by 25 officers in 2021 by adding a second recruit class
  • $1 million for an enhanced citywide campaign that aligns all existing resources to reach underserved populations with opportunity oriented programming, as part of the city's violence prevention efforts
Capital Plan
  • An additional $15 million for the BCYF Curley Community Center in South Boston, bringing the total investment to $30 million
  • An additional $4.6 million for the East Boston Senior Center, bringing the total investment to $5.6 million
  • $2.5 million for the Marshall Pool in Dorchester and new investments in the Paris Street Pool in East Boston

Protecting our Environment
Mayor Walsh has been at the forefront of recognizing and addressing the risks of climate change, and protecting our environment. During Mayor Walsh's time in office, Boston has retained its title as the most "efficient city in the United States," as named by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. As part of his leadership, Mayor Walsh has committed for 10 percent of all new capital spending to be dedicated for resilience projects. The highlights of the City's environment proposals include:

Operating Budget
  • $330,000 in new support to maintain the City's Urban Wilds and Tree Canopy
  • $630,000 to expand the Zero Waste program including a robust composting pilot program,more Project Oscar compost locations, and other education and Zero Waste supports
Capital Plan
  • $1 million increase in funding to plant and maintain trees across the city, significantly increasing the amount of trees planted annually
  • $3 million Climate Resilience Reserve fund supporting opportunities to enhance the climate resilience of existing capital projects
  • $36 million in authorization for new and ongoing open space projects, including at the Back Bay Fens pathways, McConnell Playground in Dorchester, Malcolm X Park in Roxbury, Garvey Playground in Dorchester, Jeep Jones Park in Roxbury and Millennium Park pathways in West Roxbury

Expanding Opportunities for Prosperity and Equity
The citywide resilience strategy aims to ensure every resident can reach their full potential regardless of their background, and to remove the barriers that hinder Bostonians from having access to opportunities. To that end, the City is proposing investments in areas of equity and prosperity, including:

Operating Budget
  • $200,000 to increase financial security for older Bostonians
  • $100,000 to expand and support the Boston Saves banking program for students
  • $136,000 to expand equitable City procurement and supplier diversity
  • $97,500 to expand the childcare entrepreneur fund

Transforming the Future of Mobility
Our economic strength is dependent on our ability to move people around our city to businesses, jobs and homes. Building on Boston's long-term transportation plan, Go Boston 2030, the FY21 budget proposal makes targeted investments in public space and improved mobility, including:

Capital Plan
  • Increasing mobility options by investing $14.4 million to add 7 new dedicated bus lanes and $1 million to install 11 new BlueBikes stations, and adding 440 new bikes to the fleet
  • Addressing safe streets through an $8.9 million investment to finish building 15 neighborhood slow streets
  • $11 million for transportation infrastructure improvements, including pedestrian ramps, crosswalk and lane markings, and street lighting
  • $54 million in additional funding for the Northern Avenue bridge project for a $100 million total to build a transformative multi-modal bridge that prioritizes pedestrians and shared public space on the waterfront

About Imagine Boston 2030
Mayor Walsh's budget proposal continues to invest in preserving and creating a strong middle class, and creating opportunities for all those who live in Boston, and supports Boston's long-term plan, Imagine Boston 2030.

Imagine Boston 2030 is Boston's first citywide plan in 50 years aimed at guiding growth to support our dynamic economy and expand opportunity for all residents. The plan prioritizes inclusionary growth and puts forth a comprehensive vision to boost quality of life, equity and resilience in every neighborhood across the City. Shaped by the input of 15,000 residents who contributed their thoughts to the plan, Imagine Boston 2030 identifies five action areas to guide Boston's growth, enhancement and preservation, and is paired with a set of metrics that will evaluate progress and successes. To learn more visit, imagine.boston.gov.

For more information on the budget proposal, please visit budget.boston.gov.


羅德島州副州長麥基(Dan Mckee,中)和葉超(右),
           (Boston Orange) 羅德島州副州長麥基(Dan Mckee)日前發出一份新聞稿,和羅德島州民分享好消息,報告羅德島華人社區送給羅德島公共衛生廳,以及數個市鎮共208,000個面罩,支援抗疫行動。

昆士市收到140份房租援助申請 某護理機構11人確診

             (Boston Orange 編譯)昆士市愛國者報報導,該市公共衛生局,警察局,消防局,以及可負擔住宅信託,46(週一)時在虛擬會議中向市議員匯報疫情,
             昆士市公共衛生局局長Ruth Jones 詳述了該市189名確診者概況。47日時,昆士市確診人數已增至218人。
             Ruth Jones指出,確診者中,有40%感染來源不明,10%來自二月份時的百奧健(Biogen)會議,20%是醫療工作人員,20%是接觸了其他的確診者。剩下的就是出外旅遊感染,或是仍在調查中。
             Ruth Jones表示,她相信有更多病例市府還不知道,也因此保持社交安全距離,待在家,十分重要。
             消防局長Joseph Jackson表示,消防局為因應病毒,在營運上做了一些調整,消防員現在工作48小時,休假6天,以減少局內的人事變動,危險品小組負責一週兩次的消毒整個消防局,卡車,以及位於聖瑪莉街的消防學校大樓。
             警察局局長John Keenan表示,警察局也採取了類似措施,對輕微犯行只發傳票,並不逮捕,以減少警察需要到警察局的次數。警察局大堂也關了,聽取報案都經由電話來執行了。
             昆士市長幕僚長Chris Walker向市議員們報告了兩星期前,市議會撥給的50萬元因應新型冠狀病毒經費。
            Chris Walker還說,從星期四起,大約140名昆士居民向市府新設的租金援助項目提出申請。
             Chris Walker表示,昆士商會大約收到100份申請書,昆士社區行動項目收到大約40份申請書。付給房東的第一筆費用,估計本週稍後將寄出。


(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州今(7)日的新型冠狀病毒疫情變化是確診新增1365,累計15202人,死亡人數新增96,累計356人。

星期二, 4月 07, 2020


BOSTON - Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Transportation Department today announced ticket amnesty for healthcare workers to assist those who are providing critical care during the public health emergency caused by COVID-19 (coronavirus). In addition, the Boston Transportation Department has launched a new mapping tool for healthcare workers to find parking spaces in Boston. 

"With our Boston Transportation Department, we are working to provide transportation assistance to Boston's healthcare workers who are on the frontlines of this pandemic," said Mayor Walsh. "We understand transportation is crucial for medical professionals, and these updated policies will assist them during this public health crisis." 

During this public health emergency, the Boston Transportation Department is working to assist medical workers getting to and from hospital and other care facilities as easily as possible, while practicing appropriate social distancing. To make these parking spaces accessible for medical workers, tickets issued in these areas to heathcare staff will be waived on appeal during the course of this emergency. Appeals may be initiated by emailing parking@boston.gov and sharing a copy of the ticket, and your hospital ID. This policy is also retroactive, and the timeline for healthcare workers to appeal a ticket has been extended to six months. 

With this policy, if a healthcare worker gets a parking ticket for a non-public safety reason (for example, overstaying a meter), the City will waive the ticket upon appeal, if the person shares a copy of their work ID. 

These exemptions do not include public safety violations, such as blocking a hydrant, sidewalk or handicap ramp. These policies will be in place only for the duration of the Boston Public Health Commission's declared public health emergency or as otherwise determined by the Commissioner of the Boston Transportation Department.

To make it easier for hospital staff to find municipal lots as well as garages near them with free, reduced or reserved spaces, the Boston Transportation Department has created a map for healthcare workers  to access parking spaces. 

In coordination with the Boston Public Schools, Boston Center for Youth and Families, Boston's faith community and the Mayor's office of New Urban Mechanics, the City is also exploring temporarily converting certain parking lots into employee parking for medical staff at specific hospitals across the City.  

The following updates to parking enforcement policies are in effect until further notice in the City of Boston:

Resident Parking 
Residents with a valid resident permit sticker will be allowed to park in a metered or two-hour parking space, without having to adhere to the time limit or pay a meter fee, within their specific neighborhood. 

For cars without the relevant resident permit parking sticker, standard time limit and meter requirements remain in place.

Street Cleaning
BTD has not been ticketing and towing for street cleaning, given challenges to finding alternative places to park in neighborhoods. 

Inspection Stickers and Registration
BTD will not ticket for expired inspection stickers or registrations, given potential challenges for people to renew inspections and registrations at this time. The RMV has also provided extensions for expiring inspections. 

Parking Garages
To support the medical community, BTD has identified facilities offering free, reduced rate or reserved parking for medical professionals. To receive discounted parking, medical staff will need to present a hospital ID.To see the list of participating facilities, please visit: https://www.boston.gov/news/discounted-garages-available-hospital-staff-boston

The City of Boston and its municipal partners of Brookline, Cambridge, Everett, and Somerville are offering all hospital staff a free 30-day pass for our public bike share, Bluebikes. To learn more about how to sign up for the program, visit boston.gov

Pick Up/Drop Off Zones for Small Businesses 
To help small businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19, BTD is creating temporary pick up zones in front of restaurants that have transitioned to takeout and delivery only. Takeout food pickup zones restrict parking to five minutes to increase convenience for the quick pickup and delivery of takeout food from restaurants, and provide adequate room for social distancing of six feet or more. Restaurants that would like to request a temporary pick up zone can do so on boston.gov. Requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis. 

With the exception of those changes noted above, BTD will continue to enforce parking violations, with a focus on public safety violations, such as blocking a hydrant, sidewalk or handicap ramp.

Resources and information about COVID-19 are available on boston.gov/coronavirus. Resources available on boston.gov and through City departments include support for renters and homeowners; small businesses; free meals for Boston students; free toiletries for Boston students; emergency childcare centers -- including 27 centers in Boston -- support for older residents; information on homeless shelters; transportation options for healthcare workers; resources for those in recovery or those who have a substance use disorder; and mental health resources. 

For additional questions or programs, please visit boston.gov/coronavirus or call 3-1-1, Boston's 24-hour constituent hotline. Text BOSCOVID to 99411 to receive text alerts on a regular basis, available in six languages.


(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州有3家醫院今(7)日獲聯邦藥品監管局(FDA)批准,用一種日本治流感的藥來治療新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)
                        麻省總醫院領導團隊審視所有新型冠狀病毒相關臨床試驗,並決定該院是否參與的Keith T. Flaherty博士表示,他的團隊迄今已斟酌推敲了30種可能的試驗。
日本的這要是由富士影片麾下的製藥子公司10 多年前生產,來治療新出現,以及重新出現的流感。有些病毒學家及立法者憂慮在未做進一步測試下,就把這要用來治療新型冠狀病毒。不過據說川普政府積極推動FDA以緊急治療方式來批准這藥。
                         中國研究者做了兩次favipiravir的臨床試驗,結果報告很正面。不國這藥的發展者,Fujifilm Toyoma Chemical拒絕就中國人的說法表示意見。根據新聞報導,有些在中國境外的數據顯示,使用這藥的病人病毒更快就沒了,X光也顯示肺的改善比其他沒用這藥的病人好。
                            Favipiravir 和另外一種正在做臨床試驗,要用來治新型冠狀病毒的藥,remdesivir,很像。麻省總醫院和布里吉婦女醫院也分別在做remdesivir的試驗,並針對病毒自行複製方式及在器官內散佈方式做研究。


(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州政府今日宣佈注資8 億進麻州健康(MassHealth)”,以支援醫療護理機構對抗新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)。另派國家衛隊支援頤養院住民檢測,設立頤養院住民家屬熱線。
麻州政府公共衛生聽和麻州國家衛隊從上星期開始合作,由博德研究院(Broad Institute)執行,已為州內80個頤養院的1300多人做了新型冠狀病毒檢測。46日起,麻州公共衛生廳還開始放寬標準,允許在場的醫療人員收集樣本,再送交實驗室檢測。

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Increased Resources For Health Care Providers, Expanded Support For Long-Term Care Facilities, COVID-19 Testing Initiatives

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced a new financial package to support providers through the MassHealth program. The Administration also announced new resources to support older adults living in long-term care facilities and their families, including a Nursing Home Mobile Testing Program and a Nursing Home Family Resource Line. Earlier today, the Administration and CVS announced a new rapid-testing site in Lowell.

MassHealth Financial Resources: The Baker-Polito Administration has announced a new infusion of $800 million at MassHealth in critical stabilization funding to support health care providers impacted by and responding to COVID-19. Health care providers across the Commonwealth have stepped up in unprecedented ways in the past few weeks while experiencing a significant impact on their revenue and operations. This funding will support hospitals, nursing facilities, primary care providers, behavioral health providers, and long-term services and supports providers and will be distributed starting this month and through July. This funding is in addition to the $290 million in immediate cash relief and $550 million in accelerated payments to providers announced in March. The Executive Office of Health and Human Services will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation.

These resources include:

  • More than $400 million to hospitals

    • The majority of this funding will support 28 safety net and high-Medicaid hospitals, to address lost revenue and increased costs for hospitals at the front lines of treating patients with COVID-19

    • This includes a 20% rate increase for COVID-19 care, as well as a 7.5% across-the-board rate increase for other hospital care
  • More than $80 million for Nursing Facilities

    • $50 million will be dedicated funding for all nursing facilities across the state

    • Facilities and units within nursing facilities that are designated COVID-19 sites of care will receive approximately $30 million in additional funding to support their capacity to care for COVID-19 patients
  • More than $300 million for other health care providers that are delivering medical care for COVID-19 or providing services that keep residents safe in their homes and out of the hospital, including:

    • More than $50 million for community health centers

    • Around $30 million for personal care attendants

    • Funding for ambulance providers physicians, community behavioral health providers, and Home Health Agencies

    • Funding for certain long-term services and supports day programs such as Adult Day Health or Day Habilitation programs that have converted from group programs to actively serving members via alternative means

Nursing Home Mobile Testing Program: Building on efforts to protect high-risk populations like older adults, the Baker-Polito Administration has launched a program to allow for safe, rapid on-site testing of residents of long-term care facilities like nursing homes and rest homes. The initiative is being completed as a partnership between the Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Massachusetts National Guard and the testing being conducted by the BROAD institute. So far, the National Guard has been deployed to 80 facilities across the state and has completed more than 1,300 tests since this program started last week. Starting yesterday, DPH worked to expand the program by providing an option for places to use their on-site medical personnel to collect specimens and send them to the state lab for testing. Today, DPH issued new guidance to nursing homes and rest homes with recommendations aimed at protecting the health of residents and health care workers and mitigating the risk of transmission of COVID-19, both inside and outside of these facilities.

Nursing Home Resource Line: The Baker-Polito Administration also announced the launch of a new Nursing Home Family Resource Line, a dedicated telephone line that will connect family members of nursing home and rest home residents with the information and resources they need. This resource was created so that family and community members have one central contact that they can reach out to if they have questions or concerns about the care their loved one is receiving during the COVID-19 outbreak. The line is staffed from 9 AM – 5 PM, seven days a week. Staff will coordinate across state agencies to help callers find answers to their questions. 

Families and community members can call the line at (617) 660-5399.

New CVS Rapid Testing Site: Earlier today, the Baker-Polito Administration and CVS announced the launch of a new rapid testing site in Lowell, which will enable on-the-spot COVID-19 testing and results at no cost. The new CVS site in Lowell will use the new Abbott ID NOW™ COVID-19 test. With the launch of this site, Massachusetts is the third state where CVS has launched rapid testing sites, joining Georgia and Rhode Island. CVS Health will be transitioning its efforts to support COVID-19 testing in Mass. to the Lowell location, which allows for up to 1,000 patients to be tested per day and receive results on-site so they can properly quarantine or seek treatment as appropriate. As a result, the company will be halting COVID-19 testing at the original Shrewsbury pilot testing site. Similar to the CVS rapid COVID-19 test sites in Georgia and Rhode Island, testing at the Lowell site will be overseen by licensed health care providers from MinuteClinic, the retail medical clinic of CVS Health. Patients will need to pre-register in advance online at CVS.com in order to schedule a same-day time slot for testing.

The Baker-Polito Administration will continue to update the public on developments related to COVID-19. Residents can visit www.mass.gov/covid19 for the latest information, call 2-1-1 with questions, and text “COVIDMA” to 888-777 to subscribe to text-alert updates