
星期六, 5月 11, 2019

CAPAC Members Celebrate 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad and the Contributions of Chinese Railroad Workers

CAPAC Members Celebrate 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad and the Contributions of Chinese Railroad Workers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today marks the 150th Anniversary of the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad, which linked the continental United States from coast to coast and ushered in a new era of American prosperity. The completion of the railroad would not have been possible without the labor of over 12,000 Chinese railroad workers who helped to build this engineering marvel even in the face of great adversity and racial discrimination. Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus hosted an event at the Library of Congress to honor the contributions these workers and released the following statements:

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“150 years ago, the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad marked an inflection point in history that forever changed our nation. It brought tremendous change and growth to the United States by bridging our coasts and facilitating greater economic development and prosperity. But this engineering feat would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of the 12,000 Chinese laborers who made up over 80 percent of the Central Pacific Railroad workforce. They endured treacherous conditions and faced intense racial discrimination, yet their stories are often overlooked in U.S. history books. That’s why, I was so pleased to host an event at the Library of Congress and to participate in an event at the Smithsonian Museum of American History to highlight the contributions of these Chinese laborers and honor their role in shaping American history. 150 years after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, it is more important now than ever that we continue to tell their stories and ensure these pioneers get the recognition they deserve.”

Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY-06), CAPAC First Vice Chair:

“Today marks the 150th Anniversary of the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad that connected our nation, spurred economic growth, and unleashed the unlimited potential of our nation,” said Meng. “Less known to the American public is the enormous contributions of Chinese immigrant laborers who toiled in extreme weather to lay down the literal foundations of our nation. Today, we honor their memory, sweat, blood, and labor, and we provide them with the recognition they deserve. I have tirelessly advocated for Congress to honor the legacy of these railroad workers and I am proud to be pushing a resolution that would finally make that happen. I’m pleased that this year, on this milestone anniversary, the U.S. Postal Service will be issuing three special commemorative postage stamps to mark the occasion. As we celebrate the memory of the Chinese railroad workers, I hope the contributions they made to our country are recognized and remembered by all Americans”

Congressman Ed Case (HI-01):

“I am honored to join my Congressional colleagues in commemorating those of Chinese ancestry who were largely responsible for what became one of the greatest engineering marvels our country has ever seen – the first Transcontinental Railroad. Even though 150 years has passed since the completion of this project, we cannot forget what it took to build this railroad hat stretched from Council Bluffs, Iowa to Sacramento, California. This project – over harsh terrain in the West and especially through the formidable Sierra Nevada mountains – claimed too many lives and maimed too many others. This burden fell disproportionately on thousands of Chinese, many of whom came across the Pacific to America for what they hoped would be a better life. Their back-breaking work on the railroad opened the American West and, as a newspaper reported at the time, united Americans living in the East and the West into “emphatically one people.” Yet they were not included in memorials and pictures of the time and their contributions were treated as but a footnote for over a century. Today we do honor this pioneering community for its incredible contribution to our nation’s history. And we recognize the contributions of their descendants to all facets of our American story since. Mahalo!”

Congressman TJ Cox (CA-21):
This month, not only do we celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage, but also honor the 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad.  Opened on May 10, 1869, the Transcontinental Railroad was built primarily at the hands of thousands of emigrant Chinese workers. As the son of a Chinese immigrant myself, I honor the sacrifices of our Chinese ancestors responsible for building this important piece of American infrastructure. It’s because of their hard work that the American people were first able travel from sea to sea.
Congressman Ro Khanna (CA-17):

“The historic contributions of Chinese laborers to the construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad are too often omitted from our history books. Chinese migrants faced discrimination and extraordinarily hazardous working conditions. History is incomplete if it does not recognize and celebrate the diversity in innovation, in infrastructure, and in transportation”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13):

“Today, we mark the 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad and the honoring of the contributions of Chinese railroad workers. Their work and sacrifices propelled the growth of America and forever improved the country. Chinese railroad workers and their descendants are an essential piece of the American fabric, and we should always celebrate their contributions.”

Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-06):

The story of the Transcontinental Railroad is uniquely American. It’s a story of ingenuity and it is a story of immigrants. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Chinese laborers who contributed so much to this country by completing the historic Railroad. It is important to remember these forgotten workers, who chiseled through solid granite and laid miles and miles of track at record speed. The workers who built this American dream deserve to be honored and celebrated for their contributions to our modern-day economy.

Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52):

“The 150th anniversary of the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad honors the tireless work of Chinese railroad workers, who were respected for their work ethic, but paid less than others for more arduous work. Their fight against discrimination set the stage for millions of Asian American Pacific Islanders who came to the United States after them. I will continue to work to ensure our AAPI community and every American has an opportunity to succeed.”

Congressman Harley Rouda (CA-48):

“The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad was a landmark American achievement. But in the 150 years since then, the central place of Chinese Americans in building our infrastructure has far too often been forgotten. I’m proud to represent a diverse Asian American community of Chinese Americans, Vietnamese Americans, and Korean Americans in CA-48, and this anniversary marks yet another opportunity to uplift and celebrate their essential contributions to America as we know it today.”

星期五, 5月 10, 2019

WGBH慶祝亞裔傳統月 諾曼峰田勸亞裔要上決策桌

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)”決策桌上,你得列席美國不是熔爐,是織紗。美國白宮首位亞裔閣員諾曼峰田(Norman Mineta)59日晚在WGBH的亞裔傳統月慶祝會座談中提醒亞裔,在美國社會中參與的重要性。
WGBH執行長Jon Abbott。(周菊子攝)
美國公共電視台的WGBH和世界頻道近年每逢五月份,都會放映一系列影片,並舉辦晚會,慶祝亞裔傳統月。該台執行長Jon Abbott表示,今年將在三個頻道上放映50多部展現亞裔傳統,歷史,文化的影片,其中40多部會在全美各地播映。
波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)。(周菊子攝)
59日晚的慶祝會,由WGBH亞裔顧問委員陳秀英,李超榮等人策劃,WGBH總經理程必璧(Liz Cheng)主持,邀得波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)致詞,麻州大學波士頓分校亞美研究院院長保羅渡邊(Paul Watanabe)和邦克丘(Bunker Hill)社區學院校長余慕潔(Pam Eddinger)訪談美國白宮首位亞裔閣員,曾任商部部長,交通部長的諾曼峰田(Norman Mineta) ,還請得哈佛大學法律教授伍仁英(Mark Wu)講話。
WGBH將於520日播映紀錄片,諾曼豐田和他的傳奇:一個美國故事(Norman Mineta and his Legacy: An American Story)” ,當晚的慶祝會也放映了該片片段,邀請製片人上台分享製作過程。
諾曼峰田在接受保羅渡邊,余慕潔訪談時,直言在那個會由完全不瞭解你的人來做與你有關決策的會議桌上,你必須列席(You have to be at the table where decision is to be made about you by people who don’t know anything about you)”。他坦言自己當年最大的恐懼是在自己的國家中感到自己是外國人,同時他也認為美國不應該被形容為熔爐,反而應該是織紗,因為熔爐意味著所有不同材料丟進一個大鍋混淆後,會失去各自的原味,但織紗卻在把不同材料編織成紗時,展現著各種材料原有的特色。 




(Boston Orange 編譯)法國第二大製藥公司施維雅(Servier)加碼入駐麻州,59日在波士頓市海港地帶的創新區開張美國子公司總部,將先以癌症治療、研發為重心業務,未來再擴展至其他領域。
麻州劍橋市坎德廣場(Kendall Square)早已是世界知名的生物醫藥業集中地,施維雅繼Alexion 製藥和Vertex 製藥之後,也在波士頓市設立公司總部,將讓波士頓市在支撐麻州成為全世界生醫產業重鎮上,享有與劍橋市分庭抗禮的地位。
原本是夏爾製藥腫瘤單位主管的David K. Lee博士,現在是施維雅製藥執行長。他認為劍橋-波士頓這生物醫藥圈內已有不下600家生物科技公司,其中還包括全世界10家最大製藥公司中的8家,施維雅在這兒設立公司的美國總部,再合乎邏輯不過。
波士頓海港區正越來越受生命科學公司歡迎。近年把總部遷進該區的公司就有Alexion 製藥和Vertex 製藥。通用電子(General Electric Co.)也剛在59日宣佈,達成協議,以25200萬元把該公司位於堡壘點(Fort Point)的物業賣給了Alexandria物業和全國發展公司。Alexandria的專長就是生命科學公司物業。
            施維雅也是罕見的非營利製藥公司,由基金經營,收入的四分之一重新投入做研發。施維雅製藥母公司董事長Olivier Laureau表示,由於不是上市公司,施維雅的科學家們可以看得比較遠些,不需要每天關注股價的專注於創新。(更新版)