
星期一, 5月 20, 2019

George Oi英雄廣場換新牌匾 華埠退伍軍人會六月慶70週年

波士頓華埠退伍軍人會歷任會長,周暢,司徒焯榮,李錦堂,陳志航,黃國麟,余國華,以及預定今年接任會長的陳文浩等人在George Oi英雄廣場前合影。(陳文浩提供)

                    (Boston Orange周菊子整理報導) 美國退伍軍人會波士頓華埠328分會19日和波士頓市退伍軍人服務處攜手,在波士頓警察局旗隊助陣中,隆重的重新安裝George Oi 的傳記牌匾,向二戰英雄致敬。

波士頓華埠的必珠街(Beach)和乞臣街交界處,早從1990年代末期就豎有George Oi牌匾,波士頓市退伍軍人服務處今年為市內所有英雄廣場製作附簡傳英雄牌匾,讓遊客掃描牌匾上條碼,再轉接到網站,就查看這位英雄的更詳細資料。
波士頓華埠退伍軍人會為此特地安排旗隊,邀來波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)致詞,舉行重新安裝牌匾儀式,以示敬重同胞英雄。
根據波府退伍軍人會資料,波士頓市登記有案,立有牌匾的退伍軍人英雄有1275位,其中至少兩名華裔,一為牌匾在必珠街和乞臣街的George Oi,一為牌匾在必珠街和夏利臣街(Harrison)交界處的Edward C. Wong
George Oi,美國陸軍,1924816日生,1945311日死。他是1924816日在麻州查理士城(Charlestown)出生的,後來住在華埠泰勒街(Tyler)14號。194365日時,他入伍從軍,並於當天立即開始執勤,在陸軍中擔任一等兵(private first class)1943311日時,他死在德國戰場上,父親Chin Toy,母親Chin Yee當時都在中國。
Edward C. Wong,美國海軍,1944619日辭世。他是麻州居民,在緬因州波特蘭管理家族經營的寶塔餐廳(Pagoda)。在1942916日他被徵招為美國海軍儲備軍人之前,他在普茲茅斯(Portsmouth)造船廠工作。作為一等機械師,他被派到運載飛機的美國普林斯頓號。在1944619日的菲律賓萊特灣(Leyte Gulf)戰役中,普林斯頓號遇襲,Edward Wong被衝落水中,人們推動他已死亡。

星期日, 5月 19, 2019



(Boston Orange 整理報導)紐英倫客家鄉親會518日在馬伯洛夫(Marlborough)聚豐樓(Super Buffet)舉行會員大會,五十多名會員及嘉賓歡聚一堂,無異議的一致推舉會長宋玉琴,二名副會長謝如鍵、林上田連任,為2020慶祝十週年做準備。
在報告會務時,宋玉琴特地指出,今年五月七日和熱心會員們組隊上波士頓市政府,參加波市府的亞太裔傳統月慶祝會,晤見波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh),在現場擺攤,表演客家舞,是十分難得的對外弘揚客家文化機會。

星期四, 5月 16, 2019


      離第一屆波士頓台灣影展進入倒數計時,將在五月二十六二十七號兩日於麻省理工學院MIT Building 26-100 (60 Vassar Street)盛大展開。現在起萊辛頓中文學校和中國城中華公所現場販售票卷。影展閉幕酒會也正式開始售票,現場提供精緻餐點,地點在MIT 媒體實驗室六樓知名的天際線景觀廳Silverman Room,酒會票價五十元,學生十元,可上網訂購。訂票詳情請洽6173311482
   波士頓逐漸溫暖,第一屆波士頓台灣影展以兩種視野交會的 logo,呈現「虛室生白—視域交融的對話」的主題,期待多元觀點交會帶給波士頓觀眾更豐富的台灣觀點。今年選片題材涉獵相當廣闊,都是台灣電影中的一時之選。包括五月二十六星期日第一天的《疾風魅影:黑貓中隊》、《後勁:王建民》、《紅盒子》,以及五月二十七星期一Memorial Day 第二日的《那個靜默的陽光午後》、《看不見的台灣》、和去年金馬獎最佳紀錄片《我們的青春在台灣》,讓波士頓觀眾體驗不同的台灣文化精神。
今年影展以六部紀錄片帶領觀眾走進生命關懷三階段。《疾風魅影:黑貓中隊》及《我們的青春在台灣》以〔表白青春〕為影展開幕閉幕,兩部電影都是在敘述青春,儘管處於兩個完全不同的年代,然而每個時代都有屬於自己的青春刻印,《黑貓中隊》敘述了冷戰時空軍在九死一生的秘密任務中穿梭的大陸以探取情報 ; 《我們的青春在台灣》則利用了民主後台灣的社會運動環境,透過那時候參與運動的學生視角,觀看整個大時代的變化。兩部紀錄片導演都將親臨現場和觀眾座談。
影展第一天還選入了兩個傳奇紀錄片,以〔剖白夢想〕呈現人生盛年的奮鬥和堅持,分別是《後勁:王建民》及《紅盒子》,兩個創造了台灣的傳奇故事。王建民在MLB的嶄露頭角,創下輝煌的紀錄,最後傷病及承受了台灣社會期待壓力,但卻靠著強烈的意志力,持續返回大聯盟嘗試爭取佳績 ,導演陳惟揚也將到場映後座談為觀眾說故事; 《紅盒子》更是透過一代布袋戲大師陳錫煌先生,傳承著傳統布袋戲最正宗的文化,持續向時代推移中,留下光輝的奮鬥。
 影展在第二天選擇了〔明白慈悲〕為題的生命關懷紀錄片。《那個靜默的陽光午後》透過生命延長的大體老師的視角,探討生命的意義,以及將來眾人都會面對的生離死別 ; 《看不見的台灣》則從台灣地方傳統信仰的方式,以幽默輕鬆但尊重的角度,透過能與神明使用天語溝通的翻譯人,和解了上百年前漢人與原住民之間的宿怨,製作團隊將有三人到場,和觀眾分享神奇的拍攝體驗。
影展更在第一天下午加映以短片單元,《遙遠之地》、《家鄉》和《動作》探討海外台灣移民的歸屬感。第二天下午的特別演出,則有剛剛訪問過蔡英文總統,很受台灣歡迎的站起來中文「博恩秀」,和觀眾一同笑開懷。精彩的節目,更多的內容,都在今年第一屆波士頓台灣影展,歡迎願意了解與認識台灣文化的朋友,一同來欣賞這些傑出的創作。所有電影放映皆有英文字幕,現場映後座談附有同聲傳譯。更多影展資訊請上影展臉書https://www.facebook.com/taiwanfilmfestival.boston/暨影展官網www.TAIWANFILMFESTIVAL.org (波士頓台灣影展新聞稿)


波士頓市議員Mark Ciomo(右一)祝福壽星。左起
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 欣賞載歌載舞,看旗袍秀,享用自助餐,抽獎,吃生日蛋糕,捧走鮮花。中華耆英會白禮頓樓510日在天天餐廳慶祝雙親節,向四名五月份壽星祝壽,數十人在嘉賓陪伴中歡度一下午,還送紀念品感謝義工。
左起,徐丹晨,Conor Newman,梅麗梨,Joon
             五月十日這天,在白禮頓樓主任梅麗梨安排下,包括波士頓市議員Mark Ciomo,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)的亞裔聯絡員徐丹晨,布萊頓奧斯頓區聯絡員Conor Newman,全美亞太裔耆英中心董事長Joon Bang, 中華耆英會副主任暨SCSEP主任張昆等五名嘉賓,一一致詞,問候耆英,祝賀黃少萍,高佩琴,陳其花,朱大同等四名壽星生日快樂慶生會也顯得格外隆重。











U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Countervailable Subsidization of Imports of Quartz Surface Products from China

U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Countervailable Subsidization of Imports of Quartz Surface Products from China

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the affirmative final determinations in the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of quartz surface products from China, finding that exporters from China have sold quartz surface products at less than fair value in the United States at rates that range from 265.84 to 336.69 percent. Commerce also determined that exporters from China received countervailable subsidies at rates ranging from 45.32 to 190.99 percent.
Upon publication of the final affirmative antidumping determination, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect AD cash deposits equal to the applicable final weighted-average dumping margins. Further, as a result of the affirmative final countervailing duty determination, if the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) makes an affirmative injury determination, Commerce will instruct CBP to resume collection of CVD cash deposits equal to the applicable subsidy rates.
In 2017, U.S. imports of certain quartz surface products from China were valued at an estimated $460 million.
The petitioner is Cambria Company LLC (Eden Prairie, MN).
The strict enforcement of U.S. trade law is a primary focus of the Trump Administration. Since the beginning of the current Administration, Commerce has initiated 162 new antidumping and countervailing duty investigations – this is a 224 percent increase from the comparable period in the previous administration.
Antidumping and countervailing duty laws provide American businesses and workers with an internationally accepted mechanism to seek relief from the harmful effects of the unfair pricing of imports into the United States. Commerce currently maintains 481 antidumping and countervailing duty orders which provide relief to American companies and industries impacted by unfair trade.
The ITC is currently scheduled to make its final injury determinations on or about June 24, 2019. If the ITC makes affirmative final injury determinations, Commerce will issue AD and CVD orders. If the ITC makes negative final determinations of injury, the investigations will be terminated and no orders will be issued.
Click HERE for a fact sheet on today’s decisions.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Enforcement and Compliance unit within the International Trade Administration is responsible for vigorously enforcing U.S. trade law and does so through an impartial, transparent process that abides by international law and is based on factual evidence provided on the record.
Foreign companies that price their products in the U.S. market below the cost of production or below prices in their home markets are subject to antidumping duties. Companies that receive unfair subsidies from their governments, such as grants, loans, equity infusions, tax breaks, or production inputs, are subject to countervailing duties aimed at directly countering those subsidies.

CAPAC Celebrates 25 Years of Leadership

CAPAC Celebrates 25 Years of Leadership

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC). The bi-cameral Caucus was established on May 14, 1994 by Secretary Norman Y. Mineta to ensure that federal legislation and policies reflect the needs of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. The 116th Congress includes a record 20 Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Members of Congress and 73 CAPAC Members total. CAPAC Members released the following statements to celebrate this historic milestone:

CAPAC Leadership

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“Since its establishment, CAPAC has worked to ensure that the concerns of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community are heard in the halls of Congress. Over the past 25 years, we have grown not only in terms of our membership, but also in our power to make a difference for millions of Americans. I am proud to say that we now have a record 20 AAPI Members of Congress and 73 members of CAPAC – our highest numbers in history. With this strong coalition, CAPAC has successfully worked to pass legislation to apologize for discriminatory policies like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, award AAPI World War II veterans with the Congressional Gold Medal, and remove derogatory terms targeting AAPIs from federal law. We have also promoted immigration policies that keep families together and fought for greater data disaggregation and language access for our diverse communities.

“I am honored to serve as the Chair of an organization with members so committed to their work on behalf of the AAPI community. This includes former CAPAC Chairs Norman Mineta, Patsy Mink, Robert Underwood, and Mike Honda, who were trailblazers for our community and used their power to create a better and more inclusive America than the one they grew up in. As we celebrate our 25thanniversary, I know we will continue to perpetuate their legacy and promote the well-being of the AAPI community for decades to come.”   

Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY-06), CAPAC First Vice Chair:

Congratulations to the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus on this milestone anniversary. Since its inception in 1994, CAPAC has worked tirelessly to bring attention to critical issues impacting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders throughout the United States. It has grown from just a few Members of Congress to more than 70 Congressmembers, and has benefited from the steady stewardship of former Reps. Norman Mineta, Patsy Mink, Robert Underwood, David Wu, and Mike Honda. Our current chair, Congresswoman Judy Chu, has done an outstanding job of leading our caucus and I thank her for all she does to ensure that the AAPI community has a seat at the table. As we reflect on the last 25 years and take stock of our many accomplishments, we must also look toward the future. We must continue our fight to ensure that the voices of AAPIs are heard, and that our caucus continues to grow, and advances the interests and needs of the AAPI community. I am proud to be a member of CAPAC and honored to serve as First Vice Chair and Appropriations Taskforce Chair. I look forward to our caucus continuing to improve the lives of AAPIs for many more years to come, and I’m thrilled to join my colleagues in celebrating the quarter-century of service CAPAC has provided to the AAPI community. Happy 25th anniversary to CAPAC!”

Congressman Mark Takano (CA-41), CAPAC Second Vice Chair:

“As Second Vice-Chair of CAPAC this Congress, I join my colleagues in commemorating the 25th anniversary of CAPAC’s founding. More AAPI Members are serving in Congress than ever before and we should all be proud of the great strides we have made to increase AAPI representation in government. Since 1994, CAPAC has been a staunch advocate for our communities and has ensured that AAPIs have a seat at the table. I commend CAPAC on its successes and look forward to all that we will achieve as we continue making our voices heard, lifting up the stories of the AAPI community, and fighting to address the needs of our communities.”

Congressman Ted Lieu (CA-33), CAPAC Whip:

“As CAPAC celebrates its 25th anniversary, we proudly look back on all the ways our community has grown over these years. Asian American and Pacific Islanders are now the fastest growing racial group in the United States, and our contributions to the social and economic fabric of our country make the United States a stronger nation. While our community has made incredible strides, there is still more that can be done to correct bigotry and injustice that persist in the United States. I have been honored to help lead the movement to empower and advocate for the AAPI community while serving as CAPAC Whip and Chair of the Veterans and Armed Services Task Force. Whether it’s encouraging diverse voices in media, standing up against racial profiling, challenging the Census citizenship question, or advocating for other important issues, CAPAC has been a champion for a better tomorrow. I look forward to continuing to work with this caucus to ensure a just future for all.”

Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03), CAPAC Freshman Representative:

“CAPAC doesn’t just represent 25 years of historic and visionary leadership by members of the AAPI community in Congress, it represents the hopes and ambitions for that community to grow and continue to make an impact in the future. I’m proud to be a member of this organization and look forward to another 25 successful years.”

House Leadership

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-12):

“For 25 extraordinary years, the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus has stood as a pillar of progress for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and all Americans. CAPAC’s courageous leadership has changed the face of Congress and the future of our nation, inspiring the next generation of AAPI leaders in education, politics and our communities. We are particularly blessed by the record number of CAPAC Members in the 116th Congress, whose vision, values and voices are essential to Democrats’ work to build a brighter future for all Americans.”

Congresswoman Katherine Clark (MA-05), Vice Chairwoman of the House Democratic Caucus:

Congratulations to the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus on their 25th anniversary! CAPAC has worked tirelessly to advance the legislative priorities and elevate the issues of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community on Capitol Hill. Their decades of service has helped to promote the success of all Americans and I am honored to be a part of their effort to uplift diverse voices in Congress. I look forward to many more years of advocacy, celebration, and success!”

CAPAC Senators

Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL):

“For 25 years, CAPAC has lifted up the voices of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and educated Members of Congress about our community’s history, accomplishments and needs,” Duckworth said. “We must honor how far we’ve come and recognize the work still left do be done to ensure that every Asian American—and every other person, regardless of race—can achieve the American Dream.”

Senator Kamala Harris (CA):

“I am proud to join my colleagues in commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. Since its founding 25 years ago, CAPAC has worked to ensure that the voices of AAPI communities across the nation are heard in Congress. From pushing for immigration reform, to advocating for access to affordable health care, to creating an economy that works for all Americans, CAPAC has long been at the forefront on key issues that are important to Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. I commend Rep. Chu and CAPAC’s officers past and present for their leadership and I look forward to our continued work for years to come.”

CAPAC Executive Board Members

Congressman Ed Case (HI-01):

“Aloha! I am honored to extend my heartiest congratulations to our Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus on its Silver Anniversary. It is especially appropriate that we are doing so in this month in which we are commemorating other historic milestones for our Asian Pacific American communities. The arrival of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States and the remarkable efforts of Chinese who helped build our country’s first Transcontinental Railroad are only two instances in the rich tapestry of this ‘ohana (family). Over the centuries, Asian and Pacific Islanders have joined other immigrants as sources of strength and inspiration for America. As President Obama’s White House Task Force on New Americans stated: ‘by extending a welcoming hand, the United States has continually tapped new sources of economic and cultural vitality.’ Nowhere is this truer than in the communities served by CAPAC. I am indeed honored to serve on CAPAC’s Executive Board and join all in thanking all for your contributions to CAPAC over the last quarter century and extending best wishes for an even better next one.”

Congressman TJ Cox (CA-21):
As an Asian American, I’m proud to join the AAPI community in CA-21 as we continue to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Today in particular, I’m ecstatic to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, also known as CAPAC. Founded in 1994, CAPAC has been imperative to delivering results for our AAPI communities, and the close to 33,297 Asian American and Pacific Islanders in my Congressional District. Thanks to CAPAC, Asian American and Pacific Islander Members of Congress are not only educated on the history and contributions of the AAPI community, but we’ve also been provided with a cultural space to work together on passing legislation that benefits the AAPI community. Join me today in celebrating CAPAC’s 25 years of dedication to promoting the well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.”
Congressman Ro Khanna (CA-17):

“For 25 years, CAPAC has been the voice for Members of Asian and Pacific Islander descent in Congress. CAPAC provides the support to expand equality, tolerance and prosperity for the AAPI community. I am proud of all we have accomplished thus far.”

CAPAC Associate Members

Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01):

“For more than two hundred years, Asian Americans have contributed to our communities and lent their leadership to our shared enterprise: to build a free, just, and prosperous country. CAPAC has worked hard to make sure that these communities have a voice in Congress. It’s an honor to serve with a record number of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) colleagues and to represent the AAPI communities of Northwest Oregon in Congress.”

Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52):

“For 25 years, CAPAC and its members have advocated for AAPI communities across America, so they have a seat at the table and input in federal policy. I am proud to represent San Diego’s vibrant Asian American and Pacific Islander community as a member of this caucus, where we can advocate for priorities most important to them. I look forward to continued our continued advocacy and work toward a more inclusive country and brighter future for our AAPI communities.”

Congressman Harley Rouda (CA-48):

“For 25 years, the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus has been a strong voice for the needs of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. As the proud representative of a diverse community including Vietnamese Americans, Korean Americans, and Chinese Americans, I was proud to join CAPAC when I came to Congress so I can advocate for issues that matter most to the AAPI community each day. I thank CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu for her leadership, and I congratulate the members and staff whose efforts over 25 years have led to the caucus’ remarkable success.”

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-48):

“I'm so pleased to congratulate CAPAC on its 25 years of advocacy for our AAPI community. As our House majority works to build an America that leaves no one behind, all of us in CAPAC are fighting to ensure that every AAPI individual has a fair chance to pursue the American Dream, and enjoy the same rights and dignity as any other American.  It's a privilege to serve as an associate CAPAC member, and to work with my CAPAC colleagues to secure a brighter future for AAPI families in my 40th District of California and nationwide.”

Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09):

“I am proud to be a member of Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) as it celebrates its 25th Anniversary. The work that CAPAC does to promote the well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community is incredibly important.The AAPI community contributes so much to the rich tapestry of Washington’s 9th district and our entire country.”

Congressman Juan Vargas (CA-51):

“As we move forward with Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, we also celebrate the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus’s (CAPAC) 25th anniversary! On May 16, we recognize the formation of this caucus which is dedicated to promoting the well-being and protecting the civil rights of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. As a member of CAPAC, I am proud to represent the vibrant AAPI community in California’s 51st district. Our diversity is our strength. CAPAC will continue to champion issues facing Asian Americans. I am honored to join my congressional colleagues in commemorating the history, culture, and contributions of our AAPI community.”


B.A.A. Announces 2020 Boston Marathon Registration Dates

Registration Opens Monday, September 9 at 10:00 a.m. ET

BOSTON - Registration for the 2020 Boston Marathon will open on Monday, September 9, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. ET. The Boston Athletic Association will use the same process to register qualified open runners as it has used in recent years, allowing the fastest qualifiers in their gender and age group to register first. Qualifiers for the 2020 Boston Marathon will meet challenging standards that are 5 minutes faster, per gender and age group, than the qualifying standards from 2013 through 2019.

The 124th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 20, 2020, Patriots’ Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For the 35thconsecutive year, John Hancock will sponsor the Boston Marathon. Registration for the 2020 Boston Marathon will be held entirely online atwww.baa.org. The qualification window for the 2020 Boston Marathon began on Saturday, September 15, 2018.

“Achieving a Boston Marathon qualifying time and earning a spot on the starting line in Hopkinton is something athletes from across the world strive for each year,” said Tom Grilk, B.A.A. Chief Executive Officer. “The determination displayed by Boston Marathon participants is unrivaled, which helps distinguish the Boston Marathon as the world’s most meaningful road race. We are grateful to the running community for their unwavering support and commitment to the Boston Marathon.”

Achieving one’s qualifying standard does not guarantee acceptance into the Boston Marathon due to field size limitations. Those who are fastest among the pool of applicants in their age and gender group will be accepted.

Working in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the eight cities and towns along the Boston Marathon route, the B.A.A. will set and announce the field size for the 2020 Boston Marathon this summer. In recent years, the Boston Marathon has had field sizes of 30,000 official entrants.


Registration will occur on a “rolling admission” schedule, beginning with the fastest qualifiers.

  • On Monday, September 9 at 10:00 a.m. ET, eligible runners who have met the qualifying standard for their age and gender by 20 minutes or more may register.
  • On Wednesday, September 11 at 10:00 a.m. ET, registration will open for those who have met their qualifying standard by 10 minutes or more.
  • On Friday, September 13 at 10:00 a.m. ET, registration will open for those who have met their qualifying standard by five minutes or more.
  • Registration will close for week one on Saturday, September 14 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

If space remains after the first week of registration (September 9-14):

  • Registration will re-open for all qualifiers from Monday, September 16 at 10:00 a.m. ET through Wednesday, September 18 at 5:00 p.m. ET.
  • As during the first week of registration, the fastest qualifiers by gender and age group will be granted entry as space allows.

If space remains after the first two weeks of registration:

  • On Monday, September 23 at 10:00 a.m. ET, registration will re-open to anyone who meets the qualifying standards.
  • Registration will remain open for valid qualifiers on a first-come, first-served basis until the maximum field size is reached, or until Sunday, October 27 at 5:00 p.m. ET (whichever comes first).

(Effective Saturday, September 15, 2018)

All standards below are based on official submitted net time.

Age Group
3hrs 00min 00sec
3hrs 30min 00sec
3hrs 05min 00sec
3hrs 35min 00sec
3hrs 10min 00sec
3hrs 40min 00sec
3hrs 20min 00sec
3hrs 50min 00sec
3hrs 25min 00sec
3hrs 55min 00sec
3hrs 35min 00sec
4hrs 05min 00sec
3hrs 50min 00sec
4hrs 20min 00sec
4hrs 05min 00sec
4hrs 35min 00sec
4hrs 20min 00sec
4hrs 50min 00sec
4hrs 35min 00sec
5hrs 05min 00sec
80 and over
4hrs 50min 00sec
5hrs 20min 00sec


Registration for Para Athletic Divisions and Adaptive Programs of the 2020 Boston Marathon will open on Monday, September 9 at 10:00 a.m. ET and will follow the same registration timeline detailed above.

The Para Athletic Divisions include a competitive wheelchair division for athletes who use racing wheelchairs in track and road racing events and hold a national or World Para Athletics classification. Para Athletics Divisions also include competitive opportunities for ambulatory classified Para athletes with vision impairments and athletes who run with prostheses or have an upper limb impairment.

(Effective Saturday, September 15, 2018)

All standards below are based on official submitted net time. For wheelchair athletes:

T53 / T54 / T34
18 - 39
2hrs 00min 00sec
2hrs 25min 00sec
40 - 49
2hrs 15min 00sec
2hrs 40min 00sec
50 and over
2hrs 30min 00sec
2hrs 55min 00sec

T51 / T52 / T33
18- 39
2hrs 45min 00sec
3hrs 10min 00sec
40 - 49
3hrs 00min 00sec
3hrs 25min 00sec
50 and over
3hrs 15min 00sec
3hrs 40min 00sec

For athletes with vision impairment seeking entry into the Para Athletics Division:

18 - 39
3hrs 40min 00sec
4hrs 10min 00sec
40 - 49
3hrs 55min 00sec
4hrs 25min 00sec
50 and over
4hrs 15min 00sec
4hrs 45min 00sec

T11 / T12
18- 39
3hrs 50min 00sec
4hrs 20min 00sec
40 - 49
4hrs 05min 00sec
4hrs 35min 00sec
50 and over
4hrs 25min 00sec
4hrs 55min 00sec

For athletes with upper or lower limb impairments seeking entry into the Para Athletics Division:

Qualifying Standard (Both Men and Women, Age 18 and over)
T61 – T64
5hrs 40min 00sec
T45 / T46
4hrs 55min 00sec

Visit Para Athletics Divisions and Adaptive Programs of the 2020 Boston Marathon for all of the Para Athletics Divisions and Adaptive Programs qualifying times and entry procedures.


  • Though the B.A.A. will notify registrants upon the completion of their registration form, athletes are not officially entered into the race until their qualifying time is verified. The amount of time it takes for qualifying times to be verified varies for each individual athlete and may take up to several days (depending on the qualifying event).
  • The qualification window for the 2020 Boston Marathon will remain open until the conclusion of registration for the 2020 Boston Marathon.
  • The qualification window for the 125th Boston Marathon on April 19, 2021 will be announced following registration for the 2020 Boston Marathon.
  • Registration dates and qualifying standards for the 2021 Boston Marathon have not yet been announced.