
星期日, 3月 03, 2019

紐英崙昭倫公所慶新春 謝開明圖片專輯










Governor Baker Announces 11:00 AM Delayed Start Time for Non-Emergency Executive Branch State Employees on Monday, March 4th

Governor Baker Announces 11:00 AM Delayed Start Time for Non-Emergency Executive Branch State Employees on Monday, March 4th

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker is announcing an 11:00 AM delayed start time for Monday, March 4th for all non-emergency state executive branch employees due to the winter weather starting tonight and continuing into early Monday morning. The delayed start will allow crews time to safely clear snow and public walkways to ensure residents can quickly return to their daily routines. The Baker-Polito Administration is in close contact with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, National Weather Service, MassDOT and State Police to monitor the forecast. The administration urges everyone to plan ahead, drive cautiously, use public transportation when possible and check MBTA.com/winter for updates.

State Offices: State offices will open at an 11:00 AM delayed start time on Monday, March 4, 2019.

Highway Travel: Travel will be significantly impacted overnight due to heavy snow conditions overnight. Motorists should exercise extreme caution, “don’t crowd the plow”, and stay behind snow removal equipment on the roadways. Motorists are encouraged to avoid driving during periods of heavy snowfall.

MBTA: The MBTA and Commuter Rail will run a weekday train schedule, buses and ferry service remain on a normal schedule. Depending on the storm’s intensity, buses may also operate on snow routes. Commuters are encouraged to be patient, allow time for travel and plan ahead by checking MBTA.com/winter or @MBTA on Twitter for real-time updates.

Public Safety: Please clear home and auto exhaust vents to prevent carbon monoxide exposure and avoid downed utility wires. Also, please assist in keeping sidewalks, fire hydrants and storm drains in your neighborhood clear.


Urges residents to take caution, abide by snow regulations
BOSTON - Sunday, March 3, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced preparations ahead of this evening's snowstorm, which is expected to bring between six to 10 inches of heavy, wet snow to Boston beginning at 8:00 p.m. tonight. The storm will begin tonight through the morning, with the heaviest snow falling between 1:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. Monday commutes are likely to be impacted. The City is encouraging all commuters to utilize extreme caution when traveling tomorrow morning, and asks that businesses prioritize worker safety when considering attendance policy.

Due to the travel conditions, Boston Public Schools is cancelling school on Monday, March 4, as well as all afterschool activities. BPS is notifying families of the decision to cancel school via automated phone call and other communications, including on  bostonpublicschools.org.

Boston City Hall and all City departments and agencies, including the Boston Public Library and  Boston Centers for Youth & Families Centers (BCYF) will open during normal business hours. Please check their schedules here.

In preparation of the winter weather, Boston Public Works will have 70 pieces of equipment pre-treating Boston roadways with salt. At the height of the storm, PWD will have 620 pieces of equipment working citywide. The Public Works Department currently has 26, 000 tons of salt on hand.
When shoveling snow, residents are reminded not to throw snow onto the street, and to shovel out catch basins and fire hydrants. There is no parking ban or snow emergency in effect.

"We are encouraging residents to use caution when traveling, assist older neighbors and those who are disabled, and keep up with the shoveling of their property throughout the storm," said Mayor Walsh. "The City of Boston and our Public Works are prepared for all storms that come Boston's way, and we ask that residents and businesses do their part, including shoveling their sidewalks and walkways, to ensure safety for all. Please remember to abide by the snow rules, stay off the roads and be safe."

Residents are encouraged to sign up for emergency notifications through AlertBoston and utilize Boston's 311 call center for non-emergency related issues. To find out more information about resources and services available to residents, please visit boston.gov/snow

Rules on Clearing Snow
  • Property owners must clear snow, sleet and ice from sidewalks and curb ramps abutting the property within three hours after the snowfall ends or three hours after sunrise if it snows overnight. Failure to comply will result in a fine issued by Boston Public Works Code Enforcement.
  • Removal of snow, ice from a private property to the street or sidewalk is prohibited and will result in a fine issued by Boston Public Works Code Enforcement.
  • Do not throw snow onto the street.
  • Please look here for information about fines associated with improper removal of snow.
  • As a reminder, no cars are allowed to park in Boston Public Schools parking lots during a snowstorm.

Safety Tips
  • Shoveling snow requires significant exertion; please be cautious and pay attention to any health symptoms. Stop if you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheaded, nauseous/vomiting. Call 911 if those symptoms do not resolve quickly when you stop exertion.
  • Snow piles can make navigating intersections dangerous for walkers and drivers. Please take extra care when turning corners with snow piles that might limit visibility.
  • Pedestrians should use caution as visibility will be diminished due to blowing and drifting of the snow caused by high winds.
  • Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a concern during winter weather, especially with the use of generators. Residents should be sure to use their home heating systems wisely and safety, and have a working carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home. Call 911 immediately if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Sitting in a car while idling can be deadly if the tailpipe is blocked. Do not let children sit in an idling car while shoveling. Clear any household exhaust pipes of snow. For example, gas exhaust from heating system or dryer.
  • Remember to keep catch basins and fire hydrants clear.
  • Please check on neighbors, especially the elderly and disabled.
  • Have a contractor check the roof to see if snow needs to be removed. If roof snow can be removed from the ground with the use of a snow-rake, do so with caution. Avoid working from ladders and be mindful of slippery surfaces.

Public Libraries & Community Centers
Boston Public Libraries and Boston Centers for Youth & Families' community centers will be open normal business hours. Please check their schedules here.

Helping the Homeless
  • If you see homeless individuals out in the cold who appear immobile, disoriented or underdressed for the cold, please call 911. Please ask them if they need assistance.
  • The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) operates two emergency shelters at 112 Southampton St. and 794 Massachusetts Ave. open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • BPHC is working closely with a network of shelter providers to ensure there is adequate shelter, food, and a warm respite from the cold.
  • Street outreach teams providing recovery services, including the Engagement Center behind 112 Southampton St., remain operating as normal during winter weather.

Residents are encouraged to sign-up for AlertBoston to receive emergency alerts and to call 311, download the BOS:311 app, or tweet at @BOS311 with questions or concerns. Follow @CityofBoston and visit boston.gov/snow for the latest updates.


(Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導)麻省理工學院(MIT)史隆管理學院學生舉辦的亞洲商務會議,今年(2019)影響亞洲(Impact Asia)”為主題,請來23名講者分享5個領域的經驗,圈點亞洲開始引領科技創新,型塑世界,中國市場仍備受矚目,東南亞更吸引人的新現象。
三名主講人分別為目前只以東南亞為市場對象的Grab運輸公司的技術長Mark Porter,亞洲航空(AirAsia)執行長Tony Fernandes摘金奇緣(Crazy Rich Asia)"電影演員陸詠怡(Victoria Loke)
Grab.com技術長Mark Porter是大會主講人之一。(周菊子攝)
Mark Porter帶領東南亞向前為題,闡述Grab是由兩名哈佛大學學生,Hooi Ling TanAnthony Tan為安撫父母擔心子女出行安全所創辦,總部設在新加坡,已發展成為以科技幫助人生活得更好的企業,既能因應各國不同地域的在地文化,又懂得照顧當地人需要,如今已是東南亞最大的消費者平台,去年還買下Kudo這提供合作平台的公司。
Grab.com技術長Mark Porter分享該公司的成長過程與
Grab目前在8個國家的336個城市提供服務,有13800萬次的行動軟體下載,創造了900萬名微商(micro entrepreneur)。該公司現有7個研發中心,1900名工程師及數據科學家,2019年還將在年底前新聘1000名員工。
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他也從自己曾為蓋茲基金會做促使老師確認學生的學習改善,而不是一味強調分數的實驗項目,加入亞馬遜的過往經歷講起,直指做事業要有熱情,他從亞馬遜(Amazon)跳槽到Grab,關鍵點之一是Grab想改善東南亞普羅民眾經濟與生活的社會使命,和他的一向關注公益事業,方向不謀而合。他們現正致力打造一個把使用者連結起來的生態系統,業務範圍已從最初的交通,飲食外賣,包裹,雜貨遞送,擴展到提供行動支付,貸款等金融服務。米翰表示,Grab的目標是要為東南亞各國推出服務平台,並成為東南亞的日用軟體(everyday app)
Tony Fernandes則是在富比士雜誌馬來西亞財富排行榜上,排名第30的富人,資產總額達74500萬元。他曾經是華納音樂在馬來西亞的高層主管,但在時代華納和美國上線合併後,就自行創業,最後發展成馬來西亞最成功的平價航空公司,期間兼及Caterham F1 一級方程式賽車,足球隊,一度曾被推舉做馬來西亞足球協會董事長,2018年被馬來西亞青年及體育部指派為馬來西體育公司負責人。他以自己的過往經歷為例,鼓勵青年學子兵來將擋,水來土淹,不要怕遭遇挑戰。
五場專題討論中,首先登場的醫療健保,由Q-State生物科學公司企業長Jonathan Fleming主持,與談者包括康橋資本的何穎(Ian Woo),百濟神州財務長梁恒,禮來亞洲基金合夥人張志民,SCG生活方案事業部負責人Wachirachai Koonamwattana
金融與投資部分由MIT資深金融講師Gita Rao主持,與談者包括清園創投執行合夥人Eric RosenblumGGV資本執行合夥人童世豪,500創投主要合夥人Vishal HarnalFusion基金創辦人張
人工智慧及數位轉型部分,由MIT科技評論資深編輯Will Knight主持,與談者包括台灣立法委員許毓仁,微軟雲計算與人工智慧事業部全球高級副總裁郭昱廷,雅虎日本策略長Kazuto Ataka。原定出席的美國Megvii研發執行主任Jue Wang當天未克出席。
新興科技部分,主持人為Joel Backaler,與談人為SparkLabs共同創辦人邱彥錡,Hype共同創辦人暨營運長郝曉偉,Ring的亞洲營運經理林健哲,以錄影發言的虎牙職播執行長董榮杰。

以消費者為對象的新零售部分,主持人是ISM聯繫技術長Sanjay Manandhar,與談人包括ASICS執行長Dan Smith,沃爾瑪媒體事業群資深市場主任張旭,Duckerfrontier全球市場行銷策略者Joel Backaler Xbox的亞洲部主管Jeremy Hinton

Grab被Fast Company選為成長最快的50家公司第2名。


C-Bridge Managing Director 何穎。(周菊子攝)
SCG's Head of Living Solution Business, Wachirachai Koonamwattana。
Q-State BioScience董事Jonathan J. Fleming。(周菊子攝)

Fusion Fund執行合夥人張璐。(周菊子攝)
紀源資本執行合夥人童士豪(左)和500初創主要合夥人Vishal Harnal (右)。

Grab.com技術長Mark Porter身邊一直圍著提問的人。(周菊子攝)


虎牙直播市場長Vera Wei。(周菊子攝)
Spark Labs共同創辦人秋彥錡。(周菊子攝)
Ring 亞洲部Managing Director林健哲。(周菊子攝)
馬來西亞平價航空公司Air Asia創辦人Tony Fernandes 。

Walmart 媒體集團市場行銷資深主任張旭。(周菊子攝)



波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)頒發表揚狀給昭倫

星期六, 3月 02, 2019


(Boston Orange )北美最大的海產展(Seafood Export North America)即將於三月十七日至十九日在波士頓舉行,台灣區冷凍水產工業同業公會(TFSIA)將再度率團參加,預計有20家廠商,規模比去年更大。







