
星期五, 9月 01, 2017

新學期開始了 波市公校總監張欽棠強調新鮮食物很重要

Boston Public Schools Superintendent Chang Highlights Fresh Food Partnership in Back-To-School Briefing
Revolution Foods Emphasizes All-Natural Ingredients
BOSTON — Friday, September 1, 2017 — Boston Public Schools (BPS) Superintendent Tommy Chang today showcased a new food and nutrition partnership that emphasizes all-natural ingredients in student meals during a briefing with reporters at the Michael J. Perkins Elementary School to kick-off the 2017-18 school year.

Revolution Foods will provide prepared meals to the 85 district schools without in-service kitchens when classes begins next week. The company will help BPS launch a “Breakfast In The Classroom” initiative this year to increase the number of schools that serve breakfast to students in their classrooms after the morning bell, which studies have shown lead to better academic outcomes for students by eliminating barriers to being well fed. Seventy-three percent of BPS students are considered economically disadvantaged.

“In the Boston Public Schools, our goal is to close opportunity and achievement gaps. We know that for some students, the breakfast and lunch they receive at school may be their most nutritious meals of the day,” said Superintendent Chang. “Revolution Foods is a close partner in our efforts as we ensure students are fed with healthy and appetizing food to fuel their learning throughout the day.”

Revolution Foods, started in 2006 by two moms on a mission to cut down on artificial ingredients in children’s meals, has a track record of providing fresh, locally- and regionally-sourced food while working with school communities to tailor meals toward students’ individual and cultural needs. This new partnership will essentially eliminate Boston’s reliance on frozen food for school meals, with frozen items only being used in cases of emergency.

Revolution Foods Vice President of Operations Neil Neufeld joined Dr. Chang and BPS Food and Nutrition Services Executive Director Laura Benavidez in providing an overview of the district’s enhanced efforts around fresh and delicious food. With nearly 57,000 students in Boston Public Schools, the district serves a daily average of 64,000 meals — 25,000 prepared meals at schools without full-service kitchens, and 32,000 meals prepared on-site.

Also during the media briefing, Dr. Chang announced that Boston Public Schools is launching an “adopt-a-school” effort with the Houston Independent School District to help students impacted by the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey. Since yesterday, BPS school leaders have begun volunteering their schools to help other individual schools in Houston with both supplies and social-emotional support.

Chang also shared recent initiatives to close opportunity and achievement gaps for the 2017-18 school year, which begins on Thursday, September 7 for grades 1-12, and Monday, September 11, for pre-K and kindergarten.

He said this summer’s learning programs reached record-high attendance levels. Average daily attendance rates for the “5th Quarter” blended academic-enrichment programs saw an 85% average daily attendance rate, and the high school programs had a 93% average daily attendance rate. A recent study by RAND showed that students with an average daily attendance rate of 80% or higher perform better academically during the traditional school year.

Chang shared that BPS is continuing its commitment to the Excellence for Allprogram that promotes rigorous and enriching academic experiences for students, expanding the program to both fourth and fifth grade in the 13 schools piloting the initiative, thanks to a $715,000 allocation in the fiscal 2018 budget. He also announced that BPS is excited to lengthen the school day in an additional 38 schools, adding 120 more hours of learning time — the equivalent of 20 school days — to the year.

“We hope all of our students are excited as we welcome them back to school next week,” Superintendent Chang said. “Whether our students are new or returning to BPS, all of them should know they will be embraced by safe, welcoming and sustaining learning environments. Our teachers care deeply about ensuring that every student can flourish and has the skills to succeed in college, career, and in life.”

On the first day of school on Thursday, September 7, Superintendent Chang will tour the schools listed below. All locations are open to the media. (Please note times are subject to change.)

Thursday, September 7:

7:00 AM (With Mayor Walsh, Revolution Foods CEO Kristin Groos Richmond, and Principal Walter Henderson)
Mattapan Early Elementary School
100 Hebron Street, Mattapan

8:15 AM (With Mayor Walsh and Principal Sean Guthrie)
Young Achievers K-8 School
20 Outlook Road, Mattapan

10:00 AM (With Principal Renee McCall)
Excel High School
95 G Street, South Boston

11:45 AM (With BTU President Jessica Tang and Principal Jamel Adkins-Sharif)
Blackstone School
380 Shawmut Avenue, South End

1:00 PM (With Principal Lauretta Lewis-Medley)
Mason School
150 Norfolk Avenue, Roxbury

EMC 同意付款10萬 培訓員工避免性別歧視


Settlement with Dell EMC Follows Allegations of Hostile Work Environment and Retaliation

BOSTON – As a result of a settlement with Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, EMC Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dell Technologies (collectively, Dell EMC), will pay $110,000 and update its policies and training programs after claims of sex and gender identity-based discrimination against a former employee.

“Transgender people continue to face significant and unique barriers in finding and maintaining employment,” said AG Healey. “This case is a reminder that all employers, even those who are leaders in matters of diversity and inclusion, must be proactive about identifying and eliminating discrimination. We appreciate Dell EMC’s efforts to successfully resolve this issue.”

The settlement agreement provides for payments of $60,000 to the former employee and $25,000 each to two non-profit organizations: TransCanWork, to be used for the organization’s work to promote the employment of transgender people in Massachusetts; and Girls, Inc., to support its Worcester Eureka! program’s work to promote participation of girls in STEM-related activities.

The AG’s settlement resolves claims that a former employee, a transgender woman, was subjected to a hostile work environment based on both her sex and gender identity, denied job opportunities, and was then retaliated against for complaining of discrimination. Pursuant to the settlement, Dell EMC will submit all of its anti-discrimination, diversity and inclusion, and gender identity-related policies to the AG’s Civil Rights Division for review. In addition, all of the company’s employees in Massachusetts will receive comprehensive anti-discrimination training. 

Dell EMC cooperated fully with the AG’s investigation. Both EMC and Dell Technologies have affirmed their continuing commitment to ensuring workplaces that are welcoming, inclusive, and free from discrimination—both in Massachusetts and nationally. In recent years, Dell Technologies has received a 100 percent score on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index and has been listed as one of the top companies for LGBT employees by Diversity Inc.  

“Transgender people are coming in from the social margins and increasingly coming out of the shadows at work. Employment provides solutions for housing, health issues, pride, acceptance, a sense of community and an overall better quality of life,” said Jeanie You, Vice President of Marketing and Communications at TransCanWork. “This case is particularly important as statistics show an ever increasing number of youth—the incoming workforce—identifying as transgender, non-conforming, or non-binary.”
“We are grateful for the support toward our EUREKA! program, a five year, leadership and STEM intensive program for 8th-12th grade girls in the Worcester area,” said Victoria Waterman, CEO of Girls Inc. of Worcester. “EUREKA! encourages and teaches adolescent girls through a combination of engaging STEM activities; personal, career, and leadership development; and physical activity.”  
The Massachusetts Anti-Discrimination Law, M.G.L. c. 151B, prohibits harassment, retaliation, and other forms of discrimination in the workplace based on race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, or ancestry.

The Civil Rights Division encourages individuals to report instances of discrimination like the ones at issue in this case by calling (617) 963-2917 or filing a Civil Rights E-Complaint.

This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Sara Colb of AG Healey’s Civil Rights Division, with assistance from Investigator Shannon Roark.


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星期四, 8月 31, 2017


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Asian American and Pacific Islander community leaders held a press conference outside of the White House to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that President Trump has threatened to eliminate. Since its creation in 2012, the DACA program has granted nearly 800,000 young people with the ability to pursue jobs and achieve higher education without fear of deportation. As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), Rep. Chu released the following statement to support DACA:
“As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I want to thank the coalition of DREAMers, faith leaders, and community leaders who have been standing outside of the White House – day and night, night and day – to defend DACA. I am here to support you and to join you in telling President Trump that our DREAMers are here to stay!
“Over the past five years, the DACA program has enabled nearly 800,000 young people who were brought to the United States as children to come out of the shadows. This includes many Asians and Pacific Islanders who have been able to go to school, attain work permits, and pursue their dreams. All of our DACA recipients have passed rigorous background checks to participate in the program. And they are American in every sense of the word except on paper.
“Unfortunately, President Trump has threatened to end the DACA program as we know it. But we will fight back. I want our DREAMers to know that there are members of Congress who support you and who will continue to fight to protect DACA and to fix our broken immigration system.
“We will not allow our immigrant communities to be trampled upon. I want our DACA recipients and our TPS recipients to know that we support you. Together, we will fight to protect our immigrant communities and ensure that America continues to remain the land of opportunity for all!”


To quote the muse, Katy Perry"Boom. Boom. Booooom!... Even Brighter Than the Moon. Moon Mooooon!!" 

If you're anywhere near Boston Harbor at 8:15pm tonight, please look at the Boston Harbor skyline... Tune into Magic 106.7FM (... where I'll be SHOCKED if they don't play Katy Perry's anthem to "decorative explosives"!)... And enjoy a wonderful conclusion to summer, thanks to the amazing folks at "Boston Harbor Now". 

Tonight... Boston Harbor Now presents its Fifth Annual "Illuminate The Harbor Fireworks Celebration".

I'm excited to have, once again, had the opportunity to work with Boston Harbor Now to play a small roll in putting this together... And we should all be extremely grateful to them for providing this fantastic show to our communities, for a fifth consecutive year.

Please visit Boston Harbor Now's website for more information on the many, many programs they provide for all our communities: http://www.boston harbornow.org/

Here are the details for tonight's show ~

Boston Harbor Now in partnership with the Office of Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the City of Boston is proud to announce the return of our "Illuminate the Harbor" Labor Day Weekend fireworks over Boston Harbor for the 5th year in a row.
– What is ‘Illuminate’: Boston Harbor Now’s 5th Annual Illuminate the Harbor Fireworks Celebration from two barges in Boston Harbor located between the Seaport and North End!
– When are the fireworks: 8:15 PM on Thursday, August 31, 2017.
– Where to Watch: Suggested public viewing locations along the Boston HarborWalk include
  • Christopher Columbus Park, North End
  • Piers Park, East Boston
  • Fan Pier, Seaport District
– Where to Listen: The Soundtrack of the Fireworks will be broadcasted LIVE on MAGIC 106.7the evening of the show beginning at 8:15. Be sure to tune in for the full effect
- For additional information on Illuminate the Harbor, please visit: http://www.bostonharbor now.org/fireworks/


Applications open on September 1, and will be accepted through October 16
BOSTON - Thursday, August 31, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that beginning September 1, the Boston Cultural Council (BCC) will accept applications for the 2018 organizational grant funding cycle. More than $400,000 in funding will be awarded to organizations and projects in Boston that enhance the quality of life, the economy, and the design of the City of Boston and that address the goals of the Boston Creates Cultural Plan.

"Boston Cultural Council organizational grants help smaller arts organizations continue the great work they are doing - or larger organizations bring programs to the city," said Mayor Walsh. "These grants support a wide variety of artistic projects and activities in Boston, including exhibits, festivals, short-term artist residencies or performances in schools, workshops, and lectures. The grants help ensure that arts are accessible to every resident in Boston."

Grants will be made in two categories:
  • Under $1 million annual budget: Organizations with a budget of under $1 million with projects located in the City of Boston may apply for general operating support.
  • Over $1 million annual budget: Organizations that offer programs in the City of Boston with budgets over $1 million may apply for programmatic support.
Under the umbrella of the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, the BCC helps to ensure grantmaking responds to the needs of the cultural community. The BCC annually distributes funds allocated by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, and the City of Boston to support innovative arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences programming that enhances the quality of life in Boston.

Successful applications will be specific about how they help grow access to the arts in areas not already well served by cultural opportunities, foster access to the arts for populations who don't typically have ready access to the arts, elevate the work of Boston's creatives, inspire the creation of new works, and support the achievement and provision of excellent, high quality arts and culture in the City of Boston. 
Applications can be found here on September 1, and will be accepted through October 16, 2017, for grants in the following categories: Music, Film and Video, Traditional and Folk Arts, Visual Arts, Theatre, Dance, Humanities, Literary Arts, and Multi-discipline. All applications will be reviewed by members of the BCC and the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, and grant awards will be announced in January 2018.  Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded. Grant guidelines and application information are available here.

Grant information workshops will be held in three locations: On September 14, 2017, at the Codman Square Branch of the Boston Public Library from 6-8 p.m.; on September 23, 2017, at the Commonwealth Salon at the Central Branch of the Boston Public Library from 10 a.m.-noon, and on October 4, 2017, at the Connolly Branch of the Boston Public Library from noon -2 p.m.

The BCC comprises Boston residents appointed by Mayor Walsh to serve for up to six years each. The BCC annually reviews applications during a series of fall meetings conducted to evaluate the overall quality of proposed programming and its potential benefit to diverse audiences in neighborhoods throughout Boston.

For additional information on the Boston Cultural Council, please visit here.

Bunker Hill Community College Hosts International Exchange Students Through U.S. Department of State’s Community College Initiative Program

Bunker Hill Community College Hosts International Exchange Students Through
U.S. Department of State’s Community College Initiative Program

BOSTON, August 31, 2017—Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) is pleased to be one of ten campuses across eight states to welcome international exchange participants to campus for the 2017-2018 academic year as part of the Community College Initiative (CCI) Program. The students will study Early Childhood Education, Fire and Safety and Entrepreneurship.

Administered by Northern Virginia Community College on behalf of the Community College Consortium, the U.S. Department of State’s CCI Program is designed to build participants’ technical skills, enhance leadership capabilities and strengthen English language proficiency.

Each student participates in a one-year non-degree academic program in workforce development fields at a U.S. community college with opportunities to participate in professional internships, service learning and community engagement activities to forge relationships with citizens of the United States and other countries.

Participants return home with a deeper understanding of U.S. culture and with improved technical and vocational skills to contribute to the economic development of their home communities. In 2016-2017, CCI participants contributed nearly $1.3 million in service to local communities, while helping to internationalize community colleges in the United States (IndependentSector.org).

Now in its tenth year, the CCI Program has hosted more than 2,800 participants from 21 countries. This year’s participants are from Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey. Participants are recruited from underserved and underrepresented communities, particularly women.


BOSTON – Today, Treasurer Deb Goldberg appointed Steven Hoffman to the Cannabis Control Commission (CCC). Hoffman will serve as Chair of the Commission. Per statute, the Treasurer’s appointment must have experience in corporate management, finance, or securities and will serve a term of 5 years.
“I am pleased to appoint Steven Hoffman as Chair of the Cannabis Control Commission,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “Steven brings a wealth of invaluable experience from a long and distinguished career in business development, corporate strategy and senior management. I am confident that he will serve the Commonwealth well and steer this brand-new industry in the right direction.”
“I am honored to be appointed Chair of the Cannabis Control Commission by Treasurer Goldberg,” said Steven Hoffman. “I hope to guide this Commission thoughtfully and responsibly as we implement the legalization of recreational marijuana in Massachusetts. We have a lot to do, I am excited to get to work.”
Mr. Hoffman served as CEO at ThinkFire and Exchange Solutions. He was the Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer at Sapient and Mr. Hoffman led the Chicago office and the Global Strategy Practice as a Senior Vice President at CSC Index. He was a partner at Bain and Company, where he ran the firm’s 600-person Boston Office. He holds a BA in Economics from Wesleyan University and an MBA in Finance and Statistics from the University of Chicago.
The 5 member Cannabis Control Commission in an independent agency, with appointees from the Treasurer, Governor, and the Attorney General, that was established by Chapter 55 of the Acts of 2017 which was signed by the Governor in July. Their role is to establish, regulate, and oversee the Commonwealth’s new recreational marijuana industry passed by voters in November of 2016.


BOSTON - Thursday, August 31, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the National League of Cities has awarded a $35,000 grant to support the growth of Boston Saves - the City of Boston's children's savings account program - as it enters the second year of its three-year pilot. The grant will fund Boston Saves' parent engagement and community partnership efforts, including financial education and wealth-building initiatives for Boston families through the Mayor's Office of Financial Empowerment. Mayor Walsh launched Boston Saves last fall to help families of Boston Public Schools (BPS) kindergartners save money for their children's college or post-secondary career training.

"We are grateful to the National League of Cities for recognizing the value of Boston Saves in expanding financial opportunity for our young people and families," said Mayor Walsh. "Boston Saves provides families in need with concrete tools to save for their children's post-secondary future."

Boston Saves includes $50 in seed money for each kindergartner's account, financial incentives for saving, an online platform for tracking account growth, and family events and classroom activities that promote saving as a fun, community-wide effort.

"Boston Saves is an exciting opportunity for families to support their children in pursuing post-secondary education," said Timothy Flacke, Executive Director at Commonwealth, a mission driven organization that partnered with the City of Boston to design the children savings account program. "The continued growth and expansion of Boston Saves will allow even more families to build a solid foundation for education savings, a critical first step to financial opportunity."

"We are grateful for the Boston Saves program, which teaches students and families about the importance of financial literacy in a fun and engaging way," said Boston Public Schools Superintendent Tommy Chang. "We know that when learning is fun, it resonates with students for years to come."

The National League of Cities grant will fund:
  • Training of Boston Saves parent ambassadors who can facilitate program participation by teaching fellow parents about the program in their native language and in culturally competent ways.
  • Coordination among Boston Saves stakeholders including financial institutions, colleges and citizen-engagement organizations to strengthen the program's community roots.
  • Promotion of valuable financial initiatives from the Mayor's Office of Financial Empowerment - such as credit-building help, financial coaching, and free tax preparation - among Boston Saves partners.
The National League of Cities awarded the grant as part of its Financial Inclusion Systems and City Leadership (FISCL) project. Boston was one of eight cities selected to participate in the two-year project, which is designed to help cities improve residents' financial health and stability.

The Boston Saves pilot began with five participating schools and will grow to 11 this fall. The program will begin expansion to all of Boston's district and charter schools by Fall 2019.