
星期二, 12月 01, 2015

紐英崙余風采堂換屆交接 余建興、余麗媖任主席


            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙余風采堂1129日舉辦新屆職員就職典禮,余建興,余麗媖在駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處副處長陳銘俊親自到賀中,接任為新屆主席。其中的余麗媖締造紀錄,成為該堂歷年來首名女主席。





        (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙溯源公所1129日中午在波士頓華埠哈佛街61號會址聚餐,慶祝感恩節,預祝宗親雷國輝,鄺炎彬鐵定當選為波士頓華埠社區議會議員,期許宗親鄺坤珍的女兒朱蘇珊當選為中華公所英文書記。
            1988年起,全美8 個分堂的253名宗親大方資助,陸續湊了18萬餘元,紐英崙溯源公所才於1992年以25萬元買下哈佛街61號一整棟3層樓,做會址,並開始發獎學金,建敬老制度,設互助基金會,並有雷梓坤,雷如鏡,雷國輝等人於2007年升任全美溯源堂永久顧問。


            遊行路線從興國街(Hancock)和華特漢儂(Hannon)公園路交界處出發,一直到北昆士高中,長約3 哩。
            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),麻州參議員約翰基南(John Kenan),以及還待明年一月才宣誓就任的昆士市有史以來首名華裔市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang)都在遊行終點的站台上,向經過的一隊隊遊行隊伍揮手。


            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch(右一),麻州參議員約翰基南(John Kenan)(左一),以及昆士市有史以來首名華裔市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang)(中)都在遊行終點的站台上,迎接遊行隊伍。(菊子攝)


Statement by the President

Statement by the President

Rosa Parks held no elected office.  She was not born into wealth or power.  Yet sixty years ago today, Rosa Parks changed America.  Refusing to give up a seat on a segregated bus was the simplest of gestures, but her grace, dignity, and refusal to tolerate injustice helped spark a Civil Rights Movement that spread across America.  Just a few days after Rosa Parks’ arrest in Montgomery, Alabama, a little-known, 26 year-old pastor named Martin Luther King Jr. stood by her side, along with thousands of her fellow citizens.  Together, they began a boycott.  Three-hundred and eighty-five days later, the Montgomery buses were desegregated, and the entire foundation of Jim Crow began to crumble. 

Like so many giants of her age, Rosa Parks is no longer with us.  But her lifetime of activism – and her singular moment of courage – continue to inspire us today.  Rosa Parks reminds us that there is always something we can do.  It is always within our power to make America better.  Because Rosa Parks kept her seat, thousands of ordinary commuters walked instead of rode.  Because they walked, countless other quiet heroes marched.  Because they marched, our union is more perfect.  Today, we remember their heroism.  Most of all, we recommit ourselves to continuing their march. 

星期一, 11月 30, 2015



            BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today submitted an application to the U. S. Department of Education requesting the immediate cancellation of loans taken out by former students of Corinthian Colleges in Massachusetts who were victimized by the for-profit school’s illegal conduct. 

            The 2,700-page submission, complete with investigatory findings, supporting evidence, and compiled attestations from former Corinthian students, was sent today to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Special Master Joseph Smith, who is charged with reviewing the debts of students who attended Corinthian schools and establishing state law discharge procedures. The application asks for a group discharge of all federal loans taken out by approximately 7,200 student borrowers who attended Corinthian’s Everest Institute campuses in Brighton and Chelsea between 2007 and when Corinthian closed its Everest campus operations over the last two years.

“Our students are entitled to this relief today,” AG Healey said. “This submission makes clear that Corinthian repeatedly violated our state laws by failing to provide the education, services, and career opportunities promised to students. I urge the Department to use its authority to help these students get out from under these mounting debts and move on with their lives.”

According to the AG’s Office, students who took out federal student loans to attend these predatory programs are legally entitled to immediate forgiveness under federal law, Department rules, and the terms of the loan contracts each student signed. The Department has already used its existing authority to grant discharges to defrauded students, including students at Corinthian’s Everest campuses in California, and Heald campuses in California, Hawaii, and Oregon, on the basis of its illegal conduct. 

“Corinthian’s egregious deception and mistreatment of Massachusetts students is likewise unlawful and our students are equally deserving of relief,” today’s letter to the Department stated.

Throughout the course of its investigation into Corinthian, the AG’s Office has received communications from nearly 1,000 Everest students and found widespread misrepresentations regarding job placement rates, including claims by admissions representatives that prospective students were “guaranteed employment” and that programs had job placement rates of “70%,” “95%,” and even “100%,” while the actual rates were much lower. Students also found that there was little or no career placement assistance provided.

The AG’s application also details deception by Corinthian, as alleged in a lawsuit against Corinthianbrought by the AG’s Office in April 2014, including Corinthian’s false statements regarding the earnings of graduates in Massachusetts, the nature and quality of the instruction, the availability of externships, and transferability of credits from Corinthian’s Massachusetts locations.

            In September, the AG’s Office hosted an event – attended by Department of Education officials – to help Corinthian students receive individualized assistance in enrolling in more affordable repayment plans and applying for cancellation of their federal school loans. Together with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, AG Healey called on the Department to help students in Massachusetts get rid of the unsustainable loan payments incurred by attending the now-defunct for-profit school. Included in today’s application are intakes from Everest Institute students who came to the event to apply for discharges.

AG Healey continues to lead efforts to help students who were deceived by predatory for-profit schools. This year she has rallied state attorneys general and members of Congress to speak out on the importance of loan discharge, authored letters, and organized calls and meetings with the Department of Education to help students struggling with their federal loan debt.
In April, AG Healey, along with attorneys general in eight states, sent a letter to the Department of Education calling on them to take swift action to protect students victimized by for-profit schools. In August 2015, AG Healey led a second multistate effort links to PDF file with attorneys general in 11 states, later joined by two others, calling on the Department to provide clear procedures to help students apply for loan discharges. 
For more information on AG Healey’s extensive consumer protection campaign and comprehensive and ongoing investigation into the for-profit education industry, click here.
Student borrowers who are interested in learning more about income-based repayment programs, who have questions about their options, or who would like assistance with managing their student loans, should visit the Student Lending Assistance page or call the Attorney General’s Student Loan Assistance Unit Hotline at 1-888-830-6277.

天津濱海創投黃偉慶 12/4 上BCIC演講

To celebrate the ending of 2015, a year marked with volatility, BCIC (Boston Chinese Investment Club) invites you to attend an end-of-year dinner. Joining the dinner will be 黄伟庆,天津滨海创投投资管理有限公司CEO. This is one of the few annual social gatherings without seminars. Please sign up as early as possible so we can get a clear headcount for reservation. 

Date: 12/4, Friday, 6pm
Venue: TBD

Bio of 黄伟庆






[HCSSA] 讣告: 杨艳同学逝世及为杨艳母亲募捐倡议

轉載自 Harvard CSSA
杨艳是家中独女,是杨艳母亲的精神支柱和唯一希望。她的匆忙离世,母亲的精神和身体都濒于崩溃。在国内的校友和朋友已积极联系帮助杨艳母亲度过难关。哈佛大学教育学院也开通了捐款渠道,可登陆募捐网站 https://www.crowdrise.com/inmemoryofyanyang/ 也可直接到教育学院Gutman  Library (6 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138)一楼学生事务办公室现金捐款。所募款项将于12月初在学院举行的追思会上交予家属。详情请见以下哈佛教育学院致全院师生的公开信。希望我们能一起尽自己的一份绵薄之力,点滴心意,都是杨艳母亲最需要的关心和慰问。

Inline image 1
Dear HGSE Students,
As a community, we are deeply saddened by the recent loss of Ed.D. student, Yan Yang, Ed.M. ’10, who passed away on Friday, November 13th.  Yang is remembered by many as a friend, colleague, teacher, student, and mentor. During her time here at HGSE she had a deep impact on all who knew her, loved her, and worked with her.

In the Chinese culture it is customary to raise money for the family of the deceased.  In this case, the Harvard community would like to honor Yang by raising money for her mother, Heping Yu, who lives in Jiangsu Province,China.  As you can imagine, Yang’s mother is overwhelmed with grief and unfathomable sadness and will not be able to travel to the US for our memorial service to honor Yang’s life.

Yang was born in Liyang, a small rural town in Jiangsu Province.  Her father passed away when she was seventeen.  After graduating from Nanjing Normal University in China with a major in early childhood education, she came to HGSE in 2009 for her Ed.M. degree in Arts in Education.  She began the Ed.D. program in 2010 concentrating in Culture, Communities and Education.  Despite long-term health issues, Yang’s mother works on the streets of Liyang selling fruits and breakfast food to local members of the community. As someone close to Yang said, “Yan was her only child and hope.”

Chinese students and friends of Yang in this community and the Harvard community have asked us to continue with Chinese tradition to honor Yang and support her mother, so that she will continue to have hope as she deals with the loss of her only child.

You can help honor Yang in one of two ways.  Donations can be provided through CrowdRise at https://www.crowdrise.com/inmemoryofyanyang/.

We will also be accepting cash donations or donations of Chinese currency in the Office of Student Affairs, the first floor of Gutman Library, Appian Way, Cambridge, MA. Our contact information is osa@gse.harvard.edu617-495-8035. Our hope is to provide the donations to the members of Yang’s family who will travel from China to be here at the Memorial Service.

We hope to have a date for the Memorial Service in the very near future, and a community email will provide further information.

Finally, I wanted to share with you Yang’s concluding thoughts following the completion of her Qualifying Paper as she reflects on her childhood and family.

Concluding thoughts of Qualifying Paper: written by Yan Yang

The act of looking back at my 2009 moon study has become a search for the forgotten and the unnoticed roots in experience.  This act of reconnecting to the roots has simultaneously extended and furthered my experience at present.  In the notebook pages, there I found a moon gazer, a true learner, a human being with a history.  In reading those pages, I saw not only myself, but others whose images had long been blurred, distorted, or neglected.  Amazingly enough, I even started to see my own childhood.

I grew up near the fruit stand my parents owned, helping with carrying boxes of fruit, laying them out into piles on the stand.  In scorching summer, I pushed the cart loaded with watermelons while my father pulled it up the bridge and I pulled it back while the cart was sliding downwards going off the bridge.  I learned to unload boxes of apples, oranges, bananas from the cart in a way that the cart did not lose balance and tip over.  I learned to put my hand on the end of the handle when the cart did lose balance and was about to tip over.  I watched my parents set up a canopy with bamboo poles, tarpaulin, and ropes, to get ready for pouring rain.  My father invented efficient ways of doing multiplication in his fruit selling practice.  The flexibility exhibited in his methods amazed me.

I grew up watching my parents cultivating crops in the field, following my mother while she was walking along the ridge carrying rakes, pulling weeds from the field with my father.  I loved gazing toward the end of the field far away where the sun set behind the endless mountain (and, of course, measuring the size of a man with the cracks of my fingers!).  The best time of year was the harvest season, when work was done, when grains were piled up on the flat earth ground, when fire was lit to burn away the crop straws in another big pile.  When it was dusk, we children played chasing games, running around, cooking sweet potatoes in the burning straw pile. 

Those lives, tastes, measuring, carrying, waiting, pulling, desires, delights...  now I start to see them as the root of me as a human being.  I thought I was getting further and further away from home because education had taken me.  Now, I am learning to find my way back, back to home.