
星期一, 10月 19, 2015

Organizations in R.I., Conn. and Mass. Awarded Funding for Environmental Work in Area Communities

Organizations in R.I., Conn. and Mass. Awarded Funding for Environmental Work in Area Communities
BOSTON – Four non-profit organizations in New England were awarded a total of $120,000 by the US Environmental Protection Agency to address local health and environmental issues in minority and low-income communities, which face more than their fair share of pollution. The New England grant winners – two in Massachusetts, one in Rhode Island and one in Connecticut - were among 44 organizations nationwide given nearly $1.3 million to address environmental justice issues nationwide.
The New England organizations, each given $30,000, will use the funding to do research, provide education, and develop solutions to local health and environmental issues in communities overburdened by harmful pollution.
"These funds will help communities across the region understand and address exposure to a variety of environmental harms and risks," said Curt Spalding, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office.  "EPA is committed to addressing the impacts of climate change so many of the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for local climate impacts."
The following organizations won the funding in New England:
The Trustees of Reservations received funding for its Boston Youth Conservation Corps, which engages 15- to 18-year-olds in the neighborhoods of Mattapan, Roxbury, Hyde Park, East Boston, Dorchester, and Jamaica Plain in experiential learning and developing job skills. Projects such as enhancing urban greenways, tending gardens, and planting native vegetation trails immerse teens in the green spaces of the city, while raising their awareness of pollution, air and water quality and access to healthy food. The project aims to address high rates of asthma, diabetes and obesity in Boston’s poorest neighborhoods, which report a disproportionately high rate of asthma and diabetes hospitalizations and adult obesity and the least amount of open space per child.
“An important part of The Trustees’ mission is to engage more young people in ‘green’ jobs that help them earn income, develop important skills, and gain a broader appreciation for environmental stewardship, community gardening, and healthy, active living,” said Jocelyn Forbush, chief of operations and programs for The Trustees. “Our Youth Corps members often comment on the sense of pride they feel in learning how they can contribute to their communities and the local food and gardening movement. We are grateful that this EPA grant will enable us to hire more urban and underserved youth in Boston where we hope to have an even greater impact.”
Regional Environmental Council in Worcester received the funding for its project called Greening Our Gardens – Urban Growing Strategies for Climate Resiliency. This project will promote efficient water use, storm water run-off prevention, and the use of gardening practices that can contribute to climate resiliency, including carbon sequestration. It also aims to increase access to healthy food in Worcester’s lowest-income/highest risk neighborhoods through an educational program for urban gardeners. The project will impact gardens across the city, but resources will be focused in the city’s five lowest income and highest-risk neighborhoods. The council is partnering with the Stockbridge School of Agriculture and the state Chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association.
“We’re excited to be working with the EPA this year to help promote food justice and prevent climate change in Worcester,” said Steven Fischer, executive director of the Regional Environmental Council. “EJ small grants are a critical resource for the important EJ work that organization are doing here in New England and through the country.”
New Haven Ecology in New Haven, Conn., (known as Common Ground), received the funding for its project called Green Jobs Corps – Creating a New Generation of New Haven Environmental Justice Leaders. Common Ground and its partners, the Conn. Fund for the Environment and the Urban Resources Initiative, will involve local youth in environmental jobs that improve access to clean water by identifying threats to water quality and educating residents about these threats. The project also aims to improve air quality, water quality, and access to other critical ecosystem services in urban low-income communities of color by addressing disproportionate access to urban street trees, green spaces, and green infrastructure. They will also work to bring greener approaches to stormwater management.
“Our goal through Common Ground's Green Jobs Corps is to connect more than three dozen of our city's young people with paid work that helps them grow into a new, more diverse generation of environmental justice leaders,” said Joel Tolman, director of impact and engagement at Common Ground High School, Urban Farm, and Environmental Education Center. “With EPA support, these young people are tackling pressing environmental justice challenges: planting more than 100 street trees, stewarding urban greenspaces, building new green infrastructure, cleaning up our impaired urban waters, and bringing public attention to clean air and clean water challenges. “
The Childhood Lead Action Project, Inc. of Central Falls, R.I., received funding for its Lead-Safe Central Falls program, which will work in one of state’s highest risk communities to reduce the incidence of childhood lead poisoning by helping residents address the presence of lead-based paint in their community.
“The Lead Safe Central Falls project, recently funded by the EPA, will go a long way in reducing lead poisoning in one of the poorest communities in Rhode Island,” said said Roberta Hazen Aaronson, executive director of Lead Safe Central Falls. “The Childhood Lead Action Project has had success in other communities with EPA funding and we expect to be successful in Central Falls as well.”
EPA's EJ Small Grants have helped many community organizations to make a visible difference in their communities. The 2015 grants will help organizations carry out projects that will educate residents about environmental issues that may impact their health, collect data about local environmental conditions, and work collaboratively to address environmental justice issues in their communities. The grants support activities that not only address a range of community concerns, but also support activities that are educating and empowering youth and the next generation of environmental stewards. Environmental justice is defined as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race or income, in the environmental decision-making process. Since 1994, EPA’s environmental justice small grants program has supported projects to address environmental justice issues in nearly 1,500 communities.

MassDOT, State Police Launch I-90 Toll Plaza Safety Awareness Campaign

MassDOT, State Police Launch I-90 Toll Plaza Safety Awareness Campaign
Drivers reminded of 15 MPH speed limit through toll plazas

BOSTON – Monday, October 19, 2015 – The Massachusetts Department of Transportation and Massachusetts State Police today launched a Toll Plaza Safety Awareness Campaign calling attention to enhanced safety measures currently in place at toll plazas across the Commonwealth.

The campaign was launched following the tragic death of a MassDOT toll collector in July.  The campaign includes public service announcements on message boards, posters at E-ZPass toll lanes, and the distribution of speed limit reminder tear-sheets to commuters at the “Cash Only” toll booths.  The principal focus of the campaign is to raise public awareness of the posted speed limit at toll plazas, and to ensure a safe work environment for the toll collectors who staff the plazas around the clock.

“Highway safety is our highest priority at MassDOT, both for drivers, but also for the men and women who staff our toll plazas, 24-hours a day, year round,” said MassDOT Highway Administrator Thomas J. Tinlin.  “This campaign highlights the need for drivers to pay careful attention to posted speed limit signs and other safety information when approaching and travelling through toll plazas.  We encourage travelers to be vigilant when driving through these areas to ensure the well-being of those who work at these locations and members of the public.” 

MassDOT has implemented safety improvements such as the installation of additional advanced 15 MPH speed limit signs strategically located before each toll booth, and reduced speed limit signs at the toll booths.  In addition, pavement markings immediately before each location have been refreshed.  The agency has also conducted a review of the lighting to make sure all equipment is fully operational in these areas.

“Through this campaign, we hope to remind motorists that safety is paramount when traveling through toll plazas on the Turnpike, as well as the Sumner and Ted Williams tunnels,” said State Police Major Terry Hanson, Troop E Commander.  “It is our goal that this campaign will prompt drivers to travel through toll plazas with an extra measure of care, and to raise awareness that the toll plazas are staffed 24/7.”

As a component of the campaign, State Police have also increased speed enforcement at toll plazas.  From Sept. 26 through Oct. 12, approximately 294 citations (Civil, Warning, and Criminal) have been written for violations which occurred in the E-ZPass lanes.  More than 1,200 citations have now been issued since Aug. 27.

For transportation news and updates visit MassDOT at our website: www.mass.gov/massdot, blog: www.mass.gov/blog/transportation, or follow MassDOT on twitter at www.twitter.com/massdot.


美中生物醫藥協會(CABA)日前在麻省理工學院舉辦 2015年生物醫藥投資和創業研討會,探討研發新治療類別,創業資源,專利及法律等。首次推出的創業計畫賽,由Launch Pad獲勝。
研討會邀得引領創新藥物RNAi領域的Alnylam公司資深副總裁兼首席企業長(CBO) 大衛 - 亞歷山大格羅斯(David-Alexandre DA Gros),以”從諾貝爾獎倒病人“為主題,暢論該公司的創業成長史。
研討會的亮點之一是CABA首次舉辦的創業計畫比賽,參賽的5隊分別為研發,生產可彎曲藥物輸送貼片型微形CamMED,製作骨粘合劑的 Launch Pad Medical,以實人三維尺寸測量的Perfetch,製作刺激血小板再生燈光系統的血小板光,以及便攜式在點滴時監控滴速與氣泡的SunusHealth
            這項創業計畫大賽的主裁判,劍橋市“內部系統(InterSystems)產品創新總監李琦表示,5支參賽隊伍各自處於不同階段,都是令人激動的項目。另一名裁判,ConsortiumAdam Sharkawy表示,不論參賽者在活動中有些什麼收穫,最重要的還是“去做”。    
            方位角創業的創始人 Melina Adamian博士,創業成功的關鍵是團隊和市場,在這次比賽中的獲勝團隊Launch Pad醫療就很清楚開發重點市場的重要性,並做了在起始階段先關注牙科市場的決定,逐步建立營銷策。
            方位角創業(Azimuth)的創始人Milena Adamian談醫療保健行業的趨勢以及投資者最看重什麼







哈佛大學甘乃迪政府學院中國學生學者聯合會和美國文通國際創新合作中心,哈佛大學美中經濟交流協會合作,參與美國“2015年國際僑民週“行列,上週五(16日)在哈佛甘乃迪政府學院舉辦 “大時代下的中美投資戰略圓桌會議”。
麻州商務發展助理部長范文南(Nam Pham)、刻在哈佛大學甘乃迪政府學院做訪問學者的中非發展基金市場發展部副總經理哲能應邀講談。
美國文通國際創新合作中心創始人李欣表示,國際僑民週是美國國務院發起,在全世界各地串連舉辦,倡議公民參與,團結合作的活動。在華府的“國際僑民週(Global Diaspora Week)“,已於109日在美國國務院的Loy Henderson禮堂舉行。文通國際今年是第二度統籌舉辦在麻州的國際僑民週活動,希望今後繼續在促進國際友人了解中國,建立友好溝通橋樑上努力。



查理士河划船賽 萬科集團等三中國隊參賽

為期兩日的第51屆查理士河划船賽(Head of the Charles Regatta)昨(18)日落幕。在今年參賽的2222人,776船隊中,至少三隊來自中國。萬科集團主席王石也親自操槳。
1965年起,每年十月倒數第二個週末在波士頓舉行,長3哩的查理士河划船賽,今年共有2,222人,776船隊報名參賽,其中包括2012年在倫敦,2008年在北京二度贏得奧林匹克賽金牌,擔任舵手的 Mary Whipple。
據悉,由於部分隊員未能取得簽證,萬科隊情商主辦單位,才得以下河划船。萬科的兩支隊伍,17日在共有20隊參賽的40歲以上,男子大師組中掛尾,成績分別為1943秒,以及19 53秒。
王石這組,有2人年紀在60歲以上,年紀最輕的是31歲的Deirdre Moore,年紀最長的是64歲的王石。
查理士河划船賽的獎牌有著奧林匹克賽的份量,幾乎每一個參加划船賽的人,都希望能在這比賽中至少贏得一次獎牌。下週六,在費城斯庫爾基爾河(Schuylkill River)舉行的750米加速划船賽,金牌得主可獲得10,000元獎金。           
