
星期二, 9月 08, 2015

Heat Advisory: Superintendent Chang Urges BPS Families to Prepare for High Temperatures With the Return of School

Heat Advisory: Superintendent Chang Urges BPS Families to Prepare for High Temperatures With the Return of School  

BOSTON - Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015 -- Superintendent Tommy Chang is asking families to take extra caution and prepare for this week's high temperatures as students return to school today.

With unseasonably hot weather forecasted, Boston Public Schools has taken steps to ready schools for the high temperatures. Extra fans have been distributed throughout schools that lack central air conditioning and schools that have water coolers have stocked up on extra supplies of bottled water. BPS is closely monitoring all schools to provide any support that is needed during the hot weather. 

"As we welcome our students back to school, we want to ensure they are safe and ready to learn," Dr. Chang said. "I am asking parents to make sure their children are dressed in weather-appropriate clothing, stay well-hydrated and bring extra bottles of water to school this week. We are ready and excited to kick off a great school year." 

For additional safety tips, please visit: http://ow.ly/RUW9c

The Boston Public Schools, the birthplace of public education in the United States, serves more than 57,000 pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students in 126 schools.
Bolling Municipal Building, 2300 Washington St., Roxbury, MA 02119 | www.bostonpublicschools.org | Follow us on Facebook andTwitter @BostonSchool

CMS Releases First Ever Plan to Address Health Equity in Medicare

CMS Releases First Ever Plan to Address Health Equity in Medicare
Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH), unveiled the first CMS plan to address health equity in Medicare. The CMS Equity Plan for Improving Quality in Medicare (CMS Equity Plan for Medicare) is an action-oriented plan that focuses on six priority areas and aims to reduce health disparities in four years.
The plan was released at a conference entitled: Medicare & Medicaid at 50: Their Past, Present, and Future Impact on Health Equity, which was held in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid and the 30th anniversary of the 1985Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Black and Minority Health, also known as the Heckler Report.                                                                                               
“As we strive to create a health care system that provides better care, spends dollars more wisely and creates healthier people, CMS is committed to achieving equity for minority and other underserved populations and eliminating health disparities among Medicare beneficiaries,” said CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt.
The Equity Plan focuses on Medicare populations that experience disproportionately high burdens of disease, lower quality of care, and barriers accessing care. These include racial and ethnic minorities, sexual and gender minorities, people with disabilities, and those living in rural areas.
The priorities and activities described in the plan were developed during a rigorous year-long process in collaboration with NORC at the University of Chicago, which included examining evidence, identifying opportunities, and gathering input from a broad array of stakeholders across the country. Six priority areas and several high-yield activities serve as the plan’s foundation. They include:
  • Priority 1: Expand the Collection, Reporting, and Analysis of Standardized Data
  • Priority 2: Evaluate Disparities Impacts and Integrate Equity Solutions Across CMS Programs
  • Priority 3: Develop and Disseminate Promising Approaches to Reduce Health Disparities
  • Priority 4: Increase the Ability of the Health Care Workforce to Meet the Needs of Vulnerable  Populations
  • Priority 5: Improve Communication and Language Access for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency and Persons with Disabilities
  • Priority 6: Increase Physical Accessibility of Health Care Facilities
“Making sure care is equitable is often the forgotten core area of focus for ensuring that the health system is meeting patient needs and delivering high quality care. The CMS Equity Plan for Medicare will help to ensure that as we work towards better care, smarter spending, and healthier people we also continue to work to achieve health equity in Medicare,” said Cara James, director of the CMS Office of Minority Health. “We know that in order to achieve the goals of the plan, we need to work with many stakeholders, and we hope that as we start to implement the activities in the plan, we will see a number of them join us on the path to equity.”
The foundation for addressing each of the plan’s priorities includes the following interconnected principles that guide CMS’ efforts to achieve health equity:
  1. Increasing understanding and awareness of disparities;
  2. Developing and disseminating solutions; and
  3. Taking sustainable action and evaluating progress.
To learn more about the six priorities and achieving health equity in Medicare visit: https://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Agency-Information/omh/index.html


大波士頓勞工協會昨(7)日邀得包括美國總統奧巴馬 (Barack Obama),聯邦參議員沃倫(Elizabeth Warren),馬基(Ed Marky)在內的多名政要出席早餐會,慶祝勞工節,強調勞工團結,權益才得保障。
美國勞工聯合會-產業工會聯合會(AFL-CIO)的麻州會長杜文(Steve Tolman)表示,美國總統奧巴馬選擇麻州來宣佈聯邦政府合約商必須給員工七天有薪假這行政命令,是為彰顯麻州近年來在爭取勞工權益上的傑出表現。
大波士頓勞工協會的這早餐會,政要雲集。代表麻州的兩名聯邦參議員沃倫及馬基,麻州總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey),波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),美國勞工聯合會-產業工會聯合會(AFL-CIO)的麻州會長杜文(Steve Tolman)等人,都強調工會以及工人團結的重要。
            美國總統奧巴馬昨日一早搭專機抵達羅根機場,在麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)夫婦和波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)的迎接中,走下飛機,和趕到機場歡迎他的五,六十民眾握手寒暄後,就在包括警車開道下,十幾輛車一起開往公園廣場酒店,出席大波士頓勞工協會的勞工節早餐會。



            5日晚,在余積堯,周紹球, 分任中英文司儀的主持中,胡清白鶴派,黃強白眉派,華林派,駱瀚源空手道,波士頓少林功夫中心,巾幗醒獅團,東方文化學院,Mike Williams的武藝研究院等八個武術團體,輪番上場,展示功夫。
在胡衛正率領的胡清白鶴派示範之後,創辦武藝研究院的Mike Williams,調遣該院許多童稚學員出場示範,還介紹了來自東南亞地區的許多特別武器。他為感謝胡衛正邀他加入波士頓華埠的武術界大團體,特地送出一把精緻小刀。
            英文名為Bruc Chan的經文處副處長陳銘俊,致詞時藉功夫名人來介紹自己,笑說他是成龍(Jackie Chan),李小龍(Bruce Lee的兄弟,再感謝華洋功夫愛好者的發揚,傳承中國武術,一改西方人對亞洲人的“東亞病夫”印象。







            Mike Williams(左)送刀,胡衛正(右)鞠躬接受,以示感謝。(菊子攝)


(Boston Orange) 麻州總檢察官奚莉(Maura Healy)昨(7)日在大波士頓勞工協會的勞工節早餐會中宣佈,麥小瓊(Cindy Mak)將出任該辦公室公平勞工組(Fair Labor Division)組長。
在麻州新貝福市(New Bedford)出生,畢業於塔芙茨大學,獲有東北大學法學院學位,能說廣東話的麥小瓊,父母都是廣東人後代。她表示,一旦上任新職,盼能充分應用以往經驗,保護全麻州工人,尤其是新移民的勞工權益。

BOSTON – With a focus on strengthening worker protections across Massachusetts, Attorney General Maura Healey today announced new leadership for the office’s Fair Labor Division.
AG Healey has named Cynthia Mark as Chief of the Fair Labor Division, and Lauren Goldman as Deputy Chief.
“Our job is to make sure that workers across Massachusetts are protected. People who work hard should be able to provide for themselves and their families,” said AG Healey. “Cynthia and Lauren bring years of experience and a deep well of talent to the AG’s Office and I am excited to have them on board.”
Cynthia Mark will serve as Chief of the Fair Labor Division. Prior to her appointment, she worked for the last 10 years as the managing attorney of the Asian Outreach Unit of Greater Boston Legal Services, representing Asian immigrant clients with multiple barriers to accessing the legal system.
Mark has devoted her professional life to advocating for the rights of low-wage immigrant workers and has successfully litigated complex employment cases under the Massachusetts Wage Act and Fair Labor Standards Act.
In 2014, Mark was honored as a recipient of the Top Women in Law award by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. She currently serves as a board member of Justice at Work, a non-profit that provides legal support to immigrant workers, and is a trustee with the Harry H. Dow Memorial Legal Assistance Fund. A graduate of Northeastern University School of Law, Mark is a resident of Cambridge.
Lauren Goldman will serve as Deputy Division Chief of the Fair Labor Division. Goldman previously worked under Attorney General Martha Coakley as an Assistant Attorney General in the Fair Labor Division until 2012.
Since then, Goldman has served as chief of staff and policy advisor for the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance, advising the Director on policy, human resources, and labor relations issues for the agency. As chief of staff she also managed more than 700 staff members for the agency’s five regional offices.
During Goldman’s time at the AG’s Office, she enforced the state’s wage and hour laws, prevailing wage and child labor laws, and investigated cases for both criminal prosecution and civil enforcement action against employers who violated the rights of their workers.
Goldman is a graduate of Suffolk University Law School and Syracuse University. She resides in Cambridge.
Together, Mark and Goldman will oversee the Fair Labor Division’s enforcement of Massachusetts laws that protect workers including the payment of prevailing wage, minimum wage, and public construction bid laws, as well as the state’s new Earned Sick Time Law and Domestic Workers Bill of Rights.
The Attorney General’s Fair Labor Division has broad powers to investigate and enforce violations of these laws through criminal prosecutions and civil enforcement actions. The division uses this authority to protect employees from exploitation by employers, prosecute employers who are failing to follow the Commonwealth’s wage and hour laws, and set a level playing field with clear rules that employers can follow, ensuring that strong economic growth and fairness for workers go hand-in-hand.

华裔神奇小子梁世奇 扬威世界国际象棋棋坛


全美中华青年联合会 www.aacyf.org     微信号:Richard3132

华裔神奇小子梁世奇 扬威世界国际象棋棋坛

华裔神奇小子梁世奇 扬威世界国际象棋棋坛
今年12 岁、出生在美国威斯康辛州的华裔少年梁世奇(Awonder Liang)在世界国际象棋棋坛是一个具有广泛知名度的棋手,同时也是美国历史上最年轻的国际象棋大师(National Chess Master)称号获得者。2014年在获得国际象棋世界少年竞标赛冠军头衔后,荣登国际象棋界权威杂志Chess Life封面。

星期一, 9月 07, 2015



BOSTON - Monday, September 7, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh is reminding residents to take precautions during the hot weather forecast for this week. Information on heat safety tips can be found online at boston.gov/heat and by following @CityofBoston. 

"As this summer comes to a close, we are expecting rising temperatures over the next couples of days," said Mayor Walsh. "As we work to monitor the rising temperatures, to keep all of our residents and visitors safe, we ask the public to continue being vigilant - look after a neighbor, be it someone outdoors, or someone next door."

Mayor Walsh can declare a Heat Emergency once temperatures reach 90 degrees or higher for three or more consecutive days. During a Heat Emergency, cooling centers will be open across the City.
Residents can sign up for Alert Boston, the city's emergency notification system, to receive emergency alerts by phone, email or text. Sign up online: http://www. cityofboston.gov/oem/ alertboston.asp . Residents are also encouraged to call 311 with any questions about available city services. 

Heat Safety:

Adults and children should use sunscreen containing an SPF-15 or higher and wear protective, loose fitting clothing, including long sleeve shirts and hats.

The elderly, young children and those with chronic medical conditions are more susceptible to the effects of heat.

Always check in on family or neighbors who may be at risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke as temperatures climb.

Children and pets should never be left alone in vehicles, even for short periods of times.

If you become lightheaded, confused, weak or faint, stop all activity and immediately find shade or a cool area to rest. If symptoms persist, call 911 immediately.

Limit outdoor activity to morning and evening hours. Rest often in shady areas and be extra cautious from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., when the sun's UV radiation is strongest. 
Drink plenty of fluids regardless of activity level. Avoid alcoholic beverages and liquids high in sugar or caffeine. 

Homeless individuals can become dehydrated rapidly due to a lack of access to water or shelter from the heat. If you observe someone who appears in distress, call 911 immediately.

If you have a child in your home, use child window guards in addition to screens on any open window on the second story or above. Falls are the leading cause of injury for children under the age of six. Information about low-cost window guards for Boston residents can be found here

Secure all window air conditioner units according to the manufacturer's specifications. 

Playground Safety:  

Children should always wear shoes on playgrounds because surfaces can become extremely hot and cause burns, even splash pads and spray decks. 

Outdoor Fires and Grilling:
No outdoor fires are allowed in Boston, including fire pits, chimineas and bonfires.
Charcoal grills must be on the ground and away from buildings. Keep in mind the wind and never leave unattended. When done, dispose of the ash in a metal container once completely out.
Propane tank grills are only allowed on first floor porches with steps to the ground. Do not place propane tank grills near air conditioners or up against a building. Make sure all connections are tight and never carry propane tanks into a home.
Grills should always be used in a well-ventilated area.

Mosquitoes and Ticks:

If you are in a grassy or wooded area, apply a DEET containing repellent that will protect against mosquitoes AND ticks. Always check yourself, children and pets for ticks after returning indoors and remove attached ticks immediately using tweezers. Mosquito bites can spread West Nile virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), while attached ticks can spread Lyme disease.

Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants and socks to prevent mosquito bites. Limit your time outdoors between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active and apply an approved mosquito repellent.

Places to stay cool:

Boston Centers for Youth & Families operates 17 pools and one beach for families looking to cool off in the summer heat. To find the pool or beach nearest you, visit www.cityofboston.gov/ BCYF/ orhttp://www.cityofboston.gov/ heat/staycool.asp . 


David Cicilline)(中)到場。西西里尼

(Boston Orange 周菊子羅德島州報導) 16羅德島州龍舟賽暨台灣日95日在天清氣朗,勞工節放長假中舉行,讓普塔基市(Pawtucket)河畔出現破紀錄的萬人空巷熱鬧場面。

羅德島州聯邦眾議員大衛西西里尼(David Cicilline)稱許葉超,吳子平,畢靈頓(Bob Billington)等人和主辦單位有恆心的努力,帶旺羅德島州景氣,興奮挑戰出席政要,明年各組一隊龍舟參賽,與民同樂。

龍舟賽和吃餃子大賽,是這活動的兩個重頭戲。龍舟賽由聯合龍(United Dragon)奪得冠軍及獎金一萬元。吃餃子賽由芝加哥抵羅德島州探親的Edward Delacruz贏得冠軍,以及長榮航空北美來回台北機票一張。


近午時分舉行的開幕式,嘉賓雲集,包括駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處副處長陳銘俊、羅德島州聯邦眾議員大衛西西里尼(David Cicilline)、羅州州務卿嘉比亞(Nellie Gorbea)、財政廳長馬克力尼(Seth Magaziner)、普塔基市長蓋比思(Donald Grebien)、克蘭斯頓市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)、普塔基市市議員卡莉羅(Sandra Cario),以及藝術節主席包思特(John Baxter)等人在主席台上坐成一長排,十分壯觀。

經文處副處長陳銘俊稱許羅德島州龍舟賽暨台灣日活動,跨入第16年,越辦越精彩。他感謝長榮贊助機票,推廣台灣觀光,說明台灣已是羅德島州的全球全球第七大出口市場,希望羅德島州與台灣簽署駕照互相承認協定,邀請羅德島州州長雷萌朵(Gina Raimondo)訪問台灣,加強雙邊關係。他也特別強調歡迎新英格蘭地區民眾到台灣旅遊,親自體會台灣的自然風光,美食佳餚,以及濃厚人情味。







