
星期二, 8月 18, 2015

Governor Baker, Senate President Rosenberg and Speaker DeLeo Release Brattle Group 2024 Olympic Games Report

Governor Baker, Senate President Rosenberg and Speaker DeLeo Release Brattle Group 2024 Olympic Games Report

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Senate President Stan Rosenberg and House Speaker Robert DeLeo released an independent analysis of the Boston 2024’s proposed Summer Olympic Plan conducted by economists at The Brattle Group.

In June, Governor Charlie Baker, House Speaker Robert DeLeo and Senate President Stan Rosenberg commissioned The Brattle Group, a global consulting firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to complete an independent analysis to examine aspects of financing, infrastructure, and economic impacts relative to Boston 2024’s bid preparation with a focus on assessing risk to local and state governments. While the U.S. Olympic Committee and Boston officials agreed to end the city’s attempt for the bid in late July, this report was completed and made public as planned by Beacon Hill leadership.

“Though the U.S. Olympic Committee and Boston 2024 withdrew this bid a few weeks ago, I am pleased to join Senate President Rosenberg and Speaker DeLeo to release this independent analysis carefully prepared by Brattle as an objective examination for future planning and infrastructure projects in and around Boston,” said Governor Baker. “I would like to thank the Senate President and House Speaker for their bipartisan support of this endeavor, members of the Brattle team for the long hours they spent preparing this thoughtful analysis, and Boston 2024 for the spirit of cooperation and transparency that made this report possible.”

“The Brattle Group’s report will serve as a resource as we continue our focus on stimulating the economy and improving our transportation system while protecting Massachusetts’ taxpayers,” said Speaker DeLeo. “I thank the Baker Administration, Senate President Rosenberg, and The Brattle Group for their diligent work. I look forward to collaborating with state and city officials to use these findings as we enhance our ongoing efforts.”

“This report highlights our bipartisan efforts to protect Massachusetts taxpayers and I want to thank Governor Baker and Speaker DeLeo for their partnership,” said Senate President Rosenberg. “Even though the bid was withdrawn, this report demonstrates that there were a series of real risks associated with bringing the games to Massachusetts.”

The report focuses on Boston 2024’s proposal to be a host city, the dynamics of the International Olympic Committee bidding process, and the risks to state and local government. Brattle was assisted by Professor Allen Sanderson, Professor Brad Humphreys, and Floyd Advisory LLC in this effort.


            今(18)晚六點起,四名昆士市長候選人將和昆士市級選舉的其他候選人,一起在義大利之子(Sons of Italy, 120 Quarry Street)會所,參加本年度選舉的第二次候選人辯論大會。
            昆士市今年的四名市長候選人,在位的柯奇(Tom Koch),挑戰的昆市不分區市議員古楚(Doug Gutro),學校委員會委員馬洪妮(Ann Mahoney),前任昆士市長費林(William Phelan)等人,8月16日在昆市中秋節聯歡會上擺攤時,全都有華裔助選員,親切地以廣東話,普通話與民眾交流。
2007年時,費林和柯奇為爭市長寶座,打了一場麻州最昂貴市長選戰,共花費72萬3,574元。他倆在日前舉行的昆市市長候選人論壇中,顯得餘怨未消,再度激烈攻擊彼此。昆市愛國者報(The Patriot Ledger)稱兩人的姻親,選舉支持者都被扯進這損耗戰。
            費林稱柯奇是昆士市“舊識關係網(old-boy network)”的一部分,還指控柯奇不敢挑戰有勢力者。他同時誓言自己要為納人,而不是圈裡人奮鬥。
根據紀錄,那工程是由擁有昆市公平購物中心(Quincy Fair Mall),位於碧樹市(Braintree)的 F.X. Messina 企業。
費林還在回答問題時,提到了他岳父,曾任市長,現為昆市地方法院書記的亞瑟托賓(Arthur Tobin)。





            昆士市前市長費林的助選攤位,由競選經理Emily Hajjar的母親Lisa Renci(右起),以及梁家詠,鄒平浩等華裔助選。(菊子攝)

梁秀婷踏上征途 角逐昆市不分區市議員席位

亞裔佔總人口約24%的麻州昆士市,2010年時選出首名麻州華裔眾議員,但立市127年來,從未選出華裔市議員。JP富士集團辦公室經理梁秀婷(Nina Liang)今年踏上征途,成為第三位挑戰昆市議員席位的華人。
            轄區包括昆士市的陳德基(Tackey Chan),和轄區在索格斯鎮(Saugus)的黃子安,在2010年時雙雙當選為麻州首名華裔眾議員。兩人都連任迄今,明年,2016年時,才得再競選連任。
            市議會這一層級的民意代表席位,昆市倒不是沒有華人嘗試過。JP富士集團東主梁戰士(Jimmy Liang),在州政府教育部門工作的伍國光(Victor Ng),曾先後在2001200320072009年做過嘗試,但都未跨過那門檻。
            年紀不滿三十,曾遠赴紐約就讀Hofstra大學,在起司蛋糕工廠(Cheesecake Factory),州立農業保險(State Farm Insurance)工作,近年才搬回麻州,加入表兄梁戰士,梁戰成和梁約翰(譯音),曹明(譯音),謝彼得(譯音)等人合作的JP富士集團,齊心協力的把集團經營的餐廳數從4家擴增到9家。
            根據昆士市政府資料,今年的昆市不分區市議員選舉,已知有五人角逐三個席位。五名候選人中有兩名現任市議員,方安(Joseph Finn),麥法蘭(Michael Farland),以及三名挑戰者,包括梁秀婷,二名昆市現任學校委員會委員,麥卡西(David McCarthy),狄邦納(Noel DiBona)。
            狄邦納是名商人,經營羅斯狄邦納及兒子 (Russ DiBona and Son)園藝公司,住在瑪莉蒙(Merrymount)的Chickatabot70號,2014年一月上任四年一任的昆市學校委員會委員。他也美國退伍軍人之子莫里塞(Morrisette294分會的初級指揮官。
            昆士市分區議員選舉部分,六個分區,除了第三區的柯夫林(Kevin Coughlin)之外,其他五名在位者都將競選連任。



            梁秀婷(右起)參選昆市議員,親戚兼同事梁戰成,南岸青年會助理主任Patricia Small都全力支持。(菊子攝)


            狄邦納(Noel DiBona)(左)一個多月前才宣佈參選昆市不分區市議員,已和角逐市長的古楚(Doug Gutro)(右)結為親密戰友。(菊子攝)


蘇宇寅,冼卓豪,趙秀珍(Soo Jin Cho)等三人是今年的
冼卓豪,蘇宇寅,趙珍(Soo Jin Cho)表示,這是亞美專斜麾下,企業小組的活動,今年第二度舉辦,共邀得大波士頓25家以上的企業參加。現場除展示各企業商品,還安排有音樂,舞蹈,武術示範等表演。
當天參展攤位,既有蘇宇寅創辦的“雞肉飯傢伙(Chicken & Rice Guy)”食物卡車,譚寓雲主持的譚秋梨針灸診所,陳曉瑩介紹波士頓亞裔電影節,摩頓市翁立人與黃雪欣開張的“猴皇茶”,陳立英和顏毓芬擺出來的“豆腐功夫T恤“,也有東北大學21歲學生陳澤銘的“8皇朝(Dynasty8)“功夫主題T恤店,以及一個才開始在eBay上開售二個月,專為幼兒開派對所設計的裝飾套件,以及梁志偉等為協助同性戀者感到安全所辦的“亞太裔太平洋島民同性戀聯盟(Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance)“等。
Dynasty 8)“網上T恤店的陳澤銘(中),也來擺攤。(菊子攝)
波士頓日出茶太(Chatime)經理葉貝維(譯音,Beiwei Ye)表示,珍珠奶茶迷竟然有那麼多,讓他們很驚訝。他們很高興有這機會參加這活動,不但能和許多以往沒接觸過的人面對面交流,還能藉此向更廣闊的社區宣傳亞裔文化。
亞美專協波士頓分會會長Jesse Nandhavan表示,這是該會的年度重點活動之一,既展示亞裔所擁有企業的表現成績,也彰顯亞美專業人士的領導力。他們希望這活動能讓人更清楚亞裔企業對本地經濟成長的貢獻。
            波士頓市首名華裔市議員,曾致力服務社區,為低收入小企業主提供法律顧問,極力支持小企業的吳弭(Michelle Wu)當天特地抽空探訪,還送上一份表揚狀。




Freedom Trail Rehab Includes Sidewalk Replacements, Installation of ADA Complaint Ramps 
Department of Public Works has been making to  
"Boston's Freedom Trail is an important landmark for our city and region," said Mayor Walsh. "These exciting improvement projects will make the Freedom Trail accessible and will help guide residents and tourists to Boston's popular historic treasures year in and year out."
Starting this summer and into the fall, the Public Works Department will install approximately 1,400 feet of new walking surface - nearly 8 percent of the 2.5-mile Freedom Trail. Sections of Hull Street and Hanover Street in the North End have already been replaced and more sidewalk replacements are underway, and the total project will cost $700,000.
This maintenance work is in addition to the City's Connect Historic Boston project, which will fully reconstruct Joy Street, Commercial Street, Blackstone Block and Constitution Road. Connect Historic Boston is funded, in part, through the Federal Highway Administration's Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program and is a result of a partnership between the City of Boston, the Federal Highway Administration and the National Parks Service to improve non-vehicular access to historic sites in the City. Over the course of the next two years, the $29 million project, managed by the Public Works Department, will add another 1,800 feet of new construction to the Freedom Trail.
"With over four million people enjoying the Freedom Trail and our great city's historic sites annually, the City of Boston's improvement efforts are commendable," said Freedom Trail Foundation Executive Director Suzanne Taylor. "The Department of Public Works' projects and hard work will help residents and visitors navigate the Freedom Trail to experience each of the Trail's 16 sites year-round."
Last year, the City replaced nearly 2,000 feet of the painted sections of the historic Freedom Trail in Charlestown, Downtown Crossing and the North End with a new thermoplastic treatment. The multi-colored strips have helped to eliminate time consuming, seasonal painting, reducing maintenance costs and improving historic site way-finding, and are expected to last up to eight years.
The Freedom Trail is a 2.5-mile path that traces through Downtown Boston, the North End and Charlestown leading to 16 nationally significant sites. The Trail includes a variety of historic sites, including museums, meeting houses, churches, a ship, historic markers, parks and burying grounds, all telling the story of the American Revolution.

星期一, 8月 17, 2015


Wuxi Pharmatech Enters Into Definitive Merger Agreement

SHANGHAI, Aug. 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc. ("WuXi" or the "Company") (NYSE: WX), a leading open-access R&D capability and technology platform company serving the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries with operations in China and the United States, today announced that it has entered into a definitive Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") with New WuXi Life Science Limited ("Parent") and WuXi Merger Limited ("Merger Sub"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent.

Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Parent will acquire the Company for cash consideration equal to US$5.75 per ordinary share of the Company (each, a "Share") and US$46 per American Depositary Share of the Company, each representing eight Shares (each, an "ADS"), or approximately US$3.3 billion in aggregate cash consideration. This represents a 16.5% premium over the closing price of US$39.50 per ADS as quoted by the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE") on April 29, 2015, and a premium of 18.9% and 20.1%, respectively, over the Company's 30- and 60- trading day volume-weighted average price as quoted by the NYSE prior to April 29, 2015, the last trading day prior to the Company's announcement on April 30, 2015 that it had received a non-binding "going private" proposal

Immediately following the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, Parent will be beneficially owned by a consortium (the "Buyer Group") comprised of:
     (i) new investors which include affiliates of or funds managed or advised by Ally Bridge Group 
         Capital Partners ("Ally Bridge"), Boyu Capital ("Boyu Capital"), Temasek Life Sciences  
         Private Limited ("Temasek") and Ping An Insurance ("Ping An");
     (ii) Hillhouse Fund II, L.P. ("Hillhouse", and together with Ally Bridge, Boyu Capital, Temasek, 
          Ping An and additional sponsors that may be admitted to the Buyer Group, the 
          "Sponsors"), an existing shareholder of the Company and an affiliate of Hillhouse Capital;  
     (iii) the following founders and executive officers of the Company who have elected to roll-over 
          their interest in the Company in connection with the Merger (together with entities through 
          which such individuals own their Shares (including Shares represented by ADSs) (the 
          "Founders")): Dr. Ge Li, the chairman and chief executive officer, Mr. Xiaozhong Liu, an 
          executive vice president and a director, Mr. Zhaohui Zhang, a senior vice president of 
          operations, the head of domestic marketing and a director, and Dr. Ning Zhao, a senior vice 
          president of operations, the head of corporate human resources and a director.
As of the date of the Merger Agreement, Hillhouse and the Founders (together, the "Rollover Shareholders") beneficially own in aggregate approximately 4.5% of the issued and outstanding Shares.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Merger Agreement, at the effective time of the Merger, Merger Sub will merge with and into the Company, with the Company continuing as the surviving corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent (the "Merger"), and each of the Shares issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the Merger (including Shares represented by ADSs) will be cancelled in consideration for the right to receive US$5.75 per Share or US$46.00 per ADS, in each case, in cash, without interest and net of any applicable withholding taxes, except for (i) Shares (including Shares represented by ADSs) held immediately prior to the effective time of the Merger by the Rollover Shareholders, Parent, the Company (or any of Parent or the Company's respective subsidiaries) or by the Company's ADS depositary and reserved for future issuance under the Company's stock option plan, which Shares will be cancelled without payment of any consideration or distribution therefor, and (ii) Shares owned by holders who have validly exercised and not effectively withdrawn or lost their rights to dissent from the Merger pursuant to Section 238 of the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands, which Shares will be cancelled at the effective time of the Merger for the right to receive the fair value of such Shares determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 238 of the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands.
The Buyer Group intends to fund the Merger through a combination of (i) cash contributions from the Sponsors and the Rollover Shareholders pursuant to equity commitment letters, and (ii) the proceeds from committed and underwritten loan facilities contemplated by debt commitment letters, each dated August 14, 2015, pursuant to which Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. and Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. have agreed as underwriters and mandated lead arrangers to underwrite and arrange an aggregate ofUS$1.1 billion in debt financing for the Merger, subject to certain conditions.
The Company's board of directors, acting upon the unanimous recommendation of the special committee formed by the board of directors (the "Special Committee"), unanimously approved the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, including the Merger, and resolved to recommend that the Company's shareholders authorize and approve the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, including the Merger. The Special Committee, which is composed solely of independent directors of the Company who are unaffiliated with Parent, Merger Sub or any member of the Buyer Group or management of the Company, exclusively negotiated the terms of the Merger Agreement with the Buyer Group with the assistance of its independent financial and legal advisors.
The Merger, which is currently expected to close during the fourth quarter of 2015, is subject to shareholder approval as well as certain other customary closing conditions. Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, adoption of the Merger Agreement by the Company's shareholders requires both (i) a special resolution in accordance with Cayman Islands law by the affirmative vote of holders of Shares representing at least two-thirds of the Shares present and voting in person or by proxy as a single class at a meeting of the Company's shareholder, and (ii) an affirmative vote of holders of a majority of the Shares that are unaffiliated with Parent, the Founders or the Sponsors and present and voting in person or by proxy as a single class at a meeting of the Company's shareholders.
Pursuant to a support agreement among the Rollover Shareholders and Parent, the Rollover Shareholders have agreed to vote all their Shares and ADSs in favor of the authorization and approval of the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, including the Merger. If completed, the Merger will result in the Company becoming a privately-held company and ADSs will no longer be listed on the NYSE.
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC  is serving as the financial advisor to the Special Committee, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP is serving as U.S. legal counsel to the Special Committee, Walkers Global is serving as Cayman Islands legal counsel to the Special Committee and Zhong Lun Law Firm is serving as PRC legal counsel to the Special Committee. O'Melveny & Myers LLP is serving as U.S. legal counsel to WuXi.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch is serving as the financial advisor to the Buyer Group. Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C. is serving as U.S. and Hong Kong legal counsel to the Founders and the Buyer Group. Sullivan & Cromwell is serving as U.S. and Hong Konglegal counsel to Ally Bridge and the Buyer Group. Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP is serving as U.S. and Hong Kong legal counsel to Boyu Capital and the Buyer Group. Fangda Partners is serving as PRC legal counsel to the Buyer Group. Conyers, Dill and Pearman is serving as Cayman Islands legal counsel to the Buyer Group.
Additional Information about the Transaction
The Company will furnish to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") a report on Form 6-K regarding the proposed transactions described in this announcement, which will include as an exhibit thereto the Merger Agreement. All parties desiring details regarding the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, including the Merger, are urged to review these documents, which will be available at the SEC's website (http://www.sec.gov).
In connection with the Merger, the Company will prepare and mail a proxy statement to its shareholders. In addition, certain participants in the Merger will prepare and mail to the Company's shareholders a Schedule 13E-3 transaction statement that will include the proxy statement. These documents will be filed with or furnished to the SEC. INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY THESE MATERIALS AND OTHER MATERIALS FILED WITH OR FURNISHED TO THE SEC WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE, AS THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY, THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED BY THE MERGER AGREEMENT AND RELATED MATTERS. In addition to receiving the proxy statement and Schedule 13E-3 transaction statement by mail, shareholders also will be able to obtain these documents, as well as other filings containing information about the Company, the Merger and related matters, without charge, from the SEC's website (http://www.sec.gov) or at the SEC's public reference room at 100 F Street, NE, Room 1580, Washington, D.C. 20549.
The Company and certain of its directors, executive officers and other members of management and employees may, under SEC rules, be deemed to be "participants" in the solicitation of proxies from shareholders with respect to the Merger. Information regarding the persons or entities who may be considered "participants" in the solicitation of proxies will be set forth in the proxy statement and Schedule 13E-3 transaction statement relating to the Merger when it is filed with the SEC. Information regarding certain of these persons and their beneficial ownership of the Company's ordinary shares as of April 3, 2015 is also set forth in the Company's Form 20-F, which was filed with the SEC on April 15, 2015. Additional information regarding the interests of such potential participants will be included in the proxy statement and Schedule 13E-3 transaction statement and the other relevant documents filed with the SEC when they become available.
This announcement is neither a solicitation of proxy, an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell any securities and it is not a substitute for any proxy statement or other filings that may be made with the SEC should the Merger proceed.