
星期四, 6月 19, 2014

Massachusetts Minimum Wage Increase Leaves 120,000 Tipped Workers Behind

            上星期,麻州參議會以35票比4票,通過該案。該法案將在通過兩會的法規投票這額外程序後,交付麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)簽署。
麻州眾議會勞工及人力發展委員會共同主席康若伊(Thomas Conroy)表示,這是從1999年以來,小費工人第一次調漲時薪。
餐館機會中心(Restaurant Opportunities Centers)昨日表示,儘管麻州的把最低時薪從現在的八元,提高到2017年時的十一元,將使麻州成為美國最低時薪最高的一州,但麻州小費工人的最低薪資提到每小時3.65元,卻將仍是低得可憐。

Massachusetts Minimum Wage Increase Leaves 120,000 Tipped Workers Behind

Boston, MA -- Although Massachusetts is poised to have the highest state minimum wage in the country by raising its current $8 minimum wage to $11 per hour by 2017, the state’s tipped minimum wage would remain abysmally low at a proposed $3.65 an hour. Yesterday, the bill was approved by the State House of Representatives and Democratic Governor Deval Patrick is expected to sign.

The state’s current tipped minimum wage is $2.63 which is just $.50 cents more than the federal tipped minimum wage of $2.13 an hour. The proposed $1.02 increase would be the first raise in 15 years for Massachusetts’s tipped workers. Currently, their median wage (including tips) is $9 an hour.

“Sixty-six percent of tipped workers in Massachusetts are women. Servers are overwhelmingly women in every state. With a base wage as low as this bill’s proposed $3.65 an hour, women will remain dependent on the largesse of customers for their livelihood,” said Saru Jayaraman, co-founder and co-director of Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United. “In addition to low and unpredictable pay, servers across the country have told us about having to put up with all kinds of sexual harassment from customers because they are dependent on tips. When tipped workers get left out of minimum wage increases, or in Massachusetts’s case, the increase is so low it amounts to no difference on a server’s paycheck, it is women who suffer. It’s time for one fair minimum wage.”

The restaurant industry has been targeted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as the single-largest source of sexual harassment charges filed by women. Nationally, servers use food stamps at double the rate of the rest of the US workforce and are three-times as likely to live in poverty.

Find more information about Massachusetts’s tipped workforce here: http://rocunited.org/state-of-tipped-workers-massachusetts/

Unemployment Rate Drops to 5.6 Percent

Unemployment Rate Drops to 5.6 Percent

9,100 jobs added in May

BOSTON, MA –June 19, 2014 – The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) preliminary estimates show that Massachusetts added 9,100 jobs in May and the total unemployment rate dropped 0.4 of a percentage point to 5.6 percent from the April rate.

Over the month, jobs were up 9,100 with private sector jobs up 8,800.  Since May 2013, Massachusetts has added a net of 49,700 jobs; with 51,300 jobs added in the private sector and 300 added in the public sector. The total unemployment rate was down 1.4 percent from the May 2013 rate of 7.0 percent.

Not only are Massachusetts jobs above the April 2008 highpoint before the latest recession, they also exceed the February 2001 pre-recession job level.

BLS also revised its April estimates downward to a 2,000 jobs loss from the 1,600 job loss previously reported for the month.

May 2014 Employment Overview

Leisure and Hospitality added 4,200 (+1.3%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Leisure and Hospitality added 3,900 (+1.2%) jobs.

Education and Health Services gained 3,300 (+0.4%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Education and Health Services gained 16,500 (+2.3%) jobs.

Financial Activities added 1,200 (+0.6%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Financial Activities added 1,100 (+0.5%) jobs.

Construction gained 900 (+0.7%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Construction has added 2,100 (+1.7%) jobs.

Information added 500 (+0.6%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Information gained 4,400 (+5.1%) jobs.

Professional, Scientific and Business Services gained 400 (+0.1%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Professional, Scientific and Business Services added 10,400 (+2.1%) jobs.

Manufacturing added 200 (+0.1%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Manufacturing lost 200 (-0.1%) jobs.

Other Services lost 1,100 (-0.9%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Other Services jobs are up 3,400 (+2.8%) jobs.

Trade, Transportation and Utilities lost 900 (-0.2%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Trade, Transportation, and Utilities added 9,600 (+1.7%) jobs.

Government added 300 (+0.1%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Government lost 1,600 (-0.4%) jobs.

Labor Force Overview

The May 2014 estimates show 3,304,500 Massachusetts residents were employed and 197,300 were unemployed, for a total labor force of 3,501,800. The May labor force decreased by 3,800 from 3,505,600 in April, as 8,800 more residents were employed and 12,700 fewer residents were unemployed over the month. The labor force was an estimated 15,200 above the 3,486,600 May 2013 estimate, with 63,400 more residents employed and 48,200 fewer residents unemployed. 

The unemployment rate is based on a monthly sample of households. The job estimates are derived from a monthly sample survey of employers.  As a result, the two statistics may exhibit different monthly trends.

麻州助移民留居 推出駐地企業家項目

麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)昨(十九)日在林市(Lynn)的新美國人中心和來自全州各地的移民企業家,社區人士,攜手慶祝他們對麻州經濟成長的貢獻,並宣佈六月十五日至七月十五日是麻州移民月。
            移民在麻州人力中約占20% 麻州州長派區克的辦公室表示,在州長辦公室,麻州難民移民辦公室(ORI)等努力下,他們為三萬二千名以上難民及移民增加了教育,就業,住宅,入籍等服務。聯邦政府的安置難民2014年就業結果報告也在僱用難民上,把麻州排為第三。
            麻州難民移民辦公室(ORI)主任馬婷奈(Josiane Martinez)表示,移民及南民是麻州經濟的驅動力,而派區克政府一直都很支持移民,難民社區。
            上個月,派區克政府宣佈了一項聯邦政府補助款,加強為移民,難民提供的職業,教育及入籍援助。來自全國及社區服務公司(Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS))的四十萬元經費,將在未來三年內,安排九十名美國公司(AmeriCorps)會員,為五千名難民,移民提供培訓及支援服務。
            四月份時,派區克州長宣布了“推廣成長及機會法(An Act to Promote Growth and Opportunity)”等經濟發展計劃,要把麻州人力培訓得更符合僱主需要,並投資近門戶城市,以在全州提供誘因,刺激經濟發展,創造就業機會。  
            藉該一法案,派區克還宣佈推出“駐地環球企業家項目( Global Entrepreneur in Residence Program)”,以吸引,留住企業家,在麻州內拓展公司,創造工作機會,該項目將容許符合資格,具備高技能,目前在麻州的國際學生,如果在創辦或拓展企業,畢業後可以留下來。
        這一項目將經由“麻州科技合作(Mass Tech Collaborative)”管理,會把有資格申請H1-B簽證,但礙於聯邦限額,而無法取得該簽証者,轉為公家或私營機構的“駐地企業家”,以確保他們能繼續為麻州的經濟做貢獻。


LYNN – Thursday, June 19, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today joined immigrant entrepreneurs and community members from across the Commonwealth to celebrate their successes in driving the Commonwealth’s economic growth and proclaimed June 15 – July 15, 2014 as Immigrant Entrepreneurship Month. The event, held at the New American Center in Lynn, included first-hand accounts from immigrant entrepreneurs who have found success in Massachusetts, and musical presentations from refugees.

"Our immigrant communities have always been an integral part of our state’s economic and cultural fabric," said Governor Patrick. "I am proud to recognize the hard work of our immigrant entrepreneurs who have made Massachusetts home, and whose achievements help keep us in the leadership business.”

Immigrants compose nearly 20 percent of the state’s workforce. Under the Patrick Administration, the state’s Office of Refugees and Immigrants (ORI) has increased access to services including education, employment, housing and citizenship for more than 32,000 refugees and immigrants. In partnership with providers across the Commonwealth, ORI has helped refugees and immigrants participate in the Commonwealth’s larger economic growth. The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement's 2014 annual employment outcome report ranked Massachusetts third in the nation in employment of refugees.

“Immigrants and refugees are a driving force in our state’s economy and the Patrick Administration has consistently supported this community,” said ORI Executive Director Josiane Martinez. “These dedicated men and women bring with them a wealth of unique knowledge and skills that make the Commonwealth a richer and more diverse place to live.”

Governor Patrick was joined by officials from ORI, the Department of Public Health’s Refugee and Immigrant Health Program, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), the New American Center, House of the Russian Community Association, Congolese Development Center, Southern Sudanese Solidarity Organization, Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center, Bosnian Center for Resource Development, International Institute of Boston local leaders, new Americans and immigrant and refugee organizations at Thursday’s event.

The proclamation Immigrant Entrepreneurship Month recognizes the vital role that immigrants have in the Commonwealth’s strong economic growth, continued job creation and maintaining its innovative edge, as well as the social and cultural contributions that advance the quality of life in Massachusetts and around the nation. Massachusetts ranks eighth in the nation for newcomers, with an immigrant population that represents over 14 percent of the population. Latino and Asian-owned businesses alone employ over 50,000 Massachusetts residents, with sales of over $7 billion.

“Lynn has been home to many immigrants who have launched their new homes from here,” said Lynn Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy. “We have witnessed the successes of individuals such as Fitzroy Alexander, who, in search of the American Dream, came to the United States from Grenada. Working his way up from a job as a dishwasher, he planned and built a bread factory that has become a landmark here in this city and an invaluable source of new jobs. It is our hope that with increased access to education, employment and housing services, an even greater number of immigrant entrepreneurs will realize their dreams.”

Last month, the Patrick Administration announced a federal grant to enhance vocational, educational and citizenship assistance to refugees and immigrants across the Commonwealth. The nearly $400,000 grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will place 90 AmeriCorps members across Massachusetts who will provide training and support to over 5,000 refugees and immigrants over the next three years.

In April, Governor Patrick announced an economic development package that provides new tools and training so the Commonwealth’s workforce is prepared to meet the needs of employers, invests in its Gateway Cities to promote development across the entire state and provides incentives to create jobs and stimulate the economy. The Governor’s bill, An Act to Promote Growth and Opportunity, builds on the Administration’s proven growth strategy of investing in education, innovation and infrastructure that has led to record job creation in Massachusetts and made the Commonwealth a global leader in key innovation economy sectors.

As part of his bill, the Governor announced the creation of a Global Entrepreneur in Residence Program to retain and attract entrepreneurs who are growing companies and creating jobs in the state. The program will allow qualified, highly skilled, international students currently in Massachusetts to stay here after graduation if they are starting or growing a business. Administered by the Mass Tech Collaborative, the program will place selected students – who are eligible for H-1B visas but unable to get them due to a federal cap – as “entrepreneurs in residence” at public and private institutions and will ensure that they continue to contribute to the Massachusetts economy.

華人醫務中心開年會 將籌款三百萬元

華人醫務中心(South cove Community Health Center)十七日晚在昆市門診中心舉行第42屆年會,宣佈將展開行動,籌款三百萬元,以翻修位於波士頓市的兩個服務處。
            華人醫務中心行政主任衛優俊(Eugene Welch)當晚做行政年報,說明該中心如今無債一身輕,過去一年來的成就包括為三萬名病人服務,每年看診人次十六萬五千,在昆市開張了340B藥房,第五度獲得全國性的聯合委員會認證,也獲得醫療護理(Medicare)及醫療補助(Medicaid)服務中心為推廣電子醫療記錄及改善醫療護理所頒發的“有意義使用(meaningful use)“証。
            目前該中心在波士頓市,昆士市共設有四處門診,大約250名職工, 另在布萊頓/奧斯頓(Brighton/ Allston)設有課後服務項目。
            華人醫務中心創辦人唐哲君當晚報告了董事會更動狀況,任期屆滿的五人,Thomas Birth,李炯文,April TangThuy Tran LeungDavid Yee等人或投票通過連任,一任三年,任期至2017年。董事會新任董事長為April Tang,秘書伍振耀,財政Cindy Chen


            華人醫務中心的董事們,右起廖國鵬,黎美惠,Thuy Leong,以及李愛敏(右五起),李錦堂,April Tang,伍振耀,李炯文,唐哲君(後左一)。左一為營運長Eric,左二為行政主任衛優俊(Eugene Welch)。(菊子攝)


            華人醫務中心行政主任衛優俊(Eugene Welch)(左)頒發獎學金給出席的得獎高中生,何嘉盟,朱康文,楊巧儀等人。(菊子攝)


羅德島州長共和黨初選 馮偉杰迎戰 Ken Block

羅德島州的州長選戰,十七日晚推出共和黨籍候選人首場電視辯論。克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉杰和對手布洛克(Ken Block)各陳己見。羅州普域敦斯報(Providence Journal)稱兩人觀點相近。
共和黨籍的兩名候選人,分別是已連任三屆的克蘭斯頓市現任市長馮偉杰(Allan Fung),以及在巴靈頓(Barrington)市經營軟體公司的布洛克(Ken Block)。
他們倆人都曾經轉換過黨派歸屬。馮偉杰曾經加入民主黨。布洛克則在2010年時,以溫和黨(Moderate Party)領導身份參選過羅德島州州長。
            十七日晚,由普域敦斯報(Providence Journal)和WPRI-TV主辦,他倆在羅德島州普域敦斯表演藝術中心做了首場電視辯論。
        布洛克在辯論會中指控馮偉杰對該市的警察濫發120 多張左右停車罰單給兩名市議員,以報復他們未支持警察局預算的醜聞,處理不當,不適於擔任州長。他也稱馮偉杰是傷害羅州改變向好企圖的那類政治圈中人之一,表示只有像他這樣的局外人,才能修補羅州缺失。
            普域敦斯報指出,在二名共和黨,四名民主黨的六名州長候選人當中,共和黨的這兩名候選人最早展開攻訐戰,互控對方不是。但這兩人的主要政見卻非常相似,包括都支持減稅來刺激企業及就業機會成長,限制槍枝,發駕照給無証移民,反對大麻合法化,還都贊成不必還錢給貸款給電動遊戲公司-38工作室的投資者。該公司由紅襪隊前球員Curt Schiling所創辦,經營失敗,宣佈破產。
            民主黨籍的羅德島州州長候選人,主要有三人,已於六月十一日做過辯論。這三人分別是羅德島州現任財政廳廳長Gina Raimondo;普域敦斯市市長,也是馮偉杰的高中同學塔維諾斯(Angel Taveras);以及華裔溜冰冠軍關穎珊的律師丈夫貝爾(Clay Pell)。


            羅德島州的兩名共和黨籍候選人,克蘭斯頓市現任市長馮偉杰(Allan Fung)(右),軟體公司總裁布洛克(Ken Block)(左)出席首場電視辯論。(圖由馮偉杰競選陣營提供)

星期三, 6月 18, 2014

Patrick Administration Announces $3.4M for Electric Vehicle Rebate Program and Charging Station Grant Program

Patrick Administration Announces $3.4M for Electric Vehicle Rebate Program and Charging Station Grant Program

BILLERICA – Wednesday, June 18, 2014 – The Patrick Administration today announced that applications are being accepted for two programs aimed at growing the number of electric vehicles (EV) on the road in Massachusetts, including a rebate program for drivers purchasing or leasing a new EV and a grant program to help install charging stations at workplaces like businesses, nonprofits and state agencies with 15 or more employees.

“These programs further advance the Patrick Administration’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Maeve Vallely Bartlett. “The transportation sector accounts for about one-third of the greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted, so the deployment of more electric and plug-in vehicles is an important step toward Massachusetts achieving its ambitious goals.”

Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Commissioner Mark Sylvia unveiled the website that that new purchasers/leasers can use to apply for their rebates from the $2 million Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program. MOR-EV enables Massachusetts residents who purchase or lease an eligible vehicle to receive a rebate of up to $2,500 on vehicles purchased on or after June 18, 2014.

“The Patrick Administration is making it easier for more people to choose cleaner cars that have great fuel economy,” said Commissioner Sylvia. “Electric vehicles are a win-win for the environmental and economic bottom line and the MOR-EV program moves us closer to meeting the Commonwealth’s emissions reduction goals for transportation.”

Interested drivers can learn more about how to apply for rebates at www.mor-ev.org. Rebates are being funded with proceeds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) auctions and are available on a first-come first-served basis until all the funds have been committed. All applications must be submitted within three months of purchase or lease, starting on June 18, 2014.

Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Commissioner David W. Cash announced the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program’s (MassEVIP):  Workplace Charging grants.  Under this grant program, MassDEP will provide 50 percent of the funding for charging station hardware costs (up to $25,000) for employers to install Level 1 and Level 2 charging stations for electric and plug-in electric vehicles.  This program will operate on a first-come first-served basis.

“By collaborating across agencies and the private sector, we are solving the chicken-and-egg problem – getting more plug-in vehicles on our roads and more charging stations at the same time,” said Commissioner Cash. ”With the launch of the Patrick Administration’s innovative programs to support increased electric vehicle deployment, we can reduce greenhouse gases and petroleum use, save drivers’ on energy costs, and meet our aggressive local air pollution, clean energy and climate goals.

Today’s announcements were made at a workplace charging workshop hosted by DOER’s Clean Cities Coalition at EMD Serono Research and Development Institute in Billerica. The workshop emphasized the importance of being able to charge EVs at work and outlined basic facts on electric vehicles, charging stations and resources available to employers to provide EV benefits to their employees. The Massachusetts Clean Cities Coalition promotes the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles and supports the development of infrastructure necessary to make these vehicles a viable transportation option.

“These grant programs further demonstrate the Commonwealth’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging more residents to choose environmentally-conscious modes of transportation and protect the health of our communities,” said Senate President Therese Murray. “I want to thank the Patrick Administration and the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs for increasing our state’s status as a national leader in setting clean energy and environmental standards.”

The Patrick Administration has already invested more than $20 million in electric and alternative fuel vehicles in the Commonwealth. In May, Governor Patrick signed an eight-state MOU to have at least 3.3 million zero emission vehicles (ZEV) in the eight states by 2025 and to work together to establish a fueling infrastructure to support this number of vehicles. For Massachusetts’ participation in this MOU, the goal is 300,000 ZEVs.

The funding announced today will encourage increased deployment of advanced technology vehicles in Massachusetts, improve air quality, reduce reliance on foreign oil and help Massachusetts attain the Patrick Administration’s aggressive emission reduction commitments set under the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA). The Clean Energy and Climate Plan goal, created under the GWSA, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. The Clean Energy and Climate Plan established a target for the transportation sector to reduce GHG emissions 7.6 percent by 2020.

New report shows premium affordability, competition and choice in the Marketplace in 2013-2014

New report shows premium affordability, competition and choice in the Marketplace in 2013-2014
Shoppers paid an average of $69 per month after tax credits for silver plans and had, on average, a choice of five health insurers and 47 plans
  A new report released today by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that people who selected silver plans, the most popular plan type in the federal Marketplace, with tax credits paid an average premium of $69 per month. In the federal Marketplace, 69 percent of enrollees who selected Marketplace plans with tax credits had premiums of $100 a month or less, and 46 percent of $50 a month or less after tax credits.  Today’s report also looks at competition and choice nationwide among health insurance plans in 2013-2014, and finds that most individuals shopping in the Marketplace had a wide range of health plans from which to choose. On average, consumers could choose from five health insurers and 47 Marketplace plans. An increase of one issuer in a rating area is associated with 4 percent decline in the second-lowest cost silver plan premium, on average.

“What we’re finding is that the Marketplace is working.  Consumers have more choices, and they’re paying less for their premiums,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell.  “Nearly 7 in 10 consumers who signed up for Marketplace coverage are paying $100 or less for that coverage.  When there is choice and competition, everybody benefits.”

According to today’s report, on average, monthly premiums for people who selected plans with  tax credits fell 76 percent after tax credits, dropping the cost of the average monthly premium from $346 before tax credits to $82 after tax credits across all plan types.  People who selected silver plans, the most popular plan type in the federal Marketplace, with tax credits paid an average premium of $69 per month.

The Marketplace is also providing consumers more easily comparable, quality health plan choices than ever before. In 2014, there were a total of 266 issuers in the Marketplace by state, offering over 19,000 Marketplace plans across all ratings areas, excluding catastrophic plans. Overall, 82 percent of people eligible to purchase a qualified health plan could choose from 3 or more health insurance issuers, and 96 percent could choose from 2 or more health insurers in the Marketplace.  In 2014, new issuers represent almost 26 percent of all issuers in the Marketplace, and the new Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs) tended to have lower premiums than other plans. Early reports from the states suggest that additional issuers will be entering the Marketplace in 2015.

Today’s report demonstrates that the new tax credits are working as intended to make premiums affordable, and the Marketplace is bringing much-needed competition to the insurance market.  In addition, the Affordable Care Act includes a number of other provisions to keep premiums affordable.  The rate review grant program provides states with resources to enhance their rate review programs.  HHS has previously awarded nearly $238 million to states to enhance their rate review programs, and, since the passage of the law, the proportion of insurance company requests for double-digit rate increases was cut by more than half.  Consumers saved nearly $1.2 billion on their premiums in 2012 when compared to the amount originally requested by insurers.  Health insurance companies also now have to spend at least 80 cents of your premium dollar on health care or improvements to care, or provide a refund. In 2012, 8.5 million consumers received half a billion dollars in refunds – with the average consumer receiving a refund of around $100 per family.

To read today’s report visit: http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2014/Premiums/2014MktPlacePremBrf.pdf

Sullivan Square Resurfaced for First Time in 25 Years

Sullivan Square Resurfaced for First Time in 25 Years
36,000 square yards of asphalt pavement
totaling 3,740 tons laid

BOSTON – Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh thanked residents and commuters through Charlestown for their patience during extensive road improvement work to Sullivan Square. The Public Works Department (PWD) paved the heavily trafficked roads in Sullivan Square over the course of two weeks, smoothing the roadway to improve safety and transportation access. Additional roadway striping and pedestrian ramp improvements will continue through the summer. The last time that any major resurfacing work was done in the area was more than two decades ago.  

“Roadway infrastructure improvements can be disruptive while they’re underway, but keep our city and economy moving in the long term,” said Mayor Walsh. “We appreciate the public’s patience in allowing the Public Works crews to complete this much needed work in a timely and safe manner.”

More than two lane miles of road in and around Sullivan Square were paved, including Alford Street, Cambridge Street, Main Street, Mishawum Street, Rutherford Avenue, and West Street. PWD put down 36,000 square yards of asphalt pavement amounting to 3,740 tons of material, and 200 utility manholes and castings were raised or improved to meet the level of the new road.

The improvements began with grinding on Tuesday, May 27 and paving was completed on Monday, June 9, one day ahead of schedule. All of the work was done at night and in close coordination with the Boston Police Department, the State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, and the Alford Street Bridge project.  

Through the rest of the summer the Sullivan Square area will receive new roadway striping, improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and new pedestrian ramps, with total investment in the roadways and sidewalks totaling around $900,000.  

As a thank you to the surrounding community, PWD has put up temporary electronic sign boards expressing thanks to all of the travelers who helped to make the project successful, saying "Bost Pub Works Says - Thank You For Your Patience - Boston Works for You!"

波士頓市長內閣 6/24 進華埠開社區會議

波士頓市長辦公室鄰里服務辦公室主任史密斯(Jerome Smith)將于六月廿四日(週二)下午六至八點,假昆士小學禮堂舉辦社區會議。
        波士頓市長辦公室亞裔協調員翁耀漢(Denny Ching)昨(十七)日通告華埠社區,波士頓市長辦公室鄰里服務辦公室邀請華埠社區居民,市務及企業領袖出席社區會議,討論與華埠有關的基本市府服務。
            昆士小學地址為885 Washington Street Boston MA, 02111,查詢相關詳情,可洽翁耀漢(Denny Ching)617-635-3891

Belleds 上網眾籌 首日募款二萬餘

            Belleds是全由麻省理工學院人組成的團隊,研發可和音樂互動光二極管(LED)照明產品的公司。主要創辦人周貞宏(Alan Zhou),曾任AT&T,朗訊,Qualcomm管理高層。他在Qualcomm擔任副總裁時,主管的芯片事業群,每年負責供應價值三十億元以上的智慧手機芯片,給五十家以上的中國大公司。六月十日,在劍橋市成立,做精密微機電產品的Sand9公司才剛敦請周貞宏擔任顧問。
            Belleds有兩名共同創辦人,其中的陳航,是麻省理工學院博士候選人,也是上一屆的麻省理工學院中國創新創業論壇主席。另一人是2009年從MIT多媒體實驗室畢業的Daniel Taub。
            十六日晚,Belleds在麻省理工學院創業馬丁信託中心(Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship)宣佈展開眾籌活動,支持蘋果的“家居套件(HomeKit)”
            Belleds團隊的LED照明產品,最近才在麻省理工學院的清潔能源獎比賽中,贏得“受眾選擇獎(Audience Choice Award)”。
            蘋果的“家居套件”的主要目標是控制照明,而Belleds團隊所採用的技術,能和蘋果的家居套件SDK整合,使智慧家庭成為可能。Belleds 也已經支持全螢屏聯盟(Allscreen Alliance)的開放資源協定,來改善智慧設備及網際網路物件(Internet of Things)的互通性。
            參加該公司眾籌活動的另一獎品是關於模型(prototyping)的電子書,內容包括Belleds共同創辦人陳航,Daniel Taub及周貞宏,如何利用Q平台硬體做原形,使用三維打印做出光二極管照明基座,以及燈泡形狀,還有他們公司的發展經過。
            查詢Belleds公司詳情可上網,www.belleds.com,或上推特(Twitter)@belledstech,或臉書 https://www.facebook.com/belledstech


 Belleds科技公司的輔導者,Sam Schaevitz(左),Louis Morales ()共同創辦人,陳航(左二起),Daniel Taub周貞宏。(圖由Belleds提供)

僑立學校歡送十七人小學畢業 校董會主席換人









伍國光接任波士頓華埠獅子會會長 將籌款建公園時鐘

            波士頓華埠獅子會的就職典禮,依照國際獅子會規定的程序舉行,由周麗玲,謝如鍵擔任司儀,蔡倩婷唱“我的國家屬於你(My Country, ‘tis of thee)”這美國第一首歌,梅凱生領宣誓效忠,伍國光致詞,雷國輝祝禱,李源沛介紹嘉賓,司徒彥鏗致歡迎詞。
            麻州獅子會第33k分區第二地區首長Bill Donnellan為曾任會長的林淑明引介,遷居波士頓才二年的會計師曾惠珠,主持了入會手續。           
            伍國光致就任詞時,感謝嘉賓出席,表示出任波士頓華埠獅子會20142015年度會長,是他的榮幸。他強調要服務,也要有樂趣,獅子會裏的人,他認識很久了,直到2011年六月,才有幸加入,也因此大開眼界的認識到,原來獅子會是個在全世界有一百三十五萬名會員,46000個分會的世界最龐大組織之一。麻州就五有個分區 。波士頓華埠獅子會是第33k分區內的47個分會之一。
            伍國光報告了他接任會長後的幹部有哪些人後,說明他接任會長後的第一個目標是要通過國際獅子會的四個步驟優異過程,從評估分會及社區開始,接著改進效率,決定華埠分會的需要,訂定未來目標等。他將率同會員們繼續在母親節,父親節拜訪中華宜養院的傳統,並實踐辭世會員Eugene Cheung的遺願,籌款在華埠公園建一座戶外時鐘。




