
星期二, 6月 03, 2014

Patrick Administration Highlights Massachusetts Clean Energy Company in the United Arab Emirates

Gov. Patrick (center) and (from left to right) Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Innovation and Industry Support Senior Director Jeremy McDiarmid, SolarOne’s Founder and CEO Moneer Azzam, Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Mark Sylvia and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Alicia Barton, and visit a SolarOne solar-powered streetlight installation on a road in Masdar City.

MASDAR CITY, United Arab Emirates – Tuesday, June 3, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) CEO Alicia Barton and Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Commissioner Mark Sylvia yesterday visited the installation of a Massachusetts company’s solar-powered streetlights on a road in Masdar City to promote the Commonwealth’s growing clean energy sector as part of a trade mission to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) led by Governor Patrick.

“Massachusetts companies are seeing their products succeed in the global marketplace, while creating jobs and economic opportunity here at home,” said MassCEC CEO Alicia Barton. “It’s exciting to see the signs of Massachusetts innovation halfway around the world.”

In 2009, SolarOne provided 306 solar-powered streetlights for parking lot and roadway lighting at Masdar City following a field test with competitors from all over the world.  SolarOne’s streetlights were able to withstand a severe sandstorm and multiple cloudy days, setting them apart from the competition.

“We’re proud that the Massachusetts clean energy marketplace is vibrant and serves as a test bed for innovators who are bringing their technologies abroad,” said Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Mark Sylvia.

In May, SolarOne was awarded an $89,000 grant, with a $58,000 match, under MassCEC’s InnovateMass program, for a partnership with the City of Somerville and CIMCON Software to demonstrate the company’s networked, off-the-grid solar-powered lighting for pedestrian and bicycle paths in Somerville.

“Massachusetts and the UAE are leading hubs of sustainable technology innovation,” said Moneer Azzam, founder and CEO of SolarOne. “This experience and idea exchange will deliver payback with new economic engines, regional job growth and exciting new tools to address the planet’s energy and climate-change challenges. SolarOne is proud to exemplify this and thrilled to participate in this cooperation.” 

The visit came as the group traveled to Masdar City, an urban development, 35 minutes southeast of Abu Dhabi that is heralded as a blueprint for the future of sustainable communities. In 2008, Masdar City broke ground and embarked on a journey to develop the world’s most sustainable eco-city, focusing on use of clean energy, electric vehicles and energy efficiency to reduce the city’s carbon footprint. The city is hub of innovation, and includes the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, an independent, research-driven graduate-level established with the ongoing support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The Massachusetts – UAE Innovation Partnership Mission is a mission to strengthen the state’s partnership with the UAE and expand business opportunities between the two countries in the clean-tech innovation, life sciences and academic sectors.

星期一, 6月 02, 2014


紐英崙中華資訊網路協會(NECINA)日前以“什麼都移動(Everything Mobile)”為主題,舉辦全球交流創業會議,並預告網協訂六月七日舉行年會。
            網協的“什麼都移動”會議,更改日期,更改地點舉行,但該會榮譽主席,系列創業家吳錦城主講的“在移動及雲端海嘯中生存(Surviving the Mobile and Cloud Tsunami)“,仍然吸引了許多人出席。      
            吳錦城從1995年左右起陸續創辦的公司,棱網路(Arris Networks),箭點通訊(Arrowpoint Communications)Acopia網路,Azuki系統等公司,不是被買,就是被併購。
其中 Azuki,是2007年時,他和人合夥創辦的公司,今年二月底被愛立信(Ericsson)這在全世界180個國家聘有十萬名以上員工的公司收購他也因此成為愛立信的科技組副總裁。
        在“什麼都移動(Everything Mobile)”這場會議中,網協還請來Adelphic移動公司執行長王長峰(Charles Wang)闡述該公司創辦故事,以及他對移動廣告未來的看法。網協麾下的新創企業孵化器(NEW,有Destroyers執行長Taowei Wang,喳錶(Zap Watch)執行長鍾德華,iOvulation技術長Joe WangTap and Learn執行長John Zhuang等人座談他們的公司創立過程及產品。
            網協將六月七日(週六)早上八點半,在波士頓市畢馬威會計師樓(KPMG)大樓(60 South Street, 2ndFloor, Boston MA 02111)舉辦年會,主題為“2014科技創新與全球經濟發展“。查詢詳情可上網www.necina.org,或洽info@necina.org

文協家庭夜秀才藝 二百人歡聚

大波士頓區中華文化協會(GBCCA)531日晚在牛頓市F. A. Day中學舉辦「文協家庭夜」,表揚4名義工,搬演14項節目,展現該會各小團體的技藝,成績。近二百人會後聚餐,歡渡一晚。
           今年的文協家庭夜,在陳弘指導的華心中文學校功夫班舞獅後,由會長冼鳳明致詞,宋鑫、Miles Leong主持。








華人前進會Bike-a-thon慶十週年 籌款逾萬元

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 一百六、七十名年輕人, 五月三十一日在撫媚陽光中騎上鐵馬,繞行查理士河畔,欣賞美麗風光,慶祝華人前進會Bike-a-thon十週年,華青計劃廿週年,籌款逾萬元。
Bike-a-thon是華人前進會為償還華人前進會自置物業貸款,辦理“華青計劃(Chinese Youth Initiative (CYI))”等項目,由華人前進會創辦人之一的雷展鵬與該會熱心人士發起舉辦的活動,既鼓勵青少年做健康運動,接近大自然,也教會青少年心懷社區,懂得回饋。

華人前進會的青年協調員(Youth Coordinator)司徒慕儀和林龍生在所有騎士用餐後,請出雷展鵬,介紹Bike-a-thon,簡報華人前進會是個為工薪階層謀權益的組織,六月份將有一系列的活動,包括六月十日與城市生命一起遊行,促使社會關注許多人面對“房屋買不起,公屋等不到”的窘境;六月十二日下午將發起“低薪工人行動日”,在柯普利廣場等地示威遊行,並重點要求提高居家醫護助理(Home Health Care Aid)的最低時薪,以及享有有薪假期的權利。
華人前進會的組織主任陳秀珍透露,波士頓市府最近做的一份調查報告顯示,波士頓市的“生存工資(living wage)“為時薪13.76元,但麻州目前的法定最低時薪才八元出頭,待彌平的差距不小。在居屋上,目前華埠一帶,約有十棟樓宇的七十名住戶,面對逼遷危機,缺乏可負擔住宅已是越來越嚴重的社會問題。

SBA workshop - “Strategies & Assistance for Asian Importing & Exporting” 6/10

SBA, SCORE & Asian American Civic Association to Host Workshop:

“Strategies & Assistance for Asian Importing & Exporting”

BOSTON – SBA, SCORE, and the Asian American Civic Association (AACA) will host a workshop on importing and exporting with Asia on June 10th from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. at  AACA, 87 Tyler Street in Boston’s Chinatown neighborhood. In celebration of “World Trade Month” being May, this workshop will be conducted by six experts with expertise in importing and exporting to/from Asian manufacturing, supply chain management, logistics, finance and legal issues. 


·   Paula Murphy- Founding Director of the Massachusetts Export Center with over 20 years of international business experience.
·   Jerry Blakeley - Owner of Extech Instruments Corp in Waltham and sold it to a public company after 37 years. Extech sold overseas and both designed and manufactured handheld test and measurements instruments in Taiwan, China and Korea.
·   Maurice Mitchell - Maurice is the International Account Manager with UPS. Primarily works with Massachusetts based companies on developing their international supply chains.
·   Peter Dobbs – Peter is a SCORE Counselor whose career as an international commercial banker included assignments in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore.  His specializations included using trade finance, structured finance and supply chain finance to support global commodity flows from producers to consumers.
·   Michael Laffan - Michael is a SCORE Counselor who worked in England and Australia prior to spending 40 years as an International Trade Banker in Boston, where he worked to facilitate international trade and market the bank services to importers and exporters.   
·   Paula Connelly - Paula is a principal in the Law Offices of Paula M. Connelly, a law firm specializing in Customs and international trade matters, and the Legal Counsel for the Boston Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association - with over 20 years of experience in customs and international trade matters and works with numerous importers and exporters in addressing and resolving import and export compliance issues.

Small businesses looking to increase sales and profit are taking their businesses global.  SBA provides counseling, training and financing to support small business export opportunities.  To learn more about the SBA, visit www.sba.gov.

WHAT:          SBA, SCORE & Asian American Civic Association Workshop: “Strategies & Assistance for Asian Importing & Exporting”
WHEN:          Tuesday, June 10th, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

WHERE:           AACA, 87 Tyler Street, Boston MA 02111

HOW:             Registration: Norman.Eng@sba.gov



BOSTON – Monday, June 2, 2014 –Housing and Economic Development Secretary Greg Bialecki today announced that the fourth round of the annual MassWorks Infrastructure Program grant program will be open to new applications online between June 1 and August 29, 2014.

The MassWorks Infrastructure Program provides a one-stop shop for municipalities and other eligible public entities seeking funding to support housing, economic development and job creation. In addition, the Program also supports municipalities with a population of 7,000 or less that may seek grants for road improvements to enhance safety.

The 2014 grant round will support housing or commercial growth opportunities that contribute to the long-term strength and sustainability of Massachusetts with a particular emphasis on projects that support the production of multi-family housing in appropriately located mixed-use districts or that support economic development in weak or distressed areas. The MassWorks Program encourages communities to apply for projects where they have planned ahead for such growth by implementing prompt and predictable permitting and zoning that supports the desired growth.

The materials for the fourth round of grants and the electronic application system were put online June 1, 2014, giving public entities a 10-week head start on gathering information they need to apply for these grants in August. A copy of the 2014 application, guidelines, FAQs and other relevant materials are available at http://mass.gov/hed/massworks. All data submitted during the 2011, 2012 and 2013 grant rounds will be available to previous applicants for updating, making reapplying easier. All decisions will be rendered within approximately eight weeks.

In total, the past three grant rounds of the MassWorks Infrastructure Program have assisted over 100 projects with over $180 million in infrastructure improvement projects in all areas of the Commonwealth.

The first competitive MassWorks grant round was held in September 2011. In the latest round, the Administration approved 33 projects worth over $79 million.

The MassWorks Program represents six capital budget programs that were consolidated by the Patrick Administration in 2011 and codified by the Jobs Bill signed by Governor Deval Patrick in August 2012. To learn more about the MassWorks Infrastructure Program and how it is supporting job growth and long-term, sustainable economic development, please visit: http://mass.gov/hed/massworks.



Boston’s favorite summer basketball league, the Boston Neighborhood Basketball League (BNBL), is back!  Presented by Reebok, BNBL is currently accepting registrations for teams to compete in the 45th annual summer season.  Individuals who wish to join a “wait list” to be placed on a team and youth interested in the Pee Wee Development Program can also register.  The registration deadline is Friday, June 27th.  Volunteer coaches are also welcome and needed.  All BNBL coaches must pass a CORI/SORI administered through Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF.) 

The BNBL season officially begins on Monday, July 7th.  Registration forms for team registration and individual “wait list” registration can be downloaded on-line soon at http://www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf/recreation.asp.  The league will end on Friday, August 22nd after the conclusion of all playoff games.

BNBL also offers a FREE Pee Wee Developmental program for boys and girls ages 6-11.  Pee Wee BNBL is offered at the BCYF Charlestown Community Center, the BCYF Gallivan Community Center in Mattapan, the BCYF Grove Hall Community Center in Roxbury, the BCYF Leahy-Holloran Community Center in Dorchester, and the BCYF Roslindale Community Center.  This program teaches young players the basics of basketball in a fun and non-competitive setting.  Space is limited and spots can be reserved by calling the community centers directly.  Pee Wee registration forms can be downloaded on-line soon at http://www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf/recreation.asp.       

The Boston Neighborhood Basketball League is the oldest municipal basketball league in the country and serves over 3,000 young men and women in four divisions: Pee Wee, 13 and under, 15 and under, and 18 and under.  BNBL is played at BCYF community centers across the city and at select park locations.  For more information, or to find out about coaching opportunities, please e-mail or call the League Co-Director, Woodley Auguste, at Woodley.Auguste@boston.gov  or 617-635-5206 x103.


出席活動的亞太裔社區領袖包括,百人會會員、蒙特利公園市前市長陳李琬若、美國華人公共事務促進會顧問朱易、亞太裔公共事務聯盟南加州分會主席黃福篷、全美中華青年聯合會會長任向東,以及來自南加州越南裔社區的代表。他們表示,劉云平是值得亞太裔社區信賴的代表,是華裔從政的優秀代表。更是今年最有機會進入國會的亞太裔代表。亞太裔社區團結合作,力助劉云平進入國會,必將有助於亞太裔議員在國會內的比例提升。 (AACYF洛杉磯訊)
