
星期二, 3月 05, 2013

BCNC跨入昆市服務 今年籌款約25萬元

馮文傷、甄若素夫婦,以及波士頓市人民服務長Daphne Griffin當晚獲頒波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC)之友獎。
            波士頓華埠社區中心自從董事會主席鍾潔姿上任,把中心服務方向調整為家庭導向,內部人事也有營運主任、項目主任更新為年方廿、三十歲的John Xie及李隆華等年輕人後,整個機構更顯生氣蓬勃。
            BCNC推出的新服務包括「父母之道(Parenting Journey)」,「家庭識字(Family Literacy)」,已幫助117名有特殊需要兒童的「耀星計劃(The Shining Star Project)」,以及針對家庭個別狀況提供服務的「家庭連繫者(Family Connector)」等。
BCNC這些年來的努力,已在外打響名氣,眾多名人收到支持邀約時,首肯毫不猶豫。2011年獲得史迪威企業婦女最佳執行長獎(The Stevie Awards for Women in Business),有華裔血統的BJ’s批發公司執行Laura Sen這兩年來已成為BCNC的忠誠支持者。一日晚她應邀上台致詞,還呼籲大眾一起繼續支持。
曾掀起「林來瘋」風潮的美國男籃明星球員林書豪,是華裔與牙買加非洲裔混血兒,早前未被華埠社區注意到的,2009年七月就簽約加入新英格蘭愛國者隊的鍾家庭(Patrick Chung),都大方捐出球衣,供BCNC拍賣籌款。鍾家庭早前還親自出席BCNC的見面會,和一眾幸運的青少年會晤,另捐出足球拍賣。
            麻州的州市政要,也都很支持BCNC的服務。麻州眾議員黃子安當晚代表州議會頒發表揚狀給BCNC,眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michelwitz),波士頓市議員約翰康納利(John Connolly)、劍橋市市議員張禮能,以及去年底才新當選為康可(Concord)鎮鎮議員的伍甘澍等人,都出席到賀。


            BJ’s批發公司執行Laura Sen()呼籲大家一起支持BCNC。旁為BCNC董事會主席鍾潔姿。(菊子攝)




            劍橋市市議員張禮能()BCNC發展主任陳小慧()之邀,出席BCNC春宴。曾為電視台播報員的David Brown當晚再度出任拍賣主持人。(菊子攝)


台學聯新春座談 林俞安當選新任會長




麻州約有3000隻黑熊 新調查又多兩隻

CONWAY – Monday, March 4, 2013 – Governor Deval Patrick today joined Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Rick Sullivan, Department of Fish and Game (DFG) Commissioner Mary Griffin and state wildlife officials on an expedition to document the newest members of the Commonwealth’s black bear population.
The team discovered two cubs born approximately four to six weeks ago. The cubs, both male, weighed in at approximately six pounds. Based on last year’s breeding status, the Conway bear is one of 16 radio-collared sows believed to have given birth this winter.
While newborn cubs are too small to tag or collar, MassWildlife records each cub’s physical condition, weight and gender. Biologists also check the physical condition of mother bears, as well as the condition and fit of their radio collars.
Information gathered at the den in Conway today adds to that compiled through one of longest, continuous studies of black bears in the United States. DFG’s Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) began the study with the Massachusetts Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst in 1970.
MassWildlife has been solely responsible for the project since 1999 and is currently examining reproductive success, cub survival, adult female survival and human-bear interactions. Numbering only about 100 bears when the study began, the Massachusetts black bear population has grown to approximately 3,000 today.
Although black bears are becoming more common in central Massachusetts and are occasionally sighted in eastern communities, most of MassWildlife’s bear research takes place west of the Connecticut River. With the aid of radio telemetry, MassWildlife is currently tracking 16 female bears, also known as sows, to determine adult female survival and cub production and survival – key components of the Division’s black bear population model. MassWildlife does not collar male bears, but ear-tags them to provide future knowledge about survival and movement.
Contrary to popular belief, black bears don’t go into true hibernation in winter. Rather, they sleep soundly in their dens from November or December until early March to mid-April, but may wake up to forage in mild weather.
Black bears are found in 43 states. Those in Massachusetts average 230 pounds for males and 140 pounds for females. They are omnivores – eating a variety of foods from vegetation and berries to grubs, insects and carrion – and are excellent climbers, frequently using trees to rest and to protect their young. Black bears mate between mid-June and mid-July and cubs are born in mid- to late-January. Cubs remain in the den until April and stay with their mother for about 17 months. Females typically have their first litter when they are 3-4 years old.  

忠義中文學校3/11新春聯歡 邀亞美聯誼會做嘉賓

      昆市市府律師(city solicitor) James S. Timmins在二月底時,已通知本報,為中國超市在昆市設新店重開的公聽會,訂三月十一日晚七點,在北昆市高中舉行。

麻州撥補助款四十萬元 獎勵綠色社區

Patrick-Murray Administration Energy Officials Present Green Communities Awards
Wendell, Westminster and Whately receive Green Communities designations and over $400,000 in grants 
WHATELY– Monday, March 4, 2013 – Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rick Sullivan today presented the towns of Wendell, Westminster and Whately with $417,575 in Green Communities grants to fund municipal clean energy projects.
“Wendell, Westminster and Whately are now three of the 110 Green Communities across the Commonwealth making smart investments in renewable energy,” said Governor Deval Patrick. “Community by community, we are protecting our environment, reducing municipal costs and making Massachusetts a clean energy leader.”
“These communities are among the leaders taking charge of their clean energy future,” said Secretary Sullivan, whose office includes the Department of Energy Resources (DOER). “The Patrick-Murray Administration continues to support towns that are cutting energy use, creating jobs and protecting the environment. Their efforts are critical to the Commonwealth’s clean energy revolution.”
Wendell received a $138,125 grant, Westminster received $141,500 and Whately received $137,950. All of the communities received a certificate from the Commonwealth and four road signs identifying them as Green Communities. DOER’s Green Communities Division designated the towns as official Green Communities in December, recognizing their achievements in meeting five clean energy benchmarks.

“Massachusetts’ clean energy revolution continues its momentum in large part because of leadership at the local level,” said DOER Commissioner Mark Sylvia. “It’s always a good day when we recognize the efforts cities and towns are making to save money and energy for their residents and businesses while reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions.”

The grants are part of a package of more than $1 million in funding awarded to the state’s seven newest Green Communities. In addition to the communities awarded today, and the town of Rockland, awards will also be made to Petersham, Westwood and Winthrop.

Once designated by DOER as official Green Communities, cities and towns are eligible for awards to fund local renewable power and energy efficiency projects that advance both municipal and state clean energy goals. Grants awarded so far assist an array of projects across the state, including the installation of solar panels on town office buildings, weatherization at schools and municipal buildings, installation of high-efficiency street lights, and a host of energy efficiency upgrades. Including this sixth round of designation grants and a round of competitive grants last spring for previously-designated Green Communities, the Patrick-Murray Administration has awarded approximately $24 million in grants to the Commonwealth’s 110 Green Communities.

To date, the 110 Green Communities have committed to a total energy reduction equivalent to the annual energy consumption of over 13,600 homes. In greenhouse gas reduction terms, this commitment equates to taking nearly 31,000 cars off the road.

"These communities, and the others in my district that have already been named Green Communities, are at the forefront of the state's effort to bring about a clean energy future," said Sen. Stan Rosenberg. "My congratulations to all the communities and all the people who made these awards possible."

"I applaud Whately for being the latest of a growing number of small towns to make a commitment to a more sustainable and responsible energy future for its citizens,” said Rep. Stephen Kulik.  “Participation in the Green Communities program will bring both financial and environmental benefits to Whately, and the town officials who provided the vision, leadership, and hard work to make this happen deserve our admiration and thanks."

“I am proud to represent Westminster, its designation as a Green Community is a worthy accomplishment,” said Rep. Jon Zlotnik.

 DOER’s Green Communities Designation and Grant Program, a result of the Green Communities Act signed by Governor Patrick in 2008,  rewards communities that earn Green Communities designation by meeting five clean energy benchmarks.

The program is funded through auctions of carbon emissions permits under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, as well as Annual Compliance Payments made by electricity suppliers under the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard.

Massachusetts sits at the end of the energy pipeline and imports all of its fossil-fuel based energy sources – some from areas unstable or hostile to the U.S. Of the billions of dollars Massachusetts spends annually to buy the energy that runs its power plants, buildings, and vehicles, much of it flows to other states and places like South America, Canada, and the Middle East. That is lost economic opportunity that Massachusetts stands poised to reclaim through investments in home-grown renewable energy and energy efficiency projects such as those supported by Green Communities grants.

The Green Communities Act also required the state’s utilities to prepare energy efficiency plans. The estimated energy reductions from the 2013-2015 plans is comparable to the environmental benefits achieved by eliminating the energy use of approximately 100,000 homes, or of taking approximately 400,000 cars off the road over the same time period as the energy efficiency measures. These initiatives and others earned Massachusetts the #1 ranking in the nation for energy efficiency by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) in 2011 and 2012. 

Further reducing our reliance on foreign energy sources, Massachusetts has 220 megawatts of solar power installed, with more than 100 megawatts installed in 2012 alone. That’s enough electricity to power more than 34,797 homes and, when compared with fossil fuel-generated electricity, the equivalent of eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions from 22,795 cars per year. Massachusetts is now 88 percent of the way to its 2017 goal of 250 megawatts of solar power.

There has been an increase in wind energy from 3 megawatts to 100 megawatts since 2007, enough to power nearly 31,633 homes and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from 21,503 cars annually.


WASHINGTON---Today, the Senate confirmed Pamela K.M. Chen by a voice vote to a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. She becomes the first openly gay Asian Pacific American to serve on the federal judiciary. 

"NAPABA congratulates Pam Chen on her historic nomination and confirmation and is proud to have supported her in the nomination and confirmation process along with the LGBT community," said Wendy Shiba, president of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). "We applaud President Obama and Senator Schumer for their continued commitment to diversifying the federal judiciary."

For almost 14 years, Judge Chen has served as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, where she has served as chief of the Civil Rights Section for more than eight years, and previously as a deputy chief of the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division. She also served as a deputy commissioner for enforcement at the New York State Division of Human Rights, as a trial attorney in the Justice Department in Washington D.C., and in private practice. Judge Chen has won numerous awards for her work, particularly in addressing human trafficking.

"Judge Chen's confirmation is a step in the right direction," said Mee Moua, president and executive director of the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), member of the Asian American Center for Advancing Justice. "There are more than 40 federal District Court judges in New York City. Judge Chen will become the third Asian Pacific American, bringing APA representation on the bench more in line with our 14 percent share of the city's population."

Judge Chen's confirmation increases the number of active Asian Pacific American Article III judges to 18 nationwide: two federal Appellate Court judges and 16 federal District Court judges. President Obama nominated a record 17 Asian Pacific American to the Article III courts. Three more Asian Pacific American Article III nominees are pending in the Senate: Sri Srinivasan, nominee for the U.S. Circuit Court for the D.C. Circuit; Raymond T. Chen, nominee for the U.S. Circuit Court for the Federal Circuit; and Derrick Kahala Watson, nominee for the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii. NAPABA and AAJC urge the Senate to move quickly to confirm these individuals, who are highly qualified for the federal bench.


Approximately half of Massachusetts residents will pay less, or the same under Governor Patrick’s proposal to grow jobs and opportunity
BOSTON – Monday, March 4, 2013– Governor Deval Patrick today unveiled an online tool that shows the impact of the Patrick-Murray Administration Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) budget proposal on an individual or family’s budget. The tool can be found, along with maps that outline the education and transportation plans that will help grow jobs in every corner of the Commonwealth, at www.mass.gov/governor/choosegrowth
“We are proposing meaningful investments in education and transportation, and people want to know what that means for them,” said Governor Patrick. “Last week, with the maps, we showed what long-postponed projects would get done in each community. Now, with this tool, we show just what the costs or savings will be for individual households.”
Residents will enter information including their annual income and filing status, and will be able to view the impact of the Governor’s proposal on their personal taxes.
"The Governor and I know that asking people to pay more by any type of tax increase is never easy," said Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray. "However, our growth strategy will expand opportunities for this generation and generations to come. As we continue the conversation, we hope this online tool will help residents understand the impact taxes will have on them personally and for the strength of our economy and Commonwealth.”
To support almost $2 billion in meaningful investments that will strengthen the state’s economic future, the FY14 budget calls for the creation of a simpler and fairer tax system that lowers the sales tax from 6.25 percent to 4.5 percent, and raises the income tax to 6.25 percent. All proceeds from the sales tax will be dedicated to a public works fund that will support the Administration’s 21st century transportation plan, as well as the school building fund and other public infrastructure projects, and will be off limits for any other purpose.
To make that increase fair to all according to their ability to pay, the Governor has proposed doubling the personal exemptions for every taxpayer and eliminating a number of itemized deductions.  Making those changes gives the Commonwealth a tax code that is simpler and fairer. The changes to state sales, income and business taxes will make Massachusetts comparable on taxation to our neighboring states and those with which we compete.
Last week, Governor Patrick unveiled an online map tool that outlines transportation projects in every community that would be funded under the Governor’s FY14 budget proposal, as well as the additional Chapter 70 education funding and support for public colleges and universities communities can expect to receive under the Governor’s investment plan. The maps also show how many children in each community are on the waitlist for early education and care programs. As part of the Governor’s investment plan, the 30,000 child waitlist for early education and care programs across the state would be eliminated. 
Following the announcement of his investment plan in his January State of the Commonwealth address, Governor Patrick has been traveling across the state making the case for business leaders, educators, local elected officials and members of the public about the importance of investing now in education and infrastructure to spur job creation and unlock opportunity in every corner of the Commonwealth. For more information on the Governor’s investment plan visit www.mass.gov/governor/choosegrowth.