
星期四, 10月 02, 2014


哈佛大學著名中國問題教授馬若德(Roderick MacFarquhar)昨(一)日在講座中建議,習近平不妨邀香港學生到中國談話,告訴他們香港是中國未來的模範,但目前中國需要穩定發展。
            馬若德昨日為蕭慶倫,傅高義教授主持的“中國面對的重要問題講座系列(Critical Issues Confronting China Seminar Series)”演講,暢談“中國轉型中:習近平的影響”。由於香港問題情勢熱到全球關注,在回應聽眾提問時,他笑說如果他是習近平,他會告訴香港學生們,香港是模範,有一天中國也會走到香港這一步,但現在的中國需要穩定,學生們應該放眼綜觀全局,從整個中國的角度來想問題,而不要僅僅只看香港。


哈佛大學著名中國問題教授馬若德(Roderick MacFarquhar()在傅高義(右)主持的講座中,談中國,香港問題。(菊子攝)

“Bird’s-eye Boston” 3D model exhibit opens in City Hall lobby

“Bird’s-eye Boston” 3D model exhibit opens in City Hall lobby
Share your favorite views of the city on Twitter using the hashtag #BirdseyeBoston

BOSTON – The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) and the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics have teamed up to launch a new exhibit in the third floor lobby of City Hall that blends public art and urban design. Dubbed “Bird’s-eye Boston,” the installation invites people to explore a three dimensional model of Boston’s downtown. Some of the city’s most iconic buildings are highlighted on the model to help visitors orient themselves to the unique view. Staff will lead brief guided tours that offer insights on the history of downtown’s redevelopment.
If you live or work in Boston, odds are you have enjoyed its skyline from many different angles. Millions of visitors each year are treated to impressive views from flights arriving at Logan, as planes descend over the Harbor, gliding just above the water for passengers to gaze out at the Prudential Center, the Hancock Tower, the Federal Reserve, and other downtown landmarks before coming to rest on the tarmac. But the opportunity to take in an aerial view without having to leave the ground is likely a first for many.
“If you spend a lot of time in the city, it’s easy to overlook some of the truly special views and destinations that are in our own backyard,” Mayor Walsh said. “The Bird’s-eye Boston exhibit will help activate the main entrance to City Hall and give people an opportunity to learn a bit about the history of buildings in the downtown area.”
The exhibit’s curators are encouraging people to share their favorite views of Boston on social media using the hashtag #BirdseyeBoston. Visitors can tweet questions and photos to @BostonRedevelop.
The three-dimensional model of downtown, which was recently restored by CBT Architects, was originally created by the BRA in 1975 to showcase Boston’s developing skyline. It displays about three square miles of the city (approximately one sixteenth of Boston’s land mass) on a scale that makes the Hancock tower, the city’s tallest building at 790 feet, a diminutive eight inches high. While it doesn’t capture all of the intricate details of Boston’s most recognized structures, the model uses color to differentiate between building types. It has been updated over the years to reflect the current build out of downtown and portions of the Back Bay and Beacon Hill.
Starting today and running through mid-December, the exhibit will be located in the third floor lobby of City Hall and open to the public during business hours, which are weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The BRA maintains a larger working model in its offices on the ninth floor that is used to study project proposals and inform city planning initiatives. Visitors to Bird’s-eye Boston are also invited to see the working model. Twice a week, on Monday and Friday afternoons, the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics and the BRA will offer guided tours and answer questions about the working model.
“The models are great conversation pieces and learning tools,” said BRA Acting Director Brian Golden. “Urban design is complicated topic, and the exhibit offers an easy way for everyone to discuss how our city is built. We’re excited to be able to share it with the public.”
In a city filled with history, the exhibit model has a notable story of its own. In 2004, it was loaned to public safety officials for security planning around the Democratic National Convention.
In late December, the model will be moved to a permanent home at Boston Society of Architects’ BSA Space at Atlantic Wharf.

Whole Food招聘說明會 逾百人出席

預定明年初在墨水塊(Ink Block)大樓開張的全食(Whole Food)超市連鎖店,將招聘250人,十月七、八兩日會辦兩場咨詢會,十月十日下午三點半,截止受理書面申請。   
            華人前進會表示,近年來華埠一代的發展項目,已創造了超過2000個建築業工作機會,還有上百個永久性的工作機會,將陸續出現,這些土地發展計劃包括位於廟街(Temple Place 59號的旅館,預定2015年年底開張的羅氏兄弟(Roche Brothers)超市,以及全食超市。





駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處與大波士頓艾克頓(Acton鎮「當代藝術國際村(The Quarry)合辦的「光影敘事-台灣女性攝影家作品展」,將展至十月十七日止。
            汪曉青用自拍個人肖像來嚐試藝術性記錄她的生活。她不只是攝影師,也是鏡頭裡的人物。這些肖像從她懷孕起,跨越 15年,每個鏡頭都有模糊的前一段影象做背景,來創造一層層的,她和丈夫,兒子之間的敘事關係。這些堆起來的影像,反映出時間的累積,以及人與人之間親密關係,她的私人生活和專業工作的交錯。
展出地點68 Quarry Road, Acton, MA 01720


            駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處副處長陳銘俊(右三),組長官大鉎(右二)等人日前出席「光影敘事-台灣女性攝影家作品展」開幕式,和謝茵(右四)等人合影。(圖由當代藝術國際村(The Quarry)提供)

BPS College Month kicks off with more than 600 students at City-Wide College & Career Fair

BPS College Month kicks off with more than 600 students at City-Wide College & Career Fair
*more events to follow for the month of October*

BOSTON – On Saturday, September 27, more than 600 students and 250 parents, guardians and mentors attended a city-wide college fair at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School in Roxbury.  Boston Public Schools, in partnership with Boston Scholar Athletes (BSA) and Success Boston, hosted the fair for students and families to connect with 132 college, university, and community partner exhibitors. Boston Public Schools high school students were joined by elementary and middle school parents and numerous charter school and METCO students residing in the Boston area.

Colleges and universities from the New England area and from as far away as Georgia, Virginia, and Minnesota presented their programs, alongside vocational opportunities for students, particularly in the science, engineering, and health sciences career fields. The variety of exhibitors also included historically black colleges and universities such as Morehouse, Spelman, Howard and Hampton Colleges.  Mary Skipper, Network Superintendent for High Schools, notes, “The Fair offers one-of-a-kind services to students and families in the Boston area, including workshops in both Spanish and English, and access to in- and out-of-school services through community partner exhibitors such as National College Advising Corps, Bottom Line, the Boston Private Industry Council (PIC), and Hyde Square Task Force.”

The College and Career Fair marked the beginning of College Month across the city. Throughout October, Success Boston and a broad community of partners are raising awareness of the importance of college among students and families, with a month of events, resources and information on college attainment and the application process. 

Each week in College Month will highlight a “college knowledge” theme. Students across elementary, middle, and high schools will participate in age-appropriate college awareness. Students and families can ask questions pertaining to college, financial aid, and career by using the hashtag, #CollegeMonth.

Week 1: Empowering Students and Families through Financial Aid
Week 2: Ensuring Student and Family Planning and Preparation through Admissions Awareness
Week 3: Bringing BPS Alumni Home through Alumni Engagement
Week 4: Connecting College and Career Readiness through Career Exploration

More information about College Month is available at http://www.tbf.org/tbf/55/success-boston/college-month

星期三, 10月 01, 2014

麻州州務卿警告民眾 iFreex涉嫌傳銷詐欺

麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William Galvin)昨(九月三十)日表示,一家本地公司,涉嫌以和TelexFree傳銷非常相似的方式,吸引人投資一項手機服務。
威廉蓋文表示,曾經在TelexFree公司做推廣高管的Sann Rodrigues,現在推廣iFreex,允諾給一個新的iPhone,來吸引投資者是先登記。
TelexFree公司的前任執行長james Merrill目前保釋在家,等審訊。他的生意夥伴Carlos Wanzeler已離開美國到巴西,被美國當局當作逃犯。
美國證券交易委員會(US Securities and Exchange Commission)已因為Sann RodriguesTelexFree案的關係,控告了他,但沒人知道他現在的下落。
威廉蓋文辦公室在一份聲明中表示,Sann Rodrigues曾經住在Revere。他在臉書上聲稱,iFreex會是新的TelexFree。但iFreex顯然只是重新包裝了的手機詐欺案。2006年時, 因為Sann Rodrigues涉及另一宗類似的電信詐欺案,麻州禁止他在州內做證券交易。