
星期四, 7月 28, 2022

麻州公共衛生廳證實新增36宗 "猴痘"個案

(Boston Orange編譯) 麻州公共衛生廳 (DPH) 今天宣佈,過去 7 天內,麻州新增 36 例成年男性猴痘病例,自麻州518日出現首例猴痘病以來,迄今共發現了115 例。

DPH 每週四都會公佈麻州有關猴痘病例的最新資訊。

DPH今天宣布的 36 宗病例,發生在 7 21 日至 7 27 日之間。DPH 正在和當地衛生官員、患者和醫療保健提供者合作,以查察患者染病時,都有那些人曾與患者接觸過,並建議患猴痘者隔離,避免與他人接觸,直到他們不會再傳染給別人時。

隨著聯邦分配疫苗的數量增加了,麻州提供疫苗接種的醫療保健提供者和地點的數量已擴大到 13 個。提供疫苗接種服務單位的名單,將在網上持續更新。

                      截至 7 27 日,麻州已施打了4,303 JYNNEOS 疫苗。

 Massachusetts Public Health Officials Confirm

36 New Monkeypox Cases


JYNNEOS vaccine providers in the Commonwealth

continue to expand


BOSTON (July 28, 2022) – The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) today announced 36 additional cases of monkeypox in adult males within the past seven days, bringing the total number of monkeypox cases in the Commonwealth to 115 residents since the state’s first case was announced May 18. DPH provides public updates on monkeypox in Massachusetts on a weekly basis each Thursday.

The 36 cases announced today had their diagnoses between July 21 and July 27. DPH is working with local health officials, the patients, and healthcare providers to identify individuals who may have been in contact with the patients while they were infectious. Individuals with monkeypox are advised to isolate and avoid contact with others until they are no longer infectious.

The number of health care providers and locations offering vaccination across the state has expanded to 13 as federal allocation of the vaccine has been increased. The list of health care provider sites is updated on a rolling basis on the Commonwealth’s monkeypox vaccine website. As of July 27, 4,303 doses of JYNNEOS vaccine have been administered in the Commonwealth.

Due to extremely limited national availability of vaccine, the JYNNEOS vaccine in Massachusetts still remains limited at this time. Vaccination is available to individuals who meet the CDC’s eligibility criteria and who live or work in Massachusetts. Vaccine is prioritized for individuals at greatest risk of exposure to someone with monkeypox.  If an individual believes they qualify for a monkeypox vaccine, they should contact their healthcare provider or one of the state’s provider locations. JYNNEOS vaccine allocation data by jurisdiction is now updated on a weekly basis each Wednesday on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website: JYNNEOS Monkeypox Vaccine Distribution by Jurisdiction (hhs.gov).


See more information on monkeypox vaccination in Massachusetts, including eligibility.


Current data from CDC indicate that there have been 4,639 cases of monkeypox virus this year in US residents as of July 27. Regularly updated case counts can be obtained on the CDC’s website: 2022 U.S. Map and Case Count. There have been no deaths reported in the US related to this outbreak and patients generally recover fully in 2-4 weeks. Gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men continue to make up a large proportion of the cases identified to date. However, the risk is not limited to the LGBTQ+ community, and anyone who has been in close contact with someone who has monkeypox is at risk. The World Health Organization (WHO) on July 23 declared the global monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.


While the virus does not spread easily between people, individuals can spread the infection once they develop symptoms. Transmission occurs through direct contact with body fluids and monkeypox sores, by touching items that have been contaminated with fluids or sores (clothing, bedding, etc.), or less commonly, through respiratory droplets following prolonged face-to-face contact. In many of the recent cases, the locations of the rash lesions suggest transmission during sexual contact. Examples where monkeypox can spread and where it does not:

  • Monkeypox can spread through:
    • Direct skin-to-skin contact with rash lesions. Sexual/intimate contact, including kissing while a person is infected.
    • Living in a house and sharing a bed with someone. Sharing towels or unwashed clothing.
    • Respiratory secretions through face-to-face interactions (the type that mainly happen when living with someone or caring for someone who has monkeypox)
  • Monkeypox does not spread through:
    • Casual conversations. Walking by someone with monkeypox in a grocery store, for instance. Touching items like doorknobs.


Clinicians are asked to be alert to the possibility of monkeypox virus infection in individuals who have rash illnesses consistent with monkeypox. Early symptoms of monkeypox can include fever, headache, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes, but rash may be the first symptom. Rash lesions start flat, become raised, fill with clear fluid (vesicles), and then become pustules (filled with pus). A person with monkeypox can have many lesions or only a few. Learn more about how to recognize monkeypox.

Actions for people to consider if they want to reduce their risk from monkeypox include:

  • Avoiding large gatherings like raves and dance parties where you may have lots of close body contact with others
  • Asking any partner, especially new partners whose health status and recent travel history you are not familiar with, if they have any symptoms of monkeypox
  • Staying informed by reading information available on the DPH and CDC websites.


As the CDC advises, if you believe you may have monkeypox, you should contact your health care provider. If you need to leave your home, wear a mask, and cover your rash or lesions when around others. Those who live with or care for someone who may have monkeypox should wear a mask and disposable gloves if they need to have any direct contact with lesions and when handling any clothes or bedding if the person cannot do it themselves. They should also wash their hands regularly, especially after contact with the person who is infected or with their clothes, bed sheets, towels, and other items or surfaces they may have touched.


Clinicians should consult with DPH at 617-983-6800 to determine if testing is indicated. Consultation is required before submitting specimens.

For more information about this virus, visit www.mass.gov/monkeypox and www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox.


Baker-Polito Administration Announces
$2.2 Million in Capital Grants to 20 Massachusetts Tourism Destinations

Destination Development Capital grant program will expand
and renovate tourism destinations and attractions

NEW BEDFORD — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced $2.2 million in grants to 20 recipients as part of the Destination Development Capital grants, a program created through the economic development bill signed into law by Governor Baker in 2021. 
Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito and Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism Executive Director Keiko Matsudo Orrall announced the awards today at Abolition Row Park in New Bedford. New Bedford Parks Recreation & Beaches is receiving $231,788 for development of the public greenspace in the heart of New Bedford’s Seaport Cultural District.
"Massachusetts’ vibrant tourism and cultural sectors in cities and towns across the state continue to play a key role in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor Charlie Baker. "By making necessary upgrades to these facilities, the Destination Development grants will bolster the Commonwealth’s travel and tourism industry and support continued economic growth.”

“Upgrading the Commonwealth’s tourism infrastructure and cultural facilities is an important way to ensure their value and resilience in the years to come,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. "These Destination Development Capital program grants will also help support small businesses, spur local economic activity and create jobs.”

The Destination Development Capital program grants provide funding for projects that expand, construct, restore, or renovate Massachusetts tourism destinations and attractions, and aid in destination recovery and resiliency. The aim of the program is to strengthen the Massachusetts economy through projects that enhance tourism resources and infrastructure, especially physical or structural upgrades that have a lifespan of greater than five years.
Examples of projects that received funding include:
Franklin County Agricultural Society in Greenfield, for electrical safety updates to improve energy efficiency and provide increased recreational vehicle and food truck power outlets to expedite pandemic recovery of the Franklin County Fairgrounds
  • Town of Wareham, for the renovation of the Onset Bandshell and formal seating area
  • Salisbury Beach Partnership, to help construct the pavilion that will house a historic carousel
  • United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum in Quincy, for technology upgrades to enhance visitor experiences and improve public access and safety
“I want to thank the team at MOTT, under the leadership of Director Orrall, for administering these grants, which will have a lasting, positive effect for Massachusetts’ tourism industry,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “These funds will help amplify tourism and local economic activity in communities across the Commonwealth.”

“Each year, millions of visitors enjoy our cultural facilities, which serve as a welcoming center for our travel and tourism industry,” said MOTT Executive Director Keiko M. Orrall. “Modernizing our cultural assets is an important way to let visitors know we welcome them to Massachusetts.”

Administered by the Tourism Trust Fund, the Destination Development Capital grant program is funded through the Capital Budget. Applicant eligibility selection criteria included any public, nonprofit agency, 501(c)3, 501(c)6, which has been in operation in Massachusetts for at least two consecutive years since January 2020 and is in good standing with taxes and all license and registration requirements in the Commonwealth.

Both the Destination Development Capital and related Travel and Tourism Recovery (TTR) grant programs are in alignment with the Baker-Polito Administration’s Partnerships for Recovery Plan to help stabilize and grow the Massachusetts economy. The plan focuses on getting people back to work, supporting small businesses, fostering innovation, revitalizing downtowns, and ensuring housing stability.

“Abolition Row Park marks a critically important chapter in the history of New Bedford and our nation. The story of Frederick Douglass and the pioneering abolitionists who carried forth the spirit of freedom and liberty in the face of tremendous inequality and injustice must be told," said State Senator Mark Montigny. "Lee Blake has been a tremendous force in preserving our history and keeping the spirit of these trailblazing human rights activists alive. We are thankful to her and the Baker-Polito Administration for their strong support and efforts on this project.”

"The Abolition Row project is a testament to the important role that the people of New Bedford, black and white citizens alike, played in the Underground Railroad and the fight against slavery in the United States,” said State Representative Antonio Cabral. “Our city has always embraced diversity and it is important that we remember this history as we look to our future. Congratulations to all of those working behind the scenes to make this park and project a focal point of our community."

The full list of grant recipients can be found here.

麻州長查理貝克簽527億元預算 州民可能拿回25億元

               (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) (28) 日一早簽署527億元的2023會計年度預算,直言這2年,麻州稅收豐盛,今年的預算,不但使得麻州的「穩定基金 (Stabilization Fund) 」增至84億元,還包括31500萬元用於支援永久性減稅。








                麻州雜誌 (CommonWealth Magazine) 是週三時第一個指出可能打破稅收上限的刊物。


              不過麻州州長的預算長Michael Heffernan表示,該法令對麻州政府該怎樣發放那些稅款優惠,並無明確描述,意味著何時發放有著彈性。查理貝克也建議,給回州民的錢,可以用退款的方式發放。他說,州政府正在看有那些最快,最有效率的方法,可以把那些錢退回給納稅人。 


              麻州州長剛簽署的預算案,包括會增加「所得稅抵免 (Earned Income Tax Credit)」,增加租屋而居者可申報的減免,重整麻州物業稅等的多項永久性稅務變更。

Governor Charlie Baker Signs Fiscal Year 2023 Budge

 Governor Charlie Baker Signs Fiscal Year 2023 Budget


 – Governor Charlie Baker today signed the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) budget, a $52.7 billion spending plan that supports the Commonwealth’s communities, families, businesses, and workers. The budget fully funds the continued implementation of the Student Opportunity Act, while expanding proven programs and making record investments in early education and childcare, housing and homeownership, college financial aid, economic and workforce development, behavioral health care and local aid.


The FY23 budget is in balance, does not rely on one-time revenue sources, and does not raise any new taxes or fees; rather, it incorporates $315 million to support permanent tax reductions that are expected to be enacted through separate legislation pending in the Legislature. Several of the expected tax measures were first proposed in the Administration’s FY23 budget plan filed in January, including an increase to the rental deduction cap, expansions of the dependent care and senior circuit breaker tax credits, and estate tax reforms.


“With the Commonwealth in a historically strong fiscal position, the FY23 budget supports tax relief for hundreds of thousands of taxpayers, while making record investments in education and local aid,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Since coming into office, our Administration has worked closely with the Legislature to ensure the budget is structurally sound and protected from unpredictable economic fluctuations, and I am pleased to sign another budget that maintains this commitment while making investments help Massachusetts’ families and communities grow and thrive.”


“The FY23 budget maintains our Administration’s strong support for the Commonwealth’s cities and towns and expands services in acute areas of need, like housing stability, education and childcare access, workforce development, transportation, substance addiction treatment and behavioral health care,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “This funding will further our work to encourage the economic growth of our communities, promote equitable access to opportunity and support the health and wellbeing of all residents.”


The FY23 budget incorporates an upgraded $39.576 billion base tax revenue forecast, an increase of $2.66 billion above the total FY23 consensus tax projection set in January. This revenue supports a total of $52.7 billion in gross spending, excluding the Medical Assistance Trust Fund transfer, which reflects approximately 9.3% growth in appropriations over Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22).


As enacted, the budget anticipates a sizable deposit into the Stabilization Fund of nearly $1.5 billion, which would increase the balance of the Fund from an already historic high of $6.9 billion to $8.4 billion. This would represent a $7.3 billion increase in the balance of the Stabilization Fund since the Baker-Polito Administration came into office in 2015 – an achievement made possible by the Administration and Legislature’s close collaboration and commitment to responsible management of the Commonwealth’s finances. 


“Fiscal responsibility has been a cornerstone of the Baker-Polito Administration, and we are proud of the work that has been done over the last seven years to bring the budget into structural balance and build up reserves, which will protect the Commonwealth from economic volatility and ensure the continuity of vital government services in the long-term,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan. “We thank our colleagues in the Legislature for their partnership in developing this impactful spending plan that sustains critical supports for the Commonwealth’s communities, families, and workers.”


The revenue upgrade incorporated into the budget also affords a number of substantial one-time transfers and reserves in FY23, including: a $266 M reserve to support MBTA safety and workforce initiatives; a $175 million transfer to a new trust fund dedicated to supporting high-quality early education and care; a $150 million transfer to the Student Opportunity Act Investment Fund; $100 million for a supplemental transfer to the Commonwealth’s Pension Liability Fund; and $100 million for a transfer to the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund.


Investing in Massachusetts’ Future


The FY23 budget makes record investments in the Massachusetts education system across all levels, from childcare to higher education. It continues to fully fund the implementation of the Student Opportunity Act with a $5.998 billion annual Chapter 70 investment, along with a $67.7 million increase over FY22 for special education circuit breaker reimbursement for cities and towns and a $89.2 million increase in charter school reimbursement funding. The Governor also signed a new one-time investment of $110 million that will support a pilot free school meal program for students in K-12 schools.


In addition to the $175 million trust fund transfer to support high-quality early education and care, the FY23 budget provides a total of $1.184 billion for the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). Notably, this includes $250 million for grants to help stabilize early education and childcare providers through the pandemic recovery period, $60 million for childcare provider rate increases and funding to support the full implementation of a more equitable parent fee scale that will result in virtually all subsidized families paying a fee that is 7% of their income or less in FY23.


The FY23 budget also provides $1.61 billion for college affordability, degree completion, and workforce readiness. This funding supports more than $190 million in support for financial aid, which includes an expansion of the MASSGrant Plus program that will enable all low-income, in-state undergraduate students to attend public higher education without incurring debt for mandatory tuition and mandatory fees. The budget also includes over $30 million to scale up college and career pathway programs for high school students with a focus on equity and recruitment of high-need student populations.


The budget furthers supports job readiness and efforts to connect students and workers to high-demand career pathways with increased funding for programs within the Executive Office for Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD). It includes $28.5 million for the YouthWorks Summer Jobs program, $23.9 million in total funding for the Career Technical Initiative, $17 million for the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund, and $15 million for MassHire one-stop career centers.


As Massachusetts’ economic recovery continues, the budget supports the Baker-Polito Administration’s focus on promoting equitable growth and opportunity for communities and businesses across the Commonwealth. The budget provides $32.2 million for the Small Business Technical Assistance Grant Program, which supports diverse entrepreneurs and small businesses, along with $20 million for the Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant program, $17.2 million for local economic development projects, and $10.7 million to support Massachusetts tourism and hospitality. 


The FY23 budget builds on the Administration’s efforts to promote equality and opportunity for communities of color with more than $50 million across the budget supporting targeted programs and initiatives aligned with the recommendations of the Governor’s Black Advisory Commission (BAC) and Latino Advisory Commission (LAC). The budget also fully funds the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO), which promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in state contracting and ensures accountability and compliance with diversity goals.


To continue supporting local communities throughout Massachusetts, the FY23 budget increases the Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA) investment by $63.1 million above FY22, for a total of $1.231 billion. A further $20.7 million in funding is provided for Community Compact-related programs including best practices and regionalization and efficiency grants.


Recognizing the challenges of the housing market, particularly in the aftermath of COVID-19, the FY23 budget makes investments to create long-lasting improvements in housing stability and access to homeownership. Building on the Eviction Diversion Initiative (EDI), the budget implements major reforms and significantly increases funding for rental assistance, re-housing benefits and housing vouchers. Along with eligibility expansions that will multiply the number of households served and increase benefits, the budget invests a historic $150 million in Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT), an increase of $128 million (582%) above FY22, and it provides $59.4 million for HomeBASE, a 129% increase vs. FY22. It also supports $110 million for homeless individual shelters, a 90% increase above FY22, and $154.3 million for Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP), which will support enhanced benefits and reforms that will give families more housing choice and flexibility.


The budget sustains support for core health care programs and makes investments to expand services for the most vulnerable, while improving access to health care for all residents. Within the $19.480 billion gross / $7.301 billion net MassHealth budget, $115 million will fund nursing facility staffing rate increases and supplemental payments. The MassHealth budget also incorporates a gross increase of $73.2 million to expand the Medicare Savings Program, which will reduce out-of-pocket health care spending and prescription drug costs for approximately 65,000 low-income seniors and disabled individuals.


The MassHealth budget includes $115 million to support the expansion of outpatient and urgent behavioral health services; further FY23 investments in behavioral health care include $20 million for a clinical behavioral health worker loan forgiveness program and a $20 million for a trust dedicated to supporting the expansion of access to and utilization of behavioral health services.


The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated substance addiction issues across Massachusetts, and the FY23 budget continues to ramp up funding to combat this public health crisis. The budget includes $597.2 million in total funding for a wide range of harm reduction, treatment, and recovery programs that support individuals struggling with substance addiction and programs that work to prevent substance addiction through education, prescription monitoring, and more.


The budget also continues efforts to ensure survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence have access to necessary services and supports, a priority of the Baker-Polito Administration. $132 million in total FY23 funding is allocated for services to prevent and treat sexual assault and domestic violence, a 104% increase in funding since FY15.


Outside Sections and Earmarks

As part of the budget-signing, Governor Baker vetoed $475,000 in gross spending, signed 153 outside sections, and returned 41 to the Legislature with proposed amendments.


Notable outside sections returned with amendment include:

  • Adding the most important provisions from the Administration’s dangerousness bill into the section that would provide free phone calls to inmates.
  • Amending an outside section relating to the Children and Family Legal Representation Trust Fund to require that money in the fund may only be spent on expanded guardian ad litem appointments in care and protection cases
  • Requiring the Health Connector to study implementation steps and costs of a Connector Care pilot program


FY23 Budget Highlights


K-12 Education

  • Fully funds the implementation of the landmark Student Opportunity Act, adding a total of $651.8 million in new spending above FY22:
    • $494.9 million increase in Chapter 70 funding, including an increase in minimum per-pupil aid from $30 to $60, for a total Chapter 70 investment of $5.998 billion
    • $67.7 million increase for special education circuit breaker reimbursement for local cities and towns
    • $89.2 million in additional funding for charter school reimbursement
  • $150 million for a one-time transfer to the Student Opportunity Act investment trust fund
  • $110 million for a pilot free school meal program for students in K-12 schools
  • Over $30 million to scale up college and career pathways
  • $15 million for scholarships and loan forgiveness programs for public school teachers


Early Education and Childcare

  • $1.184 billion for Early Education and Care (EEC), including:
    • $250 million to support continued stabilization of childcare facilities
    • $60 million for center-based childcare provider rate increases
  • In addition to the above funding, a one-time $175 million transfer to a new trust fund dedicated to supporting high-quality early education and care


Higher Education

$1.61 billion for the Department of Higher Education, University of Massachusetts, and state universities and community colleges, including:

  • More than $190 million to support financial aid, including $18 million to support an expansion of the MASSGrant Plus program that will enable all low-income, in-state undergraduate students to attend public higher education without incurring debt for mandatory tuition and mandatory fees and $15 million for financial aid increases at the University of Massachusetts
  • $22 million in financial aid for Massachusetts students attending private institutions
  • $8.8 million for foster care financial aid and fee waiver programs to maintain support for over 1,400 students attending private and public campuses who are currently or were previously in DCF custody and care, or who have been adopted through DCF


Supporting Local Government

  • Total investment of $1.231 billion in Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA) for local cities and towns
  • $20.7 million for Community Compact related programs including best practices and regionalization and efficiency grants, an increase of 63% above FY22, including $5 million for the Public Safety Staffing Grant Program and $3 million for district local technical assistance


Housing and Homelessness

$884.6 million for the Department of Housing and Community Development, a $300.5 million (51%) increase above FY22, which includes:

  • $219.4 million for the Emergency Assistance family shelter system
  • $154.3 million for MRVP to support more than 10,000 vouchers in FY23
  • $150 million for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT), an increase of $128 million above FY22
  • $110 million for Homeless Individual Shelters and $5 million to continue an innovative model to create new housing opportunities with wraparound services for chronically homeless individuals
  • $92 million in funding for Local Housing Authorities
  • $59.4 million for HomeBASE Household Assistance
  • $12.5 million for a collaborative program through which the Department of Mental Health provides mental health services and DHCD provides rental assistance


Economic Development

  • $32.2 million for the Small Business Technical Assistance Grant Program for entrepreneurs and small businesses, especially those owned by women, immigrants, veterans, and people of color
  • $20 million for the Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant program to support development in socially and economically disadvantaged communities
  • $10.7 million to support the Massachusetts tourism and hospitality sector


Labor and Workforce Development

  • $28.5 million for the YouthWorks Summer Jobs Program to subsidize summer job opportunities and provide soft job skills education for youths
  • $23.9 million in total funding for Career Technical Institutes, which provide pathways to high-demand vocational trade careers, including plumbing, HVAC, manufacturing, and robotics
  • $15 million for MassHire one-stop career centers
  • $600,000 for a new appropriation to expand research and analytics capabilities to enhance data-driven workforce development strategies


Health and Human Services

  • $230 million for Chapter 257 human service provider funding
  • $115 million to expand outpatient and urgent behavioral health services at MassHealth, plus an additional $20 million at the Department of Mental Health for clinical behavioral health worker loan forgiveness
  • $73.2 million gross to expand the Medicare Savings Program, reducing out-of-pocket health care spending and drug costs for approximately 65,000 low-income older adults and disabled individuals
  • $720.4 million for the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, including $24.9 million for grants to Local Councils on Aging, $7.9 million for supportive senior housing, and $2.5 million for geriatric mental health services
  • Fully funds the Turning 22 program at the Department of Development Services and other agencies
  • $1.2 billion for the Department of Children and Families (DCF), an increase of $368.7 million (45%) since 2015, including $13.4 million to support families that are fostering children in DCF care and to encourage recruitment of new foster families
  • $174.2 million in funding for Veterans’ Services and the Chelsea and Holyoke Soldiers’ Homes, which includes a $13.2 million (37%) increase above FY22 for the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home to support the Fall 2022 opening of a new 154-bed state-of-the-art Community Living Center
  • $15 million in grants to local health departments to support municipalities' capacity to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic


Substance Addiction Prevention and Treatment

  • $597.2 million for substance addiction prevention and treatment services across the budget, an increase of $478 million since FY15


Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

  • $132 million, a 104% increase since FY15, in support of services to prevent and treat victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, including $1.5 million in new investments to combat human trafficking


Promoting Equality and Opportunity

  • More than $50 million supporting the recommendations of the Black Advisory Commission (BAC) and the Latino Advisory Commission (LAC)



  • $1.55 billion in total budget transfers for the MBTA
  • $457 million for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), including $95 million for snow and ice operations and $3.4 million to support implementation of new funds provided through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
  • $266 million for a reserve to support MBTA safety improvements and workforce initiatives
  • $96.5 million for Regional Transit Authorities
  • $11.6 million for the Merit Rating Board


Energy and the Environment

  • $134 million for the Department of Conservation and Recreation, including funding for the Summer Nights program and the Swim Safe Massachusetts program to enhance and promote water safety
  • $45.4 million for Environmental Protection Administration
  • $30.6 million for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program
  • $5.4 million for climate change and adaptation preparedness


Criminal Justice and Public Safety

  • $445.1 million for the State police public safety and crime lab operations, including funding to support the 87th and 88th Massachusetts State Police Recruit Training Troops
  • $12.3 million in funding for the Shannon Grant program to fund anti-gang and youth violence prevention efforts
  • $10.4 million to fully fund tuition and fee waivers for National Guard members
  • $11.7 million for the Municipal Police Training Commission to implement bridge academies, expand training capacity, and annualize training requirements such as de-escalation and school resource officer trainings
  • $5.8 million to support the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission and four other new commissions created in the Police Reform bill
  • Eliminates all parole and probation fees, building upon the 2018 Criminal Justice Reform legislation which eliminated fees for parolees on supervision for less than a year


Securing and Modernizing Government IT

$163.3 million for the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security to support:


  • Management of Cyber Security Operations Center (SOC)
  • Continued migration of applications and infrastructure to cloud, third-party on-premise, and Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Continuation of EOTSS customer engagement initiative to enhance IT and security service offerings across Commonwealth agencies 
  • IT strategy consulting services in support of priority state agency and cross-secretariat initiatives
  • Business intelligence (BI) and data analytics support for state agencies
  • Centralized software and IT contract compliance program


To view the FY23 budget, click here.

波士頓市長吳弭宣佈下一輪社區保存法案經費有3900萬元 8/31前須填交資格表

(Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu )今天宣佈,2023會計年度的社區保存法 (CPA),共有經費約3900萬元,有意申請者須在831日前填交資格表。





Nearly $39 million available to distribute to projects that build affordable housing, preserve historic sites or create open space and recreation
BOSTON - Thursday, July 28, 2022  - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced the availability of eligibility forms for applications for the upcoming round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding. For Fiscal Year 2023, the City of Boston has made nearly $39 million available for CPA projects under three categories consistent with statewide guidelines: affordable housing, historic preservation, and open space or recreation. Applicants interested in funding for historic preservation or open space or recreation projects must complete eligibility forms by August 31, 2022, which will then be reviewed by the City’s Community Preservation Act Office. Candidates deemed eligible by the CPA Office will be invited to submit an application for their proposed projects. Once approved, applications will open on October 5, 2022 by invitation only and close on November 9, 2022. The Mayor’s Office of Housing will release a joint request for an RFP for CPA funding for affordable housing in August. 

“The Community Preservation Act empowers residents and local organizations by investing in community-driven developments and preservation efforts across the city,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I encourage everyone to begin the process of applying for funding to join our citywide work to further our city’s goals of affordable housing, historic preservation and open space and recreation.”

“Some of the most exciting and creative projects in our ever-changing City–innovative affordable housing projects, parks, and historic preservation projects-- are the result of resident and community driven CPA proposals,” said Councilor Michael Flaherty, Chair of the Council's Community Preservation Committee. “I am so thankful for the vision and partnership of the many leaders that helped us get the ballot measure passed years ago and continue to be thankful for the partnership with Mayor Wu and the Community Preservation Committee. I am confident that the nearly $39 million allocation in CPA funds will allow for significant community-driven, transformational change in every corner of our neighborhoods and look forward to another exciting round of applications."

“With the leadership of the parishioners of Eliot Congregational Church and me, we continue to nurture and cultivate partnerships with architects Menders, Torrey and Spencer and the Wentworth Institute of Technology in the hopes of developing alternative use spaces within and around Eliot Church to benefit a wide variety of racial and socioeconomic groups,” said Rev. Dr. Evan C. Hines, Senior Pastor for Eliot Congregational Church of Roxbury. “With the support of the CPA, the Eliot Church could serve as a prototype for other stewards of historic properties that are striving to preserve legacy, protect open space and address the need for affordable housing.” 

Applicants who would like to apply for affordable housing projects will need to respond to the joint request for proposals (RFP) released by the City of Boston Community Preservation Program and the Mayor’s Office of Housing. This joint RFP must be submitted by Friday, September 30, 2002.

After the end of the application period, the Community Preservation Committee will review applications by January 2023 and vote on a list of proposals in February to recommend to the Mayor. The Mayor will then make a recommendation on the slate of CPA projects to be voted on by the Boston City Council.

The last round of CPA awards in February 2022 funded over $27 million to 52 projects across the city, including affordable housing developments, open space and recreation, and historic preservation projects consistent with statewide guidelines. Examples of community projects that benefited from this investment include preserving archaeological sites from climate change-induced erosion on the Boston Harbor Islands, creating a new community garden in Mattapan on a vacant lot, rehabilitation and restoration roof repair of the historic 1873 Twelfth Baptist Church in Roxbury and creating a 96-unit affordable housing building in Jamaica Plain.

The Community Preservation Fund is capitalized primarily by a one percent property tax-based surcharge on residential and business property tax bills that began in July 2017 after Boston voters adopted the measure on a ballot question in November 2016. 

The City of Boston Community Preservation Act Program has awarded over $119 million to support 242 projects across the City since 2018. Community Preservation Act-funded projects can be found in every neighborhood across Boston. Of those supported since its creation, there have been 37 affordable housing projects, 97 open space and recreation projects, and 108 historic preservation projects. 

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is committed to broad community participation, supporting accessible and visible projects that have a positive impact on neighborhoods and residents. CPA staff has been hosting virtual meet and greets, community meetings, and workshops to explain the eligibility requirements and the application process to residents and organizations interested in applying for funding. 

For more information about the Community Preservation Act, visit here. To learn more about the process of applying for Community Preservation Act funding, visit the CPA's How to apply page. If you have any questions about the CPA Program, please email here.