
星期三, 5月 21, 2014


昨日的好事福平安大廈(Oxford Ping On Place)破土典禮中,最特別的致詞者是現已高齡九十的阮陳金鳳。
            1883年時,她祖父才遷居美東,並在夏利臣( Harrison)38號,開了家名叫“永安祥”的藥店。1907年再遷到好事福街10號。她父親陳華,後來想要買下好事福街10號,但業主不願意賣給中國人,一再藉故推拖,於是她家又再於1919年搬到好事福街32號,直到她父親去世,她們回到中國跟隨大媽生活。沒想到回來美國時,表親陳顯祥,紐英崙中華公所的早年主席之一,已買下了好事福街10號,並招呼他們住,直到後來他們各自成家立業為止。


            阮陳金鳳應邀在好事福平安大廈(Oxford Ping On Place)破土典禮中致詞。(菊子攝)



TAUNTON – Tuesday, May 20, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today announced a $10.3 million investment to build or renovate playgrounds and spray parks in all 54 cities in Massachusetts. Governor Patrick celebrated the launch of this new initiative at Taunton’s Hopewell Park, where the city will use its $200,000 grant to install a new spray park. 

“Growth requires investment, and creating and upgrading recreational parks in urban neighborhoods will help create growth and opportunity across the Commonwealth,” said Governor Patrick. “This investment will improve the lives of Massachusetts children and families now and for generations to come.”

Through the Our Common Backyards program, EEA will commit up to $200,000 to fund projects in each city. Most projects will go into construction over the spring and summer, with the goal of completing all 54 projects by the end of 2014. EEA worked with each city to agree on projects that advanced the goals of the program and the communities. In most cases, cities are contributing additional funding towards the construction of playgrounds and spray parks. In total, cities are expected to spend nearly $4.5 million this year to improve parks in connection with the Our Common Backyards program.

“The Our Common Backyard Program builds on the Patrick Administration’s historic investments in open space,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rick Sullivan. “As a former mayor, I’ve seen how important parks and playgrounds are to local communities. This project will provide cities with the resources to improve access to outdoor recreation in urban neighborhoods, where open space can be hard to find.” 

The Patrick Administration has made a historic investment of more than $300 million in land conservation focused on three goals: investing in urban parks, preserving working farms and forests and protecting large natural landscapes for habitat. This investment has resulted in the protection of more than 110,000 acres of land and the renovation or creation of over 170 parks since 2007, including projects in 310 of 351 communities and 50 of 54 cities. The land conserved and parks created are within a 10 minute walk of 1.5 million residents – about 25 percent of the state’s residents. For the 26 Gateway Cities, the new conservation land and parks are within a 10 minute walk of over 500,000 residents – about 33 percent of all residents.

According to a report by The Trust for Public Land, outdoor recreation generates $10 billion in consumer spending, $739 million in state and local tax revenue and $3.5 billion in wages and salaries each year in Massachusetts. This report also found that the state’s Gateway City Parks investments will create nearly 500 jobs and $26.5 million in local wages and salaries. 

"I'm very excited about the Patrick Administration's announcement committing over $10 million to ensure playgrounds and parks are available to families in every city in Massachusetts,” said Senator Jamie Eldridge. “A key part of Governor Patrick's legacy is his landmark investments in open space and recreational land across the state, and today's announcement is yet another example of his commitment to enhance the environment.”

“I’m glad to know that all of the cities in my district were awarded $200,000 Common Backyards grants which can be applied to upgrade and renovate playgrounds and to create spray parks; enhancing recreation opportunities and quality of life for residents,” said State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives. “I appreciate Governor Patrick and Secretary Sullivan investing in and recognizing the value of our urban parks.”

“Being outdoors and being active make everyone healthier and happier,” said Senator Patricia Jehlen. “Kids and grownups all need these oases."

“The creation of green recreational space in urban environments not only improves the quality of life of residents but serves as another ingredient of smart economic development planning,” said Senator Mark Montigny. “Cities with parks and playgrounds ensures that they are attractive to businesses seeking to locate facilities and employees in new or existing locations. These grants will help our Gateway cities remain economically vibrant and competitive.”

“Newburyport is so pleased to be a recipient Our Common Backyard grant to upgrade one of our parks to add a spray park,” said Newburyport Mayor Donna D. Holaday. “Governor Patrick’s administration has championed another important initiative for municipalities to upgrade important spaces for families and children. Neighborhood parks contribute to our economic development, safety, open space goals and promote the health of children and adults – this is a great addition for our city.”

“I would like to thank Governor Patrick for his leadership in making this program available,” said Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll. “We will be using this grant to create a splash pad and water activity area at Mary Jane Lee Park in the Point neighborhood of Salem, our densest and highest poverty neighborhood. Many of the residents who live in the Point do not have easy access to public or private recreational resources such as pools, so this grant is especially valuable to help us extend these kinds of opportunities to some of our neediest residents. My thanks go out to the Patrick Administration for making it possible and for recognizing that all of our residents deserve access to recreational services that encourage physical activity, foster greater civic and community engagement, and build neighborhood pride.”

“The Our Common Backyards program has fit an important niche in our community,” said Westfield Mayor Daniel M. Knapik.  “Our Spray Park project at Sadie Knox Playground has allowed us to introduce new programming to a neighborhood park on the north side of Westfield, and we have been pleased to engage the assistance of our local Youth Commission as we design this renovation. The Patrick Administration has hit a home-run with this initiative – one nimble enough to be pulled off in a short period but large enough to make a real impact in our community.”

Tufts University to Install Signage System on Boston Campus

Tufts University to Install Signage System on Boston Campus

BOSTON (May 20, 2014) — Tufts University is pleased to announce the installation of an external signage system on its Boston Health Sciences campus beginning on Tuesday, May 27.  The new system of banners, maps, and kiosks is designed to help visitors find their way to university and Tufts Medical Center buildings and also establish a more cohesive campus identity. The installation is expected to be completed by June 27. 

Thirteen perforated metal banners will hang from building entrances on Kneeland and Washington Streets and on Harrison Avenue.  Eight campus maps will be affixed to walls at key points where visitors are most likely to seek directions, including the Tufts Medical Center parking garage. Five free-standing kiosks will also hold maps that will help orient visitors. The installation is not expected to impact pedestrian or vehicular traffic, and the university is committed to minimizing any impact the installation may have on the community. 

The first stage of work will involve the installation of metal connections on selected building exteriors to allow for banner suspension.  After limited sidewalk excavation, kiosks will be installed, followed by the mounting of banners. 

The Boston Redevelopment Authority approved the university’s final signage plan, and a Chinatown advisory committee signed off on the proposal and provided advice on colors and other areas of interest to the Chinatown community.

The project was developed by Roll Barresi & Associates in association with Design Communications Ltd., which will install the signage. 

Tufts University’s Health Sciences campus in Boston is home to the School of Medicine, Sackler School for Graduate Biomedical Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, and Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.  Tufts Medical Center is the principal teaching hospital of Tufts University School of Medicine. 

Members of the community who have questions about the project may contact Barbara Rubel, Tufts University’s Director of Community Relations at (617) 627-3780.

麻州失業率 今年四月份 5.6%

Latest Seasonally Unadjusted Job and Unemployment Estimates for Local Labor Markets In Massachusetts

(BOSTON MA – May 20, 2014) – The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) today reported that the seasonally unadjusted unemployment rates for April dropped in twenty labor market areas and rose in two areas according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Over the year unemployment rates fell in twenty-one areas and one area remained unchanged.

The preliminary statewide unadjusted unemployment rate estimate for April was 5.6 percent, down 1.0 percentage point from March.  Over the year, the statewide unadjusted rate was also down 1.0 percentage point from the April 2013 rate of 6.6 percent.

During April, all twelve areas for which job estimates are published recorded seasonal job gains.  The largest job gains were in the Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, Springfield, Barnstable, Worcester and Framingham areas.  Since last April, eleven of the twelve areas added jobs with the largest percentage gains in the Barnstable, Haverhill-North Andover-Amesbury, New Bedford, Framingham, and Lowell-Billerica-Chelmsford areas. The Pittsfield area lost jobs.

The seasonally adjusted statewide April unemployment rate, released on May 15th, was 6.0 percent, down 0.3 of a percentage point over the month and down 1.0 percentage point over the year.  The statewide seasonally adjusted jobs estimate showed a 1,600 job loss in April and an over the year gain of 46,200 jobs.

The labor force, unemployment rates and jobs estimates for Massachusetts, and for every other state, are based on several different statistical methodologies specified by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The unadjusted unemployment rates and job estimates for the labor market areas reflect seasonal fluctuations and therefore may show different levels and trends than the statewide seasonally adjusted estimates.

NOTES:  The preliminary May 2014 and revised April 2014 unemployment rate, labor force data, and jobs estimates for Massachusetts will be released on June 19, 2014; local unemployment statistics will be released on June 24, 2014.  Detailed labor market information is available at www.mass.gov/lmi. See the 2014 Media Advisory annual schedule for complete listing of release dates.

星期二, 5月 20, 2014

哈佛辦的高中夏令營用這五題選人才, 你會怎麼回答?


哈佛辦的高中夏令營用這五題選人才 你會怎麼回答?

前週得知我們校友會贊助今年度在國立臺北大學舉行的「哈佛台灣青年領導夏令營」(Harvard Undergraduate Taiwan Leadership Conference),十分高興,特別拉了我們家今年才考上高中的老大上網報名,希望能為他的暑假期間多創造一些難忘的回憶。(FB專頁:HTLC 哈佛台灣英文領導營
在跟讀者分享這5個問題之前,我想哈佛大學重視的青年領導才能,與國內外專家所提倡的21世紀5C關鍵能力 (Communication 溝通、Collaboration 協同學習、Critical Thinking 批判思考,Creativity 創意,以及Complex Problem Solving 複雜的問題解決)有許多關聯,因此我鼓勵每個年輕人(以及家長)應該在課業學習之外,真正在這5個方面能多下功夫,這些會是真正將來職場上建立差異化競爭的能力。


Why do you want to participate in the Harvard Undergraduate Taiwan Leadership Conference? What do you hope to gain from this conference?
*Please complete this in English. (300 word limit)


Think about communities that you are a part of. Describe a leader who has affected your community positively. What qualities did he/she have? How did he/she change the community for the better?
*Please complete this in English. (300 word limit)
另外你所描述該名領導者的特質,也代表了你對於一個好的領導典範(Role model)有多少認識。讀者應該發現主辦單位希望看到的答案是具體的、有行動意義的,而不是只有抽象的描述。你應該要說一個動人的故事,除了這位領導者所達到的事蹟之外,特別是他/她如何啟發了你,以及你們這個群體的人,真實的個人體驗會更感人。


Give us the title and a summary of a movie that would be made about you in 2030.
*Please complete this in English. (300 word limit)


Please select one extracurricular activity you do in high school and explain why it is important to you. (Surfing on the Internet is not considered an extracurricular activity.)
*Please complete this in English. (300 word limit)


If you could write a song about your life, what would the first four lines be?
*Please complete this in English. (300 word limit)
最後的這一個創作題很有趣,其實也沒有乍看之下的困難,重點還是希望能窺見申請者對於人生的憧憬,以及核心價值觀。我們需要透過比較精煉詩歌般的文字, 來清楚傳達我們的信念。我很高興分享我兒的人生譜曲,他在16歲的時候用自己的言語預見未來的人生,雖然還有點模糊,有點生澀,但我知道他已準備好擁抱前面的酸甜苦辣,要用他的方式體驗,以及創造屬於他的人生。
Life has ups and downs, obstacles make me grow and strong.
Finding my own goals, and devoting all of my soul.
People who fight till the end of life, their future will always be bright.
Money might be precious, but happiness is priceless.


 許峻誠這天談“社群媒介與設計思考”。他先介紹了自己在麻省理工學院公民媒體中心(Center for Civic Media)進修的感受,指MIT史隆管理學院邀請企業執行長來教課,竟然是執行長只講十分鐘,其餘兩個多小時,全讓學生提問;學期中有很多午餐講座,以免費午餐鼓勵學生們邊用餐,邊吸收新知,都是他在台灣很少見到的現象。
許峻誠表示,他們目前在做的研究是如何把設計在現實環境中可發揮的影響力,同樣發揮在網路上,社交媒體中。台灣最近出現的Lets go out網站,是為了改變台灣年輕人滿足於“小確幸”的現狀,以互動平台,鼓勵年輕人出外開拓眼界。為減少交大宅男,宅女人數而研發出來的手機版交大交通車時刻表,認識交大程式遊戲等等,都是結合設計,社交媒體,來解決社會問題的實踐。






成立於1857年的聯邦金融集團(Commonwealth Financial Group),曾獲波士頓商業期刊(Boston Business Journal )選為十大財富(wealth)管理公司之一。1982年畢業於現已改成復旦大學醫學院的上海醫科大學的郭慧明,是這家小型金融服務公司的合夥人之一,也是全公司六十多人中唯一的華人。
十七日這天,郭慧明在該公司位於聯邦街101號的辦公室,以“為黃金年代做計劃:華美專業人士的財富管理基本策略(Planning for the Golden Years: Basic Wealth Management Strategies for the Chinese American Professional)”為主題,大方的和復旦校友們分享他的專業心得。


     郭慧明在聯邦金融集團(Commonwealth Financial Group)會議室內開講座。(波士頓復旦校友會會長高璐提供)
