
星期一, 3月 20, 2023

波士頓至德三德公所慶癸卯兔年 喜迎宗親市長吳弭來 (圖片)

波士頓至德三德公所宗親與嘉賓、瑞獅合影。嘉賓包括波士頓市長吳弭,波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,麻州參議員
Lydia Edwards,波士頓市議員Ruthzee Louijeune,波士頓消防局局長 Paul F. Burke, 波士頓消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,
紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元等人。 (黃周麗桃提供)

周美桃 (前左) 率領養生舞協會及鼓隊邀宗親市長吳弭(中)留影。 (黃周麗桃提供)
黃周麗桃為貴賓宗親,波士頓市長吳弭別上胸花。 (黃周麗桃提供)

               波士頓市議會議長 Ed Flynn 在推特上貼文,秀出他參加至德三德春宴盛況。

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)  在臉書上貼出至德三德公所


星期日, 3月 19, 2023


廣州香港科技大學的建築計畫獲得MIPIM 最佳文化、體育

             (Boston Orange 周菊子法國坎城報導) 甫於317日落幕的世界最大房地產會議之一,MIPIM,以強調環境、社會及管理的ESG為重心,頒發了12個獎項,表揚不同類別建築計畫。香港科技大學的廣州校園計畫獲最佳文化、體育及教育類獎。

             在氣候變遷對世界影響越來越大,綠化建築早已成為人們熱衷努力的方向之際,200510月在聯合國環境計畫署金融倡議 (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative)報告中率先提出的ESG理念,也開始越來越受人重視。

最佳文化、體育及教育類獎有4個項目入圍。 (周菊子攝)
             國際房地產會議MIPIM今年以土地發展項目在環境、社區的持續性、整合度,使用者的經驗品質,經濟性貢獻,設計概念的原創性,以及建築品質等6大標準,邀PIMCO 黃金地段房地產公司執行長Francois Trausch為主席,和Bjarke Ingels 集團合夥人Kai-Uwe BERGMANN等共13名評審,從來自22國的43件入圍作品中選出優勝者。


最佳替代性項目,位於法國Bailly-Romainvilliers – Val d’Europe的德勤(Deloitte) 大學 EMEA

MIPIM 主任Nicolas Kozubek 為頒獎典禮做開場致詞。 (周菊子攝)
最佳文化、體育及教育項目,位於中國廣州的廣州香港科技大學 (HKUST)

最佳酒店、旅遊和休閒項目,位於德國SyltLanserhof Sylt

最佳工業及物流項目,位於瑞士Le Locle的全新高級鐘錶製造廠Audemars Piguet

最佳綜合用途項目,位於法國巴黎的莫蘭 (Morland) 混合資本

最佳替代性項目,位於法國Bailly-Romainvilliers –
Val d’Europe的德勤(Deloitte) 大學 EMEA得獎。 (周菊子攝)
最佳辦公及商務項目,位於澳洲雪梨的碼頭區塔 (Quay Quarter Tower)

最佳重建樓宇項目,位於法國Boulogne-Billancourt的金屬57 (Metal 57)

最佳住宅項目,位於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的 Sluishuis

最佳市區更新項目,位於德國柏林的工作室花園 (Atelier Gardens)

最佳新土地發展項目,位於英國倫敦的「天根 (Roots in the sky)

最佳新巨型土地發展項目,位於Gabon Libreville的帝王灣 (La Baie des Rois)

特別評審獎,位於法國巴黎的莫蘭綜合資本,建築公司為CALQ 建築師事務所及DAVID CHIPPERFIELD 建築師事務所



星期六, 3月 18, 2023

Secretary Santiago Visits Veterans’ Home in Chelsea, Tours Community Living Center

Secretary Santiago Visits Veterans’ Home in Chelsea, Tours Community Living Center 

Secretary meets with residents and staff; Voices support for Healey-Driscoll Administration’s FY24 budget proposal which increases veterans’ service funding 


CHELSEA, MA – On Wednesday, Executive Office of Veterans’ Services Secretary Jon Santiago met with leadership, employees and resident veterans at the Veterans’ Home in Chelsea, and toured the Community Living Center, a state-of-the-art long-term care facility at the Chelsea Veterans' Home. This new 154-bed facility was designed in accordance with federal VA standards for Community Living Centers and will open later this Spring.


Governor Maura Healey and Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll on March 1 filed their FY2024 budget proposal, the first to reflect the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services’ (EOVS) new Cabinet-level status. To ensure that EOVS can properly serve the Commonwealth’s veterans, the Healey-Driscoll administration in its FY24 H.1 budget recommendation is recommending $185.6 million for the new secretariat, an increase of $11.3 million from FY23.


“Visiting the Veterans’ Home in Chelsea is an opportunity for me to see the incredible care being delivered to veterans at the Home by our dedicated team members at every level,” said Secretary Santiago. “Governor Healey’s budget for veterans’ services truly meets the moment as it is designed to ensure that veterans get the care, benefits and services they rightfully deserve and have earned through their bravery and service to our nation. I am grateful to Acting Superintendent Robert Engell and his entire team for their unwavering efforts on behalf of the American heroes living here. I look forward to partnering with members of the Chelsea delegation and legislature to advance this important budget proposal.”


Established in 1882, the Veterans’ Home in Chelsea, formerly the Soldiers' Home in Chelsea, offers residential and long-term care programs to eligible Massachusetts veterans. Its mission is to provide the highest quality of personal healthcare services to Massachusetts veterans with dignity, honor, and respect. Currently, the Home serves a total of 200 veteran residents, including those in long-term care and domiciliary living.


The Veterans’ Home in Chelsea’s 136-bed long-term care Quigley Building will be phased out and replaced by the new Community Living Center (CLC) set to open this Spring, increasing its long-term care capacity, which includes skilled nursing beds, long-term care beds, and dementia units. The CLC is roughly 80,000 square feet larger than the ward-style Quigley Building, and the Home expects to house an additional 41 long-term patients per day in FY23, a 17.3% increase in capacity. The new CLC at Chelsea will provide 154 long-term care beds for veterans, all with private bed and bathrooms as part of 14-bed “homes” that have a community living room, dining room, and kitchen.


For more information about the Veterans’ Home in Chelsea, visit mass.gov/orgs/veterans-home-in-chelsea. For more information  about the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services, visit mass.gov/veterans. 



BOSTON – Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell has co-led a coalition of 14 attorneys general in denouncing the decision of four of the world’s largest credit card companies — Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Discover — to walk back their commitment to implement a new merchant code for gun sales that would help prevent mass shootings and curb gun violence. 

In September, Visa, American Express and MasterCard publicly announced plans to add a new merchant code for gun retailers. The creation of the new code had been approved earlier that month by the Switzerland-based International Organization for Standardization — the international body that sets uniform codes used around the world to classify merchants based on the type of business, trade, or service supplied — to allow financial institutions to better detect and report suspicious activities related to the purchase of firearms and ammunition at standalone gun retail stores. In February 2023, Discover announced that it too would begin using the new code. 

However, last week, all four companies announced they were no longer implementing the code, citing legislation in several states seeking to bar or limit the use of the voluntary code. 

In a letter sent to the chief executives of Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Discover, the coalition, co-led by AG Campbell, urged the companies not to succumb to this political pressure and to apply the code as promised. 

“As we continue to experience the aftermath and trauma of senseless gun violence in our communities, we must utilize all available resources to stop these tragedies,” said AG Campbell. “My colleagues and I urge these credit companies not to cave to political pressure and to move forward with what will be an important resource in detecting, identifying and stopping potential threats to publicsafety.”


The new code creates a unique merchant category for gun stores, which previously were categorized as “sporting goods stores” or “general merchandise.” The code will have no bearing on an individual’s ability to lawfully purchase firearms, the letter states. It will, however, help financial institutions and law enforcement agencies identify unlawful transactions, including the purchase of prohibited firearms such as ghost guns or assault weapons; sales to straw buyers engaged in trafficking; and transactions involving high-risk purchasers trying to avoid detection in amassing an arsenal that could be used for mass shootings. 

In the letter, the attorneys general remind the credit card companies that the newly created code for gun stores is not a novel development, as the companies have already used codes in categorizing basic transactions for everyday items like flowers and groceries, and already have hundreds of retailer codes for everything from stamp shops and wig stores to car rental agencies and various government services. 

The coalition also points out that enabling financial institutions to detect and flag threatening patterns and potential criminal activity for law enforcement is nothing new, as financial institutions have been doing it for decades. Federal law requires Suspicious Activity Reports when banks “detect a known or suspected violation of Federal law or a suspicious transaction related to a money laundering activity or a violation of the Bank Secrecy Act.” Additionally, state and federal law enforcement agencies often request evidence relating to firearms or other investigations, but the ability of financial institutions or law enforcement to take steps against criminal gun purchases is hampered by the lack of a dedicated code for firearm and ammunition retailers. Utilizing a special merchant code can assist state and federal law enforcement in identifying potential concerns related to firearm purchases. 

The attorneys general urged the companies to stand by their original pledge to adopt the code and their commitment to ensure public safety. In their letter, the coalition argues that if the companies backtrack now on their pledge, and succumb to political pressure, this could invite further interference in lawful, protected business practices. 

The letter can be found in full here. 

AG Campbell is committed to combating gun violence in Massachusetts and across the country. In January, the AG’s Office joined a multistate coalition of attorneys general in filing an amicus brief in support of New York’s law prohibiting the carrying of firearms in place of worship and religious observation. In February, AG Campbell also filed briefs in two ongoing legal cases, Granata v. Campbell, and National Association for Gun Rights v. Campbell, to defend and uphold common sense Massachusetts laws and regulations intended to protect the people of Massachusetts from gun violence. 

The letter was co-led by AG Campbell, AG Matthew J. Platkin of New Jersey, AG Brian Schwalb of Washington D.C. and AG Kathy Jennings of Delaware, and joined by the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Nevada, Oregon, and Rhode Island, who have all signed onto the letter

北美海產展2023重見人氣 東方面孔遍布會場各處

                  (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 41屆北美海產展暨海產加工業展在展場面積約24萬平方呎,比去年大31%,有來自49國,1141家廠商參展,2萬多名參展者川流不息的熱鬧中,於312日至14日在波士頓會議展覽中心圓滿舉行。



                     3天的展覽中,雷攫 (Thunder’s Catch)的野生鮭魚周打魚湯 (Wild Salmon Chowder)贏得最佳新零售產品獎,Netuno USA以大蓋巨脂鯉肋 (Tambaqui Ribs)贏得最佳餐飲服務新產品獎。高居全美海產消費量前五名,在2020年平均每人吃了2.83磅的鮭魚,由於通貨膨脹導致更多人在煮食,經過調理的鮭魚類產品,成為今年的大熱門魚類。



快樂湖南廚房」丁姓店東的注意。 (周菊子攝)

會場展出的各種魚類。 (周菊子攝)
元山實業是其中最躍躍欲試的廠商,派出不下8人參展,以龍蝦、 煙燻鮭魚、魚子醬等不同風味沙拉,以及藜麥毛豆、香辣鷹嘴豆、元燒烤麩、芥末章魚、照燒魷魚腳、韓式魷魚腳、珍味魚卵()、珍味魚卵()、香辣螺肉、珍味裙帶絲等即食小菜,試探北美市場。該公司參展代表之一的廖玉琳指出,這些產品都是針對台灣人越來越少人在家煮飯的風氣,研發出來的,這次特地來北美參展,了解一下海外市場需求。


會場展出的各種魚類。 (周菊子攝)


這家廠商主打扇貝 (Scallop) 。 (周菊子攝)
來自伊利諾州芝加哥的林剛,為Schafer漁業公司做翻譯。他說亞洲人喜愛鰱魚 (Silver Carp) 、鯉魚 (Common Carp) ,但在中國,現在幾乎都是養殖的,不像這家公司賣野生的,所以特地找他來幫忙推銷。他自己也打算投入魚肉水餃市場。

根據食品及農業組織資料,魚是全世界交易量第二大的商品,僅次於穀物,有4000英里海岸線的智利,則是新鮮及冷凍鮭魚片,罐頭貽貝和海膽的最大出口國。展覽籌辦單位,多元化通訊公司集團副總裁Liz Plizga則指出,在全世界出口魚量最多的5個國家中,中國、智利、越南,今年都再次回到波士頓參展。

智利是新鮮及冷凍鮭魚片的最大出口國。 (周菊子攝)
經過新冠病毒疫情衝擊3年後,海產及水產業的製造商,運輸商,養殖業者,以及物流及冷藏公司們之間,有了前所未有程度的合作。在國際貨幣基金 (IMF)2023年全球經濟成長將跌至2.9%,但2024年將增加至3.1%,以及全球海產市場的複合年增長率將達1.41%,供應鍊仍然不穩定的預估中,海產商們對景氣復甦都抱著既忐忑,又迫不急待的感覺。

星期五, 3月 17, 2023

Tech Goes Home Receives Major Grant from The Devonshire Foundation to Increase Organization Capacity

Tech Goes Home Receives Major Grant from The Devonshire Foundation to Increase Organization Capacity

 BOSTON, March 16 — Today, Tech Goes Home (TGH), a leading nonprofit working to advance digital equity across Massachusetts, announced a $728,000 grant from The Devonshire Foundation that will enable TGH to dramatically expand its internal capacity and support the expansion of its proven digital equity programming to more communities around the Commonwealth. 

TGH has been providing people of all ages access to reliable internet, digital devices (a tablet or computer), and culturally responsive digital skills training for more than 20 years. The vital funding announced today will help strengthen future fundraising efforts by building a sustainable donor base and growing TGH’s earned revenue streams, enabling TGH to expand their proven digital inclusion programming.  

“Tech Goes Home is incredibly thankful for this support from The Devonshire Foundation, and for their recognition of the importance of efforts to make Massachusetts more digitally inclusive,” said Dan Noyes, CEO of Tech Goes Home. “Dedicated philanthropic support for TGH’s internal capacity is essential to successfully reaching more people in Massachusetts with the tools and resources to engage fully in the digital world – from health care and job opportunities to education and socializing with loved ones. With this support from The Devonshire Foundation – our largest single grant from a private partner – TGH will be able to make our programming accessible and sustainable for thousands of additional learners across Massachusetts.” 

“The Devonshire Foundation is proud to provide this grant to support Tech Goes Home’s critical work towards closing the digital divide in Massachusetts,” said Kate Grundy, Executive Director of The Devonshire Foundation. “This support reflects The Devonshire Foundation's commitment to organizations that are making an impact on a systemic social issue. Tech Goes Home has established a successful model and become a leader in addressing the digital equity gap. Providing funding to increase Tech Goes Home's organization capacity will support their long-term growth and help create stronger outcomes for the families and communities they serve.” 

Last year, more than 3,700 people graduated from TGH courses across Massachusetts. TGH operates at more than 100 partner sites in Greater Boston and Essex County, and recently expanded its programming footprint to Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin Counties in Western Massachusetts.

Joint Statement by HHS Secretary Becerra and Ambassador Tai on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Atlanta Spa Murders

Joint Statement by HHS Secretary Becerra and Ambassador Tai on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Atlanta Spa Murders

Co-Chairs of the White House Initiative and President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders reaffirm the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to combat anti-Asian hate and gender-based violence.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai issued a joint statement marking the two-year anniversary of the 2021 Atlanta spa murders, in which eight people, including six women of Asian descent, were killed by a gunman who targeted three Asian-owned businesses.

“Two years ago, eight lives were stolen in a string of shootings in Atlanta that heightened fears for Asian Americans already grappling with anti-Asian sentiment. On this somber anniversary, our hearts are with the families and loved ones of those who were impacted by these senseless acts of gun violence, and we share in the grief that remains fresh for many in the Atlanta community.

“The heinous murders were a national tragedy – one that not only brought visibility to the pain of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) communities, but also placed a spotlight on the violence, racism, and misogyny that Asian women across this country disproportionately experience. In response, the Biden-Harris Administration recently released its first-ever national strategy to advance equity, justice, and opportunity for AA and NHPIs that includes new commitments from federal agencies to combat anti-Asian hate and discrimination. Moreover, the White House Gender Policy Council released a progress report on the National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality, which outlines the strides made to improve women’s health, education, economic security, and safety.

“From Atlanta to Monterey Park, we have met too many community members shaken by acts of mass violence. And the effects of trauma from these incidents can often persist for decades. This Administration remains committed to providing culturally and linguistically appropriate resources, including mental health support, as part of our long-term efforts to advance safety, inclusion, and belonging for AA and NHPI communities. We continue to be inspired by local leaders and advocates working to build a future without fear, and who demonstrate the resilience of the AA, NHPI, and Atlanta communities.”

Following the 2021 Atlanta spa murders, the Biden-Harris Administration took swift action to combat anti-Asian violence and gender-based violence, including through:

  • The appointment of the first-ever White House Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Senior Liaison;
  • The enactment of the bipartisan COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, issuance of a memoranda from the Attorney General to improve efforts to combat hate crimes, and the appointment of the first hate crimes coordinator within the U.S. Department of Justice;
  • The convening of a United We Stand Summit at the White House to counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety;

波士頓市長吳弭宣佈能源新策略 將要求新建築最大化能源效率


These measures expand upon the Wu administration’s commitment to a just energy transition and a Green New Deal for Boston


BOSTON - Thursday, March 16, 2023 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu visited the Brian Honan Apartments in Allston-Brighton to announce the City’s intention to adopt a new, green building code that will strengthen energy efficiency requirements for new construction in Boston. To achieve this, Mayor Wu will file an ordinance with the Boston City Council to adopt the State Department of Energy Resources’ Municipal Opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy Code, a transformative green update that will further reduce climate-polluting emissions in buildings in municipalities that have adopted the code across the state. Additionally, Mayor Wu announced the new Large Building Green Energy Retrofits Program administered by the Mayor’s Office of Housing, a grant program supported by $10 million of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to be used to foster energy performance improvements for affordable housing developments. This program will significantly reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint of Boston’s existing affordable housing. Together, these efforts will further the City’s work to increase energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, transition away from fossil fuels, and support the City’s carbon neutrality goals.  

"Building a Green New Deal city means improving on our existing infrastructure as well as investing in future resilient development," said Mayor Michelle Wu. "This new green building code will help ensure that we set the foundation for healthy, resilient growth throughout our neighborhoods.” 

“Our focus is taking decisive action now to support our climate, advance justice and bolster livability throughout the City of Boston for all of our residents. To advance Boston's Green New Deal, we are tackling building decarbonization from all different angles, using all of the tools at our disposal,” said Green New Deal Director Oliver Sellers-Garcia. “By both adapting existing buildings and setting new energy standards for new buildings, we are taking an all of government approach to reducing emissions in more buildings to ensure our climate’s health and our city’s quality of life.” 

Municipal Opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy Code 

The Specialized Stretch Code was created along with an updated Stretch Energy Code in December 2022. The stretch energy code applies to nearly 300 Green Communities in Massachusetts, including Boston, and sets energy efficiency requirements for new construction and major renovations. The new, updated Stretch Energy code requires energy conservation measures to reduce heating and cooling demand. It creates a strong standard to ensure buildings are more resilient to power outages while enabling efficiency, electrification, and affordability.  

In Boston, 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from the building sector. The impacts of these emissions contribute to global climate change and local air pollution that disproportionately impacts low-income residents and communities of color in Boston. The updated energy code will deliver the long-term benefits of improved air quality, lower energy costs, reduced carbon emissions, and enhanced thermal comfort to residents. Research shows there is little-to-no cost increase for building efficient and fossil fuel-free multifamily housing.  

“The adoption of the state’s Specialized Stretch Energy Code is an important part of Boston’s work to decarbonize our buildings and reduce our carbon footprint,” said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. “I’m grateful to be a part of a Green New Deal City where we prioritize affordable housing in our decarbonization work.”  

The specialized code expands upon the current policy by requiring mixed-fuel buildings, or those using fossil fuels, to add wiring for future conversion to electrification and to install solar. The specialized code will result in most new buildings adhering to a highly efficient, all-electric standard. The specialized code includes three pathways to comply, including: 

·     Zero Energy: All stretch code efficiency requirements are to be met, and on-site renewable energy generation is equal to or greater than the building’s annual energy use. Any fossil fuel use must be pre-wired for electrification.

·     All-Electric: This pathway requires all stretch code efficiency requirements to be met and for the property to utilize no fossil fuels, except for backup generators, on-site vehicles, or outdoor equipment fueling. 

·     Mixed-fuel: Gas or fossil fuels are allowed if all stretch code efficiency requirements are met and the building is pre-wired for electrification. On-site solar must also be added to the property where feasible. New homes over 4,000 sq. ft. cannot use this option.

·     If approved by the City Council all multifamily housing over 12,000 sq. ft. must achieve Passive House certification in addition to meeting one of the above pathways beginning in January 2024.  

“Requiring new construction and major renovations to maximize energy efficiency will get us closer to electrifying affordably and make our buildings more resilient,” said Councilor Kendra Lara, Chair of the Committee on Environmental Justice, Resiliency, and Parks. “This is a critical step in meeting our decarbonization goals and protecting our most vulnerable communities from the impacts of climate change.” 

The specialized code is a critical foundation for other City building decarbonization policies by requiring new construction and buildings undergoing major renovations to be as efficient as possible. The City is already leading by example in its construction initiatives, adopting a fossil fuel-free standard for new municipal buildings and holding City-funded affordable housing developments to a zero emissions standard. The City is also continuing community engagement around regulations development for the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO), which requires existing mid- to large-sized buildings to reduce their emissions gradually to net-zero by 2050. Additionally, last summer Mayor Wu filed legislation to give Boston the local option to set building standards eliminating the use of fossil fuels for new developments and major renovations in Boston with the goal of participating in a 10-municipality pilot program administered by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. 

Affordable housing green retrofits 

While adopting the new greener specialized code creates a strong baseline for new buildings to be energy efficient, the City of Boston is also being intentional about supporting existing properties to bolster energy efficiency through retrofits. To support this work, Mayor Wu announced the Mayor’s Office of Housing’s new Large Building Green Energy Retrofits Program that will provide up to $50,000 per unit for deep energy retrofits for income-restricted buildings with 15 or more units in Boston. In coordination with the launch of this program, the Mayor’s Office of Housing is also offering up to $10,000 in technical assistance grants to support building owners in learning about their building’s energy use, and laying out a roadmap to achieving a deep energy retrofit of their building and BERDO compliance. More information about technical assistance grants can be found here. 

Residential buildings are responsible for approximately 50% of greenhouse gas emissions from buildings in Boston, and improving their energy efficiency can help to reduce these emissions and mitigate climate change. Energy-efficient buildings help to lower energy costs for tenants and affordable housing operators, improve indoor air quality, and create more comfortable and healthy living environments for Boston residents.  

"The new Large Building Green Energy Retrofits Program is a comprehensive effort to improve the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of existing affordable housing in the City of Boston,” said Chief of Housing, Sheila Dillon. “By investing in green energy retrofits in income-restricted housing, we are creating a more sustainable and resilient city. The changes this program will fund will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to a cleaner, healthier city and will advance Boston's goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.” 

There are a variety of green energy retrofits possible for income-restricted housing developments in Boston, accounting for the building's age, condition, and usage. Standard retrofitting measures include:

·     Installing energy-efficient lighting and appliances

·     Upgrading insulation and weatherization to prevent heat loss

·     Replacing outdated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems with more efficient models

·     Installing solar panels or other renewable energy sources

·     Upgrading windows and doors to be more energy-efficient 

“We cannot have a green Boston without greening our existing large buildings, and we especially need healthy, energy-efficient housing for our affordable housing residents,” said Councilor Kenzie Bok, Chair of the Committee on Boston’s Covid-19 Recovery. “I am proud that the Council and the Mayor were able to dedicate this $10 million in federal recovery funds to improving energy performance in affordable housing specifically. With these funds, we will put our low-income residents at the front of the green revolution and create a blueprint for affordable green retrofits that we then hope to use as a model citywide.” 

“I am delighted that a much needed infusion of cash will protect the infrastructure and reduce energy consumption in the Brian Honan Apartments,” said Councilor Liz Breadon. “Residents in my district and throughout Boston are calling for improved air quality and innovative solutions to climate change. My thanks to the Wu administration and my Council colleagues who persistently advocate for healthy affordable housing in our city.” 

“Allston Brighton CDC is pleased to be an early recipient of the Large Building Green Energy Retrofits Program to help us preserve and enhance the Brian J. Honan Apartments in Allston. Our team has committed to pursuing green technologies at our properties to not only reduce the environmental impact of development but to create healthy and safe housing for our residents,” said John Woods, Executive Director of the Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation. “We would like to thank Mayor Wu and The City Of Boston for making these new and important resources available, which will ensure that deeply affordable housing can provide high-quality homes to residents for generations to come.” 

“Today’s announcement marks an important step in demonstrating Boston’s climate leadership. We need to get Boston’s buildings off of fossil fuels to meet our climate goals and mitigate the extreme impacts of climate pollution that disproportionately impact environmental justice communities. Electric buildings are cost effective to construct, reduce energy costs when paired with efficiency measures, and provide cleaner indoor and outdoor air, improving public health and community resilience," said Michele Brooks, Boston Lead Organizer with the Massachusetts Sierra Club. "As we move to electrify our buildings, it’s necessary that we provide resources to support affordable housing developments in making these efficiency upgrades. We are pleased to celebrate the city in the announcement of $10 million dedicated towards green energy retrofits." 

The Large Building Green Energy Retrofits Program is part of a larger $20 million initiative to embed deep energy retrofits in Boston’s existing building stock. Over the coming months, the City will be building upon this work with a retrofit program for smaller residential buildings as well as a program specific to retrofitting the Boston Housing Authority. The adoption of the specialized code, in conjunction with retrofitting affordable housing to ensure maximized efficiency, supports a Green New Deal approach to achieve Boston's environmental and economic justice goals. By ensuring new and existing buildings are built as efficiently as possible, the City of Boston will be able to mitigate emissions from the building sector, bolstering housing affordability, and supporting the City's goals to be carbon neutral by 2050.