
星期四, 3月 24, 2022

昆士市爐溪高球場訂4月1日起對外開放 50年來第一次

              (Boston Orange) 昆士市市長Tom Koch 宣佈,爐溪 (Furnace Brook) 高爾夫球場將從41日起對外開放。這是50年來的第一次。

 私人經營的爐溪 (Furnace Brook) 高爾夫球俱樂部和昆士市府簽有50年租約,去年屆滿後,由昆士市自然資源局接管營運。



Furnace Brook Golf Course Open to Public April 1st
Mayor Thomas Koch announced that the golf season at Furnace Brook Golf Course will open to the public on April 1st for the first time in 50 years.  The City of Quincy’s Department of Natural Resources is operating the course after the 50-year lease expired last year with the private Furnace Brook Golf Club, Inc.
“We are excited to add this recreational opportunity to our inventory of parks and open spaces,” said Mayor Koch.  “Our plan is to provide affordable, local golf for our residents and in the process introduce many more residents to the game of golf.  This is a beautiful parcel of open space and we are glad to keep it as such for generations to come.”

Greens fees for Quincy residents have been set at:




18 Holes
9 Holes
SR 18 
SR 9
JR 18
SR 9 



Carts are $20 for 18 holes and $15 for 9 holes.  Non-residents will pay $10 extra in each category listed above.  Greens fees will be available through online booking for the first time.  Golfers can go to furnacebrookgolfcourse.com to book tee times 48 hours in advance.

“We want to introduce as many residents to the course as possible,” said Commissioner of Natural Resources Dave Murphy.  “This means affordable greens fees, camps, clinics, and other methods to help inform people of this great resource we have available to the public.  Golf has many barriers to entry and we see an opportunity to grow the game and improve the quality of life in the city.”

There are some Limited and Junior membership opportunities still available.  Family and Unlimited memberships are full but a waiting list is being compiled for 2023.

PGA Golf Professional Tom Ellis will be running the golf operations for the City.  Ellis comes from Granite Links Golf Club and has extensive experience managing public courses as well.

Plans are underway for a new clubhouse building to replace the antiquated structure that was built in 1926.  It does not meet ADA standards and much of the infrastructure and utilities would have to be replaced.  The Fours Restaurant group has been awarded the contract for food and beverage service at the clubhouse.  They expect to open their operation at Furnace Brook in early-April.

麻州州長候選人Sonia Chang Diaz叫陣 Maura Healey 6月前公開辯論3次

      (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 刻正競選麻州州長一職的現任麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮 (Sonia Chang Diaz) (24) 日向另一名州長候選人,現任麻州總檢察長的奚莉 (Maura Healey) 公開挑戰,要求在64日的麻州民主黨黨代表大會舉行前,至少做3次電視辯論。





一移民律師被判不得經營移民服務 罰款24萬元

Court Order Follows 12-Day Bench Trial in October 2021 Against George C. Maroun, Jr.; AG’s Office Alleged Defendant Exploited Brazilian Immigrants Seeking Legal Services

            BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that an attorney, sued for running an asylum scam in the Brazilian immigrant community, has been found to have engaged in unfair or deceptive practices, ordered by a judge to pay more than $240,000 in penalties and restitution, and barred from any future illegal immigration services.


            The order, issued after a 12-day bench trial in Middlesex Superior Court, follows a civil lawsuit filed by the AG’s Office in 2018 alleging that George C. Maroun, Jr. targeted the Brazilian immigrant community and routinely employed deceptive and misleading practices in violation of the state’s Consumer Protection Act.


“This attorney's business model targeted and exploited immigrants looking for legal help and made a profit at their expense, while also putting them at risk of deportation,” said AG Healey. “This was a hard-fought case by my office, and we are pleased to secure restitution and achieve accountability for those harmed by these illegal practices.” 


            Maroun practices immigration law and has maintained law offices in various locations, including in Somerville, Woburn, Chelmsford, and Stoneham. According to the AG’s complaint, since January 2013, Maroun submitted immigration-related petitions and applications on behalf of more than 1,000 residents in Eastern Massachusetts, many of whom are Brazilian and speak limited English.


Based on the evidence presented at trial, the judge found Maroun repeatedly violated the Consumer Protection Act by filing immigration applications on behalf of new clients without their knowledge or consent; failing to explain the legal processes he would use in their cases or the possible risks or benefits of those processes; filing asylum applications and affidavits containing false information; filing untimely asylum applications which were nearly certain to result in denial and lead to removal proceedings; making false guarantees and misrepresentations about the likelihood that Maroun would secure clients legal immigration status; and using threats of deportation to collect attorney’s fees.


Under the terms of the court order, Maroun is required to pay a total of $241,800, including $160,000 in civil penalties and $81,800 restitution for affected clients. Maroun is also permanently prohibited from representing new clients, filing immigration applications, or soliciting legal fees without disclosing and fully explaining the legal processes, available options for clients, and any risks and benefits to his services.


Maroun is also required to obtain the client’s consent before undertaking any representation or filing any applications on behalf of the client and is barred from making threats of deportation or other negative immigration consequences in order to collect current or additional legal fees from clients.


In his decision, the judge noted that the Supreme Judicial Court and the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers are in a position to decide whether to place restrictions on Maroun’s ability to practice law in the Commonwealth.


As part of her office’s ongoing efforts to advocate for the state’s immigrant communities, AG Healey has been informing and protecting residents from fraudulent immigration law practices. The office’s multilingual education campaign, first launched in 2018, provides immigrant communities with information about these predatory practices, and the tools and tips necessary to help protect themselves. The AG’s Office has since relaunched its education materials and outreach after hearing from community partners about unscrupulous lawyers taking advantage of their clients and a widespread scam known as “notario fraud,” or the unauthorized practice of immigration law.


The AG’s Office has previously taken action against individuals for exploiting residents seeking immigration services. In 2016, Gerson Barahona, a Waltham man was ordered to pay more than $155,760 in restitution to victims, civil penalties, and attorney’s fees, after posing as an immigration lawyer and unlawfully charging hundreds or thousands of dollars for legal advice and services. The AG’s Office sought and obtained a preliminary injunction in December 2014 that required Barahona to cease providing any services related to immigration matters. 


To report an immigration scam, call the AG’s Civil Rights Division at (617) 963-2917. To learn more, please visit www.mass.gov/immigrationscams.


This case was handled by Senior Counsel Samantha Shusterman of AG Healey’s Consumer Protection Division, Assistant Attorney General David Ureña of AG Healey’s Civil Rights Division, former Paralegals Marina Bueno and Sneha Pandya and Paralegal Andrew Turnbull of the Consumer Protection Division, and Senior Investigator Ciara Tran of the Civil Investigations Division, with the assistance of State Trial Counsel James Sweeney and former Consumer Protection Division Chief Max Weinstein.


To view this press release in Portuguese, click here.


To view this press release in Spanish, click here.

波士頓華商會迎虎年 市長吳弭與近百市府員工出席同歡

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn和不分區市議員Erin Murphy頒發表揚狀給波士頓華商會,

                  (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 疫苗都打了,口罩不用戴了,波士頓華埠商會 323日晚在帝苑大酒樓慶祝虎年新春,盛極一時,有四、五百人出席,不但波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 到賀,連已2年未公開露面的僑領陳毓禮都來了。



波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)當年在前市長萬寧路(Tom Menino)辦公室實習時,

             當晚到會的政要,在波士頓市長吳弭之外,還有麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,波市不分區市議員米高法拉提 (Michael Flaherty)Erin Murphy

               波士頓市的經濟機會及包容長Segun Idowu,公平及包容長Mariangely Solis Cervera2名市府內閣首長,以及消防局局長John Jack Dempsey,副局長黃瑞瑜,警察局社區副局長陳孔恩 (James Chin),稽核局局長Sean C. Lydon,還有近百名警察局,消防局,稽核局 (ISD),小企業服務組的波士頓市府各局處員工出席同歡。



麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)和波士頓市議員Michael Flaherty都是嘉賓。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu,中)和龍鳳酒樓老闆梅錫銳的子女,燒酒餐廳老闆梅沛傑(左),

波士頓市消防局副局長黃瑞瑜 (Connie Wong,後左一)是目前在波士頓市府職位第二高

             麻州眾議員麥家威也感謝波士頓華商會在疫情期間的努力,稱陳毓禮為”My Budy”,還懷念辭世未久的比利叔叔陳毓璇。


             波士頓市議會議長Ed FlynnErin Murphy隨後攜手送上一份表揚狀給波士頓華商會。


波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu,前左三),麻州眾議員Aaron Michlewitz (前左起),紐英崙


波士頓經濟機會及包容長Segun Idowu (左起),3月中才上任的小企業組主任Aliesha Porcena

波士頓稽核局 (ISD)局長Sean C. Lydon (後右三),衛生副局長Daniel Prendercast (後左一)和
該局同仁,以及波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn (後左三),曾在ISD服務,現在Solomon
McCown工作的Dan Manning等人,這天都應邀出席。ISD共有6大組別,員工200多人,

波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)和波士頓市消防局副局長黃瑞瑜等部分市府員工在波士頓華商會春宴中聯歡。(周菊子攝)

亞裔社區基金座談「 我們一同崛起 (We Rise Together) 」


              (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓基金會 (TBF) 麾下的「亞裔社區基金 (Asian Community Fund) 24日舉辦「我們一同崛起 (We Rise Together) 」城鎮會議,回顧一年前的亞特蘭大槍擊事件,綜論亞裔社區應加強學習述說經歷,並結盟、服務、參政,集結力量,改變社會看不見亞裔的現狀。

              亞裔社區基金董事會主席李保華在開場致詞中表示,二年前,他們成立這基金,作為在麻州支持亞裔社區發展力量的長久資源,匯聚、團結亞裔社區內的不同族裔,形成更強而有力的擁護聲音。他們正致力克服亞裔所面對的歷史性隱而無形,以及亞裔社區慈善事業的長期缺乏投資情況,今年春天將推出「亞裔企業賦能會 (Asian Business Empowerment Council, 簡稱ABEC)」,刻正徵求主管人才。

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)。
              「停止反亞裔仇恨 (Stop Anti-Asian Hate) 」的報告指出,從2020年以來,有不下1萬宗反亞裔仇恨、暴力事件,其他未舉報的就更不計其數。在亞特蘭大事件有6名亞裔婦女死亡之外,Indianapolis聯邦快遞大樓9人被射殺,其中4人為亞裔;紐約市不同地點至少有4宗死亡事件,在紐約曼哈頓還出現一日之內有7名亞裔婦女被同一人攻擊。

亞裔社區基金主任Daniel Kim (上),全國家庭傭工聯盟總監蒲艾真(下)。
Vanny Huot, Co-Director, Revere Youth in Action

              這會議請邦克丘(Bunkerhill)社區學院校長余慕潔做開場介紹,請波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),以及曾於2012年獲美國時代雜誌選為最具影響力時代百大人物的全國家庭傭工聯盟總監蒲艾真做主旨演講。

              劍橋市市長Sumbul Siddiqui,牛頓市麻州眾議員Kate Hogan,摩頓市麻州眾議員Steve Utrino,波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,以及韓國駐波士頓領事館代表等嘉賓,都出席了會議。



              吳弭引述Cathy Park Hong在「小感受:亞裔美人的推想 (Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning)」書中寫道,她怕亞裔不會成為力量,反而被力量吞噬了。她描寫關於消失,隱形,以及在我們系統性地被鼓勵忽視的方式中,讓人要問自己可能做了些什麼招致對我們的傷害,又或者我們如何行動、說話,或者不行動、說話,可能導致我們自己的邊緣化?

Acton-Boxborough區域高中暨反種族歧視,平等及正義教育聯盟青年組織者Rebecca Zhang,



亞美促進正義會會長John C. Yang (上),WGBH電視總經理程必璧(下)

                       這場會議還邀請了社區人士從地方,以及全國的角度來反思社會中的反亞裔仇恨暴力。紐英崙歷史協會董事范王柳娥,波士頓大學錫克協會會長Unmol Eesha Gill,瑞維爾青年在行動 (Revere Youth in Action)共同主任Vanny Huot,以及Acton-Boxborough區域高中的反種族歧視、公平,及正義教育聯盟青年組織者Rebecca Zhang,亞美正義促進會會長楊重遠 (John C. Yang) 等人分別發言。

亞美促進正義會會長John C. Yang WGBH電視總經理程必璧(上),King Boston主任
Imari Paris Jeffries (中左),麻州中部東南亞亞裔聯盟主任Anh Vu Sawyer (中右),
劍橋市市長Sumbul Siddiqui。

2021波士頓現場藝術受獎人, DoYeon Kim和  Chase Morrin

              Rebecca Zhang 是在亞特蘭大槍擊事件發生後,大有感觸,起而行動的製作介紹亞裔的簡報,後來加入CARE聯盟,推動在麻州幼稚園到12年級的課程中,增加族裔文化課程。

          這場會議還安排了一場座談,請WGBH電視總經理程必璧主持,King Boston主任Imari Paris Jeffries,麻州中部東南亞裔聯盟主任Anh Vu Sawyer,劍橋市市長Sumbul Siddiqui,以及亞美正義促進會會長楊重遠 (John C. Yang)與談。


              亞裔社區基金主任Danielle Kim在會末提醒眾人,下一場活動是41(週五),主題為「當樹幹折斷時,第五段:幼兒人力的挑戰與創新 (When the Bough Breaks, Part 5: Challenges and Innovations in the Early Childhood Workforce)」。


麻州長訪問Holyoke 慶祝把光纖網路帶進郊區

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates Completion of Make Ready Work, Critical to Extending Broadband to “Last Mile” Towns

Celebration marks conclusion of Make Ready Working Group’s four-year effort of unprecedented coordination among utilities, service providers, construction contractors, state government

Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito lead discussion on Make Ready work.
HOLYOKE – Thursday, March 24, 2022 – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration celebrated the completion of Make Ready work, a four-year, coordinated effort to remove the largest obstacle to extending broadband access across 53 “Last Mile” communities in Western and Central Massachusetts. During a roundtable event hosted at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) in Holyoke, Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, and Undersecretary of Community Development Ashley Stolba commemorated the milestone with executives from the utility companies, service providers, and construction contractors who comprised the Make Ready Working Group responsible for delivering high-speed internet access to the doorsteps of 28,000 households in these towns.
Formed in February 2018 and led by Lt. Governor Polito, the Make Ready Working Group achieved unprecedented coordination of the activities required to make space on utility poles in advance of the construction of broadband networks. Through regular meetings, new practices and protocols, and meticulous tracking of progress, the group was able to accelerate the Make Ready work that ultimately impacted approximately 40,000 utility poles, allowing for the installation of 2,000 miles of fiber optic cable across all 53 Last Mile towns.  As of today, 40 Last Mile towns have fully operational broadband networks, 10 previously unserved towns have networks that are partially operational, with the three remaining unserved communities in various stages of design or construction. 
“As a result of the important work done by the entire Make Ready Group’s membership, who met weekly and more over the past four years, the last of the Commonwealth’s communities that still remain unserved by broadband are a major step closer becoming connected,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  “Thanks to this group’s efforts, 53 previously underserved municipalities will have access to essential broadband services and we are grateful for this important collaboration.” 
“Congratulations to the members of the Make Ready Working Group for your commitment to an unprecedented degree of coordination over the last four years,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Because of your work, we’ve successfully overcome the largest challenge to extending broadband to our final ‘Last Mile’ communities in our goal of closing the digital divide.”
The membership of the Make Ready Working Group included: Eversource, National Grid, Verizon, Westfield Gas and Electric, Comcast, Charter, ITG, Sertex, MassDOT, the Department of Telecommunications and Cable, the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, and the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI). 
Throughout the four-year period, the Working Group continuously tracked and pressed for the acceleration of Make Ready work with a focus on eliminating roadblocks where fiber construction crews were actively building new network.  To track progress, a complex integrated schedule, created and managed by the MBI, became the primary tool to coordinate efforts and resources. 
New tactics and protocols were also implemented, with utilities being asked to “swarm” crews into high-priority towns to complete Make Ready work.  As coordination increased, fiber construction crews were eventually fully synchronized such that construction could start in a particular neighborhood immediately upon the completion of Make Ready in that section of a town.  Prior to this approach, standing practice was to hold off on construction until Make Ready work was completed for the entire town. 
“The success of the Make Ready Working Group will serve as a new model for how we can work together to tackle complicated challenges associated with upgrading and extending modern-day infrastructure that is a necessity in today’s world,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy.  “As the pandemic demonstrated, internet connectivity is more vital than ever, and this work will ensure that no one region remains at a disadvantage as we continue along the path of economic recovery.”
“I want to congratulate the Make Ready Working Group for their extraordinary efforts to ensure broadband coverage will soon complete its reach across the entire Commonwealth,” said Undersecretary of Community Development Ashley Stolba.  “In this day and age, high-speed internet is a vital component of how communities function and businesses operate, and thanks to this group’s commitment, we were able to save a significant amount of time and accelerate progress toward the goal of making sure access is universal.”
“The importance of the Make Ready Working Group in helping bridge the divide between the digital haves and have-nots cannot be understated,” said Department of Telecommunications and Cable Commissioner Karen Charles Peterson. “Massachusetts has been consistently looked at as a leader in removing barriers to accelerate the deployment of high-speed internet access and the Working Group is another important example of how we continue to do this by working collaboratively.”
“Westfield Gas + Electric appreciates the efforts of the Baker-Polito Administration in unifying this diverse group of utilities,” said Tom Flaherty, Sr., General Manager of Westfield Gas + Electric. “Together we were able to streamline the complex work schedule of the last four years, bringing critical broadband access to many Western Massachusetts communities on a relatively short timeline.”
“We commend the Baker-Polito Administration’s willingness to understand and prioritize make-ready work, which may not be glamorous, but is essential to providers’ ability to timely reach and connect unserved families, and can help shave years off of the timeline for doing so,” said Camille Joseph, GVP, State Government Affairs, Charter Communications. “This effort is already paying great dividends for the Commonwealth’s efforts to close the internet access gap, including through deployment of Charter’s gigabit connectivity to the unserved towns of Princeton, Hancock, New Marlborough, Peru, Sandisfield, Tyringham, Hinsdale, Lanesborough, and West Stockbridge.”
“From the beginning of this program, Comcast has been a dedicated partner to Governor Baker, Lieutenant Governor Polito and the entire MBI team in their effort to connect residents and businesses in 13 rural communities of western Massachusetts to Comcast’s fast, secure and reliable fiber-rich network that offers a range of broadband speeds, including multi-gigabit services,” said Daniel Glanville, Vice President of Government Affairs and Community Impact for Comcast's Western New England Region.  “We are proud of our partnership and remain committed to continuously investing in and evolving our network to stay ahead of customer needs now and into the future.”
“National Grid is proud to support the vital work of bringing broadband access to the cities and towns of Western and Central Massachusetts alongside the Baker-Polito Administration,” said Steve Woerner, New England President, National Grid US. “We will continue to assist our communities across the Commonwealth, building on the impressive work to date of the many dedicated individuals involved in providing this critical infrastructure to residents and businesses.”
“We’re proud of the hard work, skill, and dedication it took from all stakeholders to coordinate and complete such an important construction project at this scale,” said Eversource Vice President of Electric Field Operations Bill Ritchie. “Working through the pandemic and some of the toughest terrain in Massachusetts, this public-private partnership accomplished an essential step in ensuring that underserved communities have access to this critical service. In particular, it took diligent cooperation between our employees and Verizon to transfer or shift our infrastructure to make room on the pole to facilitate fiber attachments.”
“Sertex Broadband is proud to be a part of closing the digital divide in Central and Western Massachusetts,” said Michael Solitro, Sertex founder and CEO. “Over the last six years, our crews have crossed rivers, climbed mountains, and dragged cable through forests and woodlands in all weather to make lightspeed internet access a reality for more than 12,000 residents and businesses.”
"It has been an honor to collaborate with MBI, Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development and members of the Make Ready Working Group to complete this portion of the ‘Last Mile’ project," said Verizon Vice President Stephanie Lee.  "The efforts of our partnership are contributing to bridging the digital divide by enabling broadband connectivity in 53 unserved and underserved communities in western and central Massachusetts."