
星期三, 1月 01, 2014


            波士頓市長萬寧路(Tom Menino)昨日宣佈了風雪緊急狀況及停車禁令。波士頓市府會照常辦公。早上十點起,市內有數個停車場可共貼有波士頓居民停車貼紙的車輛折價停洎,查詢可上網http://www.cityofboston.gov/snow/parkingmap.asp
            在風雪期間,波市所有主要幹道的路邊,以及張貼有風雪緊急期間不准停車區(Tow Zone No Parking During Snow Emergency)招牌的街道,都不准停車。
            查詢可洽市長熱線 (617) 635-4500。希望獲得更新消息者,可用推特, @NotifyBoston.
            摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)昨(一)日宣布一月二日中午,摩頓市進入風雪緊急狀況。市府將嚴格執行冬季停車規定。
            這七個地點分別為早期學習中心,Beebe Forestdale, Ferryway, Linden以及Salemwood學校,市中心的 CBD 停車場( 170 Center Street)。


Snow Emergency and Parking Ban in Effect TOMORROW, Thursday, January 2 at NOON


Extended vacation one last gift from Mayor Menino to students of Boston

Mayor Thomas M. Menino today declared a Snow Emergency and parking ban for the City of Boston will take effect TOMORROW, Thursday, January 2 at NOON. Boston Public Schools will be CLOSED FRIDAY, January 3. City business will be as usual tomorrow. Discounted parking will be available at 10 a.m. at several parking lots and garages to cars that display Boston resident parking stickers:http://www.cityofboston.gov/snow/parkingmap.asp

The latest forecasts indicate the storm is expected to result in up to 14 inches of snow in parts of the City, with heaviest snow fall beginning Thursday evening and continuing throughout the night. Blizzard-like conditions are expected Friday morning.

“What a New Year’s gift, to receive one last snowstorm as Mayor,” Mayor Menino said. “With more than a foot of snow expected in parts of the City, we are taking the necessary precautions to make sure the City is cleaned up as quickly as possible. I’m asking the public to stay off the roads throughout the duration of the storm and allow our crews to work.”

Members of the Mayor's Snow Team met this afternoon to discuss the latest storm related information and response plans for the weekend. The Snow Team will continue to monitor the forecast and provide updates throughout the weather event.

Public Works
·         District Yards will open at 3 a.m. Thursday morning to begin pre-treating roads. 
·         Crews are prepared for the snow event, and will have more than 500 pieces of equipment active on City streets Thursday evening.
·         Regularly scheduled trash collection will begin at 6 a.m. Thursday morning.
·         The City is strongly encouraging commuters to use public transportation to travel into the City tomorrow.
·         During a Snow Emergency, parking is prohibited on all major arteries in Boston. These streets are posted with “Tow Zone No Parking During Snow Emergency” signs. A listing of major arteries and alternate parking can be found at http://www.cityofboston.gov/snow/parking/.
·         On streets other than major arteries, parking within 20 feet of an intersection or further than one foot from the curb is prohibited, as this impedes access for both emergency vehicles and snow plows.
·         During declared snow emergencies, discounted parking is available at several parking lots and garages to cars that display Boston resident parking stickers. Discounted rates take effect two hours prior to the snow emergency, and the City is asking garages to allow residents earlier access.

Cold Weather Safety Reminders
  • Carbon Monoxide is an odorless and tasteless gas that results from combustion and can quickly become fatal. Residents should clear snow and debris away from mufflers before starting the car and ensure that external vents are cleared of snow. If you are using a generator, make sure it is far enough away to vent air and gases away from the home.
  • Use public transportation whenever possible and avoid driving vehicles on slippery roads to keep roadways clear for plowing equipment and emergency vehicles.
  • Property owners are reminded to salt and sand sidewalks, stairs and pedestrian ramps to prevent slippery surfaces.
  • Residents are encouraged to shovel out hydrants and catch basins near or abutting their property to assist our public safety agencies and protect against flooding.
  • Please check on elderly or vulnerable neighbors who may need help.
  • Use caution when walking near buildings that may have falling snow or ice.
·         Shoveling snow can pose a serious health safety risk to persons with heart disease and senior citizens. Residents should consider seeking the assistance of a family member, a helpful neighbor or hire someone to help.
·         Additional cold weather safety tips can be found at: http://www.cityofboston.gov/cold/safety.asp.

The Mayor's 24-Hour Hotline will have additional staff on-hand and residents with weather-related questions or concerns, including down power lines, down trees or icy conditions, should call (617) 635-4500. The City's Shelter Commission asks that any resident who sees a potential medical emergency involving a homeless person dial 9-1-1. The City's shelters have activated emergency procedures today.

Residents are encouraged to use the City’s “Know Snow” program for access to other important storm-related information. To receive notifications, register for the city’s Alert Boston network athttp://www.cityofboston.gov/snow/. If you would like to receive updates on the storm on Twitter, follow #bosnow, @NotifyBoston.


As of tomorrow Thursday, January 2nd at 12:00 Noon, the City of Malden will be declaring a snow emergency. After the snow emergency goes into effect at 12:00 Noon tomorrow, winter parking rules will be strictly enforced until the snow emergency is lifted. To avoid getting a ticket or being towed on streets with restrictions, you must seek off-street parking until the snow emergency has been lifted.

To help our residents, the City will open up 7 locations for free parking beginning at 12:00 Noon tomorrow, Thursday January 2nd until the snow emergency is lifted. These locations are the Early Learning Center, Beebe, Forestdale, Ferryway, Linden and Salemwood Schools and downtown at the CBD Garage located at 170 Center Street. Again, vehicles can park at these locations free of charge but must be removed when the snow emergency is lifted or vehicles will be towed from these lots.

Canceled both Thursday 1/2 and Friday 1/3.
Teen Center - Closed Thursday and Friday
Senior Center- Closed as of 4pm Thursday and Friday all day
City Hall- Closed as of 4pm Thursday and Friday all day
Library- Closed as of 4pm Thursday and Friday all day

Thursday trash/recycling collection will be taking place but don't forget, this is actually Wednesday's collection with the New Year's Day holiday. Stay tuned www.cityofmalden.org for more information about Friday's collection.

Here is the latest info on our first storm of 2014. As noted in this story and for those asking, as of right now, Quincy Public Schools are scheduled to be open tomorrow. The Superintendent is in constant consultation with my office and the DPW, and everyone will be notified immediately if anything changes.

Winter Weather Advisory

The latest forecast calls for light snow to begin overnight and continue through the day on Thursday, January 2, with the worst of the anticipated storm  expected later Thursday into Friday morning. With this forecast in mind, here is the latest info: 
  • Winter parking rules are to be implemented tomorrow afternoon/evening following the commute. The exact time will be issued on Thursday morning. 
  • As of Wednesday evening, Quincy Public Schools are open on Thursday. The School Superintendent is monitoring the situation with Mayor Koch and the Department of Public Works, and parents will be notified if the situation changes. 
  • There is a risk of minor to moderate coastal flooding from this storm, especially during the high tide scheduled for Friday around noon. Fire, Police and DPW will be monitoring storm surge, and residents in coastal areas should do the same.  
  • Trash pickup on Thursday and Friday (remember it's a holiday schedule for the rest of the week) will occur. Collection will begin an hour earlier at 6 a.m. so please have material curbside early.   
Here are the winter parking rules: 
Parking is prohibited on designated emergency arteries throughout the duration of a snow emergency. Residents may park on the ODD numbered side of non-emergency neighborhood streets.  Residents on side-streets posted permanently as one-side parking should park on the side always allowed. Cars parked in violation of emergency rules pose a public safety risk and WILL BE TOWED.
For assistance, please call the DPW’s snow operation hotline at 617-376-1927.
How you can help…

•         Assist your elderly or disabled neighbors
•         Shovel sidewalks in front of your house
•         Shovel out fire hydrants
•         Keep catch basins clear to prevent post-storm flooding
•         Move your car off the street if possible (regardless of allowed street parking) 


Fitchburg Public Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday January 2 due to inclement weather.
Snow is coming! Fitchburg Parking ban set for Thursday 1/2 @3pm until Friday 1/3 @11pm.

For those Cranston students who have been inquiring, Mayor Allan Fung spoke with the superintendent and yes there is school tomorrow

第一夜冰雕 重視和平 反映趣味 花樣多

波市藝術,旅遊及特別活動主任Christopher Cook表示,新英格蘭的天氣很不穩定,做冰雕很有挑戰性。
今年的冰雕有獅子及羊迎來“和平王國”,一個巨型海怪的“海怪的巢穴(The Lair of the Kraken)”,在蛙塘的最大型冰雕,以及誌記波士頓馬拉松,由第一夜雕冰老手Don Chapelle雕的波士頓體育會(Boston Athletic Association)標誌冰雕等。
“和平王國“冰雕放在波士頓公共圖書館對面的柯普利廣場那兒,誌記第一夜的雕冰者 Alfred Georgs






     今年的“波士頓第一夜”很特別。在波士頓歷史中,迄今在位時間最長,已達廿年的市長萬寧路(Tom Menino),和波市民眾共度這第38届“波士頓第一夜“之後,一月六日將”卸甲歸田“。
     昨晚,萬寧路、安琪拉夫婦與子女,親友,坐在Teamsters Local 125改裝,車尾裝有白天鵝的遊行花車上,剪開銀色長長綵帶後,率領各社區團體組織的46組遊行隊伍,沿著波約斯頓(Boylston)街遊行。
     平日為燒傷兒童籌款的Aleppo Clown,也派出了不下15名小丑助陣。
過去已舉辦過37次“波士頓第一夜”的非牟利機構,年中宣佈解散。今年的“波士頓第一夜”是波士頓市政府接手舉辦的,明年還辦不辦,得看新市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)怎麼說。


     波士頓市長萬寧路(左二)、安琪拉(右二)夫婦在花車上,為第38届“波士頓第一夜”遊行剪綵。 (菊子攝)







     “波士頓第一夜”創辦人Clara Wainwright(左二)和她的Geometric 行進樂隊成員,穿著搶眼,具歡樂氣氛的衣服,在遊行現場發銀貼紙。



            Aleppo Clown的小丑們。



            千里達的朝代劇團成員Kathrine Gaskin Holland










議員紛紛上樓 麻州忙碌補選

麻州民意代表們更上一層樓,各有高就的結果之一是,州政府得不斷舉辦特別選舉。今年三月、四月,就得為遞補麻州眾議員馬丁華殊(Marty J. Walsh),麻州參議員凱薩琳克拉克(Katherine Clark)所遺席缺,辦兩場特別選舉。
            麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William F. Galvin)在十二月三十日時宣佈,麻州眾議員馬丁華殊(Marty J. Walsh)當選波士頓市長後,預定於一月三日正式辭去現有的民主黨薩福克第十三區眾議員職位,所遺席缺, 預定在三月四日辦理初選,四月一日大選。
            目前已遞表參選繼位的有兩人,分別為麻州保存及康娛廳的政府事務主任Dan Hunt,以及麻州灣區交通局(MBTA)轉接警察(Transit police),越美社區活躍分子Tony T. Dang
            代表麻州的聯邦參議員克里(John Kerry)被徵召到白宮,擔任美國國務卿以後,造成骨牌效應般,引發一連串特別選舉。先是聯邦眾議員馬基(Ed Markey)成功打敗共和黨對手葛美茲(Gabriel Gomez),順利補位,接手克里所遺聯邦參議員席位。然後是麻州參議員凱薩琳克拉克(Katherine Clark)在今年十月競選成功,遞補了馬基(Ed Markey)的代表麻州聯邦眾議員席位。
            現在,麻州得再辦一次特別選舉,來選人遞補凱薩琳克拉克所遺,代表摩頓市,莫羅斯(Melrose),瑞汀(Reading),史東罕(Stoneham),衛克菲爾德( Wakefield)等市鎮的米斗塞(Middlesex)郡第五區麻州參議員席缺。三月四日初選,四月一日大選。
            目前有意角逐克拉克所遺席缺者,不下三人。包括莫羅絲的Paul Brodeur,摩頓Christopher G. Fallon,以及溫切斯特(Winchester)的Jason Lewis
            由於麻州眾議員Dan Winslow辭職,轉往私人企業界工作,麻州還得辦另一場特別選舉。