
星期五, 11月 22, 2019

羅德島州推"國際經濟大使"計畫 葉超、吳子平獲聘為首任大使


(Boston Orange) 羅德島州副州長麥基(Daniel McKee)1119日召開記者會,宣佈推出「國際經濟大使計畫」,並在近百名出席嘉賓見證中,即席頒發首任國際經濟大使聘書給羅德島華人協會主席葉超,會長吳子平。



Event will highlight accomplishments and vision for supporting the City’s immigrants

BOSTON –  Thursday, November 21, 2019 – Tomorrow, Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) will host “We Are Boston: United We Thrive” at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, a day-long event of interactive workshops to connect immigrant-serving nonprofit organizations with philanthropic foundations and corporate partners, followed by a reception to recognize Veronica Serrato of Project Citizenship and the Irish International Immigrant Center for their work in immigrant advancement. 

“At this time in our nation’s history, this event is a reminder of how much we have accomplished through working together and of the tangible steps we should take to make our City even more welcoming and inclusive," said Mayor Walsh. “I am thrilled that we are honoring Veronica Serrato of Project Citizenship, the City’s partner for our annual Citizenship Day in Boston, and the Irish International Immigrant Center, a leading advocate for immigrants from every corner of the world.”

Prior to the reception with Mayor Walsh at 5:30 p.m., there will be a presentation on the contributions of immigrants to Boston’s economy. The interactive workshops for attendees will include the “Welcoming Economies” workshop by Welcoming America that reviews programs and strategies that other communities have pioneered to help include immigrants in the local community and economic development efforts. The International Institute of New England will also give a demonstration with local storytellers to help attendees consider how migration and culture shape both personal identity and workplace communities.

Mayor Walsh will give remarks and recognize Veronica Serrato of Project Citizenship and the Irish International Immigrant Center for their work in immigrant advancement. Veronica Serrato joined Project Citizenship in 2014 as its first executive director. In her first year, she formed a partnership with the City of Boston to offer Citizenship Day, the largest event of its kind in New England. Over the past six years, volunteers have served over 1,900 eligible immigrants with their naturalization applications through Citizenship Day and provided screenings to thousands more. In 2019 alone, low and moderate-income applicants saved more than $166,000 in application fees through fee waiver application assistance. 

“It is a privilege to partner with the City of Boston through my role at Project Citizenship to ensure that all immigrants understand and have access to the path to citizenship,” Veronica Serrato, founding executive director of Project Citizenship. “Immigrants are the Pride of Boston, and I am deeply honored to accept this honor on their behalf.”

Along with Project Citizenship, Mayor Walsh will recognize the Irish International Immigrant Center (IIIC) for their work with immigrant and refugee families, providing a comprehensive, multi-service approach to supporting families from more than 126 countries. The Center provides the legal, wellness and educational support immigrants need to gain stability, security, and build pathways to success. The IIIC was recently recognized at the national level for its advocacy for children affected by the federal government’s sudden termination of “medical deferred action” for immigrants undergoing treatment for life-threatening medical conditions.

"It is an honor to be recognized with the City of Boston's Community Champion Award from Mayor Martin J. Walsh for our support of immigrant families from all nations,” said Ronnie Millar, executive director of the Irish International Immigrant Center. “Building a society where all are welcomed and valued requires the devoted support of government, and the City of Boston has been a tremendous leader across the country in welcoming immigrants and partnering with immigrant support agencies. Over the past 30 years we've received strong support from the City of Boston, and we are very grateful for this award." 

At the reception, Mayor Walsh will share accomplishments of the Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) and highlight his vision for MOIA moving forward. Launched in 2017, the City partnered with private donors and philanthropic foundations to form the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund, which strives to increase education and access to legal services to defend its many immigrant communities, refugees, and temporary status holders. Over the past two years, the Fund has raised over $1.11 million, which has allowed nonprofits to create new positions for six immigration attorneys and eight community advocates. The fund has increased the region’s capacity to serve immigrants, and as a result, 363 legal cases have been opened and nearly 54,000 people have attended 796 community education events. In its third year, the fund has raised $515,900, including $50,000 in City funds

Mayor Walsh has been outspoken in supporting federal policies that recognize immigrants as full members of our society. Most recently, he has signed onto an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and provided economic analyses on the harmful effects of proposed changes to the public charge rules under immigration law to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Proceeds from We are Boston last year gave 10 immigrant-led community organizations the capacity to host immigration legal screening clinics, support hurricane evacuees, and organize family preparedness workshops through a total award of $100,000. This year’s event will fund capacity building trainings in the short term, while MOIA will partner with philanthropic foundations to better support this capacity building work collectively in the long term.

For more information, please visit https://www.boston.gov/calendar/we-are-boston-2019.

星期三, 11月 20, 2019



(Boston Orange)大波士頓區中華文化協會(GBCCA)喜齡會1119日慶祝感恩節,30餘名耆老歡聚一堂,享用佳餚,共話家常,唱歌助興,歡喜非常。

Drought Conditions Across Commonwealth Return to Normal

Drought Conditions Across Commonwealth Return to Normal
Monitoring of Water Resources to Continue

BOSTON – With the Commonwealth experiencing above normal rainfall over the course of the previous month, all indices across Massachusetts have fully recovered. As a result, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Kathleen Theoharides today announced that conditions have returned to normal, and updated the drought levels throughout the state:

  • Connecticut River Valley: Level 0 – Normal Condition levels (down from a Level 1 – Mild Drought in September); and,
  • Western, Central, Northeast, Southeast, Cape Cod, and Islands Regions: Level 0 – Normal Conditions levels (remains unchanged since October).

The declarations were the result of a recommendation issued from a recent meeting of the Drought Management Task Force, which is comprised of state and federal officials, and other entities. Additionally, the declaration of a Normal Condition means that the Drought Management Task Force no longer meets on a regular basis; however, state agencies will continue to closely monitor and assess conditions across the state, coordinate any needed dissemination of information to the public, and help state, federal and local agencies prepare additional responses that may be needed in the future. Moreover, even though conditions have improved since the previous month, dry conditions continue to be observed within the Deerfield River Watershed.

“Throughout the last several weeks, Massachusetts has greatly benefited from above average precipitation, enabling water systems to reach normal conditions following several months of running a deficit,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “And although the state is not currently experiencing dry conditions, we should all continue to practice water conservation methods in an effort to not strain water supplies.”

Normal Condition levels, as outlined in the Massachusetts Drought Management Plan, indicates precipitation and groundwater levels that have returned to normal, and warrants routine data collection and distribution amongst government agencies. 

State officials ask the public to be mindful of the amount of water being used, reduce indoor water use, and address leaks as soon as possible. Additionally, managers of larger buildings and businesses are asked to conduct water audits to identify areas of leaks and potential water conservation opportunities. All these steps will greatly help reduce water use to ensure essential needs are being met, such as drinking water and fire protection, and habitat and environmental use.

For further information on water conservation and what residents can do, visit the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ drought page, the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s drought management page, and the MassDEP Water Conservation page.

黃氏婦女部慶感恩節 波士頓市議員出席同歡





(Boston Orange)紐英崙藝術學會布魯克(Brookline)公共圖書館邀,刻正於20191113日至202017,在該館舉辦中國書畫藝術展,並訂1130日和1221()下午,舉行兩次招待會。
1130將有林卓培,林浩宗現場示範書畫,女高音張婉哲 Emily Xiao Wang,男中音李炯濤,鋼琴施珈,二胡演奏家戰濤,長笛演奏家正山揚琴演奏家黃少堅等人唱奏音樂
1221則有楊雲,王果春,林卓培現場示範書畫鋼琴家駱奇偉,徐小培,廉翔雲等人將鋼琴獨奏和四手聯彈遠離美國土壤吉他演奏家作曲家Micah Huang 美國土壤,將於當日做世界首演。
畫展和音樂演出活動入場免費,在現場展出的大多數藝術品可供購買。布魯克公共圖書館的地址是361 Washington St. Brookline。音樂廳畫廊(Hunneman Hall Gallery) 位於二樓。圖書館地下室免費停車。圖書館開放時間為:週一至週六:上午10點至下午5點,週日下午1點至下午5點,www.brooklinelibrary.org。查詢紐英崙藝術學會詳情可上網www.cafarts.org

星期一, 11月 18, 2019

首屆哈佛台灣藝術季 開幕式逾200人觀展

               (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)由一群熱心台灣人籌辦,4人策展,5名來自台灣,目前在美的繪畫,設計,建築,文物,攝影藝術家參展的首屆哈佛台灣藝術季,1113日在哈佛大學史密斯中心開展,將展至22日。16日揭幕時,逾200人觀展,盛極一時。
王其萱20195月取得哈佛設計學院碩士學位,目前在紐約的Richard Meier & Partners建築師事務所工作。她這次的參展作品是聲明(日記型式)”,捕捉了她對台灣及其複雜特徵模糊記憶的系列。她認為台灣直白,荒誕,又兼具仁愛,精緻特色的文化氛圍,使得台灣在亞洲各國中別具一格,有如色彩盤一般,藏著令人無法預測的驚喜。這次參展的作品嘗試反映她每次回台灣時所捕捉到的印象。
包括駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典,科技組組長謝水龍,僑教中心主任歐宏偉,波士頓本地來自台灣藝術界名人,譚嘉陵,朱蓉,謝茵,新台北奈米生醫科技執行長朱景沛,以及麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham),麻州難民移民辦公室主任張瑪麗(Mary Truong)兩夫婦,這天有眾多嘉賓出席。



星期三, 11月 13, 2019

Governor Baker Announces New State Police Superintendent with Goals to Modernize Training, Increase Diversity, and Emphasize Accountability

Governor Baker Announces New State Police Superintendent with Goals to Modernize Training, Increase Diversity, and Emphasize Accountability

BOSTON – Governor Baker tapped Lieutenant Colonel Christopher S. Mason as the next colonel and superintendent of the State Police, effective Friday, November 15th. At a press conference today in the State House, Mason identified a series of proposals to focus on accountability and conduct, increasing diversity within the agency, and updating training.

In remarks today, the 26-year veteran of the Department expressed his deep pride in New England’s largest police force as well as his commitment to modernizing it, including some initial first steps:

  • Ensuring all Troop E Internal Affairs investigations are completed, and that the cases for terminated or retired troopers are referred to the State Retirement Board for pension forfeiture consideration if wrongdoing is found;
  • Implementing mandatory ethics training for all members, focusing on time and attendance issues and supervisors’ duties;
  • Directing the State Police Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity to immediately review options for promoting women and people of color into key positions; and
  • Changing the State Police Academy curriculum to rely less on paramilitary training and more on modern policing skills such as empathy, de-escalation, identification of vulnerable populations, and the response to emerging public safety threats

“At a pivotal time for Massachusetts State Police, Chris Mason has the experience and vision to lead the Department forward with reforms and innovation that will shape its future,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration is grateful for the changes put in motion under Colonel Kerry Gilpin, and supports Colonel Mason as he completes critical reforms to finish Troop E internal affairs investigations and fully implement AVL technology and the body camera procurement. Drawing on his years of experience, we are confident Colonel Mason will lay out a vision for the Department’s future that will bring meaningful reform and restored public trust to the Commonwealth.”

“Colonel Mason’s decades-long and wide-ranging career in law enforcement has well equipped him to lead the Massachusetts State Police with integrity and dignity,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Governor Baker and I are appreciative of the hard work and commitment demonstrated by Colonel Kerry Gilpin and we look forward to our continued collaboration with the Massachusetts State Police and the new leadership Colonel Mason will bring to the department.”  

“I look forward to a continued partnership with Colonel Mason, whose commitment to excellence has been evident in every position he’s held,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas Turco. “He’s brought the highest levels of integrity and professionalism to the job as a trooper, an investigator, a commander, and an administrator. He understands the values of both tradition and reform, and he reflects an outstanding selection by Governor Baker.”

“I am grateful for the remarkable trust that Governor Baker and his Administration have placed in me,” said Colonel Mason. “I promise to earn that trust every day with the men and women of the Massachusetts State Police who reflect our values of honesty, integrity, and service.  These values are foremost in my mind as we move the Department and our public safety mission forward.”

Mason currently serves as a lieutenant colonel and deputy superintendent of the Department of State Police. Prior to that, he commanded the Division of Investigative Services, a position in which he oversaw all State Police detective units and forensic personnel. He has also served as deputy commander of the Division of Homeland Security and Preparedness, acting as director of the Commonwealth Fusion Center and supervising the Cyber Crimes Unit, High Risk Victims Unit, Identification Section, and Fraud Identification Unit. Mason also worked for many years as a trooper, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and commanding officer for the Cape and Islands State Police Detective Unit, where he investigated homicides, sexual assaults, and other violent crimes.

Mason graduated from the State Police Academy in 1993 after serving as a natural resource officer in Barnstable for eight years. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, and attended the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Drug Unit Commanders Academy and the Naval Postgraduate School’s Fusion Center Leaders Program.  He holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of Massachusetts and a master’s degree in criminal justice from Anna Maria College.



Greater Boston mayors and managers support 15 cent increase to the gas tax and other funding mechanisms to advance equity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support transit oriented development

BOSTON – Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019 – Today, three broad coalitions of municipal officials from throughout Eastern Massachusetts called on the Commonwealth to raise significant new revenue and dedicate it to rescuing the state’s ailing and congested transportation system. 

Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone and the communities of the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition, together with mayors and managers of the North Shore Coalition and leaders from the Commuter Rail Communities Coalition, are calling on the Legislature and Governor Charlie Baker to invest significant new revenue in transportation.

The Metro Mayors Coalition, an organization of 15 communities in the urban core of metropolitan Boston, announced their support for a 15-cent increase in the gas tax and other vehicle fees, which would infuse our struggling transportation system with roughly $450 million a year in new revenue.

In addition to the gas tax increase, the Metro Mayors Coalition identified several other funding mechanisms that it supports, including: expanding tolling to more highways; allowing a portion of toll revenue to support transit, which would help to reduce roadway congestion; expanding municipal revenue-raising tools heavily used in other states, such as regional ballot initiatives and value capture; collaborating with other states in the Northeast U.S. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the “cap and invest” system known as the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI); and increasing surcharges for Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft.

The funds raised from these mechanisms would be invested in ways that advance equity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encourage “transit-oriented development” and connect residents to the places they need to go. Investments would include:

·        enhancing safety and reducing congestion on our roads and bridges;
·        modernizing and expanding transit systems, including but not limited to the MBTA; and
·        creating world-class infrastructure for cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities.

“The actions we take now will define Boston and our region for the next 10 years and the next generation," said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "We need to take the essential next steps to improve mobility in our city and our state, and increasing revenue for critical infrastructure is needed to ensure our current and future residents are able to move around the region in an equitable, affordable and reliable manner.”

“I urge the Legislature and the Administration to act quickly to find reliable source of funding for transportation—such as the gas tax—and to look at new ways of funding and improving our public transportation system,” said Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone, chairman of the Metro Mayors Coalition. “We have to think bigger than just repairing what’s broken—we need to invest today in a transit system that will work for years to come, which we won’t be able to do with just our current funding mechanisms. Having a safe, reliable transit system is crucial to so many of our other goals and values—it's good for equity, it's good for the environment and it's good for the economy.”

The North Shore Coalition, a group of 18 cities and towns north of Boston, and the Commuter Rail Communities Coalition, which represents the many cities and towns served and impacted by the commuter rail, approved similar resolutions calling upon legislators and the Governor to prioritize transportation funding.

Early this month, Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll and the North Shore Coalition announced their vision for transportation improvements, pairing it with specific principles for how to raise the money needed to make the vision a reality. Over 100 people gathered in Salem on Nov. 1 to demonstrate their support.

Led by Lynn Mayor Thomas McGee and Bedford Town Manager Sarah Stanton, members of the Commuter Rail Communities Coalition also agreed on priority funding principles. The Coalition is an alliance of mayors and town managers/administrators that coordinates advocacy for short- and long-term improvements to the rail network.

In addition to calling on the state to raise additional funds, all three coalitions are also seeking something their colleagues in much of the country already have: tools to raise money locally for critical local and regional transportation projects. These include municipal revenue-raising tools such as value capture, local and regional ballot initiatives and transportation improvement districts, which would help cities and towns to address local needs, give residents a greater say in meeting local transportation challenges and act as a down payment for transformative transportation improvements.

“Cities and towns are asking for the state’s help in meeting our pressing transportation challenges, but they are also looking for tools that can help local government to play an active role. The federal government, the Commonwealth, localities and the private sector must all be at the table—no one can do this alone,” said Rebecca Davis, deputy director of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council.

Framingham Mayor Yvonne M. Spicer said, “To ensure that Massachusetts residents can work and live efficiently, we need to invest in a more robust transportation system. Here in MetroWest, we depend on the roads and bridges, so their upkeep in critical. But we also have a growing regional transit system, which serves people who can’t drive while helping to reduce congestion on the roads.”

The three coalitions also agree on the need for a 15-cent gas tax increase, expanded tolling, increased TNC surcharges and implementation of TCI.

“Over three dozen municipal leaders representing millions of Massachusetts residents are all calling for the same tools to fund transportation,” said Lynn Mayor Thomas McGee. “We know that making our transportation system reliable, stress-free, affordable and green is necessary if we want to support the many people who want to live and work here. These funding mechanisms are necessary to get us the transportation system we need today and help us plan for the future.”

“The Greater Boston area has the worst congestion in the nation, and suburban commuters bear the brunt of increasing traffic,” said Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll. “To alleviate congestion and the long commutes and greenhouse gas emissions that come with it, we need to invest seriously in solutions to get people out of their cars and onto public transit.”

The groups further committed to work with quasi-public and private entities to leverage all avenues available to raise revenue.

“We have to work closely with our partners at MassPort, for example, as we have conversations about transportation improvements," said Mayor Joe Sullivan of Braintree. "We need to be thinking longer term so that we can plan for the transportation system that will work for our residents for the next 20 and 30 years.”

All three coalitions committed to ensuring that low-income workers and residents can travel affordably throughout the region, with improved access to jobs, homes, schools and parks.

“We cannot continue our historic pattern of under-investing in transit, disproportionally burdening low-income communities and communities of color. These groups need affordable, efficient and reliable ways to get around,” said Chelsea City Manager Thomas Ambrosino. “We need to prioritize equity if we want to link everyone in our region to opportunities.”

“A reliable transportation system that connects the entire Commonwealth is a cornerstone of long-term economic vitality,” said Sarah Stanton, Town Manager of Bedford. “When we invest in local roads and multi-modal infrastructure, we make it safer to get around our communities. When we connect people to reliable transit, we alleviate congestion and its negative impacts. We need to have a predictable revenue stream in order to achieve our shared vision and to meet our needs today and into the future.”

星期二, 11月 12, 2019

退伍軍人節 波士頓華埠328分會參加大遊行與市長同行(圖片)

紀念退伍軍人節,波士頓市長Marty Walsh和波士頓市議員等人領隊遊行。

波士頓市長Marty Walsh(中)和波士頓消防局局長Joseph Finn(右),


海外華人企業家聯合會慶20周年 (圖片)