
星期一, 10月 12, 2015


大羅爾地區民主黨分部日前宣佈,聯邦參議員沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)的麻州主任劉煒(Roger Lau),將獲頒該部今年的傑出民主黨員獎。
劉偉曾經在多名聯邦議員,州議員麾下工作,不但人數多到可以列名單,還幾乎全是重量級人物,包括當年是聯邦參議員,現為美國國務卿的克里(John Kerry),丈夫曾參選美國總統,後來自己當選為聯邦議員的妮基桑加(Niki Tsongas),聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Michael Capuano),以及Marty Meehan,Richard Neal等等,甚至現在正競選美國總統的希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)



星期日, 10月 11, 2015

Governor Baker Proclaims October 8, 2015 “Lobster Day”

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)日前宣佈,2015108日是“龍蝦日(Lobster Day),藉以支持麻州非常有價值,且具歷史意義的龍蝦工業。
麻州能源及環保事務卿Matthew Beaton 也在麻州龍蝦漁民協會(Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association)組織的”州政府龍蝦日”中致詞。
在2014年,約有1570萬磅落地麻州,總值約6840萬元。和2013年相比,增加了大約15%。去年海漁組(Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF))發出1,169張商業龍蝦許可證,以及7,634張娛樂性龍蝦許可證。

Governor Baker Proclaims October 8, 2015 “Lobster Day”

BOSTON– October 8, 2015- Governor Baker has proclaimed today, October 8, 2015, “Lobster Day” to support the Commonwealth’s valuable and historic lobster industry. In celebration, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton spoke at State House Lobster Day, organized by the Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association.

“American lobsters are one of our most valuable commercial marine resource within state waters and have long been an important part of Massachusetts’ heritage, culture and economy,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am proud to proclaim today Lobster Day to honor the contributions Massachusetts’ lobstermen make to the Commonwealth.”

“The Massachusetts lobster fishery generates income for not just lobstermen but also lobster dealers, bait dealers, boat trap manufacturers, boat and engine builders and our state’s tourism industry,” said EEA Secretary Matthew Beaton. “By declaring today Lobster Day, the Baker-Polito Administration continues its support for the Commonwealth’s lobster industry and maintaining a healthy and sustainable lobster fishery within Massachusetts' waters.”

In 2014, 15.7 million pounds of lobster were landed in Massachusetts at a value of approximately $68.4 million. This represents an estimated 15 percent increase in value over 2013. Last year, the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) issued 1,169 commercial lobster permits and 7,634 recreational lobster permits.

Only Maine exceeds the Commonwealth in the size and value of its lobster fishery. Together, Massachusetts and Maine produced 94 percent of the total U.S. American lobster harvest in 2012. U.S. commercial lobster harvest that year totaled 150 million pounds valued at nearly $429 million.
“The American lobster fishery has provided a source of food, jobs and a unique way of life in coastal Massachusetts since before European settlement," said Department of Fish and Game Commissioner George Peterson. “People should know that October is a great time of year to get an excellent quality lobster at a good price." 
“Massachusetts has a well managed, robust lobster fishery that provides delicious food and employment for thousands of people in the Commonwealth,” said Division of Marine Fisheries Director David Pierce.

Lobster Day at the State House offered visitors a chance to sample lobster bisque, to learn about lobsters and lobster fishing in the Commonwealth, to talk with local fishermen, and to visit with lobsters from the New England Aquarium.


BOSTON - Friday, October 9, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined Mayor Ulisses Correia e Silva of Praia, Cabo Verde to sign a Sister Cities agreement to foster economic, social and cultural development and business ties between the two cities, expand commercial activities, boost the number ofsmall and mid-sized enterprises, increase imports and exports and grow jobs.

"In order to be competitive in an increasingly global economy, we must strengthen our partnerships with cities around the world that share our goals," said Mayor Walsh. "Boston has a strong Cape Verdean community, and our partnership with Praia is a fitting testament to our city's diversity."

"Today we sign a Sister-City agreement to build on and strengthen the existing economic, cultural and educational relationships between the cities of Boston and Praia, while committing to explore new ties and creative ways of improving the quality of life for residents on both sides of the Atlantic," said Mayor Ulisses Correia e Silva.

The Sister City agreement commits both cities to identifying activities that can generate new initiatives to further nurture economic, social, cultural and faith based relationships, as well as:
  • Promote both cities to their respective business and academia sectors as locations for trade and investment;
  • Facilitate trade missions and business-to-business dialogue between the two cities;
  • Explore and encourage cooperation and exchange between local development agencies, Chambers of Commerce and tourism bodies;
  • Help facilitate faith-based exchanges between faith leaders in both cities;
  • Promote mutual leisure and business tourism opportunities;
  • Encourage cultural exchanges; and
  • Explore joint policy development and sharing of best practice in the fields of urban development, regeneration and city financial models.
Boston's Cape Verdean population is estimated at over 40,000 residents. 

The City of Boston and the City of Praia have historically maintained strong academic, cultural and social ties, covering a wide array of sectors including public safety, education, arts and culture, business trade, commerce and tourism, and health. The Sister City Agreement will reinforce and strengthen that partnership over the next several years.

The signing took place in Mayor Walsh's Office at City Hall. This is the second Sister City agreement signed by the City of Boston since 2001.

Praia Mayor Ulisses Correia e Silva is visiting Boston on October 9 - 10.

Boston's Sister City programs operate as non-profit, independent organizations, and are heavily dependent on voluntary support and contributions. During the 1950s, residents and government officials recognized the importance of developing closer international relations, and the search for a Sister City began. The success of this program prompted the development of other goodwill sister relations. To the present date, eight Sister Cityfriendships have been formed: Kyoto, Japan (established in 1959); Strasbourg, France (established in 1960); Barcelona, Spain (established in 1980); Hangzhou, China (established in 1982); Padua, Italy (established in 1983); Mebourne, Australia (established in 1985); Taipei, Taiwan (established in 1996); Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana (established in 2001).

The Sister Cities Program began as a national concept in 1956, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower called for massive exchanges between Americans and people of other countries to create international understanding and goodwill. A Sister City agreement is formalized when two communities from different nations join together to develop a friendly and meaningful relationship. The two cities exchange people, ideas, culture, education, and technology. Citizens from both communities learn about each other's culture and become directly involved in developing unique solutions to common problems. The Sister Cities Program promotes world peace in an individual level and encourages citizens to better understand community, by contrasting their way of life with another culture.


13 Bostonians Under the Age of 35 Honored for Their Positive Contributions to the Community

BOSTON - Thursday, October 8, 2015 - On Friday, October 9, Mayor Walsh will attend and offer remarks at the ONEin3 Council's 2015 Impact Awards ceremony recognizing young adult leaders who are doing outstanding work to improve the City of Boston for all residents. This year's ceremony will recognize achievements in categories inspired by the city-wide planning initiative, Imagine Boston 2030, including: Housing and Mobility; Environment; Design and Open Space; Health, Prosperity and Equity; and Arts, Culture and Creativity. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and will be held at Two International Place in Boston.

"Boston is known for having the best and the brightest talent, and I want to thank this year's honorees for all their efforts towards making Boston an even better place to live, work and play," said Mayor Walsh. "The work that ONEin3 does to engage our young population in the issues that impact them the most is a critically important part of our efforts to move the City forward for everyone."

Nominated by their peers, awardees have been determined by a committee comprised of a diverse group of Council members and community leaders, and will receive a certificate of recognition from the City of Boston, signed by Mayor Walsh, in appreciation of their contribution and dedication to positively shaping the future of Boston. Five of the awardees have been selected by the ONEin3 Council to give short, personalized presentations on the motivation behind their efforts. At the end of the evening, attendees will choose the ultimate 2015 Impact Award winner by voting for the most compelling presentation.

  • Aeron Hodges, Stantec & WHAT'S IN
  • Jonathan Feinman, InnerCity Weightlifting
  • John Matthews Borders IV, Boston Celtics
  • Zoe Barry, ZappRX
  • Brad McNamara, Freight Farms
Additional Awardees:
  • Matt George, Bridj
  • Enrico Palmerino, ThinkLite & SmartBooks
  • Latoya Baskin, Janey Construction Management
  • Justin Kang, City Awake
  • Moises Cohen, BUILD
  • Adrian Anantawan, Conservatory Lab Charter School
  • Nicole Fichera, District Hall
  • Stephen Hamilton, Arts Connect International

About ONEin3
With more than one-third of Boston's population between the ages of 20-34, Boston is home to the highest proportion of young adults out of any major city in America. Recognizing the importance of this demographic, the Mayor's ONEin3 Initiative serves to increase civic engagement, promote active citizenship and build relationships to support and empowerBoston's young adult population. Follow us on Twitter or learn more here:www.onein3boston.com

星期六, 10月 10, 2015


中華表演藝術基金會預告,明年的「絲竹春吟青少年中國器樂表演徴選及音樂會,將於2016 10月1日辦理徴選,8日舉行音樂會
音樂會場地在波士頓第一教堂(Church in Boston, 66  Marlborough Street, Boston),觀眾入場免費,但主辦方建議捐款10元。
查詢詳情,可洽中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵,電話: 781-259-8195,電郵 Foundation@ChinesePerformingArts.net,或上網www.ChinesePerformingArts.net




波士頓經文處慶雙十 冠蓋雲集

        (實習記者劉羽晨波士頓報導)駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處10月8日晚在波士頓公園廣場酒店(Boston Park Plaza Hotel)慶祝中華民國104年暨抗日戰爭勝利70週年,會場冠蓋雲集。
包括麻州參議會議長Stanley Rosenberg、新罕布夏州眾議會民主黨副黨鞭Linda Di Silvestro、羅德島州州長雷萌朵(Gina Raimondo)辦公室代表Gabe Amo、羅德島州商務廳長Stefan Pryor、麻州眾議員黃子安,陳德基,費奇堡(Fitchburg)市長黃素芬(Lisa Wong),紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦等,共六百多人出席。
Rady Mom(右三)。
華美銀行波士頓高層林志超(左起)、黑石谷旅遊協會客戶關係經理H. Russell Taub、
羅島華協主席葉超、黑石谷旅遊協會會長畢靈頓(Robert D. Billington)、
外貿招商局外貿主任Katherine therieau
            波士頓經文處今年的慶祝雙十酒會,不但有雙十冰雕,高豎紅色雙十的雙層蛋糕,還為呈現臺灣精神,展現台灣重視傳統文化,在酒會現場設置了大螢幕,播放「友善國際、和平傳愛」、「食在臺灣」、「福爾摩莎 夥伴在臺灣」及「Time for Taiwan」等宣傳短片,以及馬英九總統7月過境波士頓的活動剪輯幻燈片。
