
星期五, 11月 11, 2016

中國東方電器集團總經理張曉侖MIT談綠能源 (圖片)


MIT能源計畫主任Robert C. Armstrong(左)介紹主講者中國東方電器集團總經理張曉侖(右)。(周菊子攝)

MIT能源計畫主任Robert C. Armstrong(右)主持,中國東方電器集團總經理張曉侖(左)回答提問。(周菊子攝)


康卡斯捐款10萬元 啟動耆英上網每月10元計畫

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)康卡斯(Comcast)1110日送大禮給波士頓市,捐款10萬元資助科技回家(Tech Goes Home)計畫,並針對低收入耆英,擴辦基本網路(Internet Essentials)活動,月繳9.95元,就能訂購康卡斯的上網服務。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)10日特地出席康卡斯在南波士頓鄰里屋(South Boston Neighborhood House)舉行的宣佈會,感謝康卡斯支持波士頓市彌平科技差距的努力。
康卡斯還準備了110個惠普(HP)手提電腦要送給南波士頓鄰里屋的耆英,以及當地高中生。康卡斯資深執行副總裁David L. Cohen在宣佈會上表示,出席活動的每一名耆英都可得到一個。波士頓市長馬丁華殊也特地邀請已跨過耆英門檻的波士頓市議員林乃肯(Bill Linehan)上台領一個。
David L. Cohen指出,基本網路"是該公司推行已6年,堪稱全美最大規模,最完善,幫助低收入美國人上網的活動,迄今已在全美幫助75萬個家庭,大約300萬人得以上網,其中包括大約8萬麻州居民。
藉著康卡斯的"基本網路"計畫,耆英們不僅可以每月只花9.95元就獲得上網服務,還可藉由該公司的補助,只花不到150元,就買到一台電腦。並獲得使用的輔導訓練。耆英同時還可在訂購基本有線電視或是起步級數位有線電視(Digital Starter Cable TV)時,享有10%的折扣。
康卡斯已經在棕櫚灘(Palm Beach),費城,舊金山,西雅圖等地提供基本網路",波士頓市是第五個城市。

前美國駐緬甸大使 Burton Levin 辭世 享年86歲

亞洲協會香港中心發出訃聞,悼念該中心創辦主任,曾任美國大使的Burton Levin於2016年10月31日,在妻子Lily及家人陪伴中辭世,享年86歲。
Burton Levin在紐約出生,取得哥倫比亞大學國際事務碩士學位後,踏上仕途,成為外交官,派駐過台灣,泰國,香港,緬甸等多個國家及地區。1987年由當時的美國總統雷根任命為駐緬甸大使,直至1990年卸任。他也曾是史丹福大學胡佛研究院訪問學者,哈佛大學訪問學者。辭世前,他還擔任著Mansfield基金會,中國基金,以及Noble集團的董事。
Burton Levin在1990年從外交官職務上退休時,亞洲協會香港中心正好成立,邀請他出任創辦執行主任。他和當年奉派台灣時結識,並結為連理,在北京出生的妻子Lily Lee,才因而回到他們曾經兩度以此為家的香港,直到Burton 接受明尼蘇達州Carleton學院邀請,每年到該校教書一學期之後,他倆才搬回美國,在波士頓郊外的Sherborn定居。
Burton在亞洲協會香港中心任職時,和先後兩任主席,創始主席Q.W. Lee和現任主席Ronnie Chan合作密切。 Ronnie Chan指出,Buron在 1989年時對香港有很重要的貢獻。他在六四事件時,特地飛回香港,向美國人確保中國的持續開放。安撫了許多打算撤離香港的美國企業。
Burton Levin身後遺有妻子Lily Lee Levin,兒子Cliff Levin,女兒Alicia Lee-OHallorn,女婿Patrick Lee-OHalloran,孫兒輩Quinn及Elliot。Levin家未公開舉辦追悼會,不過Carleton學院計畫明年六月舉辦一場紀念研討會,亞洲協會香港中心也將舉辦一場講座。

紐英崙玉山科協 11/12 舉辦"針灸及中醫"座談

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

2016 11. 12th    11:00 AM - Noon

Jeng Shu Wei, Ph.D., Professor at Chang Gung University

Microsoft NERD center

Register here

Speaker Bio:  Dr. Jeng Shu Wei received a B.S. degree in botany in 1966 and a M.S. degree in biochemistry in 1969 from the National Taiwan University. He received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in 1975 with a specialty in comparative biochemistry under the guidance of Professor Melvin Calvin, a laureate of 1961 Nobel Prize in chemistry. His postdoctoral research was performed at Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California at San Francisco. After serving several years at companies with
specialties in medical diagnosis, he became an Associate Professor of Biochemistry in 1986 at Chang Gung Medical College, now Chang Gung University, and a Full Professor in 1990. 

He had published a number of biomarker papers in “Clinical Chemistry” and was elected as a fellow of National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, U.S.A. in his early stage of academic endeavor. He was a recipient of Beckman Coulter Clinical Biochemistry Award (Taipei) in the years of 1999-2000. He directed Enzymology Laboratory at Department of Biochemistry as well as Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science at Chang Gung University until his mandatory age retirement. In early 1980s, he took his leisure hours to learn acupuncture and obtained an acupuncturist license from State of Florida. In this talk, he will share his experience on using acupuncture for hypertension treatment. He will also review the recent advances in using tea catechins, ginsenosides and curcumins as potential phytochemical medicines for the treatment of cancer and Alzheimer’s diseas


Program to Fund Legal Aid Groups and Nonprofits Focused on Helping Massachusetts Veterans

BOSTON – On Veterans Day, Attorney General Maura Healey announced a new grant program focused on providing legal assistance to veterans transitioning back into civilian life.

The Legal Assistance for Our Veterans Grant program will provide assistance to veterans seeking health benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system, housing and education assistance, discharge status upgrades, general legal representation and veteran-specific employment.

“Our veterans and service members have dedicated their lives to serving our country and keeping us all safe, and we need to do everything we can to make sure that they have the representation and tools needed to transition back into civilian life,” AG Healey said. “Our goal with this grant is to improve services for veterans and service members in Massachusetts and ensure access to all the benefits and protections they have earned.”

The grant program will utilize $355,000 from a judgment the AG’s Consumer Protection Division secured against Verizon and Sprint. The AG’s Office will give special consideration to applicants who can demonstrate that the grant will be used to serve underrepresented veteran populations including women, minorities and LGBTQ veterans.

The Legal Assistance for Our Veterans Grant is open to existing legal aid groups or nonprofit organizations with experience working with veterans, and with a focus on increasing access to services for veterans.

This is a two-year grant program that will start on Feb. 1, 2017 and will end on Jan. 21, 2019. Interested applicants can visit the AG’s website,www.mass.gov/ago/grants for more information and for application instructions. Applications must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 16, 2016.

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates Veterans Day with State House Ceremony

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates Veterans Day with State House Ceremony

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, and Secretary of the Department of Veterans’ Services Francisco Ureña came together to celebrate the service of Massachusetts veterans and service members while attending Commonwealth’s official Veterans Day ceremony at the State House. 

“Today we come together to honor all of those men and women that chose to serve our country,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The Commonwealth and the nation will forever be indebted to these individuals for their selfless bravery, honor, and everything they sacrificed in order to protect our freedom and liberty.”

“Massachusetts is home to nearly 380,000 veterans, these are the sons, daughters, husbands and wives of so many individuals in our community,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We owe a debt of gratitude to every veteran past and present, as well as their family for everything they have given to our community.”
Massachusetts continues to be recognized as a national leader in the services offered to veterans and their families.

“Veterans Day is a day to remember and honor the tremendous sacrifice our veterans have made for the freedoms we enjoy and to reflect on the meaning of service to our country,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders. “I thank them for their service and for the work the Department of Veterans’ Services does every day to show our appreciation.”

The Keynote Speaker was Enoch “Woody” Woodhouse, WWII veteran, and Tuskegee Airman.  A POW/MIA Ceremony was conducted including a candle lighting ceremony lead by Tim Sullivan, Cdr. USN (Ret.) Vietnam veteran and former POW.  Massachusetts Gold Star Families were paid tribute with a rose presentation.

“Today is a day of recognition honoring the men and women of our armed forces, their families and the sacrifices made for our grateful nation,” said Secretary of the Department of Veterans Services Francisco Ureña. “We are reminded of our continued responsibility as a community to raise awareness of the needs of our veterans.”
The ceremony also included a 21-gun salute by the Massachusetts Army National Guard followed by Taps performed by the Commonwealth Brass Quintet. 

“There is no institution on this earth that commands such an unwavering respect as the United States Military and the Veterans that have provided our freedom.” saidMajor General Gary Keefe, Adjutant General, Massachusetts National Guard. “The courage and strength all Veterans have demonstrated are qualities which deserve only our highest gratitude. Thank you for your service.”


$500,000 in Funding Comes from First-in-the-Nation Settlement with CVSPharmacy to Strengthen Policies Around Dispensing Opioids

QUINCY – Utilizing funds from a groundbreaking settlement with the largest pharmacy chain in the country, Attorney General Maura Healey today announced a $500,000 statewide grant program to support school-based prevention initiatives to address opioid dependence and addiction in Massachusetts.  

            “Massachusetts is experiencing an opiate epidemic that has reached unprecedented levels and is claiming lives and impacting communities across our state,” AG Healey said. “This grant money will help fund prevention programs tohelp equip young people with the tools and knowledge they need to make the right choices and understand the dangers of substance use. Through this funding, our hope is that we can prevent one more parent from losing a child, one more sibling from losing a sister or a brother, or one more child from losing a best friend.”

AG Healey was joined today by Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey and Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch to announce that the application period for the Youth Opioid Prevention Grant is open and discuss the importance of the program. The AG’s Office will be accepting grant applications from entities that propose to implement a sustainable prevention curriculum or prevention programming within a public school or school district in Massachusetts. 
“We know from investigating fatal overdoes – 145 in Norfolk County so far this year – that many who are dying today had prescription opiates for sports injuries during their high school years, or otherwise had exposure while young,” District Attorney Morrissey said. “If these grants can stop those seeds of addiction from being sewn in the rising generation, that will help turn back this tide in the long term.”

“Educating our young people about the dangers of addiction must always be the cornerstone of substance abuse policy, and this grant program will be a great tool for communities across the Commonwealth fighting the scourge of opioid addiction,” said Quincy Mayor Koch. “Attorney General Healey stepped to the forefront of this issue the day she took office, and her work gives me great faith that we can beat this epidemic if we continue to work together at all levels of government and in our communities.”   

In Massachusetts, opiate overdoses kill more than five people every day and more than 1,500 people died of a heroin or prescription drug overdose last year.

            Young people are particularly vulnerable to the risks of substance use. Ninety percent of all adults struggling with addiction started using when they were under the age of 18, and 50 percent were under the age of 15. However, studies indicate that effective substance use prevention programming can significantly reduce the risk for addiction among young people.

The Youth Opioid Prevention Grant is open to non-profits, public schools and school districts, community organizations, health providers, youth organizations, municipalities, and law enforcement agencies. The AG’s Office is particularly interested in proposals focused on elementary and middle schools and those that foster community collaboration.
The funding for this program came from an unprecedented settlement with CVS Pharmacy, Inc., which in September agreed to strengthen its policies and procedures around the dispensing of opioids and require its Massachusetts pharmacy staff to check the state’s Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) before filling prescriptions for commonly misused opioids.

This grant program is another way AG Healey is working to address the growing addiction crisis in Massachusetts. The AG’s Office is looking at a host of other practices, from marketing by pharmaceutical companies, to pill diversion and drug trafficking by criminal entities, to coverage for substance abuse treatment by insurance companies. The AG’s Office continues to work on solutions that include eliminating barriers to treatment and supporting prevention and education initiatives across the state.
Earlier this year, the AG’s Office announced the formation of the Interagency Group on Illegal Prescribing, a coalition of state and federal agencies to investigate and prosecute prescribers, pharmacists and others who contribute to the opioid epidemic by illegally prescribing or dispensing pills.
Changing the culture around the prescribing of opioids is also a significant part of the AG’s efforts. In January, AG Healey sent a letter, and joined a coalition of states, in support of the CDC’s guidelines that provide much-needed information to primary care providers across the country about when and how opioids should be prescribed for chronic pain – creating a single, nationwide, evidence-based standard. The new guidelines released by the CDC in March make clear that addictive opioids should not be the initial treatment for chronic pain and should only be used where their benefits outweigh the risks.
Full grant proposals must be delivered electronically through the AGO’s online grant portal by 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 16. Questions regarding the RFP may be submitted to AGOgrants@state.ma.us by email until 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9.Entities interested in applying for the Youth Opioid Prevention Grant program can find more information here.

劍橋合唱團12月辦 "冬之歌"音樂會

劍橋合唱團 2016冬季音樂會【冬之歌】
1210()  晚間7:30, Hampton United Methodist Church, Hampton, NH
12  11(下午 4:00, Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, MA

劍橋合唱團將於12月上旬舉行兩場冬季音樂會系列【冬之歌】。1210日(星期六)晚間730分將在Hampton United Methodist Church525 Lafayette Rd, Hampton, NH),630分開始現場售票。1211日(星期日)下午4點在Grace Episcopal Church76 Eldredge St, Newton, MA),3點開始現場售票。



劍橋合唱團固定於每週五晚間8點在MIT 教室練習。二月份將開始新一季的擴大招生與練習,歡迎喜愛唱歌的舊雨新知與我們聯繫。聯絡電話:217-979-9719Email: cccs-officers@mit.edu

MIT CCCS 2016 Winter Concert “The Winter’s Tale”
December 10th, Saturday, 7:30 PM at Hampton United Methodist Church, Hampton, NH
December 11th, Sunday, 4:00 PM at Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, MA

MIT Cambridge Chinese Choral Society (CCCS) will be performing its 2016 Winter Concert series“The Winter’s Tale”. 12/10 (Saturday) 7:30 PM at Hampton United Methodist Church (525 Lafayette Rd, Hampton, NH), tickets selling at the door at 6:30 PM.  12/11 (Sunday) 4:00 PM at Grace Episcopal Church (76 Eldredge St, Newton, MA), tickets selling at the door at 3:00 PM.

In 2016 the world will commemorate 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare.   There have been numerous choral songs composed using the work of Shakespeare.  MIT CCCS will be performing “Songs and Sonnets” by the famous jazz pianist, George Shearing, as well as selected work from “Shakespeare Songbook” by Matthew Harris.

Besides the choral songs selected from William Shakespeare, Chinese and Taiwanese folk songs such as “Mending the Broken Net”, “18 Year Old Girl”, “Darkening Sky”, “Kharlegax”, and “Dance of Youth” will also be performed.

This concert will be conducted by the University of Illinois Choral Conducting DMA Dr. Yufen Yen, and accompanied by current Boston University Piano DMA student I-Ying Lin. The Winter concert will be $10 for adults and $5 for students sold at the entrance.  Please come and experience the wonderful musical performance that we have prepared.

MIT CCCS will begin recruitment for the Spring of 2017 after the concert in December, if you are interested please come talk to us after the concert or email us directly. MIT CCCS regularly rehearse on Friday 8 PM at MIT. Please contact us at 217-979-9719, or email us at cccs-officer@mit.edu

星期四, 11月 10, 2016


(Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)世界上首座刑偵科學博物館11月5日在江蘇如皋開幕,李昌鈺博士親臨,在來自世界各地的500多名法政學者,專家面前,為這座以他個人姓名來命名的博物館剪綵,場面盛大、感人。

慶祝軍人節 麻州所有州立公園11/11停車免費

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Free Parking at All State Parks in Honor of Veterans Day
BOSTON – November 9, 2016 – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that parking fees at all state parks and forests statewide will once again be waived in honor of Veterans Day to encourage children and their families to get outside and enjoy the Commonwealth’s natural resources. The fee waiver, which is set for Friday, November 11, 2016, directly corresponds with a National Park Service program that also offers free admission at the federal agency’s properties nationwide on Veterans Day.

“Massachusetts has a long, proud history of its citizens answering the call of duty during both times of war and peace, and it is important that we all take the time to reflect and appreciate their unwavering service to our great nation,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “While our appreciation of their sacrifice cannot be overstated, waiving fees at all state parks serves as a small example of the gratitude we have for veterans everywhere.”

Throughout Massachusetts there are several locations managed and maintained by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) that honor those who served in the US military, including Fort Independence at Castle Island, which was used to fortify the area’s coast; Fort Revere in Hull, first fortified by Patriot forces during the American Revolution; and numerous pools, skating rinks and parks named after specific Massachusetts veterans or military campaigns involving Massachusetts veterans.

“Since the founding of the United States of America, we have held our veterans with the highest of regards,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “By having all state parks free on Veterans Day, I hope everybody will have an opportunity to explore the state’s natural resources and witness the beauty that has been preserved because of the freedoms protected by our military personnel.”

“Massachusetts state parks serve as perfect settings to reflect and appreciate the selfless acts made by this nation’s bravest and heroic men and women,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “There are state parks in every corner and region of the Commonwealth, and I am pleased that children and their families will have the opportunity to visit and spend time with each other and not have to worry about fees.”

Additionally, Massachusetts’ official Veterans War Memorial, which is located at the summit of Mount Greylock, will once again shine as a beacon on top of the state’s highest point starting on November 11, 2016. Since 2013, the memorial has been closed due to renovations; however, with the project now nearing completion, the DCR is able to light the tower, where it can be seen for miles. Once the renovation project has completed in early 2017, the Baker-Polito Administration will host a special event at the Veterans War Memorial for the public to attend.

“The administration continues to demonstrate its appreciation for our state’s 380,000 veterans and the honorable sacrifices they have made,” said the Department of Veterans’ Services, Secretary Francisco Ureña. “Our state parks serve as a tribute to all of those who wore the uniform to protect our nation and it is fitting that our citizens will have the opportunity to enjoy the various monuments and memorials on Veterans Day at no additional cost.”

“The Department of Conservation and Recreation is truly proud of our country’s veterans, and it is the agency’s honor to manage and maintain many of our state’s cultural resources, some of which either pay homage to those who answered the call of service or are historic locations that played a pivotal role in protecting our great country,” said DCR Commissioner Leo Roy.

The Department of Conservation and Recreation also offers free parking at its facilities year round to cars with Disabled Veterans license plates from all states. To find a full list of DCR managed state parks, please visit the agency’s website.

星期三, 11月 09, 2016


People’s United Bank Selected for Core Banking Services
BOSTON- Today Treasurer Deborah Goldberg announced that Peoples United Bank has been selected to manage the state's core banking services. This is the first time People's United has been has been awarded a banking services contract for the Commonwealth through a competitive bid process.
The core banking services are the Commonwealth’s primary bank accounts for concentrating and managing balances and the disbursing of funds to taxpayers, beneficiaries, employees, retirees and Lottery winners, among others.
People’s United Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of People's United Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ: PBCT), was founded in 1842 and is the largest regional bank headquartered in New England. The Bank has grown over the past decade to over $40 billion in assets with 5,000 employees and more than 400 branches in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, New Hampshire and Maine. In Massachusetts, People’s United is currently providing banking services to the Cities of Worcester and Peabody.

The award is pending successful contract negotiations between the Commonwealth and the bank. Implementation and service changes are expected to roll-out during the first quarter of 2017.

MIRA Coalition Statement on Trump Victory

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), the largest immigrant advocacy organization in New England, calls on President-Elect Donald Trump to honor the values of inclusivity, respect  and equality that are at the heart of our national identity. Together with our member organizations, we pledge to stand with all immigrants, regardless of status, with refugees, and with our allies across social justice movements in defense of all communities who feel that their place in America is at risk. 

“As the President of the United States, Mr. Trump must represent all of our nation’s residents,” said Eva Millona, MIRA’s Executive Director. “MIRA has been advocating  for immigrants and refugees for 30 years, and we will continue to do so. We will work to engage and empower our communities with capacity-building, education and rights trainings as they face new challenges and fears of the unknown.  MIRA will also engage with officials at the state and federal level to combat harmful policies, and will tirelessly work to ensure that our families are protected and due process is observed.”

MIRA will continue to  ensure that the voices of immigrants are heard both here in the Commonwealth and in Washington. “We’re proud of our civic engagement work in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, helping people to naturalize, register to vote, and to contribute to our democracy,” says Ms. Millona. MIRA attends weekly naturalization ceremonies in Boston and elsewhere in the state to register new American voters, and made calls and door-knocked in immigrant neighborhoods in Massachusetts and New Hampshire to get out the vote in advance of the elections.

[See PDF of Press Statement here.]