
星期二, 2月 07, 2023

昆士市爐溪沿線正在施工防洪 預定今秋竣工

 爐溪 (Furnace Brook) 沿線正在進行的防洪工程

(Boston Orange編譯) 麻州昆士市西部,沿著爐溪 (Furnace Brook)一帶,早就該進行的防洪工程動工了。聯邦緊急管理局 (FEMA)的減災補助款,將用於支付增加沿溪蓄洪量堤防的設計費用。


昆士市市長柯奇 (Tom Koch)表示,昆士市西部居民長年忍受洪災損失,市府一直在推動多層面、多階段計畫,來保護市民,免於財物損失。


Flynn建築公司會重新設計溪流,製造更多彎道,以增加溪流蓄水量。他們也會在Quarry街和Fr. McMahon Way之間的堤岸坡道,沿路重新分級,以期雨量多時,蓄水量更好。

這一工程涉及多個單位,包括聯邦緊急管理局,環境保護局,保護及娛樂局,海洋漁業,以及天然資源局。工程範圍將側重在Quarry街和十字街 (Cross),預定2023年秋天竣工,並持續種植到2024年春。

Flood Control Project Underway Along Furnace Brook

QUINCY, MA – February 7, 2023 A long-awaited flood control project to help alleviate flooding in neighborhoods in West Quincy is underway along Furnace Brook. A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant is paying for the design to increase the brook’s capacity and regrading the banks along the brook to augment flood storage.

The work is being undertaken by Flynn Construction Company of Milton with oversight from Woodward and Curran Engineering and Granite City Partners. The City’s Department of Natural Resources has assisted with project monitoring and advocated for the protection of as many trees as possible.

“Residents in West Quincy have been enduring flooding losses for decades,” said Mayor Koch. “The City has been working on a multi-faceted and multi-phased plan to help protect our residents from the destruction of their properties. We have made gains in this fight and this project will be another positive way to protect our neighborhoods.”

The Department of Natural Resources has worked with the contractor and project engineers to analyze the project impacts and work to save as much native vegetation as possible. The regrading of the banks will impact existing vegetation but there is a robust revegetation plan for the areas around the brook.

Flynn Construction will redesign the brook to create more “meandering” design to increase capacity. They will also be regraded the slopes along the banks between Quarry Street and Fr. McMahon Way to allow for better flood storage during incidents of high rain.

This project is a multi-jurisdictional project with involvement from FEMA, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, MEMA, the Division of Marine Fisheries, and the Department of Natural Resources.  Work will focus on the area between Quarry Street and Cross Street. The project timeline has an approximate completion date in Fall 2023, with plantings continuing into Spring 2024.
