
星期四, 10月 26, 2023

Healey下令麻州降半旗5日 向緬因州大規模槍擊案受害者致意

(Boston Orange 編譯) 依循美國總統向25日晚,緬因州Lewiston大規模槍擊案受害者致意的公告,麻州州長奚莉 (Maura T. Healey) 1026日下午2點發出通知,下令從10 26 ()起 至30 (週一),所有州政府大樓的美國國旗及州旗降半旗,以示悼念。 

奚莉州長表示,「我們在麻州降旗,向受害者、他們的家人以及所有受到緬因州大規模槍擊事件影響的人表示深切的悲傷和同情。 這也表達我們對那些趕赴現場,治療受害者的勇敢地執法人員和醫療專業人員的大力支持和感謝」。 

奚莉州長表示,昨晚她向緬因州州長Janet Mills表達了支持意願,麻州州警也已和緬因州的對口單位接洽,緊密觀察情況,隨時準備因應。麻州醫院也在治療轉運到麻州的病人。她說,新英格蘭是個緊密交織的社區,將在這令人心碎時刻團結支持鄰居。 


敦促公眾保持警惕並撥打 911 報告可疑活動。 任何患有心理健康問題的人都可以撥打馬薩諸塞州行為健康幫助熱線 833-773-2445 或發短信,或在 Masshelpline.com 上在線聊天以進行實時臨床評估。 任何正在經歷情緒困擾或自殺念頭並需要有人傾訴的人都可以撥打 988 獲取免費、保密的情感支持。 

Governor Healey Orders Flags at Half-Staff in Honor of Maine Shooting Victims 


BOSTON – Governor Maura T. Healey ordered the United States of America and Commonwealth of Massachusetts flags to be lowered to half-staff at all state buildings beginning immediately on Thursday, October 26 through Monday, October 30 in accordance with the presidential proclamation to honor the victims of last night’s mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine. 


“We are lowering the flags in Massachusetts to express our deep sadness and sympathy for the victims, their families, and all those impacted by the mass shooting in Maine. It is also an expression of our strong support and gratitude for the brave members of law enforcement and medical professionals who are responding to this tragedy and treating victims,” said Governor Healey. “I spoke with Governor Janet Mills last night to offer our support. The Massachusetts State Police are in contact with their counterparts in Maine, monitoring the situation closely and are prepared to respond as needed. Our hospitals are treating patients transferred to Massachusetts. New England is a close-knit community, and we are coming together to support our neighbors during this heartbreaking time.” 


Members of the public are urged to remain vigilant and call 911 to report suspicious activity. Anyone struggling with their mental health can call or text the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line at 833-773-2445 or chat online at masshelpline.com for real-time clinical assessment. Anyone who is experiencing emotional distress or thoughts of suicide and needs someone to talk to can call 988 for free, confidential emotional support. 

