
星期二, 2月 28, 2023


蘇維思 (Julie Su)。 (白宮新聞辦公室提供)
         (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 美國總統拜登 (Joe Biden) 今 (28)日提名蘇維思 (Julie Su) 接任劳工部部長。一旦確認,她將是美國有史以來的第2位華裔勞工部部長,也是拜登總統內閣的首名華裔部長。

        拜登總統任內的第一位勞工部部長是前波士頓市長馬丁華殊 (Marty J. Walsh),於2021年3月23日上任。他將離任的消息,早於去年12月已傳出。日前他正式辭職,轉任全美冰球聯盟球員協會 (NHLPA) 會長。

         蘇維思原任加州勞工與勞力發展廳(California Labor and Workforce Development Agency)廳長,與雇主及工會合作,培訓勞工,推出過「偷竊工資是犯罪 (Wage Theft is a Crime )」等活動。她也當過17年的民權律師,代表過72名被偷渡進美國的泰裔製衣工人。拜登總統上任時,她是勞工部部長人選之一,但後來是馬丁華殊出任部長,蘇維思在2021年7月才獲參議院同意,上任為副部長。



        在拜登總統的內閣中,目前職位最高的亞裔是有一半亞裔血統的副總統哈理斯 (Kamala Harris) ,以及貿易代表戴琪 (Katherine Tai) 。

       在美國歷史中,最早出任內閣首長的亞裔是擔任過商務部部長,日裔的峰田良雄 (Norman Y. Mineta) ,唯一當過2任部長的亞裔是曾任勞工部部長,交通部部長,華裔的趙小蘭。


February 28, 2023
President Biden Nominates Julie Su for Secretary of the Department of Labor
Today, President Biden announced his intent to nominate Julie Su to serve as Secretary of the Department of Labor. Julie is a tested and experienced leader, who will continue to build a stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive economy that provides Americans a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead.
“It is my honor to nominate Julie Su to be our country’s next Secretary of Labor. Julie has spent her life fighting to make sure that everyone has a fair shot, that no community is overlooked, and that no worker is left behind. Over several decades, Julie has led the largest state labor department in the nation, cracked down on wage theft, fought to protect trafficked workers, increased the minimum wage, created good-paying, high-quality jobs, and established and enforced workplace safety standards.
Julie is a champion for workers, and she has been a critical partner to Secretary Walsh since the early days of my Administration. She helped avert a national rail shutdown, improved access to good jobs free from discrimination through my Good Jobs Initiative, and is ensuring that the jobs we create in critical sectors like semiconductor manufacturing, broadband and healthcare are good-paying, stable and accessible jobs for all.
I look forward to continuing to work with Julie to build an economy that works for working people, and I respectfully ask the Senate to take up this nomination quickly so that we can finish the job for America’s workers.”
Julie Su, Secretary of Labor
Julie Su has spent her career fighting for workers, and currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of Labor, a position she has held since her July 2021 Senate confirmation. As Deputy Secretary, Su has worked side by side with Secretary Walsh to advance President Biden’s vision of a strong, resilient, inclusive economy with worker well-being at its center. 
Previously, Su was the Labor Secretary for the State of California where she worked closely with unions and employers to build high road training partnerships to connect people—often those left out of prosperity—to good, union jobs. Su began her life in government service as the California Labor Commissioner where she launched the “Wage Theft is a Crime” campaign with the support of both labor and management. Su spent 17 years as a civil rights attorney representing workers who are often invisible, including 72 Thai garment workers who were trafficked into the US and forced to work behind barbed wire and under armed guard. Her work earned her a MacArthur “genius” award.
Su is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School. She is the daughter of immigrants, speaks Mandarin and Spanish, and she has 2 daughters, LiMei and AnLing, who are both in college. 

