
星期四, 3月 10, 2022

六大工會支持 Maura Healey 選州長

 Sixth Major Union Endorses Maura Healey For Governor

MOSES, Teamsters Local 25, Mass Laborers, IBEW 103, Boston Carmen and NAGE represent 71,900 workers across New England

Maura Healey. ( File photo by Chutze Chou_)
BOSTON – Unions representing more than 71,900 workers across New England have endorsed Maura Healey’s campaign for Governor after the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists announced their support today.

MOSES joins Teamsters Local 25, the Massachusetts and Northern New England Laborers’ District Council, IBEW Local 103, the Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589 and the National Association of Government Employees in supporting Healey for Governor. 

“Building an economy where everyone can thrive, and creating more opportunities for economic mobility and stability for families, starts with supporting our workers,” said Maura Healey. “Our state faces major challenges and opportunities when it comes to investments in expanding workforce development opportunities, infrastructure, transportation and housing. Our labor unions are key to this and I’m proud to have their support and to be a partner in how our state moves forward. I’m honored to have the support of MOSES, Teamsters Local 25, Mass Laborers, IBEW 103, Boston Carmen and NAGE, and I look forward to working alongside them to build a stronger, more equitable Massachusetts.”

"MOSES is proud to endorse Maura Healey for Governor,” said Patrick Russell, MOSES President. “She's been a strong partner for years – from blocking environmental rollbacks, to her tireless efforts to enforce our wage laws, to protecting our collective bargaining rights. We know, as Governor, Maura will continue to serve the people of the Commonwealth with great distinction.

“Maura Healey has a long history of working with our union and fighting for our members,” said General President-Elect Sean M. O’Brien of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. “During these challenging times, Massachusetts needs a strong, tested leader who will put people over politics while also leveraging our competitive advantage to protect and create jobs. Maura is a champion for our members who isn’t afraid to fight greedy corporations who refuse to respect workers. Teamsters Local 25 was the first union to endorse Maura Healey for Governor, and we’re proud to support her.” 

“As the People’s Lawyer, Maura Healey stood with Massachusetts workers – combating wage theft, empowering workers to know their rights, and stopping efforts by the federal government to roll back worker protections,” said Joseph Bonfiglio, Business Manager of the Massachusetts and Northern New England Laborers District Council. “The Massachusetts Laborers are proud to endorse her for Governor, and we look forward to continuing to work together to protect the rights and wellbeing of Massachusetts workers.”

"Maura Healey has been a strong advocate for working people for a long time and she has proven that she can take on tough fights and win for our communities and our members,” said IBEW Local 103 Business Manager/Financial Secretary Lou Antonellis. “She shares our core values of economic justice and equality and she has worked hard to advance those values. She knows our issues, she fights for our issues and she delivers on those issues! We are proud to endorse her for governor and will work very hard to see to it that she wins in November. We are grateful that she took the time to visit our union’s training center and meet with many of our apprentices today.”

“As a champion for working families, Maura Healey has tackled every kind of injustice, from systemic racism in the workplace to marriage inequality,” said Jim Evers, President of the Boston Carmen’s Local 589. “She plans to continue that track record in the top office by tackling the high costs of living and investing in a robust public transit system across the Commonwealth. That’s why Boston Carmen’s Local 589 is proud to stand with Maura Healey for Governor of Massachusetts.”

“As a labor union, we are always looking to endorse candidates whose actions support our members,” said NAGE National President David J. Holway. “As Attorney General, Maura Healey has never wavered in her commitment to working people, and we are confident that this will continue in her work as Governor. We are proud to endorse her as the next Governor.”

