
星期三, 8月 25, 2021

CAPAC Chair Statement on House Passage of the Budget Resolution

CAPAC Chair Statement on House Passage of the Budget Resolution 

Washington, D.C. — Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 220-212 to pass the $3.5 trillion budget resolution, This resolution provides instructions to House Committees to begin crafting legislative language for President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which delivers on the promise of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and paves the way for investments in health care, education, paid leave, housing, climate change mitigation efforts, reducing the price of prescription drugs and a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living in the United States. CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) issued the following statement:

“At a time when our communities need it most, this transformative budget represents one of the most significant investments in AAPI workers, families, and communities that our country has seen in decades. At a time when Asian Americans have experienced the highest proportional surge in unemployment out of any racial group throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, this budget resolution opens the door for landmark polices that will ensure our community can thrive - like creating a national paid family leave program, expanding the Child Tax Credit, investing in small businesses, reducing prescription drug prices, and strengthening the care economy. Importantly, this resolution creates a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix our broken immigration system by providing a pathway to citizenship and addressing ways to keep our families together. There are more than 130,000 eligible AAPI DACA recipients, 15,000 active AAPI DACA participants, and 14,000 AAPI TPS recipients. Many of them are amongst the 2 million AAPIs who worked as frontline workers during the pandemic. Providing them with a path to citizenship would allow them to continue their lives in the country that they risked their health and wellbeing to serve during the pandemic.

“As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I am committed to advancing sweeping, transformative legislation that will have real and lasting impacts on AAPI families. I look forward to working with my CAPAC colleagues to craft a Build Back Better bill that addresses to the needs of our communities.”

