
星期二, 1月 15, 2019

Gus Bickford on Baker's comment about ongoing federal government shutdown

a statement from Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman Gus Bickford on Governor Charlie Baker's recent comments regarding the ongoing federal government shutdown. 

"Governor Charlie Baker continues to claim that both Democrats and Republicans are to blame for the ongoing government shutdown. The Governor is willfully ignoring the fact that Democrats in Congress have voted multiple times to fund the government, only to have the legislation blocked by Republicans in the Senate, and that the President is refusing to negotiate in good faith - preferring instead to hold the livelihoods of more than 7,000 workers in Massachusetts hostage in pursuit of an unnecessary border wall. Criticizing both sides without working proactively towards a solution is not courageous - it is the Governor, once again, failing to stand up to his party and the President, even when their actions are harming families in Massachusetts." 

