
星期一, 7月 31, 2017

Jimmy Gomez on Los Angeles reaching deal to host the 2028 Olympics

Statement by Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D – Los Angeles) on Los Angeles reaching deal to host the 2028 Olympics

Los Angeles, CA - “I’d like to congratulate Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the 2024 LA Olympics Committee on their successful effort to bring back the Summer Games to the City of Angels. Mayor Garcetti’s vision of a modern games in a modern city has captivated the residents of not only Los Angeles, but the entire region. Growing up in nearby Riverside, I still remember the thrill of the competition and the athletes who inspired us in 1984, and I look forward to seeing what this excitement will do for our city as we prepare for 2028. Los Angeles is truly an international city. From Little Armenia to Koreatown, Chinatown to Little Ethiopia, the spirit of diversity is woven into the very fabric of L.A. Welcoming people from every corner of the world with open arms is who we are as Angelenos, and we are proud to continue doing so when we host this historic event once again.”

