
星期二, 1月 19, 2016

波士頓華埠居民會一月例會 Joy Luck申請在華埠麥當勞舊址開店

波士頓華埠居民會(CRA)日前召開2016年一月份例會,議程原本僅有三項,臨時又增加一項,陳情者包括余柏豪,布魯吉教授(Doug Brugge),哈佛學生Erica Walker,以及Joy Luck餐廳東主。
For the January public meeting, we had three agenda items and a last minute fourth item was added. The presenters were Jimmy Yee, Doug Brugge, CRA for Erica Walker and the owner of Joy Luck Restaurant.
余柏豪以”唐人街:住屋“為題的約15頁幻燈片,闡述華埠豪華化問題。他整理出華埠近年租金高漲情形,以及豪華大樓對華埠的影顯,並簡短提及波士頓西端(West End)的歷史。
Jimmy Yee talk
Jimmy Yee gave a talk on Chinatown gentrification issues.
Jimmy documented recent spikes in Chinatown rents, the impact luxury developments are having on Chinatown and briefly went over the history of Boston’s West End. His presentation can be seen here: boston
Doug Brugge talk Doug talked about the air quality and health issues in Chinatown. Dough answered many questions from local residents on the topic of air quality.
Erica Walker是一名哈佛大學陳曾熙公衛學院研究院學生,有意收集關於噪音資訊。她的研究是要找出社區噪音對人體的影響。會上她派發了問卷給出席居民。該問卷也可從網上下載,網址為http://noiseandthecity.org。
Erica Walker Survey Erica Walker is a graduate student at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who is interested in collecting input on noise. Erica’s research is looking at how community noise impacts our bodies. Erica’s survey was handed out to residents and can also be downloaded from her website located at this link: Noise and the City (http://noiseandthecity.org)
Joy Luck餐廳的陳情是為該店有意申請酒牌。該店打算接手華埠麥當勞餐廳舊址,店東特地出席居民會,說明該店開張可對地方鄰里有正面影響。他也計劃聘用本地居民,自行聘用保安人員,預定早上11點至凌晨1點營業。Youtube上有該店介紹。
Joy Luck Restaurant presentation Joy Luck restaurant presented information on their liquor license request. Joy Luck is looking to take over the location that was once the Chinatown McDonald’s. The owner of Joy Luck restaurant came out to talk with Chinatown residents and shared the positive impact the business can have on the neighborhood. Joy Luck will be employing local residents, offer its own security and keep operating hours from 11:00am – 1:00am. Youtube: Joy Luck Restaurant Email chinatownresidents@gmail.com for more information.

