
星期四, 2月 26, 2015

Baker-Polito Statement on Regional Clean Energy RFP and DPU Docket on Natural Gas Expansion

Baker-Polito Statement on Regional Clean Energy RFP and DPU Docket on Natural Gas Expansion

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, in regional partnership with the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island, announced a coordinated process to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for clean energy resources.  The Baker-Polito Administration also has directed the Department of Energy Resources to file a request with the Department of Public Utilities to open a docket to consider options for natural gas capacity expansion.

“In response to the continued energy challenges facing Massachusetts and the region, I joined the leaders of our neighboring New England states over the weekend to begin pursuing a balanced approach to reducing energy costs, strengthening grid reliability and increasing the region’s economic competitiveness,” said Governor  Baker. “In my conversations with neighboring governors we also discussed the growing need for regional cooperation in pursuing natural gas expansion. Lieutenant Governor Polito and I look  forward to continued collaborative dialogue and are committed to working with all New England states to advance the region’s shared energy, environmental and economic goals. This regional partnership will allow Massachusetts to acquire cost effective renewable resources for the Commonwealth’s energy supply.”

Electric distribution companies within Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island are collaborating with their respective state agencies to issue a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for clean energy resources.  The RFP is a competitive bidding process conducted by the electric utilities, in coordination with their respective state agencies.  It seeks proposals from suppliers from renewable resources such as wind, solar, and other non-carbon emitting sources.

“As illustrated by our regional approach, Governor Baker and I believe in diversifying the Commonwealth’s energy mix through continued support of investments in renewable energy and clean generation,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “This multi-state partnership, coupled with targeted investments in energy efficiency, is intended to allow us to work with our partners in neighboring states to procure renewable sources of energy in the most cost-effective way possible.”

Additionally, the Baker-Polito Administration has directed the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) to file a request with the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to commence a process to consider how the electric utilities can pursue gas capacity contracts that would improve winter reliability and lower winter electricity costs.  DOER will file documents with the DPU to explore how gas expansion could be pursued under existing law and ask the DPU to obtain public input.  DPU will then consider any comments received and may issue a written order providing direction to the electric utilities on how they should proceed.  The utilities would follow the DPU-stipulated process and file any proposed contracts for review and approval as part of evidentiary hearings.  

