
星期四, 7月 29, 2021

麻州首個疫苗百萬獎揭曉 還有四個等你拿

First VaxMillions Giveaway Winners Announced


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BOSTON — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration, Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg and the Massachusetts State Lottery announced the winners for the first of five drawings for the Massachusetts VaxMillions Giveaway. As part of the giveaway, fully vaccinated residents ages 18 and older are eligible to enter to win one of five, $1 million cash prizes. Residents between 12-17 years of age who are fully vaccinated may enter for the chance to win one of five $300,000 scholarship grants.


The winner of this week’s $1 million prize is Darrell Washington of Weymouth. The winner for the $300,000 college scholarship is Daniela Maldonado of Chelsea.


“Congratulations to Darrell Washington and Daniela Maldonado on winning the first-round drawing for the VaxMillions Giveaway,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Since we launched VaxMillions, over 2.3 million residents have signed up and hundreds of thousands of residents have gotten vaccinated, building on Massachusetts’ nation-leading success in protecting our residents. Massachusetts continues to out-perform virtually every state on vaccinations, and we look forward to the remaining drawings for the VaxMillions campaign as another way to encourage more residents to get vaccinated, in addition to innovative approaches like pop-up clinics and in-home vaccinations.”


“We are excited for these first-round winners of the VaxMillions Giveaway, and look forward to seeing the positive impact these prizes will have on their lives,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We are grateful that over 4.5 million residents have gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, contributing to our status as a national leader in vaccinations. As the VaxMillion Giveaway continues, our Administration remains committed to using every tool available to us to get more residents vaccinated.”


“Today’s winners are a great reminder of why it’s so important to get vaccinated. They won, but we all win too,” said State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg. “And remember - they got a shot because they got the shots. So get the vax now and you could join us soon!”


“The Mass Lottery is proud to be a part of this important public health initiative and we extend our thanks to everyone who has registered thus far,” said Michael Sweeney, Executive Director, Massachusetts State Lottery. “We congratulate the first winners and are hopeful that today’s announcement will encourage additional state residents to get vaccinated.”


“I am grateful to Darrell Washington and Daniela Maldonado, as well as the over 4.3 million Massachusetts residents that made the decision to protect themselves, their families and their communities by getting vaccinated,” said Secretary Marylou Sudders, Executive Office of Health and Human Services. “Vaccine acceptance in Massachusetts is among the highest in the nation, and we will continue to make the vaccine more accessible and convenient for every eligible resident across the Commonwealth.”


"Leveraging innovative technology solutions has been a key component to the Baker-Polito Administration’s public health response to the pandemic," said Secretary of Technology Services and Security Curtis M. Wood. "We are proud to partner with the Massachusetts State Lottery and public health officials on this important vaccination initiative and we congratulate today’s winners." 


The registration deadline for the next VaxMillions Giveaway is today, Thursday, July 29. Winners for that drawing will be drawn on Monday, August 2 and announced on Thursday, August 5. The full list of registration, drawing and announcement dates is listed below.



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Residents must be fully vaccinated before registering, but if they are not vaccinated by the registration date for a certain drawing, they will still have the opportunity to complete vaccination and register for subsequent drawings. Residents will only have to enter once to qualify for all drawings occurring after the date of their registration.


To date, over 2.3 million people have signed up for the VaxMillions Giveaway. Since the program was announced on June 15, almost 200,000 residents have gotten a first dose of the vaccine, and over 330,000 residents have become fully vaccinated.


Massachusetts remains a national leader in vaccinations with over 4.3 million residents fully vaccinated and over 4.5 million residents with at least one dose.


How to Enter

Eligible residents are able to enter the giveaway at VaxMillionsGiveaway.com.  For residents who do not have access to the internet or require assistance, a call center can be reached by calling 2-1-1 during the below hours:


  • Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
  • Saturday-Sunday: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM


Live call center workers are available in English and Spanish, and 100 additional languages are available through translators.


Prize Details

Massachusetts residents 18 years of age and older who have received two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, will have a chance to win one of five, $1 million cash prizes.


Massachusetts residents between 12 and 17 years of age who have received two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will have a chance to win one of five $300,000 scholarship grants via a 529 College Savings Plan managed by the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA). Funds in a 529 plan can be applied to cover tuition, room and board, and related expenses at any college, university, or technical or trade school or other post-secondary educational institution eligible to participate in a student aid program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. Winners with a qualifying disability may elect instead to receive an equivalent financial contribution to a special needs trust or federally qualified ABLE account to cover qualified expenses.


Only legal, permanent residents of Massachusetts who are fully vaccinated can enter the drawings. Residents must have received their vaccine doses within Massachusetts. Residents must be fully vaccinated prior to submitting their entry.



Residents can email support@vaxmillionsgiveaway.mass.gov or call 2-1-1 to report any instances of fraud or suspicious activity associated with the VaxMillions Giveaway Promotion. Residents are reminded that official prize notification emails related to the VaxMillions Giveaway will come from a Massachusetts Department of Public Health email address ending in “@mass.gov.” More information on tips for identifying suspected fraud can be found here.


Vaccination Locations

There are over 900 vaccination locations across the Commonwealth, with appointments and walk-ins widely available. Residents seeking a vaccine can visit mass.gov/COVIDVaccine to find a vaccine location that is convenient for them.


For more information on the Mass VaxMillions Giveaway, visit VaxMillionsGiveaway.com.

波士頓環球報負面報導 Annissa Essaibi George選市長前景趨黯

Annissa Essaibi George及家人。(圖片來自競選網站)
             (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 現在離波士頓市長初選日的914日越來越近,關於各候選人的深度消息逐漸浮現。波士頓環球報728日的一篇負面報導,很可能讓Annissa Essaibi George與下屆市長寶座絕緣。

             這篇報導有著提醒意味,暗籲選民投票時,不要只看候選人,還得看他們身邊的人。以Annissa Essaibi George而言,關鍵在於她丈夫,Douglas R. George,在麻州州政府,波士頓市政府都有多次違規記錄的一名發展商。

             波士頓環球報的報導,先以一宗案例,彰顯Annissa Essaibi George和她丈夫Douglas R. George涉及的政府利益衝突規定。

             那是Douglas R. George在南波士頓蓋了一棟有24個單位的豪華公寓,並將之形容為有著美得令人掉下巴的美景後,另一名發展商申請要在那旁邊蓋的另一棟樓,可能擋住這棟樓的風景時,Annissa Essaibi George動用她辦公室的影響力,試圖阻止,派出員工在20193月時,慫恿區域規畫上訴委員會(Zoning Board of Appeal)拒絕該申請案。波士頓環球報稱,根據公聽會的錄影視頻,Annissa Essaibi George的員工並未揭露,Annissa Essaibi George的丈夫正在出售該申請案旁邊,每戶售價逾百萬元的公寓房屋。

             波士頓環球報稱,Annissa Essaibi George辦公室的這些行動,看來違反了州政府的利益衝突法,不只讓人對她市議員辦公室的行為起疑,也強調了這名市長候選人和她那發展商丈夫之間有著糾纏不清關係,而波士頓環球報的調查發現,這名發展商兼房東的地產業生意,經常違反麻州政府和波士頓市政府的房屋法,引得聲稱被詐欺的豪華公寓買家,被驅逐的低收入租客,以及城市稽查員,收稅員都感憤怒。

             波士頓環球報說,Annissa Essaibi George的競選團隊起初為她參與那區域規畫公聽會的行為辯護,稱那不是她丈夫的項目,她辦公室在該宗案件上的行為恰當,但在看到波士頓環球報秀出來的,關於麻州政府利益衝突法展延至相鄰財產時,她的競選團隊發出了第二份聲明,表示他們正在和律師,以及道德委員會聯繫,準備遞交任何必須拿出來的揭露材料。

             波士頓環球報還詳述了波士頓市稽核員針對Douglas R. George或其公司,向房屋法院提出過至少4次刑事起訴,以逼使他遵守房屋法條例,其中一宗是地下室改為居住空間未獲許可,一宗是鼠患,一宗是天花板漏水,第4宗的細節,波士頓環球報沒拿到。這幾宗件最後都解決了,並未控罪。

             過去以來,Douglas R. George不斷駁斥、忽視市政府的要求,直到今年一月,也是他太太Annissa Essaibi George宣佈參選波士頓市長的2星期以前,他才處理了過去7年來累積的116張未登記公寓的遲交費帳單,共付了5315元。然後7月份,波士頓市又發給他一疊警告信,指他另外有14個房屋單位未登記,有20個須更新登記。波士頓規定房東必須每年付費,為他們的公寓辦理登記。

             波士頓環球報指出,另有兩名波士頓市長候選人也和土地發展相關事業有關係。波士頓代理市長Kim Janey的表親創辦有一家區域性的建築公司,名叫Janey建築公司;波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)的丈夫在東波士頓儲蓄銀行做商業房地產。

             波士頓市府還發了警告信給另一名波士頓市長候選人,也是前任波士頓市經濟發展長巴洛斯(John Barros),因為他沒有更新或登記2個出租物業;也發了警告信給吳弭,則是因為她把她的兩家庭屋中的一家庭屋,讓她母親免租住在那兒,但沒有登記。

            波士頓環球報還侃侃而談,指Annissa Essaibi George做為波士頓市不分區市議員,揚言致力解決流浪漢問題,要為有需要的家庭改善波士頓房屋局的憑證系統(voucher system),但她丈夫的行為卻正好相反,不但經常遲繳物業稅,2019年惹得波市府威脅要沒收他的一處南波士頓物業,還曾經驅逐接受房屋局補助的租客。

星期三, 7月 28, 2021

波士頓疫情解封 僑青健行登山跨域交流

疫情管制解封後首度一同健行    波士頓地區僑青跨域交流

(Boston Orange)波士頓華僑文教中心和波士頓慈濟聯絡處,波士頓急難救助協會,波士頓臺灣龍舟隊,波士頓臺美菁英會(TAP-Boston),波克萊臺灣商會等團體首次於疫情管制解除後,在7月25日舉辦「大家一起來」藍山踏青活動,數十名年輕人郊山健身,歡渡一午,情誼更濃。





中華公所大同村帳戶有2100萬元 選舉章程修訂9月投票


            (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 紐英崙中華公所 (CCBA-NE) 七月廿七日晚召開本年度第四次董事大會,為了會議記錄,章程修改又起爭論,但會議中最令人驚訝的是公所財政報告道,第一次拿到大同村帳戶資料,內有將近21,385,979.80元。


            根據中華公所舊檔案,烽火社區有限公司(Beacon Communities LLC)去年和中華公所達成協議,在大同村南停車場蓋6層樓高,85個出租單位的發展計畫,約需耗資4500萬元。今年5月,中華公所在董事大會中說明,這發展計畫規模縮減,目前在討論2500萬元替代資金來源,若Motor Mart項目持續延宕,中華公所或需轉項波士頓市府,麻州州府尋求資金,或可於2022年動工。不過若以大同村帳戶內所有現金數額來看,身為大同村業主的中華公所,很可以自資建造,完全不需要和發展商合作,將來的出租,出售,都有自主權。









改章程涉選舉及會員資格 9月再投票


             4章第20條是職員職位任期及選舉。選舉小組建議把條文修訂為: 本公所設主席、中文書記、英文書記、財政及核數各一名(統稱職員)。任期兩年。職員不論職位,祇能連選連任一次。職員兩屆滿任後必須停選一屆(兩年),之後無論隔多少年後想再參選任何職位都沒有限制。財政第一屆滿任除了不能參選下屆核數,其它跟上述一樣。職員其候選人必須由僑團會員或姓氏會員推薦,然後由董事會選舉之。凡推薦之團體,必須清繳所有會費。而且推薦之團體及被推薦之人士並無違反本公所規章者。中英文書記必須是麻省居民。同一姓氏團體在同一任期內,不得超過兩人被選為職員。在婚婦女隨夫姓。任期滿後如無法推薦上述職位候選人時,得由董事會議定解決辦法。

             2章第8條是會員權利。選舉小組建議把條文修訂為: 會員得依法律及本章程規定享有本 會員之一切權利. 凡向本公所提出會員資格爭議者,不論出自內部還是外部,其必須具有法院明確判决,否則維持原有者為合法代表。











Baker-Polito Administration Awards Over $17 Million in Funding for Dams and Coastal Infrastructure

 Baker-Polito Administration Awards Over $17 Million in Funding for Dams and Coastal Infrastructure

28 cities and towns receive critical funding


BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced over $17.3 million in grants to address failing dams, coastal infrastructure, and levees across the Commonwealth. The announcement was made by Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides and state and local officials at Haskell Pond Dam in the City of Gloucester. The Administration also highlighted its $2.9 billion proposal to immediately invest a portion of Massachusetts’ federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act in urgent priorities, including $300 million for climate-resilient infrastructure.


The grants, which were awarded by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ (EEA) Dam and Seawall Program, will support permitting and construction projects in Acton, Ashfield, Braintree, Brockton, Chicopee, Dracut, Dudley, Essex, Gardner, Gloucester, Hull, Ipswich, Leominster, Marshfield, New Bedford, Northborough, Oxford, Peabody, Quincy, Salem, Saugus, Somerset, Stow, Springfield, Wareham, Weymouth, the Wildlands Trust (Kingston), and Worcester.


“The Commonwealth’s cities and towns are seeing the impacts of climate change every day, and our Administration is committed to providing needed funding to support critical resilience projects to address these issues,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These grants will help municipalities make substantial progress to maintain and repair aging dams and seawalls across Massachusetts.”


“Ensuring dams, seawalls, and levees remain in good condition can be costly on municipal budgets, and we are pleased to provide these Dam and Seawall Program grants to help support municipalities as they make these investments,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “It is critical that we continue to foster strong partnerships with local communities and organizations to create a more resilient Massachusetts.”


With these 32 new grants, the Dam and Seawall Program has now provided over $95 million in grants and loans to address deficient dams, seawalls, and levees since the program began in 2013.


“Since coming into office in 2015, the Baker-Polito Administration has delivered over $82.5 million in funding through the Dam and Seawall Program to improve critical infrastructure that protects our communities and businesses and makes our Commonwealth more resilient to the ongoing impacts of climate change,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “As we prepare for stronger storms, rising seas, and more intense precipitation, maintenance and enhancement of our aging water control structures, as well as strategies to increase natural infrastructure will help build more resilient cities and towns throughout the state.”


“Dams and seawalls are challenging and costly pieces of infrastructure that must be maintained for public safety, environmental protection, and the health of drinking water,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr. “Yet for communities the cost of maintaining them is a heavy burden that strains municipal budgets. Thanks to this grant program and the significant resources it brings, communities don't have to go it alone in building and maintaining these critical structures. Thanks to the Baker-Polito administration for making these investments, and congratulations to Gloucester, Ipswich, Essex, and the other recipients who have designed and submitted projects worthy of the support they are receiving today.”


"Although Cape Ann is one of the Commonwealth's most beautiful resources, the natural landscape creates many infrastructure challenges," said Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante. "I am pleased that the Commonwealth is investing and sharing the burden with the City of Gloucester of maintaining and managing Haskell Pond, one of our reservoirs, for use by current and future generations."


“As a coastal community, we have seen firsthand how devastating winter storms, inland flooding and sea level rise can be for everyone,” said Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken. “Thankfully, we have continued to work with state leadership on climate resiliency programs, including the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (MVP) which helped us understand our needs and earn these terrific grant awards supporting the Haskell Pond Dam Repair and Gloucester High School Flood Barrier. On behalf of the City of Gloucester, we thank the Baker-Polito Administration again for their ongoing climate resiliency support and grant programs which continues to return results desperately needed for us all.”


Dam and Seawall Program grant recipients and awarded projects:


Awardee Name

Structure Name/Project Title


Dam Design and Permit



Town of Acton

53 River Street Dam Removal


City of Brockton

Ellis Brett Pond Dam Repairs


Town of Dracut

Three Beaver Brook Dams (Navy Yard Dam, Victory Lane, Collinsville )


Town of Dudley

Carpenter Pond Dam Removal Project


City of Gardner

Wayside Pond Dam Repairs


City of Gloucester

Haskell Pond Dam / Haskell Pond Dam Design Storm and Seismic Improvements


Town of Ipswich

Ipswich Mills Dam Removal Pre-Permitting Assessment & Design Project


City of Leominster

Colburn Pond Dam at Barrett Park


Town of Northborough

Northborough Reservoir Dam/Dam Removal Design & Permitting


Town of Oxford

McKinstry Pond Dam Repairs


City of Peabody

Sidney Pond Dam Improvement Project


City of Springfield

Upper Van Horn Reservoir Dam Improvements Design and Permitting


Town of Somerset

Somerset Dam Resiliency and Improvements


Town of Stow

Lake Boon Dam Rehabilitation Final Design and Permitting


Town of Wareham

Parker Mills Dam


City of Worcester

Patch Pond Dam Rehabilitation Project


Dam Design and Permit Total






Inland Flood Design and Permit



City of Chicopee

Plainfield Street Flood Control System


Inland Flood Design and Permit Total






Coastal Design and Permit



Town of Hull

Nantasket Avenue Seawall Repair


Town of Hull

Harborview Road Seawall Repair


Town of Marshfield

Ocean Bluff Revetment Repair


City of New Bedford

East Rodney French Boulevard Seawall Repair


Town of Weymouth

Fort Point Road Coastal Infrastructure Resilience Project


Coastal Design and Permit Total






Dam Construction



Town of Ashfield

Ashfield Lake Dam Repair


Town of Braintree

Armstrong Dam/Monatiquot River Restoration


City of Gloucester

Haskell Pond Dam / Haskell Pond Dam Design Storm and Seismic Improvements


Town of Saugus

Spring Pond Dam Rehabilitation


Wildlands Trust

Sylvia Place Pond Dam Breach


Dam Construction Total






Coastal Construction



Town of Essex

Conomo Point Seawall


City of Gloucester

Gloucester High School Flood Mitigation Barrier Construction


Town of Marshfield

Brant Rock Seawall, Phase II


City of Quincy

Manet Avenue and Babcock Street Seawall Improvements


City of Salem

Columbus Avenue Seawall Reconstruction Project


Coastal Construction Total



Construction Total








In June 2021, the Baker-Polito Administration re-filed its plan to immediately put to use part of the Commonwealth’s direct federal aid from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to support key priorities including housing and homeownership, economic development and local downtowns, job training and workforce development, health care, and infrastructure. As part of the Administration’s proposal to jump-start the Commonwealth’s economic recovery and support residents hardest-hit by COVID-19, such as lower-wage workers and communities of color, Governor Baker would direct $900 million to key energy and environmental initiatives, including $300 million to support climate resilient infrastructure. The funding would be distributed through programs like EEA’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program and would fund priority climate adaptation projects and investments aligned with the priorities identified in the state hazard mitigation and climate adaptation plan. Investments that would be supported through the funding include the acquisition of land specifically targeted at reducing flooding and the Urban Heat Island Effect.