
星期六, 6月 29, 2019

MIT CEO請胡啟朝分享能源創業經驗 (圖片)


【MIT CEO 炉边谈话 | 11】
SolidEnergy Systems胡启朝:电池技术创新创业中的机遇和挑战

 炉边谈话是MIT CEO的系列活动的形式之一。每一期炉边谈话,我们会邀请创业领域的杰出人物作为嘉宾,给小伙伴们分享创业故事并进行近距离的互动交流。

 本期炉边谈话也是 MIT CEO Energy Community 活动的第一场.

        Dr. Qichao Hu (胡启朝博士) 是SolidEnergy Systems的创始人和CEO。胡博士于2007年获麻省理工学院物理学士学位,于2012年获哈佛大学应用物理博士学位。在博士期间师从MIT教授、电池领域著名科学家Donald Sadoway,从事基于固态聚合物的可充锂金属电池的研究。

       启朝在取得博士学位之后在MIT继续了一年的博士后研究,并建立了SolidEnergy Systems ,致力于全固态锂金属电池的产品开发和商业化。至今公司相继获得四轮融资,累计融资额超过8000万美元,成为储能领域的明星公司。目前该公司推出了三个产品系列,分别针对无人机、消费数码产品和电动汽车市场。SolidEnergy Systems曾获得诸多荣誉,包括 MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition’s Accelerator Contest 第一名, MIT Clean Energy Prize 决赛奖, 以及在白宫举行的DOE Clean Energy Prize 第二名等。胡启朝博士也入选 MIT TR35 以及 Forbes 30 under 30.

Dr. Qichao Hu    Qichao Hu (胡啟朝)

【Time】 Friday, June 28th, 2019 6:00-8:00 pm

【Venue】MIT Building E51 (Tang Center),
2 Amherst Street, Cambridge 02140

Room will be announced later via email to selected participants who have registered.


【Language】 Chinese

【Hosts】 MIT CEO (Energy Community)

【About Speaker】

 During Ph.D., Dr. Hu Initially studied photonics the manipulation of light, but didn't see the value in it and dropped out of Harvard after 2 years. Went to MIT and worked on several clean energy related projects in solar, energy policies, water purification, utility trading, got fired three times, and eventually ended up in a battery project. It was a soul searching period to find his place in the world.

After leaving Harvard and joining Prof. Sadoway's lab, He worked on solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) rechargeable lithium metal battery, and developed the polymer ionic liquid (PIL) rechargeable lithium metal battery.

The development of the polymer ionic liquid (PIL) rechargeable lithium metal battery in Prof. Sadoway's group eventually paved the way for the "Anode-free" battery that is at the core of SolidEnergy.

In 2012, he spent more time in the energy club and Sloan entrepreneurship center than in the battery lab, built the SolidEnergy team and actively participated in business plan competitions and won MIT$100K, MIT Clean Energy Prize, DOE Clean Energy Prize, and
 runner-up at the National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition. Most student teams ended after competitions, but he went on to build a real company.

 In the fall of 2012, several large US battery companies filed for bankruptcy including A123, investors that were initially excited about battery start up could't run away faster. It turned out to be one of the worst meltdowns in the history of the US lithium
 battery industry. He couldn't raise any funding (the competition prize money was drying up quickly), so he visited A123 on a "dumpster hunting" trip, and found lots of idling equipment and employees, so he asked them if they could help him build batteries.
 Initially they laughed, but then they taught him the whole process and before long he was going to A123 on weekends and evenings to build battery prototypes with SolidEnergy materials.

 Then in the spring of 2013, A123 was bought and came out of bankruptcy. Dr. Hu officially formed a partnership with A123. In September, investors were impressed by the prototypes and they raised Series A, and officially started SolidEnergy Systems...


星期五, 6月 28, 2019

Councilor Michelle Wu Kicks Off Reelection Campaign

BOSTON - On Sunday, June 23rd, Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu kicked off her 2019 reelection campaign with an Ice Cream Social in Adams Park in Roslindale. Approximately 125 residents from Roslindale and across the city attended the event. 
Attendees celebrated with Ice Cream Sundaes and children in attendance received wooden whistles displaying, “All Aboard the @WuTrain,” a reference to the Councilor’s Twitter handle and a play on the “Wu” sound the whistles make.  

“This election cycle matters so much--we have the opportunity no just to elect City Councilors, but to engage residents in every neighborhood and connect everyone to city government for strong partnerships after election day,” said Councilor Wu. “I humbly ask for your vote on September 24th and November 5th.” 

Councilor Wu has been a national voice for bold, progressive action at the local level, authoring successful legislation for paid parental leave, healthcare equity prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity, procurement reform creating equity in opportunity for minority- and women-owned businesses, language access, and healthy food purchasing. As Chair of the Council’s Committee on Planning, Development & Transportation, she fights for transportation access as fundamental to economic mobility, racial equity and climate justice.

In response to the July 1st MBTA fare hikes on subway and commuter rail passes, Councilor Wu is organizing to convene an #UnfairHikes Action across MBTA stations and trains. Her goal is to station volunteers at MBTA stops and on trains during the morning rush hour commute on the day that the MBTA fare hikes go into effect, and to spark a conversation on social media and throughout the day and beyond about how to marshal political will for urgent changes.

Councilor Wu will also gather members of the public on Sunday, June 30th at 1pm for a #BostonTParty rally to distribute materials for the next day’s action. Those interested in attending either event can sign up at bit.ly/unfairhikes.

In February 2019, Councilor Wu led the charge to oppose the fare hikes, presenting a petition of over 3,200 signatures opposing the fare hikes to the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control Board. In response, the MBTA’s governing board exempted bus riders, seniors, and youth from the fare increase, but still voted to approve fare hikes for subway and commuter rail riders. (By Michelle Wu's campaign team)

星期四, 6月 27, 2019

社運團體華埠開記者會 呼籲關注空氣汙染問題 (圖片)

THURSDAY JUNE 27TH: Union of Concerned Scientists Air Pollution in Chinatown Press Conference with City Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu BOSTON - On Thursday, June 27th, the Union of Concerned Scientists will host a press conference highlighting the air quality in Chinatown as the worst in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, per a newly released report by the UCS. Boston City Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu will attend and speak. The report, Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in Massachusetts, quantifies the disproportionate impact of transportation air pollution on communities of color in Massachusetts. The report finds that Chinatown is the most disproportionately impacted area in the City of Boston and in the state of Massachusetts, where residents face significantly higher exposure to pollution known as PM 2.5—airborne particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. The rest of the report findings, which include data for several demographic groups and other geographic areas will be released at the beginning of the press conference. Air pollution is linked to 100,000 deaths in the United States per year. PM has been found to have adverse health effects such as asthma and heart disease. These health risks are not proportionally distributed throughout the population. Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in Massachusetts, a newly released report from the Union of Concerned Scientists, builds on the current body of environmental health research that African American, Asian American and Latino residents are disproportionately exposed to the most dangerous air pollution in the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states. WHO: Ken Kimmell (Union of Concerned Scientists) Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu Massachusetts State Representative Denise Provost Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn Karen Chen (Chinese Progressive Association) Lee Matsueda (Alternatives for Community and Environment) Doug Brugge, PhD (UConn School of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine and Health Care) Staci Rubin (Conservation Law Foundation) Christopher Cook (City of Boston, Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Space) Attendees List in Formation WHAT: Press Conference WHEN: Thursday, June 27th 2:00pm WHERE: Basketball Courts at 900 Washington St. Josiah Quincy Upper School RSVP: Cassie Moreno, cassie@michelleforboston.com or 617-971-8972 To learn more about Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu visit http://michelleforboston.com or connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. ###

CAPAC Members on Department of Commerce v. New York Supreme Court Decision

CAPAC Members on Department of Commerce v. New York Supreme Court Decision

Washington, DC —  Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Department of Commerce V. New York to block the inclusion of a citizenship question in the 2020 Census. Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) released the following statements:

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“Today’s Supreme Court Decision to temporarily strike down the Census Bureau’s attempt to include a racially motivated citizenship question in the 2020 Census was a victory for our democracy. The inclusion of a citizenship questioned would have jeopardized our ability to have an accurate census count and ensure adequate funding for vital programs like Community Development Block Grants, housing vouchers, Medicaid, highway planning construction, and new schools. For every person that is not counted, a city could lose $2000 per person. An undercount would also result in states with large immigrant and minority populations such as California, New York, and Texas losing representation in Congress.

“Those things are still at stake if the Census Bureau finds another way to justify the inclusion of the citizenship question before they print the 2020 Census, so we must continue to remain vigilant. The Trump Administration’s attempt to politicize the census has already had a chilling effect on traditionally hard to count communities, including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. That’s why we must make every effort possible to ensure that communities of color are counted.

“In May, I met with representatives from nearly every city in my district to emphasize what is at stake. I urged every city to create a complete count committee that will take steps to ensure that every person is counted, because the stakes for our local communities are too high. I am planning on pushing forward with that effort and others leading up to April 2020 to ensure the 2020 Census count is accurate.”

Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY-06), CAPAC First Vice Chair:

“I am pleased that the Supreme Court has blocked the Trump administration today from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Decennial Census and I am hopeful that in the end a citizenship question will not be included on the questionnaire. From the beginning, the citizenship question was grounded in racist and reckless intent. The administration has continuously lied about how and why they sought to add this question – including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross lying directly to my face during a House hearing last year. The evidence speaks for itself – and it most certainly does not pass the smell test. The discovery of documents showing that a Republican strategist communicated with a top census official about the issue, and President Trump invoking executive privilege on subpoenaed citizenship question-related materials, further illustrate the administration’s politicization of the census, and its attempt to skew it in favor of the GOP. This blatant weaponization of the census is unconscionable and shameful, and it has constantly undermined the process. Ultimately, the Supreme Court said the Secretary using the Voting Rights Act enforcement as rationale behind the question was ‘contrived.’ While we can celebrate today’s ruling by the Supreme Court, it is imperative that we do everything humanly possible to obtain a complete and accurate census count. We must communicate to all our fellow neighbors that responding to the census is of national importance. There must be as much outreach as possible, and it must be done as early as possible, to help ensure that everybody knows the importance of participating in the census. We must not allow an undercount to shortchange our neighborhoods and communities, and deny us the critical resources to fix our roads, fund our schools, support our elderly, or limit congressional representation. We will not be erased, we will not be underrepresented, and we must make every attempt to ensure that every person is counted. There are no do-overs with the census; a mistake is a 10-year mistake. The best response to the addition of this question is to get the fullest count possible.”

Congressman Mark Takano (CA-41), CAPAC Second Vice Chair :

“Communities across America can breathe a temporary sigh of relief. While today’s Supreme Court decision brought us good news, we cannot ignore that efforts to undermine a fair and accurate 2020 Census count still persist. The Trump Administration is determined to intimidate immigrant communities and rig our democracy in favor of Republican rule, and we must prevent that from happening. It is our responsibility to ensure a successful 2020 Census count by devoting appropriate resources to the effort, raising awareness, and encouraging every single member of our community to participate and be counted. Our democracy is at stake.”

Congressman Ted Lieu (CA-33), CAPAC Whip:

“6 years ago, the Supreme Court delivered a significant blow to voting rights in Shelby County v. Holder by ruling that a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was unconstitutional. Since Shelby, nearly two-dozen states and several municipalities have implemented restrictive voter ID laws, closed or consolidated polling places, shortened early voting, and imposed other measures to restrict voting and lower turnout. These discriminatory policies are designed to systematically disenfranchise people of color, the elderly, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ community, and low-income households. We need to ensure that the most fundamental right in our democracy – the right to vote – is protected.”

Congressman Gil Cisneros (CA-39):

“I applaud the Supreme Court’s ruling to temporarily block the administration’s citizenship question on the 2020 Census. The Constitution mandates that a census be taken every 10 years, and it should be our goal to ensure that every individual in the United States is counted,” said Rep. Cisneros. “The citizenship question was nothing more than an attempt by the President to depress the number of individuals and families who would complete the census.  Rather than discouraging people, the President should be working to ensure the Census Bureau is completely funded, fully staffed, and has the resources needed for a strong marketing campaign to encourage participation. Our work does not stop here, I will continue to reach out to the communities in my district who have been undercounted and underserved so that they can receive the business investments and delivery of public services they need.”

Congressman TJ Cox (CA-21):

“Today’s SCOTUS decisions show us the fight isn’t over yet. Regardless of congressional district boundaries and citizenship questions, we can’t let this administration spoil the entire upcoming 2020 Census for partisan political purposes. An inaccurate Census would be devastating for my congressional district, jeopardizing everything from economic development, to health care, to the Central Valley’s representation in Congress.

“To protect our livelihood we need to make sure our communities are counted correctly in the 2020 Census. It’s up to us to ensure our immigrant and minority populations get the representation they deserve.”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13):

“I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to effectively prevent the untested, unnecessary, and ill-timed citizenship question from being included in the 2020 Census today.

“The U.S. Census should make our nation more equal and representative, not less. By weaponizing the Census, this Administration tried to intimidate immigrants, worsen gerrymandering, and intentionally undercount communities of color.

“Now we must begin the work of ensuring that we fully count our communities, which is why I am dedicated to working with my congressional colleagues to make sure we make the proper investments to see that happen. 

“No one in our nation should go uncounted. Our democracy works best when we count everyone.” 

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40):

“The Supreme Court has turned back President Trump’s unconstitutional attempt to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census.  This ruling is a victory for an accurate, comprehensive, and complete Census count.  Trump is eager to silence the voices of vulnerable populations in our communities; that’s why he wanted a Census citizenship question that will dramatically undercount these populations.  An accurate and complete 2020 Census is essential to ensuring our communities receive the federal funds we need for countless critical programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, school lunches, highway funding, housing assistance, and more.  While the Court’s ruling is a victory for our nation, our House Democratic Majority will stay vigilant, and fight any further efforts to sabotage a fair and accurate 2020 Census.”

Congressman Juan Vargas (CA-51):

“SCOTUS has issued a victory to immigrants and communities of color across the United States by blocking the citizenship question. However, the fight for justice is far from over. We will continue working to ensure our communities are counted and have a voice in our democracy.”

星期三, 6月 26, 2019

BCNC Pao Arts Center receives Boston Foundation Open Door grant

Boston – The Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) Pao Arts Center announced today that it has received a $50,000 grant from the Boston Foundation to support their Senior Arts Initiative, through the Foundation’s Open Door Grants program.

“The Open Door grant will allow the Pao Arts Center to work more closely with seniors who live in Chinatown to develop programming that meets their creative, health, and social needs,” said Pao Arts Center Director Cynthia Woo. “We have spent the last two years starting relationships with senior groups and are excited that funding will allow us to create a welcoming, friendly, and important space for seniors to engage with all members of our populations, from children and students to artists.”

Through arts, culture, and education, the Pao Arts Center brings together community members across generations to reclaim a critical piece of Chinatown history and to create healthy families and vibrant communities. In partnership with Bunker Hill Community College, BCNC opened the Pao Arts Center in 2017 to be Chinatown’s first community-based arts center and Boston’s newly dedicated Asian American and Asian immigrant cultural space.

The Senior Arts Initiative engages older constituents ages 65 and above at the Pao Arts Center in developing age-friendly programming. In Spring 2018, the Pao Arts Center was approached by a group of seniors from the Golden Age Center’s Hong Lok House to use space for activities including tai chi and dance. Building on the momentum from this cohort of elders, the Arts Center will actively engage seniors in its programs committee, increasing their social participation.

Open Door Grants are competitive, one-year grants designed for organizations whose proposal is focused on Greater Boston and whose values align with those of the Boston Foundation. Grants are awarded quarterly, and are selected by staff through an inclusive evaluation process. Funds for this grant come from the Boston Foundation’s Permanent Fund for Boston, Greater Boston’s only endowed fund focusing on the pressing needs of Greater Boston. The Permanent Fund has been made possible by more than a century of gifts from those who seek to support innovative solutions to the region’s most pressing problems since 1915. ( By BCNC)

MIT校長公開信 稱移民如氧氣


Letter to the MIT community: Immigration is a kind of oxygen

The following email was sent today to the MIT community by President L. Rafael Reif.
To the members of the MIT community,
MIT has flourished, like the United States itself, because it has been a magnet for the world’s finest talent, a global laboratory where people from every culture and background inspire each other and invent the future, together.
Today, I feel compelled to share my dismay about some circumstances painfully relevant to our fellow MIT community members of Chinese descent. And I believe that because we treasure them as friends and colleagues, their situation and its larger national context should concern us all.
The situation
As the US and China have struggled with rising tensions, the US government has raised serious concerns about incidents of alleged academic espionage conducted by individuals through what is widely understood as a systematic effort of the Chinese government to acquire high-tech IP.
As head of an institute that includes MIT Lincoln Laboratory, I could not take national security more seriously. I am well aware of the risks of academic espionage, and MIT has established prudent policies to protect against such breaches.
But in managing these risks, we must take great care not to create a toxic atmosphere of unfounded suspicion and fear. Looking at cases across the nation, small numbers of researchers of Chinese background may indeed have acted in bad faith, but they are the exception and very far from the rule. Yet faculty members, post-docs, research staff and students tell me that, in their dealings with government agencies, they now feel unfairly scrutinized, stigmatized and on edge – because of their Chinese ethnicity alone. 
Nothing could be further from – or more corrosive to ­– our community’s collaborative strength and open-hearted ideals. To hear such reports from Chinese and Chinese-American colleagues is heartbreaking. As scholars, teachers, mentors, inventors and entrepreneurs, they have been not only exemplary members of our community but exceptional contributors to American society. I am deeply troubled that they feel themselves repaid with generalized mistrust and disrespect.
The signal to the world
For those of us who know firsthand the immense value of MIT’s global community and of the free flow of scientific ideas, it is important to understand the distress of these colleagues as part of an increasingly loud signal the US is sending to the world.
Protracted visa delays. Harsh rhetoric against most immigrants and a range of other groups, because of religion, race, ethnicity or national origin. Together, such actions and policies have turned the volume all the way up on the message that the US is closing the door – that we no longer seek to be a magnet for the world’s most driven and creative individuals. I believe this message is not consistent with how America has succeeded. I am certain it is not how the Institute has succeeded. And we should expect it to have serious long-term costs for the nation and for MIT.
For the record, let me say with warmth and enthusiasm to every member of MIT’s intensely global community: We are glad, proud and fortunate to have you with us! To our alumni around the world: We remain one community, united by our shared values and ideals! And to all the rising talent out there: If you are passionate about making a better world, and if you dream of joining our community, we welcome your creativity, we welcome your unstoppable energy and aspiration – and we hope you can find a way to join us. 
* * *
In May, the world lost a brilliant creative force: architect I.M. Pei, MIT Class of 1940. Raised in Shanghai and Hong Kong, he came to the United States at 17 to seek an education. He left a legacy of iconic buildings from Boston to Paris and China to Washington, DC, as well on our own campus. By his own account, he consciously stayed alive to his Chinese roots all his life. Yet, when he died at the age of 102, the Boston Globe described him as “the most prominent American architect of his generation.”
Thanks to the inspired American system that also made room for me as an immigrant, all of those facts can be true at the same time.
As I have discovered through 40 years in academia, the hidden strength of a university is that every fall, it is refreshed by a new tide of students. I am equally convinced that part of the genius of America is that it is continually refreshed by immigration – by the passionate energy, audacity, ingenuity and drive of people hungry for a better life.
There is certainly room for a wide range of serious positions on the actions necessary to ensure our national security and to manage and improve our nation’s immigration system. But above the noise of the current moment, the signal I believe we should be sending, loud and clear, is that the story of American immigration is essential to understanding how the US became, and remains, optimistic, open-minded, innovative and prosperous – a story of never-ending renewal.
In a nation like ours, immigration is a kind of oxygen, each fresh wave reenergizing the body as a whole. As a society, when we offer immigrants the gift of opportunity, we receive in return vital fuel for our shared future. I trust that this wisdom will always guide us in the life and work of MIT. And I hope it can continue to guide our nation.
L. Rafael Reif

星期二, 6月 25, 2019



             (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)大波士頓的創投圈,華人一向屈指可數,來自台灣的更鳳毛麟角。其中豐川資本副總裁張劭聿,如今不但是"麻州挑戰"哈佛 i-實驗室”VentureWell”等地輔導者,圈粉之廣有如創投界新星。
             台灣大學醫學院畢業,有哈佛大學陳曾熙公衛學院公衛碩士學位,曾任杜克大學史丹福公共政策係全球健康及製藥政策研究學者,張劭聿在創投界已歷練多年,經驗豐富,經手投資了波士頓的Angiex JURABio,瑞士的Cellestia,丹麥的Acesion,以色列的WhiteSwell等公司,還經常應邀為會議演講,包括芝加哥大學,KOTRARESI,波士頓本地的創投店生科鍊接(Venture Café BIO Connect)
             根據他列舉的時間表,最早是百奧健(Biogen)1978年在劍橋市落地,接著健贊(Genzyme)Vertex,千禧年製藥(Millennium Pharma)Alnylam製藥,Moderna療法陸續進駐,如今全世界20大製藥企業,已有18家在大波士頓/劍橋設有據點。
創投資金也跟著來。先是CF基金在1999年投資15000萬元進Vertex,旗艦基金(Flagship)2000年創立,千禧年高管在2007年創辦第三石基金(The Third Rock Ventures)等。最令生物醫藥界激動的是2008年,麻州政府還通過生命科學法案,10年撥款10億元支持生技產業。
張劭聿用麻州生物科技協會(Mass Bio)2018年產業快照指出,在群聚效應下,除了波士頓,劍橋市,麻州內的495州際公路一帶的屋斯特(Worcester),東北部,以及128公路一帶,也已經都形成了生醫業聚落。
波士頓及劍橋市一帶有500多家生物科技公司,50家頂級醫院,48所大專院校。屋斯特一帶有50多家生物科技公司,還是生物處理/製造聚落,有屋斯特理工學院(WPI),麻州大學醫學院,以及16所大專院校。東北部一帶有50多家生物科技公司,麻州大學羅爾分校及11所大專院校,還有高羅士打海事基因學院(Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute)128公路一帶有75多家生物科技公司,15家大專院校,很強的醫療設備聚落。
             在創投資源上,無論是加速器,孵化器,共同工作空間/實驗室,天使資金獲創投資金,大製藥公司或策略夥伴,醫院,律師事務所,會議,人才,顧問等等,都很豐富。針對生命科學的加速器/孵化器就至少有飛利浦健康有用(Philips Healthworks)JLABS,麻州挑戰的健康科技,IndieBio(SOSV),麻州醫療設備發展中心(M2D2)等。在共同空間或實驗室上,有提供實驗室的Lab Central,無實際實驗場所的劍橋創新中心(CIC),或是由學校支持設立的創投項目,例如麻州大學波士頓分校的創業發展中心,麻州大學羅爾分校的醫療設備發展中心,哈佛大學的Pagliuca生命實驗室,MIT引擎等。
             波士頓的天使投資團體有麻州醫療天使,波士頓海港天使,天空創投,MIT校友天使,投資者圈,Keiretsu論壇,櫻桃石集團等。企業自行辦理的創投資金有旗艦先鋒(Flagship Pioneering),第三石創投,北極星創投,純科技。傳統的創投資金有MPM資本,5AM創投,啟明創投等。
             當天演講後,財團法人生物技術開發中心邀張劭聿進一步洽談合作,新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會也發出”A Pitch Day”的評審邀請。

台灣生技中心鳳凰計劃團隊訪波士頓 探國際市場、資金


             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 財團法人生物技術開發中心(DCB)的南港生技育成中心(NBIC),刻正帶3家鳳凰計劃初創企業在波士頓參訪,並於 2324兩日先後和波士頓華人投資俱樂部(BCIC),新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會(TCCNE)合辦活動,以連接海外市場,籌募資金。
             參訪團的3家企業,分別為入選數位健康國際加速器的禹智生物科技 (Zenith BioDesign Lab),先驅生技(GenomeFrontier),承鋆生醫(Medical TeK)DCB產業發展處的南港生技育成中心資深經理陳志雄,以及研究員陳思豪博士率隊到訪。
             陳志雄在活動中介紹DCB及鳳凰計劃,三家初創企業做簡報,豐川資本(FC Capital)副總裁張劭聿介紹大波士頓的生命科學產業生態,以及台灣生物科技企業的機會
             NIH撥出的資助醫藥研發經費,MA僅次於加州,排名全美第二;2008年麻州通過1010億美元支持生科產業法案;旗艦基金(Flagship),千禧年高管創辦第三石基金(The Third Rock Ventures),依序在2000年,2007年創立,麻州在哈佛,MIT之外有100多所大專院校,各式各樣的實驗室,共同工作空間等等,都是麻州得以成為全美生物重鎮第一名的原因。
據悉,財團法人生物技術開發公司為推動台灣生醫初創公司在資金和市場上有更緊密的國際連接,近年已固定每年組團訪問波士頓兩次。這次來,除了舉辦兩場晤談活動外,還去參訪了合作夥伴麻州挑戰(Mass Challenger)”,以及麻州醫療設備發展中心(M2D2),波士頓兒童醫院,麻省總醫院等和數位醫療有關的機構。